Ghostbusters: Miami looking for 1 more!

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Aug 23, 2016 1:42 pm
Apologies in advance for wall of text:

After a rather long hiatus I have returned to Gamer's Plane. Now that I am back I would like to run a new game but unlike my previous time here on GP I do not want to get involved with too much. For those of you who do not know I live a very busy life and I overwhelmed myself on GP by getting involved with too much. So that I am able to run this game in its entirety I do not intend to do anything but this. With the new Ghostbusters movie out in theaters and me being a lifelong Ghostbusters fan I have decided to run a Ghostbusters game using Ghostbuster International, a roleplaying game released in 1989 by West End Games. West End Games is also known for the zany but incredibly fun rpg Paranoia.

The Premise:
The year is 2016, a tropical storm is due to make landfall any day and the people of sunny Miami Beach are preparing for the worst. Despite not yet being classed a hurricane the coming storm is predicted to gain a large amount of power before hitting the Florida coast. Recent flooding in Louisiana has further heightened the panic. To make matters worse a prominent archaeologist recently reinterpreted the Mayan long count calendar and cross referenced it with ancient Sumerian accounts of a celestial body known as Nibiru. He announced to the world that the once fabled 2012 apocalypse was actually an error and that in fact the predicted end of civilization would occurs this very year. This crackpot theory has gained a surprising amount of media attention and traction even among the mainstream. To make matters worse in the growing hysteria of prophetic doom the city of Miami has been receiving reports of strange occurrences over the course of the last few weeks. Tension is high and fear fills the air of paradise....Who ya gonna call?

The Ghostbusters:
Not the Ghostbusters, because they unfortunately haven't seen much action since the early 90's. The Ghostbusters of New York saved the world from Gozer, prevented Vigo from returning to the world, and stopped Ivo Shandor from rising up as a new god, but despite all of that they have largely been forgotten in history. They managed to franchise after they face Shandor but the fall in supernatural occurrences after that events and the waves of problems from terrorism to the war on drugs that faces society caused most to forget about the supernatural horrors that happened only 3 decades ago. Almost all of the Ghostbusters franchises that opened went out of business from lack of work and even the Ghostbusters of New York had to find other ways to pay the bills.

The Player Characters:
Each PC will need be friends, family, or acquaintances of a disgraced professor of "theoretical physics" who has an obsession with the occult named Dr. Jordan Freidmen. The story opens with him having summoned each character to his home. He was recently discharged from Miami University for spreading crackpot theories and wasting grant money on unsubstantiated claims. The characters can have any background and profession you like but they are not Ghostbusters yet, probably know little of the ghostbusters, and may or may not believe in the occult. 1 character and one only could have latent psychic power this will give your character an edge but also come with a number of headaches.

About the RPG itself:
Ghostbuster International is a rules light system with a comedy horror atmosphere reminiscent of the films. The system uses a simple d6 pool system vs target number that ultimately was expanded to be used in the much more famous West End Game's Star Wars Rpg. The GM assigns a target number and players rolls a number of d6's equal to their trait. The pool is added and compared. Character creation is as simple as assigning 12 points among 4 stats (Brains, Muscles, Moves, Cool). Finally characters assign one talent to each of the stats, said talent must related IE: Brains: Physics, Muscles: Brawl, Moves: Pick Locks, Cool: Seduce. Actions relating to those talents roll three dice more than the linked stat. That is all there is too character creation aside from background, personality, and description.

I am looking for 3-4 brave souls willing to take the mantle from Ray, Egon, Peter, and Winston to become the Ghostbusters: Miami.

Any interest? Feel free to create a character or ask questions right in the thread.

Thanks for reading!

TL:DR - Who wants to be a Ghostbuster?
Last edited Sep 8, 2016 5:43 pm
Aug 23, 2016 1:54 pm
Sounds like fun! If I wasn't currently, as you say, involved in too much I would apply. Welcome back to GP! Happy gaming!
Aug 23, 2016 2:37 pm
Thanks for the welcome back and glad to hear you think it sounds fun. I definitely do not blame you for not wanting to add more to your plate. I was running two games, in three, running one over skype for another group, helping Keleth with the FAQS, and doing some terrain tutorials in the wargaming boards. I burned myself out of the hobby and decided to try other things for a while. I have been gone more than a year so its been a long hiatus, but I am quite looking forward to doing this.
Aug 23, 2016 3:53 pm
Since WEG has gone kaput, a lot of their game is available for free on the internet. I do believe I put up the link for Ghostbuster international in my free games and resources thread...

Edit: Yep, here it is.
Last edited Aug 23, 2016 3:59 pm
Aug 23, 2016 3:56 pm
Yes the rulebook is very easy to find, just barely needed. I can link it as well, thanks for mentioning that Kalajel, I should have mentioned it myself.
Aug 23, 2016 4:04 pm
Sounds awesome. I'm definitely interested.
Aug 23, 2016 4:28 pm
Glad to hear that Cosmic, you would be number 1 out of 3/4. Welcome aboard, feel free to ask any questions about the setting or character generation and post up the concept you are interested in playing. For now you can make it simply, profession / how you know Dr. Freidman, but if you are feeling ambitious feel free to post up the whole character. Kalajel linked the rulebook and I already explained the process above, it really is that simple.

Below is Dr. Friedman as a sample.
As you will see his Brains, Muscle, Move, and Cool add up to 12, he has no power as he is not psychic or mystic in anyway, and he has one talent per trait. Each talent is 3 points higher than the main trait.

One important caveat: Starting characters traits must be a minimum of one and no higher than 5. Dr. Freidmen is an npc hence his brains of 6. Stats can increase above 5 during play.

Name: Dr. Jordon Friedman
Position: Founding Partner of Ghostbusters: Miami / Former Professor of Physics
Sex: Male
Age: 64
Hair Color: Grey
Eye Color: Blue
Height: 6'1"
Weight: 205lbs
Goals: To have Paranormology recognized as a mainstream scientific discipline
Tags: Very Intelligent, Completely devoted to his work, Quiet but Stern, Disgraced in Scientific Circles

Brains: 6
-Paranormal Sciences: 9
Muscles: 2
-Carry Bulky Equipment -: 5
Moves: 2
-Sneak : 5
Cool: 2
-Intimidate: 5
Power: 0
Last edited Aug 23, 2016 4:49 pm
Aug 26, 2016 6:49 pm
I would be very interested in this as I'm a huge fan of Ghostbusters and the Ghostbusters RPG. I admit a heavy preference towards the original version rather than the International version, but they are similar enough I am sure it won't be an issue.
Aug 26, 2016 11:52 pm
Ah glad to see some more interest. Was seeming pretty quiet. Admittely I am very torn between the editions. I like aspects of both.
Aug 30, 2016 6:20 pm
I just put in a request to join. Character concept idea is the janitor assigned to the professor's floor. Not all that bright, but dependable and caring.
Aug 30, 2016 6:28 pm
Very cool and welcome to the team. I decided to get the ball rolling while we wait for one or two more players and as such have made a few out of characters posts in the game forum to discuss setting, characters, canon, rules, etc.
Last edited Aug 30, 2016 11:49 pm
Aug 31, 2016 12:31 am
This sounds really fun to try out! I just applied and am willing do do the psychic character if it's open. Character concept is the professor's lazy nephew who got kicked out of college and is currently trying to make it big on YouTube as a Let's Player, with little success, and has been doing odd jobs on the side to support himself and his dingy apartment. Motivation will be wealth.
Aug 31, 2016 12:33 am
Psychic is still available, and I like the premise of the character. Welcome aboard. I posted a bunch of preliminary stuff on the actual game board. I also opened up one more slot in case Cosmic is still interested (or anyone else for that matter).

That being said the game was originally designed for three so we are ready to start doing what we need to do to get this rolling. Lets move our discussions to the actual game boards.
Last edited Aug 31, 2016 12:47 am
Sep 3, 2016 10:49 pm
As I have not heard from one player in over a week, and have not seen them anywhere else on the site, I removed them from the game thereby opening up another slot. Anyone interested feel free to post here or apply. The game is public so you can view what has been posted so far to get a feel for it. In the game board is a subforum with a more in depth rules explanation as well as examples. Hope to see you in game!
Sep 6, 2016 1:20 pm
The game was originally planned for 3 but ended up with 4. Now that one player has been dropped I have 1 slot. It is not imperative that it be filled as we have 3 players but I was hoping to get 1 more now that we planned for 4. I am a very newbie friendly GM. Any new members of the site looking for a game I highly encourage you to join. The game is set in the modern world, is a well known IP, and the rules lite system is easy to learn. If you are interested in trying something different than D&D please come join us.
Sep 10, 2016 12:06 am
Azzorak asked me to come over here. I'm assuming the open slot is for the psychic character, if not I'll rewrite the sheet.

Name: Eugene Linus Ingman (E.L.I.)
Position: Discovered and recruited by Ghostbusters Miami
Gender: Cismale
Age: 26
Hair Color: Brown
Eye Color: Brown
Height: 5'9"
Weight: 120lbs
Goals: Eek out a living (no pun intended) working in animal care services. Sans supernatural interferrance.
Tags: Psionically Gifted, Great with Animals, Mildly Eccentric, New to the Area

Brains: 3
- Artistic Expression: 6
Muscles: 0
-"Handle" Animals: 3
Moves: 2
-: 5
Cool: 2
-Rapport: 5
Power: 5
-Telepathy: 8
Sep 10, 2016 12:18 am
Glad to have you aboard, unfortunately the psychic character was taken by awkward parakeet. Character otherwise looks pretty good but there are a few little things to note.

Stats are rated between 1-5. Power costs 2 points per level. Also we are still at the introduction in the game so you can be one of the people Dr. Freidman called over initially rather than somebody hired later. Build a relationship to Dr Freidman. If you apply for the game I will accept you and you can come over to our OOC board where there is more details on the setting, characters, and character creation. Look forward to playing with you!
Sep 10, 2016 12:25 am
This should be fine. (Just ignore the power specialty if that's not how it works.)

Name: Eugene Linus Ingman (E.L.I.)
Position: Dr. Friedman's Paranet contact
Gender: Cismale
Age: 26
Hair Color: Brown
Eye Color: Brown
Height: 5'9"
Weight: 120lbs
Goals: Eek out a living (no pun intended) working in animal care services. Sans supernatural interference.
Tags: Ex-Paranet informant, Great with Animals, Mildly Eccentric, New to the Area

Brains: 3
- Artistic Expression: 6
Muscles: 3
-"Handle" Animals: 6
Moves: 3
-DODGE!: 6
Cool: 3
-Animal Empathy: 6
Power: 0
-Telepathy: 3
Last edited Sep 10, 2016 12:27 am
Sep 10, 2016 12:56 am
Looks good, not being the psychic just means you don't even have a power trait nor any talent. Character is perfect otherwise. As soon as you apply to the game officially through the games tab I will accept your character and you can post in case#1. Make sure to read it all up until now just so you know how to jump in in a sensible way. Basically you would just be arriving at the professor's house.
Last edited Sep 10, 2016 12:56 am
Sep 10, 2016 1:43 am
Alright I accepted you into the game, feel free to post in case 1

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