Though the arrow flight causes little noise and the guards were killed so quickly they had not time to react or call out and only Ishzu witnessed their passing. However Ishzu's initial mental call broke the party from their deep sleep but only Grin was brought fully awake. Peering out the tent flap you see them swarming over the camp. Most are under the directions of a couple that look to be spell casters but there are a few around Ishzu. You notice that a couple goblins look towards the tent but stay on their current tasks, for the moment. Their focus appears to be preparing the massive crystal for transport but a few are looting the rest of the camp. It is only a matter of time before they turn to the tent.
The big goblin icons are groups of 4, the little green heads are the spell caster looking things, the green diamond is the crystal, the shell token is the pile of gear.
Everyone in the tent was woken but Ishzu, which would be a new experience to all, but only Grin is fully awake. Each player can react as appropriate for their character. Grin tries to put them to bed, odd and a bit optimistic but still nice.
I love how Ishzu is "sneaking" into the goblin camp, LoL!