Chapter 1 - Introductions

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Oct 31, 2023 8:12 pm
Gideon rises to his feet, dusting himself off. He appears a bit flustered initially but quickly composes himself and acknowledges your help. "Well, they say there's more than one way to solve a problem, and I shudder to think how long I might've dangled up there without your assistance. As a token of my gratitude, please accept this letter," he says, handing you a sealed envelope. "Show it to Mr. Filmon at Squeakydoor Manor."

Gideon goes on to explain the reason for the letter, his tone filled with intrigue. "During my stay at the manor, I came across something truly extraordinary – a fragment of a medallion, one-sixth of its entirety. I carefully placed my fragment in the writing desk of my room, room 3. However, now that I've been called away for pressing matters, I thought it best to entrust this task to you. It seems possible that other guests at the manor may have stumbled upon the remaining pieces, perhaps mistaking them for mementos of their stay."

His eyes sparkle with curiosity as he leans in closer, sharing his growing suspicions. "I hold a strong belief that this medallion is intertwined with a profound mystery deeply rooted within the manor, perhaps even connected to its enigmatic owner, Mr. Filmon. If you choose to look into this mystery, it will be your duty to unveil the secrets concealed within this ancient artifact and the manor itself.

Gideon's voice lowers, and he imparts a critical piece of advice. "Moreover, I've gathered that Mr. Filmon is intricately tied to this enigma. It would be imprudent to directly question him regarding the medallion or its mysteries. Exercise caution in your interactions and safeguard the information you possess until the truth is revealed."

He continues, "As for my room at the manor, it's already paid for and at your disposal. Room 3, it was. Inside the writing desk's drawer, you'll discover one-sixth of a mysterious medallion."

You all have the opportunity to ask any questions you would like of Gideon. When you are ready to move on, simply state that you’re heading to the manor.
Nov 1, 2023 2:29 am
Bay rushes up to the pile of wounded mice made up of Hazel, Sky, and Gideon - helps them up, looks with them at their injuries, an anxious look on her face. Those were some nasty falls and some nasty landings.

But Bay doesn't have anything on her to help them heal up or recover - she can only offer her concern and sympathy. She thinks to herself:

"I guess things like this are a part of adventuring that I haven't thought about before. I'd only really thought about the exciting fun parts..."

Once they're all standing up again, and Gideon has told them about Mr Filmon, Bay says to Gideon:

"Glad you're OK, Gideon. Sorry that you had such a mishap! That does sound intriguing - I've got a few questions I'd like to ask, though, before I feel ready to go to the Manor as you suggest"

Bay then asks Gideon:

- what are the "more pressing matters" that have called him away - you like to understand the kind of thing he finds more important than this exciting mystery
- it sounds like Gideon already has some ideas about what mystery, what enigma, may be within the manor - what does he think is going on?
- why do we need to bring Filmon the letter? And what is in it?
Nov 1, 2023 12:32 pm
Gideon grins warmly, his gaze shifting towards Bay. "Ah, you are astute adventurers, always eager to gather every detail before venturing into the depths of intrigue," he commends.

BeardHare says:
what are the "more pressing matters" that have called him away - you like to understand the kind of thing he finds more important than this exciting mystery
"I'm a member of The Arcane Order of the Curious Mouse, a group dedicated to the investigation of mysterious objects and events. A dear friend and colleague of mine has sent a distress signal, seeking aid in the frosty environs of Tundraburg. The message carried an urgent tone, and I must hasten to their aid without delay."

BeardHare says:
it sounds like Gideon already has some ideas about what mystery, what enigma, may be within the manor - what does he think is going on?
He delves into Mr. Filmon's role in the manor's enigma, his voice laced with suspicion. "In connection to the mystery at the manor, I strongly suspect that Mr. Filmon himself is the source of the medallion fragments that have found their way into the hands of the guests. He exhibits peculiar behaviors at times, often vanishing for extended periods into the courtyard of the manor."

BeardHare says:
why do we need to bring Filmon the letter? And what is in it?
Gideon offers the letter, encouraging you to peruse its contents. "And as for the letter, please feel free to unseal and read it if you wish. It's a straightforward declaration, simply stating that I, Gideon, or those I designate, are entitled to stay in room 3 at the manor."
Nov 2, 2023 10:12 am
Shocked that the fat Gideon buried her friend under his mass, Hazel is quick to roll the mouser off her friend. Lending a helping hand to Sky, the brown mouse dusts her off a bit, but stops immediately as she notices the wincing in pain.

Giving Gideon a dark look, the archer starts to listen to his story and raises an eyebrow sceptically. Manor, six peaces, medallion. Sounds strange enough. Listenening to Bay's variaity of questions, Hazel is more than a little thankfull for her companions quick wit. All of them good inquiries.

"What kind of establishment is the Squeakydoor Manor?" asks the moon-signed mouse interested. They would see in a short time of course. But maybe there could be something gained by appearing there in a certain way.
@DM> I may have forgotten, but how do we "stand" on different races? Can all animals talk to each other? Does Hazel automatically assume (and rightly so) that Mr. Filmon is a mouse as well? Or could he be a bird, raccoon, hedgehog, ...?
Nov 2, 2023 2:02 pm
Gideon thinks for a moment and then answers Hazel's question. "Squeakydoor Manor is an imposing two-story building, exuding an air of stately grandeur. It was once the property of a prosperous noble family renowned for their fleet of ships, which played a vital role in Port Black. However, the family's fortunes took a dark turn when their only son mysteriously disappeared. Grief-stricken and burdened by this tragedy, they eventually vacated the region, leaving behind their ancestral estate.

In the present day, the manor has found new ownership in the form of Mr. Filmon. Under his stewardship, it has been transformed into a hotel, breathing fresh life into the old structure."
soises says:
how do we "stand" on different races? Can all animals talk to each other? Does Hazel automatically assume (and rightly so) that Mr. Filmon is a mouse as well? Or could he be a bird, raccoon, hedgehog, ...?
I try to offer a perspective centered on the world through the eyes of mice. You can generally assume that when referring to characters, they are mice, unless there is explicit mention of another species.

In terms of how they relate to other creatures, I try to stick with real world relationships. i.e. Cats are viewed as bad. Racoons and hedgehogs neutral. Sparrows good. Hawks bad. etc...
[ +- ] Language
Nov 2, 2023 9:30 pm
"This hotel doesn't by any chance have a healer, does it?" Sky grimaces as she touches her ribs with her right hand. She looks down to see if there are any more pips on the ground. Then asks: "Are you a rich ... investigator then, if I may ask? Who has paid for the room or in other words - whom do we owe?"

Sky brings some order to her dishevelled clothes, then quickly combs her face with her fingertips. She is almost ready to make for the manor.
Nov 2, 2023 10:27 pm
Gideon explains, "You would have to ask Mr. Filmon about a healer, but I’m sure that after a good rest you will feel as good as new.

The Arcane Order of the Curious Mouse generously takes care of my expenses and has graciously covered the cost of the room. As a member of this esteemed order, I place my trust in you to investigate the enigma during my absence. You might consider the complimentary stay at the manor as a token of appreciation for your assistance. Should this endeavor prove successful, I may have future mysteries in which your services would be invaluable."

Consulting his timepiece, Gideon offers a courteous apology, saying, "I'm truly sorry, but I must take my leave." With a nod and a friendly smile, he sets out on his journey toward Port Black, his figure gradually receding in the distance.

Gideon in a hurry left behind 33 pips on the ground.
Nov 2, 2023 10:45 pm
The group is left wondering on the effectiveness of Gideon as a member of The Arcane Order. There are valid concerns, considering his recent predicament of being ensnared in a tree, his pips scattered on the ground, and his hasty recruitment of a band of adventurers without posing a single question to assess their capabilities. Furthermore, they note that Gideon omitted any clear instructions on how to report back to him with the results of the mystery.
Simply state when you are ready to leave. I will assume the group heads directly to the manor unless you say otherwise.
Nov 3, 2023 3:36 pm
This Gideon character still rubs Hazel the wrong way and all his blundering doesn't change that a bit. Make it even worse. Nonetheless the story he told them sounds to exciting, to not to take a closer look. The prospect of a few nights in a fancy manor? Well, there are worse things in a wandering mouses' life. Ain't it?

Hurrying to pick up some of the coins, so that Sky won't get all of them — experience have tought Hazel that a coin left to Sky means a lost coin in a cardgame — the brown mouse stashes some of them in her pocket for later use. Maybe the room is already paid, but are the beverages as well?

"Strange fellow. Makes my tail curl." she confesses with a shudder to her friends as she finishes up. "Let's do exactly as he told us." Hazel continues with a dry grin and the wink of her left eye.
Ready for the next part of our journey. :D

Adrastheia and me could roll who was quicker and collected more pibs. *g*
Nov 3, 2023 5:04 pm
Sky mumbles indignantly as she has to split up the pips in equal parts. Sometimes she thinks her friends do not trust her - at least not with her financial prowess.
"Alright then, let us go to this manor and see for ourselves, if what there is some truth to what the clumsy fellow told us." Bay agrees and takes her share of the forgotten treasure.
Sky is looking forward to a soft bed for her next rest.
Nov 3, 2023 5:46 pm
As you approach the manor's imposing entrance, a scene of grandeur unfolds before your eyes. The ancient structure stands resolute, fashioned from meticulously cut stone, and its walls are covered in ivy. Keen observers among the group notice some windows on the upper part of the building just above the main entrance are mysteriously concealed by paper, effectively obscuring any view of the interior from the outside world.

The two-story structure surrounds an inner courtyard and opens its welcoming doors to reveal a fancy interior. The floors are polished wood, adorned with thick wall hangings that lend an air of luxury. Silver fixtures suspend oil lamps that cast a soft, warm glow throughout every room.
A map of the building can be found here, and I will post a copy of it in a reference thread.
[ +- ] Ground Floor
[ +- ] Second Floor

Mr. Filmon

SpiritualSocket Inactive forever!

Nov 3, 2023 5:51 pm
Mr. Filmon
As you stand in the lobby, your group is approached by an elderly mouse, bespectacled and clad in old-fashioned attire. He regards you with a measure of curiosity and speaks in a raspy voice. "Welcome! What brings you to these halls?"

Someone hands him the letter. He reads it and promptly responds with a nod.

"Meals are served promptly at 8, noon, and 6. You're at liberty to explore the open rooms on the first floor, and the estate offers splendid views of the surrounding landscape. Rest assured, your accommodations have been covered for the next 4 days by Mr. Gideon himself. Please, make yourselves at home and enjoy your stay."
Nov 3, 2023 5:53 pm
A quick note:

The adventure is very open as to how you want to proceed. Your two main goals are to retrieve all of the medallion fragments mentioned by Gideon as well as determine what is the so-called mystery he kept referring to.

You can explore individually or as a group. If you are ever at a point where you would like some direction as possible next steps, do not hesitate to ask. And as always ask as many questions about the situation or to NPCs as you would like.
Nov 5, 2023 9:41 am
Taking note of the paper blocking the view above, Hazel follows her two friends into the manor. At first the adventurous mouse is a bit tense, but all the soft lighting and wooden floors seem to calm her down. Especially her whiskers.

Hazel hadn't seen anything so beautiful in a long time and with eyes opened wide, she takes in the room with admiration. But they weren't just here to have a good time. There is a secret to be revealed. And that's why the mouse-brown archer whistles innocently, "Could you be so kind and show us to our room - Mr. Filmon?"

On her way up, she asks in a friendly manner: ""Please tell us something about the history of the house - it looks sooo impressive. Have you lived here for a long time?"

Mr. Filmon

SpiritualSocket Inactive forever!

Nov 5, 2023 1:01 pm
Mr. Filmon
Mr. Filmon readily agrees, his tone courteous as he utters, "Yes, of course. Right this way, please." He gestures for you to follow him as he leads you up the ornate staircase to the designated room, Room 3.

As you ascend the creaking wooden steps, he shares, "This manor has quite the history," echoing sentiments similar to those expressed by Gideon earlier. However, as he approaches the part about the missing son, his voice takes an abrupt and awkward turn. He blurts out loudly, "The son was never seen again!" The sudden outburst hangs in the air, creating an unsettling moment. Mr. Filmon comes to a stop right in front of Room 3, his features marked by an eerie smile.

Mr. Filmon waits by the door in case you have more questions. He will leave when the group goes inside the room.

Upon entering Room 3, you're struck by its pristine condition, a stark contrast to the aging exterior of the manor. It has a writing desk, a window, and 3 comfortably looking beds and chairs.
Nov 5, 2023 3:47 pm
"Are you the son, Mr. Filmon?" Hazel asks interested, without any concerns for manners or suchlike.

Mr. Filmon

SpiritualSocket Inactive forever!

Nov 5, 2023 3:59 pm
Mr. Filmon
Mr. Filmon offers a measured response, his tone tinged with curiosity. "That's a rather peculiar question," he remarks.

He then elaborates, "No, no, this was many, many years ago. I bear no relation to the family that once occupied this estate." His words suggest a clear distinction between himself and the history of the manor.
Nov 5, 2023 4:10 pm
"So how did you come by the house then?" nosey Hazel asks further.
I would like to roll if I am being lied to, or decived. :)
Last edited November 5, 2023 4:11 pm
Nov 5, 2023 4:17 pm
Excellent idea. Make a WIL save. If you succeed you will be able to tell if Mr. Filmon is lying. If you fail, you won’t be able to tell if he’s intentionally trying to deceive you.
Nov 5, 2023 5:39 pm
Never trusted this posh looking ... oh damn it! ;-)
Last edited November 5, 2023 5:39 pm


WIL <11 - (1d20)

(19) = 19

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