Descent into the Underdark

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Jan 14, 2024 3:37 am
Might not be on much tomorrow. So for my next turn.
Oh Hells!

That's enough of that. He drops the new bow, pulls out the pole, uses the command word to extend it to it's full 10' length and runs toward the suspended Darkmantle.
Last edited Jan 14, 2024 3:38 am
Jan 14, 2024 3:40 am
Grinfletch visibly flinches at the sudden intrusion in his mind. Well, he doesn’t sound offended…

His focus shifts to the darkmantle moving towards the shiny blue crystal-being. Oi! Rock-head! Let me help you with that tentacle problem you’re having!

He loads and aims his crossbow, focuses for a moment, then fires.

Actions: Focus, Attack

Rats! See Ealdwig- it’s not all experience that counts! Sometimes chance gets the better of you like a bad gamble on a dice roll! That Oli Otter’ll best me if I’m not careful!
Last edited Jan 14, 2024 3:58 am


Crossbow (Marksman Focus, disadvantage) - (1d6)


Jan 14, 2024 3:47 am
In response to a voice in his head, Skeeve says, to no one in particular, "That's new."

Since there are still multiple targets he can see, and he has no one to heal, he just lets loose with two more Shatter attacks.


Skeeve: Shatter #1 - (1d6)


Skeeve: Shatter #2 - (1d6)


Jan 14, 2024 7:47 am
Shouldn't Grin's attack be a regular 2d6 since Ishzu's holding the darkmantle? Hell, might even argue for advantage, but not sure

In Ealdwig's case how would that interact with not having the proficiency?
Woops. Ignore that roll please. I left it there by accident. Way to waste the good luck, ha
Last edited Jan 14, 2024 7:49 am


3d6 - (3d6)


Jan 14, 2024 1:17 pm
Ander gauges his distance. And if possible, he draws Trusty Sword, in order to melee with his assailing dark mantle. Otherwise…it’s Trusty Sling Time again!

Take that, exclaims the knight to monstrous villain!


Sword if possible, otherwise Sling - (2d6)


Evade if possible - (2d6)


Jan 14, 2024 1:40 pm
"Oh man oh man. I want to heed that voice but look at that huge mantle right --IS THAT A TENTACLE!?"
Oliver slings two of his most round river rocks to the darkmantle that Blornvid pulled out of the darkness.
Action 1: load-n-sling (quickshot+mastery)
Action 2: load-n-sling (quickshot+mastery)
I am assuming I can roll a regular attack (3d6) against the darkmantle that Blornvid drew out of the cloud. If that's not the case, we ignore the second and third roll of each attack.


Sling 1 - (3d6)


Sling 2 - (3d6)


Jan 14, 2024 1:50 pm
Thunder_Lungz says:
Well, he doesn’t sound offended…
Oi! Rock-head! Let me help you with that tentacle problem you’re having!
Incredible tact and finesse, yes.
Jan 14, 2024 2:06 pm
@Psybermagi, please let us know when we stop receiving disadvantage on our attack rolls. Skeeve will probably switch to his normal attack if the chances of hitting get better.
Jan 14, 2024 2:12 pm
I kind of missed the whole tentacle monster thing.
Jan 14, 2024 3:06 pm
The dark mantles are the tentacle monsters. They have a pointy head that they drop on you with, but their lower body is all tentacles. The tentacles are "webbed" together, but those are still tentacles.

And for any "old timers", I am assuming that dark mantles are the modern update of the Classic Piercers.
Jan 14, 2024 3:52 pm
Ishzu is able to push the Darkmantle to the ground where it struggles to get free and looks like it will, as though Ishzu's abilities can gather to push or pull it lacks the strength to truly hold it. Ealdwig looks around but can not find the source of the mental words so reloads his bow and fires at the Darnmantle hanging on to Bornvid. Frustrated he switches back to his trusty pole. Grin on the other hand notices the crystallin figure glint and reflecting the light of the knights helm fighting and aims to assist him. Ander rushes to the aid of Ishzu but is unable to land a hit on the flailing creature. Oliver aims and lands 2 solid strikes on the Darkmantle still gripping Blornvid.
[ +- ] map
You can ignore disadvantage on ranged attack now if you have line of sight on the creature otherwise no ranged attacks. Ishzu can not "hold" the creature as his telekinesis is too weak for that but he can push/pull/trip
Ander move and attack, no evade
Pending Blornvid
Jan 14, 2024 5:25 pm
Since Blornvid was dragged to the ground, what sort of actions can he actually take?
Jan 14, 2024 5:29 pm

He can attack at disadvantage while prone

he can't move without spending an action to break free, standard test
If he breaks free he can stand for free and attack as normal

I figure since it didn't let go after tripping, and this got dragged out of the dark this seems a reasonable benefit for the cost of being exposed
Jan 14, 2024 5:38 pm
Totally reasonable. He's going to want to break free anyway, so I'll try that first. This sort of thing annoys the crap out of him.


Blornvid tries to break free - (2d6)


2nd attempt to break free - (2d6)


Jan 14, 2024 8:42 pm
Psybermagi sent a note to Smiley
Blornvid breaks free and back off from the cloud of darkness.

In the distance you hear a loud screech echo through the caves from the south.
The Darkmantle facing Blornvid snaps at his foot before quickly retreating to the darkness. The Darkmantle facing Ishzu does much the same. Both now are hidden in their dark cloud though they look to be breaking down and will fade within a minute. With the Darkmantle either hiding or having fled you are left with facing each other and missing one adventurer.
I was never informed by Belagroff Bearjaw / Ishmann the were leaving the game but over 2 weeks of not posting I am narating them as MIA

2 6's is a critical hit on Blornvid, so 2 damage. This is one of the house rules for vetrans.
1. Ander 2. Ishzu 3. Belagrof 4. Blornvid
5. Skeeve 6. Ealdwig 7. Grin 8. Oliver
Blrn:6 -|- Skv:7 -|- Eld:5 -|- :And:2 -|- Grn:5 -|- Iz:7 -|- Olv:6


Darkmantle vs Blornvid - (2d6)


Darkmantle vs Ishzu - (2d6)


Jan 14, 2024 9:08 pm
At hearing the loud screech and seeing the darkmantles retreat, Grinfletch yells out: Oi, Blue and Gold! Retreat over here! I’ll cover you!

Grin quickly loads and fires his crossbow at the darkmantle closest to Ishzu and Ander.

He then focuses his attention in the direction of the loud screech. What in Titan’s name was that sound?

Actions: Attack, Focus (in preparation for the next round’s attack)


Crossbow shot (disadvantage from the darkness) - (1d6)


Jan 14, 2024 9:53 pm
Skeeve says, "Fall back! The darkmantles are fleeing! Fall back!"
Before Skeeve does anything, I need to verify two things:
1) There is no darkmantle for Skeeve to fire a magic bolt at.
2) That Blornvid is close enough that Skeeve does not need to Move to reach him.
Last edited Jan 14, 2024 9:53 pm
Jan 14, 2024 9:58 pm
daryen says:
Before Skeeve does anything, I need to verify two things:

2) That Blornvid is close enough that Skeeve does not need to Move to reach him.
Looks that way to me on the map.
Blornvid curses after the Darkmantle bites him before running away. "Damned darkmantles! I hate those bloody things!" He grimaces as he hobbles over to the others, wondering what in blazes was coming next.
Jan 14, 2024 10:25 pm
Don't go too far. I'm gonna heal you some. How many are you down?
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