Archey is relaxed as she take the body and cost some fay magic on it. Only after the spell ends she becomes agitated
I can't reach it's soul! What have you done to it? Is that why you need much time?
You all take time to explain her that the soul most probably devoured by the demon.
She don't trust any of your words, but listen carefully. Finally she announce:
Know you - humans it will only be up to your honor if I treat you same way you treat me. Wait me here and I will talk to you just as you wanted
She announce and disappear magically. Minor fey and the black creatures are left with you.
You wait hour after hour until just before sunrise Archfey returns and announce
I had to involve fey court in the matters. There are many druids around here and so called "food fey" she laughs
used them to confirm your story and the dangers to this world. Council decided to steal the passage between our worlds to prevent dangers reaching feywild. I managed to earn you 24 hours of time to kill your bad human and his demon.
She confirm Bajaz's suspicions about Flamsterd isle to be possible location and promise to magically alter winds in the region to allow you reach the isle sooner. She also cast a darkvision on Bajaz and anyone who don't have a darkvision already that will be up for 24 hours.
Now I can answer one question each. Only info that does not endanger fey in any way. Then you must hurry and I need some rest. It is getting light already. OOC:
OK one question everyone and I move on to
new thread