Yeah that narrator is getting cheeky. I'll talk with him about that ☺️. Sometimes he just gets in a mood. It should pass.
Descent into the Underdark
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Yeah that narrator is getting cheeky. I'll talk with him about that ☺️. Sometimes he just gets in a mood. It should pass.
I went earlier. Just ran away from the mantles. Do I need to go again?
Sorry smiley I forgot. Definitely need to go back to smaller party sizes after this. Too many things to juggle.
Axe - (3d6)
(463) = 13
Just asking for some trying not to get chomped.
Yes Ealdwid and Ander have Weapon Mastery. I added it for them. So Ander frees himself on his first attack and can change his second action to a move or do something else
However, once again you guys are trying to go twice before the monsters have a turn.
hmmm now who should it be . . . . . . .
![]() Roper | The Roper emits a low moan and begins to retreat, slowly. Tts tendrils bring in less threatening treats to take on the go. Skeeve is yanked to the Roper and it opens its mouth for a bite. The other tendrils try to trip or knock Blornvid and his nasty wicked ax away. The Darkmantles move to block the others striking at Oliver and Ishzu. | ![]() darkmantle |
Roper Bite vs skeeveBlornvid, 2 dmg - (3d6)
(452) = 11
Roper tendrils trip Blornvid - (1d6, 1d6, 1d6)
1d6 : (6) = 6
1d6 : (4) = 4
1d6 : (3) = 3
darkmantle vs Ishzu , Oliver, Oliver - (2d6, 2d6, 2d6)
2d6 : (44) = 8
2d6 : (56) = 11
2d6 : (53) = 8
Blrn:4 -|- Skv:1 -|- Eld:3 -|- And:5 -|- Grn:5 -|- Iz:1 -|- Olv:4

OK, what am I going to do now? Everything is looking injured, and so is the group. To Hells with it. Here goes nothing. You see the Chromacloth he wears as a headband turn yellow with a sparkle of lightning. OK guys, let's finish this! He pulls out his shortsword and flies, literally flies, directly at the monstrosity trying to drive the blade straight into it.
attack with sword - (2d6) (5,6,3)

This…isn’t working, Ander stammers. Disguised at his lack of combat prowess with Trusty Sling! Dropping his missile weapon to cavernous ground, Ander draws forth…wait for it…Trusty Sword!
Ander attempts to slash at the tentacle holding him!
Sword - (2d6) (2,3,5)
Sword, if two such actions allowed - (2d6) (5,5,2)
The Darkmantle is now far from any save Skeeve and his gallant rescuer, Ealdwig, who finds himself the proud owner of a Roper-kabob on a sword. Ishzu is being harassed by one of the Darkmantle, which is almost dead, and the other is clamped on to Olliver preventing him form using his bow.
Welp, I hope one hit is enough to finish it off.
Skeeve: Stick Attack 1 - (3d6)
(316) = 10
Skeeve: Stick Attack 2 - (3d6)
(231) = 6
If you can not kill the darkmantle this round they are gone from view and can not be found.
"That's my sling hand, you clingy brat!"
Oliver proceeded to punch the darkmantle holding fast onto his arm, using his other arm.
Punch 1! (disadvantage) - (1d6)
(1) = 1
Punch 2! (disadvantage) - (1d6)
(4) = 4