Descent into the Underdark

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Jan 22, 2024 7:33 pm
240 cp, 350 sp, 190 gp.

Divided by 11:
21 cp each with 9 cp left over.
31 sp each with 9 sp left over.
17 gp each with 3 gp left over.

Tell you what, divide by 10. 4 new guys get double share and vets Skeeve and Ealdwig get one share. Blornvid will sit this one out. This way it's divided evenly with no leftovers.

24 cp each share.
35 sp each share.
19 gp each share.
Last edited Jan 22, 2024 7:33 pm
Jan 22, 2024 7:42 pm
Grin will forfeit his gold share to the others for colorful clothing. He wants the mask. If no one wants the vestments… what do the gloves look like? Are they pretty? :D

Grin looks at the gold bracelet, then to Ishzu. If the crystal being wore that, it’d be the biggest engagement ring in the world.
Last edited Jan 22, 2024 7:44 pm
Jan 22, 2024 7:45 pm
Thunder_Lungz says:

Grin looks at the gold bracelet, then to Ishzu. If the crystal being wore that, it’d be the biggest engagement ring in the world.

This one made me laugh so much my wife asked if I was ok
Jan 22, 2024 7:48 pm
Just let me know when you guys are done with the division. I will try to answer questions but am a bit distracted so tag stuff to me with @Psybermagi
Current assumption is the party will split after the division of loot.
Skeeve, Blornvid, and Eadlwig on to the Mannor
Ander, Oliver, Ishzu, Grin to Underdark
A list of items and their cost available for purchase on bast or from Fiznik
[ +- ] Valpip's magic shop
Jan 22, 2024 7:58 pm
Bunt says:

This one made me laugh so much my wife asked if I was ok

Definitely want to go to the underdark with the others. If no one else wants the mask, vestments and gloves (only if the gloves are pretty), he’ll take those and leave his gold for the others to parse up.

And when we split up, Grin wants to give Ealdwig and the team a Duende-handshake.
Last edited Jan 22, 2024 8:06 pm
Jan 22, 2024 7:59 pm
[ +- ] Appraised value of Darkmantle and Roper Loot
As any magic item exceeds the split of the loot maybe if you get an item thats it.

240 cp = 2.4 GP
350 sp = 35 GP
190 gp
Small gold bracelet (50 gp)
2 Pair of engraved bone dice (25 gp)
Cloth-of-gold vestments (55 gp)
Black velvet mask stitched with silver thread (25 gp)
Copper chalice with silver filigree (25 gp)
190+50+25+55+25+25 = 370 + 35 +2.4 = 407.4 / 135 GP + 8 SP

Should give all information at once to avoid confusion in the future
Jan 22, 2024 8:09 pm
As any magic item exceeds the split of the loot maybe if you get an item thats it.
Gotcha, I’ll take just the mask and gold then. Sorry for the run around!
Jan 22, 2024 8:15 pm
I'm fine with just the circlet. The chalice was for elegance points when drinking important potions
Jan 22, 2024 8:37 pm

Skeeve takes the ring.
Blornvid takes the backpack.
Ander takes the armor.
Oliver takes the circlet.

That leaves Ealdwig, Ishzu, and Grin for rewards. The only reward left are the gloves. So, assuming no one wants the gloves (because, seriously, who is planning on going to hell?), we can try to trade it in for one of Valpip's magic items. If no one wants any of those (and there are a couple cool ones), then we can see what we can cash it out for.

Assuming we can trade the gloves for a useful magic item, then that leaves two people needing rewards. I agree that just splitting the loot between the two works fine. That would give each 203.7 GP of value. They can then either divide the items and money up, or convert some/all of it to just GP and gems. Or they can buy a magic item with that GP from Valpip's list. If they are short, I am sure one or more of us can help them bridge the gap to make it work.

Given that, Skeeve will do three things:
1) Since no one can use it and no one has mentioned it, he gets the magic ring.
2) He takes the jasper gem (30GP) from his stash and puts it in the kitty, and takes the bone dice (25GP) and 5GP. That way he gets his dice, but he doesn't change the overall money pile.
3) He takes the zircon gem (50GP) from his stash and gives it to Valpip in exchange for one of those healing potions.

So, net, he just gets the magic ring. But with the swaps, he also gets the dice and a healing potion.

Is that OK? If no objections, I'll update my inventory later.
Jan 22, 2024 8:40 pm
Bunt says:
I'm fine with just the circlet. The chalice was for elegance points when drinking important potions
If you want the chalice, Skeeve will modify #2 above. He will trade in the onyx (50GP) from his stash (instead of the jasper) and take the dice and chalice. Then he just gives the chalice to Oliver.
Jan 22, 2024 8:56 pm
Alright, here's a our approximate wishlist. I think we can split starting there:

Ander venombane armor [300gp]

Grin velvet mask (+shiny things if available) [25gp]

Blornvid dwarven backpack [500gp]

Ealdwig dice-n-money! [25gp+...]

Oliver circlet [250gp]

Skeeve magic ring and dice (need to fight Ealdwig to death) [150+25gp]

Ishzu beyond material needs

Not assigned - -
Hellish gloves [300gp]
Small gold bracelet [50gp]
Cloth of gold vestments [55gp]
Copper chalice [25gp]
Raw 227.4gp


So here's what we can do. Those that are around 250gp or more in their desired item are good to go. This includes Ander, Blornvid, Oliver. Not Skeeve but aaalmost

If Ishzu agrees, it might make sense to give him the hellish gloves [300gp]. Would be quite flavorful (or a good sale).

Grin. Must. Get. Shiny. Things. We should give him the bracelet [50gp], vestments [55gp], chalice [25gp] and velvet mask [25gp] for a total of 155gp, which is a tie with Skeeve.

Ealdwig MUST get money. On top of the dice (assuming he wins his fight to the death with Skeeve), he should get nearly all money. Some should go to Skeeve and Grin, as their items are worth 150-155gp. I say 35gp for Grin, 35gp for Skeeve and the remaining 157.4gp for Ealdwig (plus the dice).


How's this for a starting proposal? We could make modifications starting from this point of approximate fairness
Jan 22, 2024 8:58 pm
Just saw your post. I'll see where we have points in common
Jan 22, 2024 9:09 pm
I’ll let you all work out the math, but Grin is generally happy with Bunt’s suggestions. He just wants a potion of healing on top of pretty shinies, so he’d give 50gp or equivalent to the sales folk for that.
Last edited Jan 22, 2024 9:10 pm
Jan 22, 2024 9:17 pm
Alright, so you'd be more interested in mask [25gp]+vestments [50gp] and gold. That can be managed... provided that Ealdwig likes something at the shop.

1) If Ealdwig is interested in anything in the shop, we can release some of his big pile o' gold (157.4) and give him the bracelet [50gp] and chalice [25gp] (you would put back 75gp and get these two items, and then use these items to trade)

2) I really really want to know Ishzu's opinion. Is there anything at the shop you like that you could trade for the gloves? I don't want to just forcefully hand them :P
Jan 22, 2024 9:18 pm
LOL - also, there were 2 pairs of dice I believe. At least in the first loot post by benevolent GM.
Jan 22, 2024 9:26 pm
Thunder_Lungz says:
LOL - also, there were 2 pairs of dice I believe. At least in the first loot post by benevolent GM.
OH! That improves stuff a bit. I'm going to summarize with updated changes below, temporarily forcing the chalice and bracelet into Ealdwig to release some money.
Jan 22, 2024 9:31 pm
Bunt says:
Ealdwig dice-n-money! [25gp+...]

Skeeve magic ring and dice (need to fight Ealdwig to death) [150+25gp]
Do note that there is no need for fighting between Skeeve and Ealdwig! The description said:
2 Pair of engraved bone dice (25 gp)
So, that means there are four fancy bone dice here! Skeeve suggests just splitting them so we each get a pair. Skeeve will just "buy" them like he said, give a pair to Ealdwig, and keep a pair for himself. Then they can play dice games against each other in some of their down times.

And again, I am pretty sure we can "trade in" the gloves for something else in Valpip's list if no one wants the gloves.

That leaves two main scenarios:
1) No one wants the gloves or any of Valpip's toys. That means (going by the glove value you stated) there is a total value of 407.4 (total coin+shinies) + 300 (value of magic gloves) = 707.4. Divide that out by three for the magic-less people and call it even.
2) Someone does want the gloves or one of Valpip's toys in return. Then that person gets a magic item, leaving just two left. So divide 407.4 by two and give it to the two magic-less people and call it even.

Whatever anyone wants out of the non-magic items is just included in their payout (if they didn't get a magic item) or they pay for it with their existing funds (if they did get a magic item). And don't forget Valpip's mini-magic store.

Skeeve doesn't need any of the cash, even if the ring is low-value, as Blornvid got the highest value item, and Skeeve will get to make use of it along the way. He's good.
Jan 22, 2024 9:36 pm
Ander: venombane armor [300gp]

Grin: velvet mask+vestment [25+55gp] +113gp in coin

Blornvid: dwarven backpack [500gp]

Ealdwig: bone dice+chalice+bracelet [25+25+50gp] +98gp in coin

Oliver: circlet [250gp]

Skeeve: magic ring + bone dice [150+25gp]+16.4gp in coin

Ishzu: hellish gloves? [300gp]

Raw coin adds up to 227.4gp (113+98+16.4 gp)
Jan 22, 2024 9:41 pm
Oh i see, @daryen. Sorry for not seeing you before posting. We can split the 16gp I wrote on you between Grin and Ealdwig, who currently have the lowest total item value [198gp], though I guess having largest amount of coin compensates a bit

Then we may need to move around the gloves depending on what Ishzu wants, as I've gone on a big assumption there
Last edited Jan 22, 2024 9:43 pm
Jan 22, 2024 9:45 pm
Works for me @Bunt. Though, technically, if Ealdwig and Skeeve split the dice, that's only 12.5gp each, not 25gp each. (I am pretty sure the four dice total were 25gp.) Don't want to over count the funds.

Actually, I'd say count Skeeve for the 25gp and not Ealdwig. Remember, he just took one pair. So, as far as Skeeve (pretends) to know there was only one set of dice.
Last edited Jan 22, 2024 9:56 pm
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