Descent into the Underdark

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Jan 26, 2024 5:37 pm
And... how many gold pieces for a barrel of wine/barrel of whisky? Above I cited a source that calculated 20-30gp for a barrel of good wine (not fine, not common)
Jan 26, 2024 5:39 pm
Grin would be happy to help you find/buy ingredients.
Jan 26, 2024 5:59 pm
smiley says:
Don't Kill the dragon. He is my friend...
Ummm..... Do dragons have friends? The best they have are likely Frenemies who are other dragons, powerful wizards, demons, angels, etc. Allies, servant, enemies, and food are the usual classifications at least according to legends.
Thunder says:
- When Ishzu talks to one person, does only that person hear him?
I allow short range, close zone = 25', broadcasting for chatting. But then it is not selective and everyone hears it. Selective targeting has the same range without a roll but can go to Far, 75', with a roll.
Smiley says:
Do we have proficiency in any of the tools to use them?
Without a skill or background you have disadvantage to try anything. If you want to add some specific tool then it would be as a trait
Do I need to be hired by the Underdark Expedition? I am assuming I was just dropped in this area.
previously it was required. Now it is established enough there are random adventurers and they have open contracts on things. If you sign up with the Base clerk you get free healing and other minor benefits but have to do assigned tasks.
Thunder says:
You all want to role play in town and work/craft things there? I’ve never really done that before and it sounds very interesting! And the fact we’d get a new trait after is cool too! As part of that, maybe Oliver and I could give the guards a break down here and take a look at the magic liquid and the fungus stuff while on patrol?
Crafting is a bit under construction but the basics are you need materials then roll a Test if you have the trait.
Please state any activities to produce anything in character with the appropriate Test rolls
1 whip (is this ranged?)
no, its a light weapon. but it will allow some tricks and options other weapons don't
I recently changed how Armor is being handled. No skill or trait is needed for basic light armor which everyone starts with. The Armored trait allows you to wear Medium armor effectively for +1 hp per fight. After that it will be a prestige trait for heavy armor +2 hp per fight. Specifics and wording is in flux so... But anyhow Armored gets you +1 HP with better armor you would need to find/buy. All armor, unless specified, is assumed to be light armor.
Bunt says:
To save the DM some work, we can take a reference from the DnD PHB where a pint of Red Dragon Wine (better than common wine, worse than fine wine) is 1sp, and there are some calculations which were done here up to a painful degree of detail. Based on this, an estimated price for a full barrel of Red Dragon wine is 20-30gp. That would be perfect for Oliver. Also, if our base price per pint is different, I guess we could take the respective proportion.
Numbers are fine for me but see below for buying bulk wine. Oil is better for flammable stuff. If you are looking for an alchemical base for other things then there are cheaper sources of that than whine which is crafted for flavor that most alchemy would ruin.
I saw some pricing glitches in the store and will work to clean this up over the weekend.

Current assumption is to take on the spider nest

Point out any missed questions or plans.

Um. ᴴᵒʷ ᵐᵘᶜʰ ᶠᵒʳ ᵃ ᶠᵘˡˡ ᵇᵃʳʳᵉˡ ᵒᶠ ʷᶦⁿᵉˀ

Shop Keeper
By contract we don't sell that by the barrel except to the tavern and cantina. Whatcha need it for anyhow? If you want a big party talk to one of them and they can arrange bulk pricing.
If you just need alchemical alcohol then it is the same price as oil, 1 SP per flask. For a small keg it's only 10 GP
Jan 26, 2024 11:11 pm
"Wow, I am such a fool. Why didn't I just ask if they sold alcohol? So, please, I will take two kegs of alcohol, one hundred flasks -the round ones-, four jugs and a blanket. How much is that? 22 gold, 5 silver and 8 copper pieces? Yes, that's perfect, and no, I think I have enough hands to carry the kegs."

"Oi! We got it! A good batch of alcohol. I won't need to spend all day distillating. Also, I think you were right Ishzu, it was probably a bad idea to do it with wine. We'll just need to carry this to base and begin cutting the blanket to put them on your arrows Grin. I also bought round flasks, which are easiest to chuck with a sling. You might be interested in that, Ander."
After we get to base, Oliver and volunteering pals cut pieces of blanket and tie knots around some of Grin's arrows (to drench them in alcohol later). Additionally, they fill 40 round flasks with alcohol, which fully empties the first keg. Ten alcohol flasks are given to each of Ander, Ishzu, Grin and Oliver and each one is given a jug as well.
"We'll need to bring the second keg with us when we travel."
Grin: You now have cloth-arrows, ten alcohol flasks and a jug.
Ander & Ishzu: Each of you now has ten alcohol flasks and a jug.
Jan 27, 2024 12:01 am
Our knightly fellow secures his newly-acquired goodies!
Thank you so much, Oliver. Oh, I do relish me a good pint! Or, flask! Whatever!
What’re we talking about again?

His player trying to keep up after a live-long working day, Ander thanks the clear as well. Standing chic in his fancy magical armor, and ready for action! lol
Jan 27, 2024 12:42 am
Grinfletch excitedly receives the flasks and other supplies. He’s eager to be ready and soaks the cloth on his arrows in alcohol to let them dry before they head out.

Well, I feel ready for the swarm! Little beasties usually don’t scare me, but in great numbers… well, we might want to try to get some smoke into the spider lair too. So bring some sacks to burn too? I’ll purchase a couple more.

Once we get the spiders out, we’ll either need to keep them out for long enough to figure out why they’re swarming there, and then remove them…or just find the cave exit and tell the guards so they can watch it.
Last edited January 27, 2024 12:44 am
Jan 27, 2024 1:27 am
Ishzu carefully stores the vials in a few sacks and holds the pitcher out not sure what to do. Be careful of smoke. It cannot flow easily in these caves and we can easily get smoked out."
Last edited January 30, 2024 3:17 am
Jan 27, 2024 1:40 am
Hmm, Ish has a point. Well, I’m game to go down there and see which way the wind blows!

Oh! Almost forgot…
here! He passes Ander and Oliver each a little whistle. Not sure when it might be handy, but I thought we could communicate using these. Sorry, Ishzu, I, uh… wasn’t sure if you had a mouth to blow, and you’re already able to speak into our minds.
Now that I’m writing this, I’m wondering if these whistles are musical instruments or if they’re little emergency whistles (which was my first assumption)
Last edited January 27, 2024 1:45 am
Jan 27, 2024 1:48 am
@Bunt Hey, what’s in the jug you gave us? More alcohol?
Last edited January 27, 2024 2:05 am
Jan 27, 2024 1:52 am
It is a jug.
Last edited January 27, 2024 1:53 am
Jan 27, 2024 12:27 pm
gotcha, no alcohol in them yet. Here comes the fire! We’re a bunch of pyromaniacs.
Jan 27, 2024 7:27 pm
The next day you load up, get a permit to enter the tunnels again with Ander designated as the team lead, he nods to this "of course it it the gallant knight" and make the trek to the cavern with the camp. You pass the wizard and artificer who are heading to their own camp and chatting as the porters carry their torches, packs, food, a new footstool, some wine, new candles. . . . . and you keep going with a cheerful greeting.

Date&Time(Gama): 2@9:00

You start searching for the spider cavern based on the map Ander carries and after a while you are very sure you have found it. Cobwebs fill a small side cavern and Oliver can smell fresh air being blown into the cavern from beyond. The entrance to the cavern is small enough that only one can enter, leave, or evel look into the area at a time. Your torchlight causes a strange rustling as you near the entrance but when you look in you see nothing but webs and a faint indirect light from somewhere above and beyond the webs.
Jan 27, 2024 10:31 pm
"Huff, puff." Oliver puts the heavy alcohol keg on the floor, and takes a few long breaths.
"Oh. I smell fresh air beyond this entrance. Care for a jug of alcohol, Ander? Armor or no armor, you're first and might need it. Go ahead, lighten up this load."
Oliver opened the keg, made the offer extensive to Ander or anyone else who may want to fill their jug, and then proceeded to close back the keg. He wasn't ready to carry the keg and a jug full of alcohol at the same time. He kept his sling and his torch close, and had stored some round alcohol flasks with his munition.
Oliver's torch is NOT yet on fire. That would be catastrophic carrying a keg of alcohol.
Jan 27, 2024 10:37 pm
Ishzu wraps the rope around his waist and ties it tightly. "I will go in first. I check to see what is in the darkness. If I pull on the rope or if you hear me in your heads Pull. Me Out."
Jan 27, 2024 10:45 pm
Just a reminder to Oliver : slings take 2 hands to reload. So if you have the mug or torch in hand you can not reload the sling.
Ishzu move to enter the cave after securing a rope around his waist
With or without a torch in hand? Any other actions before Ishzu heads in?
Jan 27, 2024 10:47 pm
Perhaps you should bring a jug of alcohol to pour around you as you move in? Then it’ll be ready if we need to set it alight?

Also, Ander, does your spider armor help you fight against spiders and such?

As for myself, I’ll stand back a bit from the entrance to shoot from range and with this lit torch, I’ll light my arrows.

He stands back 30 ft from the entrance, lights a torch and sets it into the ground standing up.
Last edited January 28, 2024 12:05 am
Jan 27, 2024 11:05 pm
Maybe Evade action. I just want to mentally scan the area for anything living. Then leave.
Jan 27, 2024 11:19 pm
Psybermagi says:
Just a reminder to Oliver : slings take 2 hands to reload. So if you have the mug or torch in hand you can not reload the sling.
Thanks for the reminder. For the time being both my hands are busy carrying the keg. My torch and my sling are in my belt
Jan 28, 2024 3:13 pm
My armor doesn’t help fight spiders, per se, but it will help your knightly fellow from being trapped in vile webs! That’s what it says on the tin, anyway! I’m pretty sure. Hopefully!
Our ambiguous knightly fellow thanks kind offer for alcohol. Helping Oliver pour from ye ole jug!
Yes, this is prolly heavy, my friend! I will help with your burden, Oliver, let me bear it.
Last edited January 28, 2024 7:09 pm
Jan 29, 2024 9:41 am
So, to add some momentum to this: Ishzu is entering the cave while doing evade action and tied to a rope connected to us three, ready to pull him out if needed. He will pop in and mentally scan the area. Grin has a torch that is lit up, so he only has one hand to hold the rope. Ander has a jug of alcohol and Oliver is carrying the keg, so they both put their stuff on the ground for a moment while holding Ishzu's rope. They'll pick their stuff back up when they can let go of the rope.
Last edited January 29, 2024 9:42 am
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