Descent into the Underdark

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Mar 3, 2024 10:51 pm
okay cool! That’s a neat tent!
Mar 4, 2024 4:37 am
Smiley says:
I would have set it up and left my pack in there since I don't need anything. The only thing I would have had on me is a simple staff.
Woah! That is a nice tent! We'll assume the goblins missed it since they weren't looking for anything in particular, and since I'm betting you set it up a little distance away to use its camp ability. So, you still have it and your pack.
Shortly after Grin blows his whistle, Ishzu shows up, explaining he was trying to thank the elemental, but he found nothing at the pool.

Oliver experiments with the slime some and sees that it slowly digests organic matter, but not minerals. There might be other things immune to it, but he doesn't know what. From what he can see, they should have more than enough time to cross it without permanent effect, but they'll need to scrape it off of everything they don't want to lose. He also assumes that eating it or letting it inside (through their nose or a wound) would likely be bad.
I knew Oliver would be thrilled to find this stuff, and I'm terrified to see what he tries to come up with to use it ...

Anyway, what else do you do?
Mar 4, 2024 7:03 am
"Well you don't call me hopper for nothing"

Brewner crosses the slime in great leaps
Last edited Mar 4, 2024 7:04 am
Mar 4, 2024 7:36 am
Oliver still seemed delighted.

"It's pink! And it eats! I'm going to get a few and give them names. Their diets shall answer a few questions."

Oliver took out five more samples in vials and marked each with a letter, starting with the one that he had taken before.

"Alice, Bell, Cece, Dean, Ellie, Fang."

And he put a small leaf in each vial, letting the slimes slowly eat them up.
Mar 4, 2024 12:33 pm
Maybe Ishzu can just walk through unscathed and then kick a goblin in the face with his slime covered feet for extra slime damage.
Grinfletch watches in amazement as Brewner hops away. There goes Mr Hopper! Grin is curious about something. Before stepping gingerly across the slimy cavern, he takes a flaming torch and slowly approaches a patch of slime with the flame of the torch. If nothing happens, he will touch the flame to the slime.
Last edited Mar 4, 2024 12:33 pm
Mar 4, 2024 3:02 pm
"I have never tried communicating with a Slime before. Should I see if this pink stuff is sentient?"
Mar 4, 2024 3:27 pm
Before Brewner hops across the slime, you need to specify, in very general terms, where you are hopping.

I need to provide a little more detail ...

The room is roughly 60 feet in diameter, so the far side is at the limit of effective torchlight, giving very little detail on the far side. The slime covers the entire floor of the cavern, and spreads a up just a little on the edges, only a very few inches (it isn't consistent, but it's less than six inches). The surface of the slime is remarkably level.

You have approached it from the east (right-hand) side of the cavern. You can't tell for sure, but it does look like there might be a smaller exit on the far (west) side of the cavern. The rest of the cavern walls look have no openings, but the shadows could always be playing tricks on your eyes.
So, when you try to "hop across", where are you going? Are you going straight through the middle? Are you hugging the edge? Which edge? And when you do start across, give me a standard roll.
When Grin lowers his torch close to the slime, he can tell the heat is affecting the slime, but other than that it does not respond. When the torch touches the slime the part touched sizzles, but does not otherwise react.

Oliver's experiment with the leaves will show roughly how quickly it consumes the leaves. Right now, nothing much is happening as it isn't that fast. (Fortunately, it appears pink slime works way less slowly that more formidable slimes.)
Mar 4, 2024 3:52 pm
Is there any goblin mark footprint in the slime?

If there is Brewner going to follow them, if not, he his going to go near the south wall
Brewner takes some time to prepare and start to hopping across


Focus +test - (2D6)


Mar 4, 2024 4:04 pm
Ishzu carefully pokes one of the small samples of pink slime to see what it does to him.
Mar 4, 2024 6:27 pm
Grin removes the torch and inspects the area he burned out. He wants to know if it will grow back and how quickly.
Last edited Mar 4, 2024 6:27 pm
Mar 4, 2024 9:33 pm
Ander avoids the crazy slime at all costs!
Such vile substance, indeed!
Mar 4, 2024 10:10 pm
One at a time ...
Brewner takes his first hop onto the pink slime and finds that he has actually hopped into the slime as his boot submerges about four inches into the slime, he tries a second hop and this time his boot slides into the slime about six inches because of the uneven ground that he can't see, Brewner stumbles a bit, but catches himself. (If you'd failed the roll, you'd have fallen down.) However, his progress has been stopped for the moment. At this point, he can either continue on with a more deliberate walk (since the ground underneath is pretty uneven), or he can retreat back out pretty easily. In the end, his boots have a lot of slime on them which will need to be scraped off to prevent ruining the boots.

The pink slime does not seem to react to Ishzu. If he leaves his digit in the slime, it will attach to him, as it does with the surrounding rock, but it doesn't seem to react to him. Ishzu is pretty sure it would react to his equipment (backpack and staff) as they are composed of organic materials.

When Grin pulls the torch back, he sees that the surface that was touch, and the immediate surrounding area, is burnt and scorched. However, it doesn't have any real reaction. It doesn't retreat; it doesn't consume itself (at least not quickly enough to detect); it does not grow back (at least not quickly enough to detect). It just has a burnt spot now.

Quite frankly, Ander has a completely reasonable response to the slime. However, somehow the goblins managed to get through it relatively unscathed. Maybe there are clues about?
Mar 4, 2024 10:57 pm
"Would you like me to walk across with a rope? Give something to hold on to as you try and cross? " Ishzu starts removing his pack and staff and sits it away from the slime. He trudges right down the middle to see how deep it gets.
Last edited Mar 4, 2024 10:58 pm
Mar 5, 2024 2:34 am
Good idea, Ishzu! Maybe you can go see if there are any clues to how the goblins got through. I’ll look around the entrance here. Oh, and try burning the slime, it looks scorched here and like it might be okay to step on.

Grin inspects the mouth of the opening. As he does he wonders out loud: could we just walk through and wash off the slime?… we’d need some water… Oliver! That waterskin I gave you with the pool water - want to pour it on the slime and see what happens?
Rolling with advantage from dungeoneer but it’s okay if it doesn’t apply. It says " when
attempting to find your way through a dungeon or cave system".


Inspect (with dungeoneer?) - (3d6)


Mar 5, 2024 4:24 am
When Ishzu gets closer the middle, it drops to about three feet deep, but the deepest part appears to be a relatively small hollow (no more than 20x20. Most of the slime is only one to two feet deep. If you stay along the walls, it's only a few inches. However, when Ishzu moves into the hollow he bumps into something in the hollow. It seems to have a mass roughly that of a large human, but it is definitely not humanoid in shape. In fact, it seems to not really have any particular shape. It can be moved, however, as it moved when Ishzu bumped into it. But that movement was purely do to the impact of Ishzu's contact; it is not moving of its own volition or anything.

Grin looks around their side of the pool and finds a very odd looking set of items. They look like long boots, long gloves, and a mask that covers the eyes, nose, and mouth of a goblin. Despite obviously being made for a goblin, the boots and gloves look a bit oversized (but still not big enough for a human, or even a dwarf). It's like the boots and gloves are intended to go over a goblin's normal clothes. Grin can easily use the boots and gloves if he wants; they are close enough fit. The mask won't work as well, but it would suffice.
For a modern human equivalent of the boots and gloves, think of knee-high boots rubber boots and those "rubber" elbow-length gloves moms would use in the sixties to protect themselves from caustic cleaning supplies.

As for the burn mark, it doesn't really matter. Imagine burning a spot on the surface of an algae clump. Sure, that piece of the surface is burnt and damaged, but it's pretty irrelevant to the rest of the clump and doesn't change the (lack of) surface tension on the clump. If you step on the burn mark, it would be like it wasn't even there; you foot would go right to the rocky floor.

Two more quick items just to help a bit:
1) It is better to scrap the pink slime off. Water just doesn't do a great job of washing it off. It sticks to itself pretty well, so when you do scrape, it tends to peel off in sheets, to an extent. Water might help with the final bits, but the first 95+% needs to be scraped off.
2) The water from the pool simply becomes clear potable water when taken away from the pool. The magic is in the pool; it doesn't follow the water. I'll just say it came up as a side comment from Fiznik while pontificating at some point or as a side note from Skeeve when you socialized back in the tavern.
Mar 5, 2024 7:04 am
Brewner retreats and scraps his boots in the cave walls to take off pink slime.
Mar 5, 2024 11:02 am
Grin immediately puts on the rubber outfit and wills Veilstitch (his trusty cloak) to become the shape, coloring and texture of bat wings. He then starts skipping about the entrance to the slime cave area, flapping his "wings". Scree scree scree! Screeeeee! Look Oliver, I’m a bat!

He slows down after half a minute. Goodness it’s hard to breathe in that mask. What do you think it’s for?
Last edited Mar 5, 2024 11:05 am
Mar 5, 2024 12:57 pm
Sorry for taking a bit of time to answer this time. Oliver will be there soon. Please stand by :P
Mar 5, 2024 1:26 pm
"Maybe it's to avoid breathing or eating the slime by accident." Oliver raised the vials, looking at the samples slowly eat away the leaves.
"These cuties are very slow, but by the shattering are they inexorable. Imagine breathing or eating one of them." And he shuddered.

"I wonder... is alcohol organic for these fellas?" Oliver uncorked the first three slime vials. He gave Alice (slime A) a small square of cheese, gave distillated wine alcohol to Bell (slime B) and gave wine concentrate to Cece (slime C). Then he put the cap back on the vials.
-The cheese came from Oliver's lunch.
-Oliver had previously distilled wine into wine-alcohol and wine-extract. The first one should be mostly alcohol, while the second one should be mostly grape juice.
Mar 5, 2024 4:04 pm
Ishzu tries to remove whatever is submerged in the slime and bring it to the surface."Found something." He tells the others.
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