The Hexcrawl

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SpiritualSocket Inactive for 11 months

Nov 15, 2023 8:39 pm
The speaker booms, "What do you think you are, a Michelin Chef? I don't want your dried-out bear meat."

Assuming Cunningham leaves and returns for the fuel, he discovers that the hermit is true to his word. The hermit has left out two filled large gas canisters, each holding 30 liters of gas. It seems fuel is something the hermit is not short on supply.
[ +- ] Humvee's Current Fuel Situation
Nov 16, 2023 3:02 am
"Eh, whatever. If he's holed up like that, then he probably doesn't have any up-to-date intel in the first place."
I'll change out Mountaineering. What do you guys think sound better, the Machine Gunner talent to compensate for the lack of a Heavy Weapons skill, or a more utility talent?
Nov 16, 2023 3:16 am
"Yeah, probably. Just means more for us and the refugees. At least we got our gas."
Saevikas, Machine Gunner does seem like a good choice. Mechanic seems like a good utility skill in case the Humvee breaks down.
Nov 16, 2023 5:10 am
"Fair enough," Sheepdog says to his companions as they leave the station. "We're full up now! So are we beatin' feet, or are we gonna bushwhack them assholes?"
With the SAW, yeah, Gunner is a solid Talent. Also, remember we can push rolls!

T2K Referee

SpiritualSocket Inactive for 11 months

Nov 16, 2023 2:09 pm
T2K Referee
Some Quick Note keeping.

Where are you all storing the food?
It makes sense to keep it all in the Humvee, but if anything happens to the vehicle it will all be gone. Let me know if you plan on doing this, so I can make a note in the Stats Thread to help manage it.

Also let me know if you add any to your combat gear inventory or Reed's backpack. (If you forgot, Reed started the game with a backpack)

Where are you storing the gas?
Did you pour it all into the Humvee or are you keeping it in the canisters.

Where is Jakub?
Did you take him with you or is he at the settlement?

Has everyone kept track of bullets spent?
If not, please update your character sheet. If you don't remember, I can help update it.

T2K Referee

SpiritualSocket Inactive for 11 months

Nov 16, 2023 2:13 pm
T2K Referee
When you are ready, let me know what the group decides to do next. No matter which direction the group goes. This happens due to Cunningham's successful RECON roll for this shift.
While driving, Cunningham spots a small airfield featuring a lone hangar. In its pre-war days, it might have served as shelter for a crop duster. However, what catches Cunningham's trained eye is the minefield surrounding the hangar—cleverly concealed to the point that, had he not been a Combat Engineer, the signs of mines might have gone unnoticed.
Feel free to explore the hanger or ignore it entirely.

Remember that Daniel's men who you might ambush, plan on coming this evening. If you explore the hangar, you won't have enough time to get back and set up an ambush.

Edit: Added Local Area Map.
[ +- ] Map
Nov 16, 2023 6:52 pm
SpiritualSocket says:
Some Quick Note keeping.

Where are you all storing the food?
It makes sense to keep it all in the Humvee, but if anything happens to the vehicle it will all be gone. Let me know if you plan on doing this, so I can make a note in the Stats Thread to help manage it.

Also let me know if you add any to your combat gear inventory or Reed's backpack. (If you forgot, Reed started the game with a backpack)
I think it makes sense to store some of it on our persons in our combat gear inventory slots (for those of us who still have room) and the rest in the Humvee. We need to find some water. Reed's backpack might be a good alternate to the Humvee for some.
SpiritualSocket says:
Where are you storing the gas?
Did you pour it all into the Humvee or are you keeping it in the canisters.
Fill up the Humvee is my choice.
SpiritualSocket says:
Where is Jakub?
Did you take him with you or is he at the settlement?
Now you ask us. :/ My first choice would be to have left him at the settlement, but the kid is our responsibility so maybe we took him with us. I wonder if he's ever seen a bear before.
SpiritualSocket says:
Has everyone kept track of bullets spent?
If not, please update your character sheet. If you don't remember, I can help update it.
Bullets, rations, water. Yeah, marking it all down.
Nov 16, 2023 11:12 pm
I think storing most of the rations in the Humvee and some on our persons make sense.

I don't mind the difference between filling it up or keeping it in canisters. Maybe one canister for emergencies?

I generally was assuming Jakub was in the Humvee, but either situation works.

I think I have the bullet count correct for now, though I'm sure I'll probably forget in the future.

Anyways, regarding the current situation, would Cunningham be able to steal one or two of the mines to use in the ambush? I mostly wonder about how safe it is to transport.

T2K Referee

SpiritualSocket Inactive for 11 months

Nov 17, 2023 2:04 am
T2K Referee
saevikas says:
would Cunningham be able to steal one or two of the mines to use in the ambush? I mostly wonder about how safe it is to transport.
I’m mostly concerned about time. The group has the rest of the day shift to head back and prep the area for an ambush.

Typically it takes a shift to clear a hex of mines or remove mines from a hex. Plus the mine will explode if he fails the roll, so there is always that added danger.

If you want a bomb for the ambush, I think it’s more reasonable to bribe the hunter with 2 rations for IED supplies.

If you go for the ambush, it would be these rolls.

1. Cunningham Tech roll for the IED
2. Cunningham RECON roll to hide the IED on site
3. Sheepdog RECON roll to make sure the group is concealed.

That would take up the time until Daniel’s men drive down the road. Reed would have flexibility in what he does.
Nov 17, 2023 3:12 am
Cunningham would rather bribe the hunter for IED parts than risk blowing up while poaching mines.
Nov 17, 2023 4:11 am
Okay, catching up...

◼ Aye, store the food in the humvee, with some on our persons. Baker will take three bear rations. And I thought we *all* had backpacks...

◼ For simplicity, I'd say gas up the truck. But if we want one can in reserve, fine.

◼ Jakub -- I've been thinking was with the other LT. What are we doing with her, pretending she never existed?

◼ Tracking ammo and food, yes. And water, which I need... maybe we can trade rations one for one?

◼ The hangar / ambush -- I suggest we skip the hangar, maybe return to it. So we're doing this, the ambush? I'm all for it. I do have a question -- is there a spare AK-74 and some mags? Baker isn't *low* low, but he's only got two mags left for his M21.

Nov 17, 2023 6:17 pm
I'd feel more comfortable about an ambush if we knew Daniel's total force strength. Knocking out just his "tax collectors" might indeed bring reprisals on the refugee camp, which would really suck. Unless Hunter ditched her fatigues for local garb, they also might... well, you get the idea.

T2K Referee

SpiritualSocket Inactive for 11 months

Nov 18, 2023 1:40 pm
T2K Referee
Here is a poll to help facilitate conversation.

What do you think the group should do? Multi Public

Move on from the Settlement.
Confront Daniel's Men in the Settlement.
Ambush Daniel's Men and leave
Ambush Daniel's Men and attempt to interrogate one.
Ambush Daniel's Men and send one back injured as a "message"
Ambush Daniel's Men and then take on rest in Chęciny "Rambo Style".
Ambush Daniel's Men and attempt to rally the Settlement for an assault on Chęciny.

T2K Referee

SpiritualSocket Inactive for 11 months

Nov 18, 2023 11:08 pm
T2K Referee
As of right now, ambush and interrogate has the majority.

@Harrigan let us know if you have strong feelings about taking a different course of action.

Added ambush map to handout.
Nov 19, 2023 2:50 am
It's a terrible idea (for the settlement) to do this, but let's do this!

T2K Referee

SpiritualSocket Inactive for 11 months

Nov 20, 2023 2:49 pm
T2K Referee
Sounds good to me.

If you're able, mark off the positions on the map that you would like to place your characters for the ambush. If you're unable to, I can place them on the map and have you approve it.

If Cunningham wants to build an IED, he needs to first make the TECH roll for it.

How much water for rations does the group want to trade for? Piotr is willing to trade up to 10 units of water for 10 rations.
Nov 20, 2023 5:19 pm
I like 10 for 10.

Cunningham gets to work on the IED.


Tech check for IED. Improvised Munitions - (d6)

(3) = 3

Intelligence (Controlling attribute) - (d12)

(2) = 2

Nov 20, 2023 5:56 pm
10 for 10 sounds good. Tedic will probably pick up the big gun and hide somewhere away from the road.
Nov 21, 2023 6:05 am
Sheepdog will take three bear rations and three waters from the 10 traded.

Remind us which direction they will be coming from -- the east?

Also, how do you get the zoomable / draggable map in the handout?

Edit: also, was there a spare AK-74?
Last edited November 21, 2023 6:07 am
Nov 21, 2023 6:27 am
I have two spare AK-47s on me, no bullets. Honestly, I should probably leave them in the Humvee.
Last edited November 21, 2023 6:27 am
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