Chapter 2 - The Investigation

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Mrs. Sprocket

SpiritualSocket Inactive forever!

Nov 10, 2023 9:51 pm
Mrs. Sprocket
Mrs. Sprocket turns her attention toward Sky, her friendly smile intact as she wipes her paw and extends it for a handshake. "I'm Mrs. Sprocket, and Mr. Filmon has me tinkering around the manor," she cheerfully declares. Gesturing discreetly to the pumpkin-wearing mouse, she lowers her voice, "That's Pumpkin Jack, an artist who doesn't like to be bothered while he's working."

Turning back to the grandfather clock, Mrs. Sprocket places her paws on her hips, a sign of evident frustration. "This clock's been my puzzle for a full day now, and I'm stuck in a rut," she laments, looking back at Sky with a wide smile. "Can you believe it?"

As Sky inspects the inner workings of the grandfather clock, she discerns a medallion fragment intricately affixed to the gears. It appears someone attempted to utilize the fragment's weight as a makeshift counterbalance at some point in time.

Pumpkin Jack

SpiritualSocket Inactive forever!

Nov 10, 2023 9:51 pm
Pumpkin Jack
Pumpkin Jack abruptly shifts his attention to Mrs. Sprocket and Sky, and in a rather loud and impolite manner, he issues a resounding "Shhhh!" with an exaggerated gesture, indicating a desire for silence.
Nov 11, 2023 8:39 am
Caught in the thrill of the chase, the brown furred archer squints her eyes in concentration, while holding her scarf in front of her mouth and nose. Sitting back on her haunches, she tries to remember what the little apartment looked like before the smoke obscured it so rapidly.


Wits 11 - (1d20)

(11) = 11

Nov 11, 2023 11:19 am
"Ooooh!" thinks Bay excitedly "Another piece of the medallion already?! I didn't expect to see one so soon!" (She is a very excitable, enthusiastic, confident, adventurous little mouse).

"I was worried that they would be hard to find, that people would be hiding them from us - what a surprise that the captain just showed it to me!"

"I don't want to steal it from the captain - I'll talk with my friends about this later, but I hope we'll be able to play with open cards and tell the captain that we too have a piece of the medallion. To tell him that we too want to solve this riddle - and that if we find a treasure, and it doesn't already belong to someone else, we can split it equally amongst those of us who find it. I'd much rather cooperate than compete with other treasure hunters!"

"It also sounds like part of the mystery here lies in the fate of the former owner's son - useful to have that as a thread to follow."

Turning to the captain she says:

"Why, yes, that piece of medallion does look very intriguing! And the fate of the son, hidden treasure, hauntings and curses - what an exciting place we have come to stay! I will definitely need to find out more about this."

"It sounds like the fate of the lost son may lie at the heart of this mystery - I'll definitely be asking other people what they know about that! Maybe there are some old newspaper article, old portraits, old documents around the house that can shed more light on that..."

"Thank you for your time, Captain! Hope to see you at dinner!"

And with that, Bay leaves the library, and heads off in search of Mr Filmon - perhaps he can tell her a bit more about the lost son?
Nov 11, 2023 1:42 pm
Hazel descends the stone stairs, the thick fog shrouding everything in an eerie ambiance. The air carries a distinct odor of dampness and decay as she moves forward into the obscured depths. Soon, a murky pool materializes before her, occupying the heart of the room. The pool's wall rises to her waist, and the room's length remains elusive due to the enveloping fog. Despite the limited visibility, the space appears no larger than an average-sized bedroom, suggesting the pool isn't overly expansive.

Uncertain of the pool's depth, Hazel observes the slick sides adorned with glistening green algae. Positioned at the right side of the pool, barely visible through the mist, are skeletal fingers—a hidden secret hinting at the unfortunate fate of another soul. Hazel stands at a crossroads, with the option to navigate around the pool to the left or right.
Nov 11, 2023 3:04 pm
Left, always left. Looking out for traps and other nasty things, Hazel tries to lift the skeleton up. Are there any rings? With heraldry or something? How deep is the pool? Does she see the ground?

After that she turns carefully left and tries this path.
Nov 11, 2023 3:08 pm
"I think I have an idea what's wrong here. Not all the parts are quite right. Would you mind terribly, Mrs. Sprocket, if I take a look? One of my hobbies, you see, is fiddling with delicate machinery. I will gladly give it a try while you get yourself a cup of tea, perhaps? This way you get a break and Mr. Jack will get some of the desired silence." Sky suggest calmly, but not in a whisper.

This is a common room, for everymouse to enjoy and the artist will have to deal with some conversation. She keeps smiling, but cannot quite contain one or two excited flicks with the tip of her tail. The second piece! If only she can extract it without too much fuss, they can combine the pieces and make some sense of what this all is about.

Mrs. Sprocket

SpiritualSocket Inactive forever!

Nov 11, 2023 3:17 pm
Mrs. Sprocket
Mrs. Sprocket beams in response, "Oh, what a lovely idea! I reckon it's almost dinner time, and a bit of freshening up wouldn't hurt." With that, she leaves her tools in the room and gracefully departs.
@Adrasthea please make a DEX save to retrieve the fragment from the delicate clock. Success will result in you pulling it out. Failure will result in you pulling it out, but with significant damage to the clock and a lot of noise.
Nov 11, 2023 3:19 pm
The pool exhibits a foreboding dark green hue, its depths shrouded in mystery, making it impossible to discern without the aid of a tool or a long pole.

As Hazel gazes at the skeletal hand, she notices it lacks any rings or jewelry. Should she wish to delve deeper into the investigation or attempt to retrieve it, she must traverse to the right around the pool instead of opting for the left path.
[ +- ] Going Left
Edit: Re-read your response. I see now that you tried to pick up the other skeleton. Will update this post shortly.

The skeletal hand is holding to the side of the pool. It's clearly attached to a skeleton that's completely submerged in the water.

Ok updated

Mr. Filmon

SpiritualSocket Inactive forever!

Nov 11, 2023 3:23 pm
Mr. Filmon
Bay locates Mr. Filmon in the dining room, immersed in final preparations for dinner. Upon spotting Bay, he offers a warm welcome, "Oh, what impeccable timing! I'm on the verge of ringing the dinner bell for our esteemed guests. After that, I usually take a stroll around the manor to ensure everyone is aware that the meal is ready."

A recollection surfaces in Bay's mind—Hazel had mentioned something about exploring the courtyard. The thought crosses Bay's mind that it wouldn't bode well if Mr. Filmon were to discover her in that area, especially given his earlier warning.
Nov 11, 2023 5:03 pm
"Ah, Mr Filmon! Yes! I've been enjoying my time in your wonderful manor immensely already - and I'm excited to join you all for dinner!"

"Perhaps I could join you in your stroll around the manor? Maybe you could show me some of your favourite parts and views of the old building?"

"I'd also be very interested to hear more about its spooky past - that's one of the things that attracted me and my friends to come out and stay here."
Bay is hoping to be able to distract Mr Filmon as he makes his way around the building, perhaps to take his attention away from any sign of Hazel in the courtyard. Also to maybe learn a bit more of the history of the building. But mostly looking to distract him - so will focus conversation on the topics that Mr Filmon seems most excited and engaged in.
Nov 11, 2023 5:20 pm
"Here goes nothing..." Sky mumbles as she very carefully pries the medallion piece out of the intricate mechanism. She tries it from a few different angles always worried she might break something. The prize is the mysterious piece, of course, but she does not wish to make problems for the kind tinkerer, who trusted her enough to leave this task in her paws.

With a slight metallic clink sound, the medallion finally comes lose. Deftly Sky transfers it into her pocket without looking away from the clock. Nothing to see here, Mr. artist. Business as usual. Then she honestly tries to assess the damage. Maybe she can help repairing the antique timepiece after all. She bets she can. How hard can it be?

"You wouldn't know anything about clocks, Mr Jack, by any chance?" Sky says while she retightens one of the smaller screws.
Last edited November 11, 2023 5:32 pm


dex save vs 11 - (1d20)

(11) = 11

Nov 11, 2023 5:35 pm
Filled with the urgent wish to find out more about this strange place, the courageous Hazel sneaks up to the second skeleton and looks it up and down in the dancing light of her torch. "What got you?" she asks a bit nerveous and turns her fuzzy haired head from one side to the other, trying to perceive what this ones demise had been.

As long as she can't find anything (even more!) dangerous the brown archer continues: "Won't be needing that, I assume." she mumbles apologetically and carefully loosens the skeletons grip around the spear shaft. After a last glance if this "stiff" one has the sign of a noble family or something equally interesting, Hazel turns around and comes closer to the right side of the pool.

Prudent and with tons of "respect" she first tries to gage with the help of her new spear how deep the water is. And then also tries to recover the dead. Maybe there are more hints to be found. Or even a piece of this puzzle!
Last edited November 11, 2023 5:37 pm

Mr. Filmon

SpiritualSocket Inactive forever!

Nov 11, 2023 5:36 pm
Mr. Filmon
Dining Room
Mr. Filmon strides over to a sizable gong and gives it a resounding strike, the sound echoing through the entirety of the manor, capturing everyone's attention. He welcomes Bay to accompany him, engaging in conversation as they stroll around the first floor.

In the course of their talk, Bay discerns that Mr. Filmon is purposefully emphasizing the spooky elements to draw guests to the hotel, crafting an image that revolves more around the mysterious allure of the surroundings than the manor itself.

"You know, the tales of ghostly whispers in these halls, the flickering shadows in the corners—just the kind of ambiance that sets the stage for an unforgettable stay. People love a bit of mystery, don't you think?"

The Courtyard
Mr. Filmon pivots towards the courtyard, a subtle hesitation lingering in his glance at Bay, as if contemplating whether to permit entrance. Nevertheless, he strides into the courtyard, swiftly redirecting Bay's attention to the raspberry bush. Despite the attempt to engage Bay, there's a discernible unease in Mr. Filmon's demeanor, suggesting a reluctance to enter the woodshed in Bay's presence.

Pretending nonchalance, Mr. Filmon remarks, "Odd, I could have sworn I left the woodshed locked. Well, it's about time to replace that old rusted lock anyway." He produces a gleaming new lock, securing the shed door with a decisive click. He and Bay then leave the courtyard.
@soises making a note here to make sure you read that last sentence as it particularly affects Hazel
Nov 11, 2023 5:41 pm
A distant gong echoes through the air, signaling the commencement of dinner.
Hazel's original course of action is interrupted.
As Hazel bends down to dislodge the spear from the skeleton's grasp, an unexpected occurrence transpires. The skeletal figure's head abruptly jerks upright, emanating a crimson glow from its eye sockets. Its gaze fixates on Hazel, sending an ominous chill down her spine. Simultaneously, she becomes aware of imminent danger. To add to the peril, the sound of the second skeleton emerging from the water behind her becomes increasingly audible.
Nov 11, 2023 5:49 pm
"OOOpppsss..." stamers Hazel in disbelieve. This comes unexpected. "Sorry?" she offers with a bit lip. But both of them don't seem to be interested in her apology, so the brown archer turns on her heels and climbs the ladder as quickly as possible. Up there she closes the trapdoor again and with panic in her eyes looks inside the shed if there is something large and heavy. A large cask of lamp oil would be her favourite thing to find. But the mouse would also take any tools or suchlike if they can be found.

Pumpkin Jack

SpiritualSocket Inactive forever!

Nov 11, 2023 5:52 pm
Pumpkin Jack
A distant gong echoes through the air, signaling the commencement of dinner.

A sudden miracle unfolds as Sky tightens the screw, causing the previously inactive clock to resume its rhythmic ticking. Pumpkin Jack, visibly frustrated, emits an exasperated sigh at the unmistakable return of the pendulum's swing.

In response to Sky's inquiry, Pumpkin Jack, his voice laced with arrogance, retorts, "Clocks and machines are beneath me, tasks for mice of lesser stature. I stumbled upon a small fragment, seemingly fit for some contraption, and nonchalantly discarded it out my window. Perhaps some child has taken it for play outside." With a dismissive wave, he adds, "Now, if you don't mind, I HAVE IMPORTANT WORK," swiftly redirecting his focus to the ongoing painting.
Nov 11, 2023 6:01 pm
"I'll leave you in peace and look for the offending piece, if only you could tell me which window you have tossed it out from. Which is your room, Mr. Jack? Also, do you not take dinner with us?"

Sky asks with a friendly demeanor while she places the grandfather clock in a spot that seems fitting enough. Then she turns to leave and sees Bay cross the hall outside with Mr. Filmore. The bluish mouse waits for an answer, then makes her way towards Bay.
Last edited November 11, 2023 6:02 pm

Pumpkin Jack

SpiritualSocket Inactive forever!

Nov 11, 2023 8:05 pm
Pumpkin Jack
With an exasperated sigh, Pumpkin Jack reluctantly sets down his paintbrush. "Fine, I suppose I might as well eat since I can get nothing else done. Oh, and about that fragment, I tossed it out near a circle of mushrooms," he states, clearly irritated, before rising from his seat and making his way to the dining room.

Mr. Filmon

SpiritualSocket Inactive forever!

Nov 11, 2023 8:09 pm
Mr. Filmon
Sky and Bay
As Sky leaves the living room, she unexpectedly collides with Bay and Mr. Filmon, who are just concluding their rounds. Mr. Filmon greets her, "Oh, hello. Dinner is now served in the dining room. I hope you will join us. Everyone is accounted for except your other companion. What was her name again? Hazel?" After a brief pause, he recollects and adds, "Oh, and of course, Count Gregory. He does not join us for meals."
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