Curing Eldergrove

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Feb 12, 2024 11:54 am
Barley stands arms akimbo and stares at the floating beast. Quick as lightning, he swings his arm forward and releases two powerful psychic bolts towards the doppelganger.


Telekinetic Blast - (2d6)


Telekinetic Blast - (2d6)


Feb 12, 2024 1:37 pm
You slay the captive creature.
Feb 12, 2024 2:10 pm
Vaun looked at Rhidon that remained. "I hope we have the actual Master Axehorn with us." He then turned to everyone, "Well done everyone. This place is riddled with traps and monsters. I wonder what lies ahead, but we still have to push on and heal the heart."
Feb 12, 2024 10:38 pm
You check the room and look throgh the two open archways but and and detect no additoinal surpises. The room to the south (2) is empty save for a single figure wrapped in vines that hold it in place against the south wall next to the archway that leads east from it. The eastern room (4) has a gate that leads to a room with a balcony. The east room itself has several small skeletal figures scattered through the room and as you look in the Elemental crosses the room to its southern door, awaiting you.
Feb 13, 2024 1:26 am
Rhidon looks to Vaun and jokingly assures him that he is the original, "Don't worry it's me, a doppelganger wouldn't know we were sent here by The Thief, right?"

Rhidon tries to look into the room with the skeletal figures, but from down the hall without actually getting into it, from an angle that allows him to get a better look at the skeletal figures.
He's trying to get an idea how many, how big, and what sort of creature they were in life.
Last edited Feb 13, 2024 1:27 am


Stealthily look into the room with the skeletal figures - (2d6)


Feb 13, 2024 1:47 am
The single figure in 4 is human/elf sized while those in 2 are smaller like duende
Feb 13, 2024 6:34 am
Vaun smiled at the joke and then nodded. "What do you see, Master Axehorn? Anything noteworthy in the adjacent rooms or do we have to prepare for anything waiting there?"
Feb 13, 2024 11:38 am
While Rhidon inspects the skeleton, Barley does not move but reaches out with his mind towards the figure wrapped in vines, trying to see if their mind is still intact.


detect minds - vine figure - (2d6)


Feb 13, 2024 12:42 pm
All that Barley is able to sence in the room is the everpressent pressence of the tree. No thoughts or life force is felt from the body. However as you sinish scanning the body and begin retracting your sences you feel somethibng else, and it follows you retracting senses. To your eyes you see the figure rise, only to realize it is a phantom of the body.

The desicated form slowly shifts, expanding and gaining faint color to setle on the form of a lady. Though shorter than most humans she does not have lithe forms common to elves. Looking strait at Barley she asks Why have you come here? For what purpose do you disturb this childs rest?
Feb 14, 2024 2:10 am
Stalker05 says:
Vaun smiled at the joke and then nodded. "What do you see, Master Axehorn? Anything noteworthy in the adjacent rooms or do we have to prepare for anything waiting there?"
"There's a man-sized skeletal figure in the one room, and two smaller ones in the other."
Do we all see the phantom, or only Barley on accounts of his psychic powers?
Feb 14, 2024 12:19 pm
The figure is visible to all
Feb 14, 2024 1:15 pm
Barley formally bows and says, "We mean you no harm good lady. My friends and I seek to ease the tree heart's mind and bring an end to the terrible plague that ails this city. Surely you are aware of it's fallen state? We believe that we can soothe the heart and convince it to stop the rapid growth. We are not here to hurt or threaten it in anyway."
Last edited Feb 14, 2024 1:15 pm



Feb 14, 2024 4:17 pm
words are easy to say but can hide sinister intent. What do you think you can do for this city? The people are gone, the heart is scared are hurt. How can you help?
Feb 15, 2024 1:51 pm
"Once the heart is soothed, the city can be repopulated. We can bring back the merchants and the crafts people to learn from the shades that inhabitant this place. We have met the spirit of your artisan, they wish to create and rebuild. Would you rather be a source of light my lady, or forever trapped in this sorrow? Something powerful sends us visions of what once was, I believe it is the tree.", replies Barley.
Last edited Feb 15, 2024 1:52 pm



Feb 15, 2024 2:24 pm
More pretty words. But the Treeheart had seen much violence from you. You even attacked those it had saved.
Anyone can talk to the phantom if they wish
Feb 15, 2024 2:44 pm
Vaun walked forward and bowed to the phantom, "My lady, we do not speak lies. We want to help the Treeheart and we are taking the utmost care not to harm anything. We have tried to save a citizen of the Eldergrove and he has insisted that we save the heart. I do not know what violence you mean that we have done, even guardian elemental's are guiding us, as our wish to help Eldergrove is of pure heart. We don't want to gain anything, we simply want to help. If we have attacked anyone, it was purely out of self preservation. The spirits of the city have also seen that we can create too. That's why we received these tokens." Vaun showed the phantom, one of the crafter tokens he got.

"We just want to know what ails the Treeheart and provide any help we can."

OOC: I am rolling to persuade the phantom that we just want to help.


Persuade Phantom - (2d6)




Feb 15, 2024 3:18 pm
How did you try to save citizens? The Treeheart felt you cut away her influence and allow an artisan to die! the spirit glares at Vaun and Barley
Feb 15, 2024 9:05 pm
Hey all, I posted in the TinyChat forum, but in case you don't read it there, I'm going to have to step away from the game for a bit since my life has gotten busy. It's been a pleasure playing with you all, and I hope to be back soon!
Feb 16, 2024 2:13 am
Hope to see you around, it's been fun.
Rhidon takes a step forward and tries to hum the song the girl sang in his vision. He also looks around the room to see if her energy seems to have any impact on the surfaces or items near her.


How close Rhidon gets to the song from the vision - (2d6)


Feb 16, 2024 12:43 pm
"No matter what the intent, the cure was worse than the disease. It may have stemmed the disease but it took away the artisan's chance at a meaningful life. The artisan was wasting away on the vine without mind, barely with a soul.

Have you been beyond these walls? Have you seen the price of the heart's sweet embrace? We come to calm it's frighten mind. It has been too long in the dark. It is time for it to feel the light.

How could we convince you of intent? Are you the heart's keeper or jailer? How would you about the artisan otherwise?

All I can offer you are my memories and experiences so far in this kingdom. If we share minds, you can gleem intent, but I will not share minds with one unwilling to do so."
, Barley says with stern determination.

"Was the vine's solution do to your guidance, my lady?", he thinks to himself staring at the phantom.
It's been fun playing with you @avylazyboy. Good luck on your journey!
Last edited Feb 16, 2024 1:05 pm
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