Descent into the Underdark

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Mar 2, 2024 6:07 pm
Ishzu has been mainly quiet. Partially for feeling useless during the goblin fight and partially because the crystal is gone.
"I am sorry I couldn't do more friends. Those goblins got the drop on me. Before we head out, I would like to thank the water Elemental that saved us."
Mar 2, 2024 6:16 pm
We can back up momentarily ...

The water elemental is gone and Ishzu can detect nothing in the pool. (It is still a magical pool; there just isn't any intelligence or thought residing in it.)

Also, I assume Ishzu healed everyone on the trek out.
Mar 2, 2024 6:30 pm
Yeah that is all fine. I was going to check the Water on the way out of camp. If you want to say I did it before that is ok.
Mar 2, 2024 6:44 pm
Tell ya what: You did a cursory check on the way out of camp, as I described above. However, you're all coming right back down, as it appears the group plans to go goblin hunting. You can do another check on the pool once you all get back down.
Mar 2, 2024 6:51 pm
Grin brushes crumbs from his shirt and says: Right! All ready, friends?
Mar 2, 2024 8:20 pm
Biting sporadically a block of cheese in his hand, Oliver approaches. "Yes. All is set. Fiznik reckons it should be possible to track the matrix node, but we aren't capable of doing it yet. We need to step back to the old school of tracking in a dungeon. The show is yours, Grin. Let's go."
Mar 2, 2024 9:45 pm
Showing off the whistle to the rest of the group: "Thank you Mr Grinfletch, another handy gift, lets hope i dont needed"
"Yes i am ready, lets free the caves from the goblin menace"
Mar 2, 2024 10:01 pm
"Oh, you got a whistle as well. Yes, that's an excellent idea, and it reminds me..."

Oliver produced two vials from his pouch, one with a deep purple color and the other with transparent shades of purple. He then gave them to Brewner.

"Take these two vials as well. If you mix them up, I might magically know where you are, using this circlet I'm wearing, unless there's someone with a beer between us."

Then he chuckled and snorted. It still sounded as funny as the first day.

"I do mean it, though. It's just wine alcohol and wine extract. If you mix them, you get wine, and this circlet always tells me the direction of the closest alcoholic beverage."
Mar 2, 2024 10:35 pm
I assume everyone's ready to get moving again.
After another long uneventful walk back down into the caverns, the group finds themselves at the Matrix Node again. Hoping for the best, they take a look at the pad to see what the pattern shows, but they are pretty sure it is not a valid pattern, or at least not the one used as it doesn't match any of the part that Ishzu briefly saw. Without that option available, the group is reduced to trying to follow the goblin's trail.
Ok, so the trail that Brewner and Grin had found leads off in a direction the group hasn't yet gone. Also, Ishzu implied he might want to check out the pool first. In which direction do you go?
Mar 2, 2024 10:58 pm
I think the pool and the trail go north west right? Or west, then north.
Right-o! Let me see, let me see!
Post roll
Hmmm, yes… he picks up a rock and sniffs it. Hmmm, yes… he knocks on the rock wall and listens. Hmmmmmmm, yes… okay! They came from that-a way! He points at the footprints.
Last edited Mar 2, 2024 11:03 pm


Dungeoneer Advantage - (3d6)


Mar 2, 2024 11:36 pm
While the others are searching for a possible goblin trail, Ishzu heads over to the pool of water.
He tries to create a mental connection with the water elemental that was in there before.


Ishzu: Test - Basic - (2d6)


Mar 3, 2024 1:05 am
You lost the huge crystal, and likely lost anything Ishzu was personally carrying during the encounter (unless you had a spot you could hide them directly on or in your person). But anything in the tent is likely still in the group's possession because the group took care to keep everything of value when escaping. So, you still likely have enough to trade, one way or another.
Mar 3, 2024 11:15 am
As Grinfletch follows the goblin's trail, Brewber makes sure to stay close to him in case there are enemies nearby.

In the caves, with so much darkness, Brewner focuses on his hearing to sense if there are enemies ahead.
Mar 3, 2024 6:11 pm
Ander stammers slightly stalwart.
Agh, we lost part of our loot, friends! Oh well. At least we live to tell tall tales, eh?
Our knightly fellow readies Trusty Sling in case of trouble. Which would get a sling bullet atop the noggin, if so!
Mar 3, 2024 6:32 pm
We were using Ishzu’s tent, right? Maybe he can at least salvage that. What gear did he use before? We can maybe get something in town to make sure he’s geared for a fight at least.
Mar 3, 2024 7:06 pm
Grin leads the team along the Goblin path he and Brewner found previously. The follow the path for a bit, almost losing track of it twice, but with the two of them working together they are able to follow it along. Until they reach a cavern covered in bright pink slime. The slime makes a relatively smooth surface, but you can't tell at first if this is because the cavern floor is flat, or just because of how the slime works. It is a comparatively small cavern, but still big enough that the torch light reaching the far side does not give much detail other than the relative size of the cavern.

As you stop to decide what to do, Grin, Brewner, Ander, and Oliver realize that Ishzu is not with the group anymore ...
What do you do?
Ishzu finds the pool and after doing a mental search for any thought or a remnant of the elemental finds nothing. The pool still has an active surface and still appears to be magical, but there is no hint of any elemental in the pool.
What do you do?
I am not breaking this apart, at least not yet, as Ishzu is not so far away that they can't get back together quickly. However, neither the group nor Ishzu now exactly where the other is. How do you handle this?
Mar 3, 2024 7:17 pm
Quick request for WhiteDwarf and Recardoi91: Please make your characters viewable so that I can refer to them easily. I can't change anything on them (no one but Psybermagi and you can), but being able to see them helps make sure I don't forget any abilities. To do that, please do the following:

The first thing is to go to the top toolbar and click "Characters" -> "All characters". This is highlighted by the purple arrow. You have to select "All characters" even if you have only one character.

You should then see the following image. I circled two icons in purple. Currently, the icon for the characters in question (Ander and Brewner) have the icon showing gray. Please click it to turn the icon red. Whatever you do, do NOT click the big red X. That would be very bad.

Mar 3, 2024 9:27 pm
As soon as he notices the pink slime, Oliver cannot contain his excitement. "Hohoho! Just whaaaat do we have here!?"

He took a sample into a vial and then closely observed, smelled and poked the substance in the wall with a stick (he wasn't brave enough to taste it just yet). "It's pink!" was his deep observation after a minute.


Substance identification - (3d6)


Mar 3, 2024 9:39 pm
Woh… very slimey looking. Want me to taste it? He looks around to wink at the others and notices that Ishzu is gone… Uhhh, where’s Ishzu?… awww, not again! Oh! He pulls out his whistle and blows it three times loudly.
Last edited Mar 3, 2024 9:41 pm
Mar 3, 2024 10:48 pm
Not finding any connection to the water Ishzu heads back to join the others... "Whatever you summoned in the water is gone now. I was hoping to thank them.
Sorry still dealing with feeling like crap. I do have
[ +- ] Camper's Respite
I would have set it up and left my pack in there since I don't need anything. The only thing I would have had on me is a simple staff.
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