OOC Discussions

Oct 18, 2023 9:58 pm
This thread is for all our OOC conversations
Oct 21, 2023 4:34 am
Right, so here are my two options/character ideas.

1. The Divine
Rather then tying to a religious figure/pantheon, I thought it would be cool to be a fallen star taking the form of a person. (Think like Stardust)

As for what mission I would be sent down to solve, I could honestly work with any of them.
"You are here to fight the schemes of an Adversary." - easy to tie to a greater scope villain, or just to have in general as a reason to eliminate evil.
"The End of Days approaches. Your role is to guide these hunters and prevent it from coming to pass/Your role is to guide these hunters and ensure it comes to pass." - also an overarching goal. I could work with either angle.
"You have been exiled. You must work for the cause of Good without drawing attention from your brothers and sisters, as they are bound to execute you for your crimes." - interesting, maybe my in my top two of picks.
"One of the other hunters has a crucial role to play in events to come. You must prepare them for their role, and protect them at any cost." - makes the goal more inter-party than plot oriented. Depends on what everyone else plays as.
I'm fine with any mission, so I'd leave it to you to decide what works for the story you want.

2. The Chosen
A lot to decide here, since the Chosen deals a lot with their overall fate in dealing with their unique moves and as a consequence for using Luck. An interesting idea I had was to tie in the fate to something less grand than world-saving scale, and instead focus down on the rival/nemesis aspect that you can choose as options. I'm thinking more like a Highlander thing, where the "I'm Here For A Reason" move hinges on being the only one able to kill of be killed by the nemesis. This way fate gets less nebulous and more personal.
Similar to the Divine, this depends on what you want to deal with in the game.
Last edited October 21, 2023 4:35 am
Oct 25, 2023 8:03 pm
Chosen is going to be better. Divine brings in all sorts of stuff I don't want to think about.
I have a couple of ideas:
1) You come from a line (perhaps familial, but doesn't have to be) of "Chosen" hunters that seek out and destroy cryptids.
2) You "know" that all cryptids are actually created by some creature or force, that has been creating these things for a long time (hundreds or thousands? of years). That's why they are all unique (instead of breeding or such)
Oct 26, 2023 5:35 am
Lemme think over some stuff. I had been trending in a different direction.
But I was thinking to play a more reluctant Chosen, like having one of the Doom tags be "no normal life". The addition of be forced into this by family or a mentor adds some good friction.

Are we still going with some cryptids are good and can be allies? Or are all cryptids enemies?

Is this creation something more natural or an outside force creating the cryptids for a purpose?
Oct 26, 2023 6:04 am
You can definitely be a reluctant Chosen.

Rodney wants to play Monster.. so part of what we (as a group) will have to figure out is how/why he is on the team. This goes to your question about all cryptids being bad. He could be something that is not actually a cryptid and hence when you discovered that you spared his life.

The thing creating the cryptids is a mystery that you (or the team if you let them in on the info) are trying to solve. You suspect it is some sort of "super cryptid" with an unknown purpose.
Oct 27, 2023 2:19 am
So here are my thoughts.

There is a family, both through direct bloodlines and non-relations adopting in, keeping peace in the world by hunting down the bad monsters/cryptids. There's typically one member, The Chosen, who inherits the power to deal with the monsters in a more permanent manner and/or is destined to be the one to destroy the source of this current round of monsters. After enough time The Chosen chooses their successor, trains and mentors them (sometimes from birth), then passes on the mantle and powers before retiring to be their support.
Same thing happened recently. The last Chosen became old enough to pass on the mantle, and the new Chosen was raised from childhood to be the next in line. The training went well, the powers were passed on, and The new Chosen took their place. It went well for some time, and there was hope they would be the one to end everything for good.

Then they disappeared.
The family has no idea what happened, but the ancestral weapon all Chosen use was found without it's new wielder. Investigations into where they are have turned up nothing.

Then the Chosen's younger sister, who was never made aware of this side of the family and was "granted" the innocence of a normal life, is attacked by monsters and revealed to be the new Chosen. She is given an abrupt crash course into the family secrets, given the weapon her sibling was to wield, and has been tasked to do the job she was never meant to do.
So a more reluctant Chosen in that she has to do someone else's job and is not at all prepared for what's expected of her. But she'll also have a personal motivation beyond the Chosen duties, which is to find out what happened to their sibling and if they are even still alive somewhere.

Some of these ideas might mesh in with the Sect from the Initiate, or the Agency from the Professional. It could be distinctive by emphasizing that this is a somewhat small family where only a handful of people get brought in to the truth. I'm also fine with keeping things vague or changing aspects as we do the the Hunter's histories to figure out when and how our group of Hunter's formed.
Oct 27, 2023 2:52 am
That sounds good and the disappearance could tie into Spencer's disappearance. I don't know how much of this we will play. We'll have to see if people like it.
I'm really hoping to bring out more role-playing and less dice rolling to hopefully carry that back into our more crunch games.

Have you thought about what form your weapon will take?
Oct 27, 2023 5:48 am
I don't anticipate learning what happened to the previous Chosen for a while. But it would make sense if Spencer's disappearance is similar and/or he has some info about them. We'll see when Spencer builds his character, or what the others want to do with theirs. They could also be members of the family, or friends enough to know the truth. We'll see what they're game for.

I will always be ready to do more role-playing. I have way more fun with that than the number-crunching.

Working on the weapon now. In line with me being extra and thinking swords are lame and overdone, I'm thinking of a mace. Not exactly the same as Mjolnir or Sharur but similar.
haft (heavy-ties into it not being something I was trained to use) + artifact (magic) + throwable (close) + heavy (+1 harm)
Last edited October 27, 2023 6:03 am
Oct 28, 2023 2:57 am
So dealing with my Fate and I'm Here For A Reason move. What should my overall fate be? So far I've got

How you found out: Attacked by monsters
Heroic: Mystical Inheritance
Doom: No Normal Life

Is it the destiny of every Chosen to end the monster threat? Or is something else in play? I'm, fine to play this as something my character does not know. She probably hopes that finding her sibling will make them become Chosen again so that she can go back to her normal life. (hence the Doom tag)
Oct 28, 2023 4:34 am
The hope is for the Chosen to find out the root cause of the monster threat, but so far no Chosen has been able to do that. However, they hope that each monster they vanquish brings them a step closer to the answer or perhaps some key to the puzzle, but most do not. It is possible that not all monsters relate back to the big bad (possible Rodney tie-in?).

As a group it might be good to decide how long you have been at it (how many monsters have you actually seen/vanquished so far).

Heroic: End of Monsters seems appropriate
Doom: a few options here - Sympathy for the monsters (maybe that relates to Rodney?), You can't save everyone (Spencer tie-in?), Loss of loved ones (family).. or others would work too.

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