Descent into the Underdark

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Apr 6, 2024 7:29 pm
Grin approaches one or more of the smaller goblins to chat them up and exchange war stories.
Apr 7, 2024 5:17 pm
To be clear, in my view you can't make peace or make war with "the goblins". You win friends or enemies with individual goblins. If that individual is a leader, that can extend to their tribe while that individual is a leader. But it is all based on personal relations. Also, tides can turn quickly with a goblin. You can go from being an enemy to a friend in very little time depending on what you do and what they do. It can reverse just as easily. This doesn't mean that they will change their minds on a whim. If you stay friends with them, they will stay friends with you.

And this relationship goes both ways. They are not making friends with humans, or a tribe or a settlement. They are making friends with you. As such, there is no extension past that. So, telling them that you want them to not attack some guards only makes sense so far as you are involved.

I hope that helps with how far your friendship with these goblins will get you. Also, this particular tribe is diminished and will need to get a strong leader and will need to find/recruit/develop a shaman to have better staying power. You did save the tribe, so they are indebted to you. But that is to you.
You go back with the goblins. The second guard goes to retrieve the young and there is both rejoicing for those that were saved and sorrow for those lost. But, such is the lot of a goblin, the rejoicing won out in the end. Ishzu heals up everyone who needs healing, and the very one "enjoys" the freest, most of all Ishzu, because he doesn't eat. (I imagine Grin enjoys himself, but everyone else probably has to put up a brave face.)

The next morning, you all gather up and say your goodbyes. The Lead Goblin (who is now the temporary leader of the tribe), says, "You asked about the something tribe. Here is a map to the edge of their territory. We do not get along with each other, so it is best for none of our tribe to take you. And don't let them see this map. Destroy it before you make contact with them. Thank you so much for saving our tribe. We are forever indebted to you. We will always avoid you, even if our tribes are fighting. You are always welcome as long as I am here. We will avoid the caverns past the pink slime.

"These two will take you to the edge of the swamp and point you to the cave entrance."

After you leave, when you check the map, it initially looks like a jumbled mess. However, when you compare it to Ander's map that auto-scribes, you can make sense out of it. It will require you to go into the last cavern system you were in, but not go back through the pink slime.
So, you have finished this piece of the adventure off. You can go hunt down the other goblin tribe to deliver your message. You can go back and report your findings. You can go tackle the other things in "your" caverns. You can visit the dragon (please don't). You can check out the underground lake. You can do something else. Also, you have to do something with the crystal. If you leave it behind, the goblins will destroy it. (If they didn't, it would attract gods know what animal and redo the spider thing with that animal. However, if you take it, it will be slow going as Ishzu has to protect everything else from it.
Last edited April 7, 2024 5:38 pm
Apr 7, 2024 8:27 pm
Sorry, i haven't been able to catch up this weekend. I'll get to it. I guess Oliver was in zombie mode meanwhile.
Last edited April 7, 2024 9:03 pm
Apr 7, 2024 9:36 pm
Oliver felt slightly disappointed that the easiest way to contain the power of the large crystal was to break it. He thought about this for a while, but his pondering was interrupted by the feast they were obligued to attend, and the mighty posterior stomachache (just how on earth is Grin okay?). This stopped him from thinking for a few hours, but now that he had purged out even the last bit of lunch cheese, he was feeling a bit better.

"Well, excepting dinner, that really went as good as it could possibly go. Though it's a bit sad to downgrade such a mighty artifact just because it almost murdered us two times."

He paused for a moment. "I wonder... could the crystal control inanimate objects as well? Or maybe an empty armor filled with small spiders?" This made him shudder. "Nevermind, forget I said that."

"Perhaps we could get the crystal whole to Fiznik for him to put a containment charm again, and buy us some time to decide what to do with it. Also, we might need to report to him anyway. We have cleared the area preceding the pink slime cave from future goblin incursions. On my books, that counts as a handsome victory for the exploration team."
Apr 8, 2024 5:55 pm
" I completely agree with Oliver"Brewner says while nodding in agreement, arms folded.
Apr 9, 2024 1:43 am
Grin, having wrapped up Oliverā€™s leftovers from their feast to save for later, walks at the head of the group with the two goblin guides: his new friends Gnoodle and Wartwart (AKA: Wart).

He happily chats with them, loudly sharing stories about the groupā€™s adventures.
Apr 9, 2024 3:01 pm
Just to be clear, the group is taking the crystal with them, and is not breaking it up. Do I have that correct? May I assume you fixed the harness and are using that to carry it? Otherwise it would be extremely awkward to carry.
Last edited April 9, 2024 3:02 pm
Apr 9, 2024 4:02 pm
Whatever Ishzu wants to do with it, Grin will support. He is open to smashing it to bits.
Apr 9, 2024 7:38 pm
Ishzu is master of all matters crystal. Oliver would agree on that. If we do carrry it whole, I agree on fixing the harness.
Last edited April 9, 2024 7:41 pm
Apr 9, 2024 10:01 pm
Ugg I don't know what would be the best course of action.
I kind of want to keep it whole and bring it back to Fiznik.

How far away are we from Fiznik?

Keeping it whole could cause problems, though.
I have a few (simple) tests that I would like to do before leaving the goblin camp. I would love Oliver's help with these.
Is there a way to see if there is a radius of effect?
How far away does a creature have to be to NOT be effected by the crystal?
If any other creatures are affected in the above radius?

My plan (If possible) is to bring it to Fiznik. Keep it away from the camp, but monitor it. At least until we could get a craftsmen to make us some tools with the crystal...
Apr 10, 2024 8:06 am
Oliver hears Ishzu's concerns about studying the crystal properties with great interest, getting more squeakily excited as he details his ideas.

"Those are excellent questions! Perhaps we could answer the radius one with a field test, at least for a simple mind... Hey Grin, mind convincing one of your goblin pals for a quick and definitely safe experiment?"

"And we probably need someone with a more sophisticated mind as well. Maybe a *knightly* sophisticated mind?"
. As if to make things more obvious, Oliver stares at Ander and smiles.

"That terrain over there seems large and deserted enough. We center the crystal there and move into a safe spot so that Ishzu can release the crystal powers again. Then Ander and our friend Wart slowly approach the crystal, and we mark the distances where they lose their individual sentience, measured in Brewner hops. Naturally, we need to release Wartwart and Ander from the crystal charm, and maybe even Brewner -Oliver chuckles-. That part is on you, Ishzu."

"So... how does this sound? It should be perfectly safe."
...for an otter standard.
Apr 10, 2024 1:46 pm
The Otter standard! A truly high benchmark for us all to strive for.
Grin discusses Oliverā€™s plans with Wartwart and Gnoodle. They turn to the time-honored tradition of punching each other out to determine which of them should join the experiment. Gnoodle takes her turn first, immediately knocking Wartwart out in a single blowā€¦ Well, I guess that settles it, says Grin. They help Wart up to his feet and dust him off.

With a large grin on his face, Grinfletch says: Here we are, Oliver! Wart has volunteered for the experiment!
Last edited April 10, 2024 1:47 pm
Apr 10, 2024 9:58 pm
You know what, sure. Why not? :-)
As you play around with things, you find that things are disorienting when you get around 20 feet or so to the crystal. You can fight through it, but it doesn't feel good and you don't work at your best. When Wartwart gets to little outside 20 feet to the crystal he complains about similar symptoms. He refuses to go any closer. Plus he is quite skittish around the crystal simply because of having been dominated through it already and he has no desire to repeat that experience again!
Basically, it appears to have a 20 foot radius of primary effect. However, if control is established, the range of control is much larger. For sapient creatures, it requires someone with the psychic or magical ability to gain control over the crystal. If no one is available, then it just causes the unpleasantness. (Basically, it makes the sufferer operate at Disadvantage.) This is for sapient creatures. For non-sapients, it works differently and instead longer term exposure will allow them to basically develop a "collective" mind. Initially, it is simply additive, but given enough time the collective could develop a rudimentary intelligence and grow from there. So, if you leave this somewhere hidden, something will eventually happen, and it probably wouldn't be good.

Honestly, this is a very powerful item that could cause tremendous damage in the wrong hands. The only reason the goblin thing didn't spin out of control is because the apprentice didn't really know what she was doing. Someone with much better skill and experience could have been truly dangerous. The reason you are all alive is because of her lack of skill.
Apr 11, 2024 9:09 pm
So what youā€™re saying is: Ishzu should become the puppet master and build an empire?
Apr 11, 2024 9:35 pm
The Dark Side Of The Psionics Is A Pathway To Many Abilities Some Consider To Be Unnatural. šŸ˜
Apr 11, 2024 10:02 pm
Friends, I am very sorry, but I must withdraw. RL has gotten busy for me, and pulling me away from PbP. I hope everyone is well, and Iā€™m sorry for any inconvenience this causes. Take care.
Apr 11, 2024 10:38 pm
WhiteDwarf says:
Friends, I am very sorry, but I must withdraw. RL has gotten busy for me, and pulling me away from PbP. I hope everyone is well, and Iā€™m sorry for any inconvenience this causes. Take care.
Sorry to hear it! I hope we get to play together again some time! Itā€™s been a blast!
The Dark Side Of The Psionics Is A Pathway To Many Abilities Some Consider To Be Unnatural. šŸ˜
Apr 12, 2024 12:00 am
WhiteDwarf says:
Friends, I am very sorry, but I must withdraw. RL has gotten busy for me, and pulling me away from PbP. I hope everyone is well, and Iā€™m sorry for any inconvenience this causes. Take care.
I am sorry to see you go! I do want to say, I absolutely love Ander. You did a wonderful job with him. Best of luck. You are always welcome to come back if find the time to play again!
Apr 12, 2024 12:05 am
Thunder_Lungz says:
So what youā€™re saying is: Ishzu should become the puppet master and build an empire?
He could, but I'm not recommending that. I am just saying that if you leave it somewhere, who knows what animals will find it. And if you sell it to someone, who knows what they might do with it.
Apr 12, 2024 12:55 am
BYE ANDER!! You were my First (and Best) Companion!!!
With this information, Ishzu suggests to the others that we go back to Fiznik with the crystal as a whole.
Once they do, they could keep it 30ft away from camp and keep a watch on it. Moving its location around camp to not allow any critter to be under its influence for long.
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