Chapter 2 - The Investigation

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Mr. Filmon

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Nov 20, 2023 8:46 pm
Mr. Filmon
Mr. Filmon finally agrees, "Alright. I see you're convinced there's trouble. Wait here for a moment while I fetch some rope and a net. Is there anything else you think we might need?"
Moved Mr. Flimon’s response after Sky’s
Nov 21, 2023 8:47 am
"Better to be ridiculed by a child than not to lend a helping hand to one in need." Hazel replies nonchalantly. "Enjoy your breakfast Melody. I'll catch up with you later." says the brown furred archer as she is taking her leave. One thing after the other. Maybe she could aid her friends with the captured child. The piece of the singer and the counts must have to wait for now.

Following the others outside, Hazel readies her bow as she had overheard something about a crow. Not a fight the mouse is keen on, but better to be prepared than caught with your furry trousers down!

Whispering to Sky and Bay Hazel lets them in on the most recent news: "I have discovered another of 'our things'. Let us get yours first and then plan how to move forward." as she trippels behind them.
Nov 21, 2023 1:05 pm
Mr. Filmon takes his time but eventually returns with a rope slung over his shoulder and a net in hand. "Apologies for the delay. I had to search for a net, and I found this old fishing one in storage," he explains, displaying a hint of annoyance but maintaining his effort to please his guests.

As the group exits the manor, an unnatural crack echoes in the air, followed by another and a thud, accompanied by what seems like a scream. Upon reaching the spot where Blossom was last seen, the scene has transformed. Blossom is nowhere to be found, but the fragment piece she was playing with lies in the grass nearby. The mushroom circle has vanished, and all the mushrooms are cut up. The dirt circle however remains. Crow feathers litter the ground, and the branch where the crow was perched now hangs broken, swinging back and forth and bumping into the tree base. A keen mouse observer might notice traces of blood near the top of the tree where the crow originally rested.

Most peculiar is the sudden dampness of the entire area, which was dry before, and there is no evidence of rain.
Nov 21, 2023 7:31 pm
As the whole company is turning towards Sky and Bay, Hazel quick- and quietly palms the missing puzzle piece and tries to look as expectant at her friends as the rest of this small gathering.

Inwardly the nut brown adventurer punches her tiny fist triumphantly up on the air! One more! Yeahaaa! Suppressing a dance of joy - with lots of hip thrusting and tail waggeling! - the archer keeps her pokerface for the moment.
Last edited November 21, 2023 7:32 pm
Nov 21, 2023 7:36 pm
Sky feels as if someone has punched her right in the gut. They have hesitated and now it is too late. The child is gone and nothing remains of her except for the blood now blossoming on the injured bark of the dead tree. The blue-furried mouse scans the area where the shrooms have been, but there are no traces of the peculiar magnetism it seems. Instead Sky feels herself drawn to the tree. Silently she walks towards it, trying to steel herself against the sight of any ... bits ... she might find there.
has anybody joined us or are we three out here alone? thx
Last edited November 21, 2023 7:39 pm
Nov 21, 2023 8:09 pm
OMG my jaw dropped when I read about what had changed outside?!?!
Bay is flabbergasted. Like. What in the world HAPPENED HERE?!

She is stunned. She has no idea what to do next....?!

She looks around, sees Sky moving towards the tree, and follows her...
Nov 22, 2023 1:03 am
The mice outside are Mr. Filmon, Hazel, Bay, and Sky.
Mr. Filmon scans his surroundings with a hint of irritation, but he maintains a friendly demeanor. "It seems the danger has passed," he announces, "so I shall return to the manor and complete some tasks." With that, he swiftly makes his way back to the house.

As the group approaches the tree hollow, they notice that it is dark inside. One of the mice lights a torch, and it's flickering light illuminates the interior, revealing a one-room chamber. On the left side lies a mouse skeleton dressed in an unusual outfit. Beside it, a mask rests upon a small, intact journal. Additionally, near the skeleton, the wall is crisscrossed with cracks that are barely noticeable to all but the most observant mice.

On the right side of the room, there is an almost perfectly smooth hole, as if something has tunneled through the wall. The tunnel is small, but a mouse could squeeze through if it chose to crawl inside. However, movement would be extremely difficult, and there is a high risk of getting stuck.
[ +- ] In life the skeleton mouse might have looked like this
One of you will need to mark 1 usage on a torch in your inventory
Nov 22, 2023 3:31 pm
The mouse slowly realizes that this didn't turn out the way the two friends had imagined. It's a good thing she didn't let on!

Waiting helplessly next to the other two mice from Mussdorf, both of whom appear to be in shock, Hazel finally goes forward and grabs the journal. What is written here? And who might this mouse have been?
Nov 22, 2023 3:56 pm
Pushing the mask aside, Hazel reaches for the journal, its brittle pages threatening to crumble with the slightest touch. She hastily scans the contents, and two entries catch her eye.

Upon careful observation, I have noted the peculiar behavior of the mushrooms inhabiting this region. They exhibit characteristics akin to a predatory nature, luring unsuspecting prey into a confining circle where the victim is ensnared and, ultimately, succumbs to the grasp of hunger. It is my belief that these mushrooms release an arcane dust, affecting the minds of those who encounter them. However, I am optimistic about my invention—a special mask designed to shield against the mushrooms' effects. Contemplating the wealth of knowledge we could glean from further exploration of this phenomenon fills my mind with anticipation.

On this day, weariness consumes me as I stumble upon a magnificent tree, a promising site for establishing my research camp. This arboreal specimen, while intriguing, emits an unusual noise, as if myriad minuscule sticks are rhythmically tapping against its venerable wood from the inside. To unravel the mysteries embedded within this tree, further investigation is imperative.
Nov 22, 2023 8:28 pm
Bay is even further shaken by the haunting macabre scene that unfolds as she peers inside the tree. Adventures aren't supposed to be as scary and overwhelming as this?!
If Bay had seen, or heard from Hazel, what was written in the journal, she would be EXTREMELY worried about the tree hollow closing behind them, or something happening to trap them all inside the tree - given that this is what seems likely to have happened to this mouse skeleton - but for now, she is just shocked by how awful this all seems to be.

She has marked one use of Torches from her inventory.
Nov 23, 2023 10:28 am
After sharing what she has read with her friends, Hazel isn't sure how to proceed. Digging one of her toes in the ground and drilling a small hole in the dirt, the brown furred archer asks: "One adventure at a time? We gathered half of the fragments." Looking up she continues with assurance: "Let us collect the other ones and see where they lead us."

For owning all six pieces is only one part of the mystery. Where to set them when they are united? Should their group sneak into the shed again and fight the skeletons? For they for sure keep watch over something significant. Mr. Filmons reactions about the place seem to indicate there is something of importance is hidden.

"I have an idea how to collect the fragment from the count. He is a vampire, did you know?" she asks more light hearted every moment. "Do you guys help me with that, or do you want to focus on the captain?"
Nov 23, 2023 4:32 pm
Will provide more info once I see how Sky reacts
Nov 23, 2023 9:08 pm
Bay is very worried about the situation, about what Hazel has read in the journal. And she's relieved that Hazel is suggesting focusing, for now, on the medallion pieces. That feels less dangerous, less horrific, than what's happened in this tree, what might happen in this tree, and what happened with the other skeletons!

"Yes, Hazel, I agree - let's focus on the medallion pieces for now. And, er, I'd like to stick together a bit more than we have been given how SCARY some of this stuff is! So I'd like to come up with you to try and do something about the fragment that the count has..."
Nov 25, 2023 2:05 pm
Sky is hesitant to leave. She plays around with the dice in her pocket for a moment, then decides to bow to the majority.
"Alright then. Let's see what we can find out with more medallion parts. I guess I could try to play the glamormouse for her piece. As for the count - I don't know a whole lot about vampires. What about pulling the paper off the windows - this should distract him, right?"
Nov 25, 2023 2:25 pm
While talking, the trio becomes attuned to the rhythmic tapping of innumerable tiny sticks emanating from within the tree's core. A collective instinct kicks in as they recognize the sound as that of a creature in motion. Abruptly, a disgruntled centipede emerges from the hole that had been hollowed out on the tree's right side, its ire evident as it methodically crawls out.
Nov 25, 2023 2:49 pm
Sky takes the torch and pushes the fiery end in the direction of the emerging fiend. She is careful to stay out of reach, but draws her sword in anticipation of the imposing masticatory organs she spies on the creature. This insect does not mean well!

"It might be poisonous! Let's get out of here!" She swings the torch again, hoping to chase the thing away with fire and light, but she is ready to jump back if the need arises.
Nov 25, 2023 2:58 pm
Sky's swift response with the torch momentarily startles the centipede, creating a brief window for the trio to flee should they decide to make a hasty escape.
No save required if the group decides to flee right now
Nov 25, 2023 4:11 pm
"I already have a plan for the count. With a little luck, our singing sweet heart also .." Hazel proudly starts before she suddenly trails off into silence, as the centipede appears. Making good use of Sky's clearity of mind, the brown archer pushes Bay in the direction of the manor with a high yelp and starts running. A fight avoided is a good fight!
Nov 25, 2023 6:41 pm
Bay panics and freezes when she sees this MONSTER surging towards them.......! Thankfully Hazel pushes Bay away from it, up and out of the tree towards the manor, and Bay lets herself be mousehandled out of the way like that. Bay's heart swells with admiration and gratitude for her friends - Sky was so brave, pushing the monster back like that with her torch! Once pushed away from the tree, she looks back inside the tree to see how Sky is doing. Bay wants - NEEDS - to be ready to rush back in and help her friend if she needs it!
Nov 26, 2023 5:43 pm
Sky throws what remains of the torch in the direction of the insect's head and quickly follows her friends. She stops after some distance, sword still in hand, to see if they are followed.
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