Right, so here are my two options/character ideas.
The Divine
Rather then tying to a religious figure/pantheon, I thought it would be cool to be a fallen star taking the form of a person. (Think like Stardust)
As for what mission I would be sent down to solve, I could honestly work with any of them.
"You are here to fight the schemes of an Adversary." - easy to tie to a greater scope villain, or just to have in general as a reason to eliminate evil.
"The End of Days approaches. Your role is to guide these hunters and prevent it from coming to pass/Your role is to guide these hunters and ensure it comes to pass." - also an overarching goal. I could work with either angle.
"You have been exiled. You must work for the cause of Good without drawing attention from your brothers and sisters, as they are bound to execute you for your crimes." - interesting, maybe my in my top two of picks.
"One of the other hunters has a crucial role to play in events to come. You must prepare them for their role, and protect them at any cost." - makes the goal more inter-party than plot oriented. Depends on what everyone else plays as.
I'm fine with any mission, so I'd leave it to you to decide what works for the story you want.
The Chosen
A lot to decide here, since the Chosen deals a lot with their overall fate in dealing with their unique moves and as a consequence for using Luck. An interesting idea I had was to tie in the fate to something less grand than world-saving scale, and instead focus down on the rival/nemesis aspect that you can choose as options. I'm thinking more like a Highlander thing, where the "I'm Here For A Reason" move hinges on being the only one able to kill of be killed by the nemesis. This way fate gets less nebulous and more personal.
Similar to the Divine, this depends on what you want to deal with in the game.
Last edited October 21, 2023 4:35 am