Descent into the Underdark

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Mar 1, 2024 3:06 pm
Ricardoi91 says:
I think i missed something why do we need to talk to Fiznik?
It's not so much you *need* to talk with Fiznik, but you were there when his camp and guards were wiped out and it might be a decent courtesy to let a powerful wizard know this before others do ...
Mar 1, 2024 3:07 pm
Likely because he told us what the big crystal was worth and put some enchantments of it, so it's reasonable to let him know that it just got taken away. I'm roleplaying an additional reason, which is that they're matrix node researchers
"Hello, we would like to have a quick word with Fiznik, to deliver a report."

While waiting, Oliver talks with his companions.

"They are big researchers on the matrix node thingie, right? If anyone can give us a hint as to how to track these goblins, it would be Fiznik and Valpip."
Mar 1, 2024 3:46 pm
Grin passes Oliver the waterskin he filled at the pool. Here, this might be of interest to you, but I wouldn’t drink it if I were you.

Brewner said he saw the tracks of the Goblins where they came in from the West, too. Maybe we could follow that as well?
Mar 1, 2024 5:02 pm
Ok i didn't realize it was his camp and guards
Brewner says to the group " I am no expert on tracking in caves but i did find goblin tracks coming from north when they attack the camp"
Mar 1, 2024 6:21 pm
Well, that’s good to know. I particularly enjoy tracking and finding my way through caverns - it’s an advantage of mine - not to brag…
Grin has advantage when attempting to find his way through a dungeon or cave system
Mar 1, 2024 11:07 pm
Yes friends, let’s follow the goblin tracks please. We will find our quarry, and the crystal will be retrieved! It is the heroic th8ng to do, after all!
I have Trusty Sling and my sword at the ready, friends! I stand ready for anything. Well, maybe not a greater demon or something like that. Or an ancient dragon. Prolly not ready for something like that. But pretty much anything else!
Mar 1, 2024 11:56 pm
A big smile appears in Brewner face "Ander your thirst for adventure makes my blood boil, but we need to keep a cool head, perhaps it would be a good idea to talk to Fiznik and listen to his sage advice.. should we talk to captain Tyren and ask for reinforcments?"

Brewner stretches and checks his wounds " If we going to face a goblin horde we need to be at our best, those goblin were able to find their mark with those nasty bows, a short rest?"
Do we need to go back to the Base thread or is this still related to the underdark adventure?
Mar 2, 2024 12:29 am
Ishzu is a healer. Let's assume he silently healed everyone on the walk back. You should all have full health at this point.

Hmm. On the base thread, ordinarily, yes, that is likely what we'd do. However, with this being semi-split, I am not sure. Let's find out ...

... Calling @Psybermagi ...

Should we move this temporarily up to the base for their conversations with Fiznik and Tyren, or just handle it in this thread?
Mar 2, 2024 2:00 am
Moving to other threads is just uses to separate and group players as needed. It also shows when pastors move out change activities. Yo do not need to go this but can if you wish
Mar 2, 2024 2:07 am
To be honest, I don’t think we’d be staying in town for long. Just a brief conversation with Fiznik and/or Tyren. In fact, I bet the runner who went ahead could even bring them from town to meet us at the entrance. We just need either good gear or reinforcements if we’re going to fight such a big group. And we’re already geared up minus Fiznik’s adventuring supplies.
I agree with Brewner and Oliver. Let’s figure out our attack plan and then go bring it to the goblins!
Last edited March 2, 2024 2:08 am
Mar 2, 2024 2:36 am
Ok, let's just stay in this thread. Keeps it easier.

So, I left you basically in the warehouse. Where do you want to go? I'm gonna assume it is still before noon and you got enough sleep before the raid. I'll also assume you got a quick resupply of standard stuff (rations and a torch each), so your set of starting supplies are full. Any fancy stuff you'll have to go get. Since you did get back here, everyone will know what happened within the day (from the guards who met you and the clerk). You can talk with Fiznik or Tyron if you want, but it isn't required.
Mar 2, 2024 9:32 am
Oliver took the chance to ask Fiznik more about the matrix node.

"Is there any way to track the last destination of a node? We'll research the area of the ambush as best we can, but anything we could learn of the node itself would be useful too."
Mar 2, 2024 2:26 pm
Brewner talks to the clerk to arrange a meeting with capitan Tyren

"Captain Tyrel my name is Brewner of Noric and i will like to have a talk with you about this goblin problem, the camp in the underdark was overtaken as you probably already know. I came to ask for yours suport, is time to end this menace. My group was able to find tracks that we belive will takes to their lair, some of my friends are at this moment talking to Fiznik for is advice and suport as well"
Last edited March 2, 2024 2:28 pm


Charisma - (3d6)

(652) = 13

Mar 2, 2024 3:10 pm
Grin sneaks off for a minute and comes back with some bread and cheese. As he’s stuffing his mouth, he hands Brewner a whistle and says: H'es a wu...le. If w'sh s'paratd, ya can b'ow on it. Epish, righ'?



Mar 2, 2024 3:20 pm
I have been researching the Matrix but I do not have enough information to do that myself at this time. I believe that it should be possible. Under normal operations the last activation remain visible and ready for reactivation. However we have seen instances where some know enough to trigger a random change after a node activation preventing others from seeing what was done. I have also learned that two nodes in sync, with each having the address of the other set, can actually have one command sent to it remotely by the other.
I was able to contact someone with access to more information on the Matrix last night after returning to my library and I believe he can help me reactivate the node in the cavern. I will be returning to the node with a squad of guards and ensuring it is warded better but we still don't know how the goblins got into the caverns. Perhaps from the underdark?
he muses with a scowl on his face.
Mar 2, 2024 5:13 pm
So, your group plan to hunt for the goblin's path fits with what Fiznik wants, perfectly. Plus, you can help identify and clear out all of the other paths, too, if you want.

Also, I asked Psybermagi to run Fiznik so he stays consistent.
Mar 2, 2024 5:17 pm
cool! Yeah I think we want to know what Fiznik can figure out about the Matrix (sorry Morpheus), but it looks like we’ll have to wait on that.

So tracking them back the way they came! And hearing from this Tyron fellow.
Grin chews loudly during the next conversation with Tyron.

Tyren (Captain)


Mar 2, 2024 5:23 pm
Ricardoi91 says:
"Captain Tyrel my name is Brewner of Noric and i will like to have a talk with you about this goblin problem, the camp in the underdark was overtaken as you probably already know. I came to ask for yours suport, is time to end this menace. My group was able to find tracks that we belive will takes to their lair, some of my friends are at this moment talking to Fiznik for is advice and suport as well"
Tyren (Captain)

"First, I want to thank you and your group for bringing the guards bodies up. That is deeply appreciated.

"We won't be able to provide any guards to help you with your searches around the caverns, but I am sure Fiznik is going to make sure there is an increased security presence around the new underground camp he will rebuild. So, while we can't directly help you, mainly due to having only so many guards, the base will be more secure going forward.

"That all said,"
he says with a determined look, "if you find the main goblin camp they came from, I am very sure you will be able to get support to deal with the problem."
Mar 2, 2024 5:26 pm
With a full mouth of food: 'So y'don't w'n ush to deshtroy th' Gobblinsh when w'find 'em?'

Tyren (Captain)


Mar 2, 2024 5:31 pm
Tyren (Captain)

Tyren looks at Grin for a moment while his brain mentally removes the food from the question. "You are more than free to take them on on your own. The Guard is strictly chartered to protect the Settlement only, with the outpost in the caverns as an important, but notable extension of that charter. We do not need to mete out our own retribution, but if you need the help, that can be another rare extension."
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