The plan was everyone with ranged weapons to attack the shaman, 4 goblins, Grinfletch and Oliver lets hope is enough
Descent into the Underdark
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Mar 29, 2024 6:38 pm
Cant Ishzu use his Psionic trait without revealing himself, and try to disrupt the crystal power first?The plan was everyone with ranged weapons to attack the shaman, 4 goblins, Grinfletch and Oliver lets hope is enough
Mar 29, 2024 7:08 pm
Idk Can I Connect with The crystal at range? When I did it before, I assumed I was in contact with it to get a better connection.Mar 29, 2024 8:33 pm
I assumed Ishzu was in contact with it before, too. I'm going with "contact is needed" to do what needs to be done here. When it is inert or not connected, you might be able to get some effects. But, when it is "active", you will need to physically touch it to be able to interfere with what is happening. This is something Ishzu has already figured out on his own based on his prior experience.The idea, as I understood it, was to gang up on the shaman, but since they are too far away to melee during surprise, that plan kinda died. Taking pot-shots is probably a good idea as getting lucky might be able to take out the shaman anyway.
Mar 29, 2024 8:52 pm
Grin wonders if he should be worried about messing things up for others or just go for it… as usual, he’s going to go for it.
Squinting with intent he whispers to himself: we came here to kill goblins and eat cheese…and I’m all out of cheese.
He fires two shots of his crossbow at the apprentice.
Squinting with intent he whispers to himself: we came here to kill goblins and eat cheese…and I’m all out of cheese.
He fires two shots of his crossbow at the apprentice.
Decided against a focus shot, since that only increases chance of a hit, and I think two mastery shots is better, right? Math-magicians?Rolls
Crossbow yeet - (3d6)
(152) = 8
Crossbow twang - (3d6)
(554) = 14
Mar 29, 2024 9:28 pm
I am planning on having Ishzu jump out and Connect with the Crystal. Does anyone have problems with this?[ +- ] Last Time Ishzu connected with the Crystal..
Psybermagi says:
Everyone feels a weird sensation as if they momentarily overlap and replace Ishzu. In fact Ishzu feels an increasingly tight and strong connection between himself and oliver forming through the crystals between himself and Oliver. Oli-zu/Ish-ver feels their two bodies close to their center and is comforted, all is well. They are stronger together as they are one. The must stay close to the center or lose their new oneness. Memories and thought begin to blend but then a fraction of themselves rejects the oneness and shatters the link before they can override it.Oliver slumps to the ground overwhelmed and faints. Ishzu has a raging headache form being psionicaly overextended. Luckily his people have mastered their thought and used a similar technique to help teach each other so he knew how to break the bond before it got too well established. Looking again at the crystals he quickly retreats from the crevice.
Ishzu;s people have used similar crystals to create psionic tools but the fact that this formation has grown in completely to the point of reacting to though indicates that given more time, a hundred to a thousand years, it may form its own awareness or since it seems to have an affinity with the spiders, either from one of the spiders being latently psionic or another reason, the spiders themselves may transition to crystalline life.
Likely then the crystal spiders would eat the rock and enhance their telepathic powers. However as of yet this is simply a possibility and the crystals are not alive and can not think on their own. Knowing that many telepathic creatures are feared due to those that use their powers to manipulate and dominate other life Ishzu has no idea at this point if the resulting mind or race would be a boon or a bane to those nearby.
Mar 29, 2024 11:16 pm
As he senses for it mentally, he realizes something ...Take that first paragraph talking about the one-ness. Ishzu approached the connection of "one-ness" as an equal and immediately pulled back. Now, suppose he had instead tried to dominate Oliver and dove in. At that point he is still mostly Ishzu, but now has access to Oliver's capacity. As long as he keeps anyone mentally stronger than him out, he can add in other weaker wills, yet still maintain control and expand his abilities.
The crystal is a tool. Whether it is good or bad depends on whether the person or people using it are good or bad.
Time for debate is over. What is your action?Mar 29, 2024 11:20 pm
As an aside, all things being equal, making two attacks instead of one attack with focus is always better. You have a better chance of getting a single hit, and also have a better chance of two hits. That is true regardless of the number of dice rolled. There are, of course edge cases and special circumstances.Mar 30, 2024 1:53 am
Ander swings his sword at the nearest approaching goblin thingy!
Sword! - (3d6)
(133) = 7
Also Sword! - (3d6)
(162) = 9
Mar 30, 2024 2:07 am
Ishzu jumps off the tree and makes his way to the crystal. He reaches out his hand to make contact with it. He wishes to try and sever the crystal's hold on all of the goblins...
Ishzu: Test - Basic - (2d6)
(55) = 10
Mar 30, 2024 2:35 pm
Brewner prepares to attack the group of goblins, inch by inch measuring the distance of his attack.
When he ears Grinfletch arrows fly Brewner leaps out of his hiding spot and attack the nearest goblin
When he ears Grinfletch arrows fly Brewner leaps out of his hiding spot and attack the nearest goblin
Focus+ Attack - (2D6)
(43) = 7
Mar 30, 2024 3:07 pm
That was close, Ricardo! Your focus made that 4 a hit. Also, are you all going for the apprentice?Last edited March 30, 2024 3:08 pm
Mar 30, 2024 3:42 pm
Melee can't reach the apprentice this turn. They have to move once to hit the lead goblins and move twice to get to the apprentice (which means they can't strike this turn). Also, since he had to move first, this was just a normal attack. (He had to Move and Attack, not Focus and Attack.)Same for Ander BTW, he had to Move, then Attack.
The part below for Ishzu I should probably put in a private note, but since it be fast enough, it shouldn't matter.
Yes, I am making this up as I go. There is no "metal combat" directly in TD2e, but I am just representing it as normal combat with rounds that happen at double-speed. It is all anthropomorphized, but the preferred weapon for both is psychic bolts, so that's how it appears to play out in the representation they have in their minds. That said, all options available in normal combat are available here: Evade, Focus, Move, things like that. If you want to try something fancy, go for it.She attacks first with two psychic bolts.
Last edited March 30, 2024 3:54 pm
Apprentice: Attack 1 DC:5 - Dis - (1d6)
(6) = 6
Apprentice: Attack 2 DC:5 - Dis - (1d6)
(2) = 2
Mar 30, 2024 4:00 pm
Ander's attack hit the goblin, but managed to land squarely on the goblin's armor, meaning no damage was inflicted. The goblin is staggered a bit, force to take a step back from the blow. Brewner's attack also hit his target and did cause damage. While he could not use Focus, both of them effectively got it for free because the goblins were not evading, moving, or resisting the attacks. The goblin Brewner hit crumples to the ground due to the force of the blow. The goblin is not dead and would normally have remained standing, but since they weren't properly resisting, then were knocked down.
As Ander and Brewner look around, they see that all of the crystal-goblins are not moving. They are just standing in place. It is then that they notice Ishzu standing next to the crystal, with his hand on the crystal, completely immobile.
As Ander and Brewner look around, they see that all of the crystal-goblins are not moving. They are just standing in place. It is then that they notice Ishzu standing next to the crystal, with his hand on the crystal, completely immobile.
Last edited March 30, 2024 4:01 pm
Mar 30, 2024 10:03 pm
"Extraordinary work! I won't fall behind!"
From his vantage point, Oliver slings twice at the apprentice with his best rocks. Maybe if they could physically distract it enough?
From his vantage point, Oliver slings twice at the apprentice with his best rocks. Maybe if they could physically distract it enough?
Sling 1 - (3d6)
(225) = 9
Sling 2 - (3d6)
(313) = 7
Mar 30, 2024 10:10 pm
Just want to comment that I love the mechanic for mental battle that you just pulled out of thin air. Mar 30, 2024 10:12 pm
so are the opponents done with their turn? And what about our friendly goblins?Mar 30, 2024 10:18 pm
The friendly goblins are moving, you just haven't seen the effects yet ...Mar 30, 2024 10:27 pm
For the Mental Battles. I am able to attack still. Should I just roll 2 Basic Test along with roll play if I plan on attacking twice? Mar 30, 2024 10:52 pm
For the mental battle, it works just like normal combat, except it is all in your head, and you get two full "mental" turns for each "physical" turn. And, yes, Ishzu will use normal attacks in mental combat since you are not currently being a pin-cushion. Once Ishzu and the apprentice are done with their two turns of mental combat, I'll finish the first physical round of combat, showing what the friendly goblins are doing.
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