Descent into the Underdark

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Feb 24, 2024 3:15 pm
Oliver still hasn't put a name on the authors of the commotion outside of the tent, but catches on the tones of urgency of Brewner. He picks up his gear, including his munition pouch, sling, and brand new blazeball bat, and exits the tent with his companions, trying to remain hidden in the shadows. As he pops out, he recogenizes the unmistakable sound (and smell) of goblins, grunting to tie the crystal.

"What is it with goblins? They're always up to no good in this side of the shattered lands."

Oliver attempts to squeeze into hiding with the others, trying to not lose sight of Ishzu -the valuable statue-.
Feb 24, 2024 3:36 pm
Thunder is correct on pricing, thanks. It's nice to have helpful players.
Most of the goblins are securing the crystal you retrieved from the spider nest cave. A few of the others are rummaging through the supplies and are under the impression that Ishzu is a statue and plan to take him a spoils of their raid as well.

Brewner is forced to use his knife to cut a slit in the back as the tent is sewn tight. Once large enough he opens it and peers outside so see a small squad of four goblins loitering to the west. They glance towards the camp occasionally but mostly are looking to the NW, which is the way back to base.

You wait till they are looking away and move one at a time to the cave wall, away from the torch light. Unfortunately for you one of the goblins heads toward the tent while you are still in the process of fleeing . . . .

Ishzu fights the urge to leave stasis as while in that state his limbs naturally lock up.


Goblin spot check - (West_squad:2d6, East_goblin:1d6)

West_squad:2d6 : (45) = 9

East_goblin:1d6 : (2) = 2

Feb 24, 2024 3:41 pm
More than half of you are out of the tent when one of the goblins to the west calls out in goblin. There language has drifted from the common but you understand enough to know he is uncertain who is there and seems to be calling out to identify yourselfer.

Brewner and Grin are across by the wall. Either Ander or Oliver is caught in the open with the other still in the tent with the front being approached by another goblin.
10' map grid
Feb 24, 2024 3:58 pm
Grinfletch, with the blackness of his cloak facing north east so any eyes from the camp won’t notice him, fires two crossbow bolts at the goblin who shouted out.

He thinks that silencing this guard might cause confusion so the guards all look outwards thinking that we’re attacking from somewhere else.
Last edited February 24, 2024 4:04 pm


Crossbow - (3d6)

(656) = 17

Crossbow - (3d6)

(644) = 14

Feb 24, 2024 4:46 pm
OK, the 2 6's so that is 2 damage from the critical shot and 1 from the 2nd.
The guard is struck hard and stumbles back gasping and slaps one of his neighbors who whirls to see his mortally wounded companion.
Feb 24, 2024 5:51 pm
I understand that Grin just murdered --brutally, if I might add-- the goblin that was midway between C and D? Also, did we get to see where the goblin he warned is?
Last edited February 24, 2024 5:53 pm
Feb 24, 2024 6:03 pm
Big goblin icons are groups of 4, so there are still 3 goblins between C and D correct?
Feb 24, 2024 6:17 pm
Through the gloom of the cave it is hard to make out the distant figures but they have yet to raise the alarm but you only have moments to act. The other gobing in camp are all illuminated by the lanterns ther (red/yellow cinder icons) and those of you still in the tent or near it are similarly easier to spot than Brewner and Grin who are in the shadows of the south wall. You all doubt that you can take out all of the goblins after seeing how deadly their use or arrows can be.
The goblin who noticed one of you is "one of the goblins to the west". He is 1 of 4 and yes they are between C & D. The goblin did not die but is definitely seriously hurt.
Everyone else but Grin can still act.
Feb 24, 2024 6:26 pm
Ishzu speaks into the horde of goblin's mine. "Hunt Master Want Treasure. Need Leave Quick. "
Can I try to scan a few goblin's minds and get some basic information from them. Like, I want to try and start some mental in fighting...
Feb 24, 2024 7:56 pm
Oliver finds himself midway between the tent and the wall where the rest are hidden in the shadows. It appears that the goblin hit by Grin is accompanied by a pack of more goblins, which he cannot see, but who are at the other side of a thin cavern bottleneck. Oliver grabs into his pouch and produces a vial of darkmist fluid, from the darkmantles.

"You know what they say, never leave the good wine for later."
And he slung the vial at the cavern rock of the passageway, after which he regrouped with his companions next to the cavern wall.
Action 1: sling vial
Action 2: move
[ +- ] Darkmist gland fluid


Sling vial - (3d6)

(156) = 12

Feb 24, 2024 8:49 pm
oops, I forgot you had stuff like that. Maybe we can make the goblins fight each other? Like West vs East?
Feb 24, 2024 8:50 pm
Ander attempts to evade, through magically-misted cloud!
Well done Grin, he exclaims amidst darkened vapors! Well done!
Our knightly fellow shifts from the tent to rejoin his group.
Feb 24, 2024 8:55 pm
If you wanted to act as if before I slung the darkmist cloud, I think you would be excused.
Feb 24, 2024 9:03 pm
nah it’s good. But I think we should clarify where exactly you threw the dark mist. Is it in the gap where the western goblins are? Are they shrouded in the mist? Or are we shrouded in the mist hiding to the south there?

If we’re in the mist, we might convince the goblins to attack each other. If the goblins to the west are in the mist, we could escape that way or attack them and try to confuse them. Either way, the one dude who saw us has a two arrows through him and I don’t think they will know exactly where it came from, so we could turn them all against each other.
Feb 24, 2024 10:03 pm
Oliver slung the darkmist vial in the bottleneck passage that is between C and D. I am not sure what the size of the dark clouds is, but I guess it should be large enough to cover that bottleneck and small enough to not cover our present position. The idea would be that west goblins will take longer to try to cross to the east side (from their perspective there's a very dense dark cloud where Bob the goblin scout received a near fatal wound just a second ago), and to cause chaos in general. Making the goblins target each other might even not be out of the table
The center of the cloud would be around here:
Last edited February 24, 2024 10:17 pm
Feb 24, 2024 10:22 pm
awesome, thanks for that. Depending on what Brewner does, and what options Ishzu is given, we can determine how to proceed.
Feb 24, 2024 10:37 pm
That was an ace move, right there.
Feb 25, 2024 12:34 am
Probably the best maneuver is to use smoke and try to sneak up behind the western goblins and wait for them to start fighting each other (eastern goblins). Can we travel that distance in time? Basically, Brewner will wait for everyone to be able move and pass.

Because I have a kind of ridiculous idea =)
The cave is huge, so I assume it has a very high ceiling, using my rope with the grappling hook we climb to a higher elevation, preferably to a platform, when we are all up there we pull the rope up, the way I'm imagining only a goblin that comes near that corner (1 or 2) and thinks about looking up will be able to see us, but because of the torches in camp we still can see what happens with Ishzu and the cristal, then we see what happens, if is to follow them we drop the rope back. GM is this even possible? Does it make any sence?

Ps: Sorry for the long post
Feb 25, 2024 2:42 am
sounds like a fun idea. The list will dissipate soon, so we need to take some sort of action. Grin also has pitons, grappling hook, rope. Make the suggestion in character and let’s try. I think I would try a 2d6 roll for the grappling hook, right?
Feb 25, 2024 2:50 am
Terribly funny idea. Climb up and hide but act as ropers. Lasso a Goblin. Pull them up. Kill him. Drop him.
Rinse Repeat.
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