Curing Eldergrove

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Feb 22, 2024 6:19 am
Vaun listened to his friends and the phantom discuss their thoughts about the Treeheart. He added, "I am sure everyone tried their way to make the Treeheart understand. Perhaps it was a misunderstanding, so let us try again. This time, we have a bit more knowledge about how Treeheart understands and communicates? Maybe we will allay it and communicate properly that we want to save it and make this city prosper."
Feb 22, 2024 12:49 pm
"That's a solid plan, Vaun", Barley says to the doctor.

Turning, Barley stands away from the door and raises with hand.

With a booming voice he says, "Friend!"

Then he examines the ruins on the door.


scholar/Elvish read runes - (2d6)


Feb 22, 2024 1:58 pm
Nothing happens and the phantom gives you an odd look before passing through the door.
Barley lookks over the markings and realizes there are dwarvish runes mixes in with the arcane glyphs. Barley recognizes a couple symbols but Rhidon is called to read the rest.
Dwarvish runes says:

Mouttain , Stone, Dirt , Uplift, Sand , Crystalization, Volcano , Boulder , Pebble , Weather , Earthquake , Landslide , Erosion, Metamorphosis
There are some other dwarvish runes but they are of an uncommon nature.
Vaun and Rhidon can test to decipher the other scripts, Barley is stumped
Feb 22, 2024 3:07 pm
microtheMacroBear says:
With a booming voice he says, "Friend!"
I don't have any tokens to speak through, but I have to give props for the attempt, even though it didn't work.
Feb 22, 2024 3:17 pm
yeah, it made me chuckle but still... No
Feb 22, 2024 4:58 pm
Vaun looked at the runes for sometime when he understood that they were trying to mean something. He tried to remember if he had read anything about this. He started taking notes from the runes but looked up at the abrupt reaction from Barley calling someone.

OOC: Trying to decipher the runes with Educated roll.
Last edited Feb 22, 2024 5:00 pm


Educated trait roll - (3d6)


Feb 22, 2024 5:52 pm
Vaun thinks the other runes are some kind of verse about a cycle of rock life?
Feb 23, 2024 2:38 am
Sorry for the delay, busy couple of days.
Rhidon tells the others the meaning of the symbols he recognizes, "We may want to make copies of this script as well." and then thinking outloud adds with a shrug, "I wonder if they're pairs. Mountain landslide, boulder pebble."

Thinking back on the trade he's done over the years, he tries to remember if the symbols he doesn't recognize are part of some regional dialect he may be familiar with once he recalls additional context.


Thinking if he remembers seeing the other scripts. - (2d6)


Feb 23, 2024 5:20 am
Rhidon recognizes the script as one used by lore keepers. They were sometimes also mages and enjoyed using lore to craft locks that would be simple to them but hard to others. Rhidon concurs that the verse is likely the key top open the door and recalls the Cycle of Stone is all about how the world is formed and will be destroyed, only to be reborn again. The key words are likely those that deal with changes in rock, not rock types themselves.
Dwarvish runes says: says:
Mountain , Stone, Dirt , Uplift, Sand , Crystallization, Volcano , Boulder , Pebble , Weather , Earthquake , Landslide , Erosion, Metamorphosis
I'll let you bounce ideas around and based on your rolls already done confirm and give directions as you chat and experiment.
Feb 23, 2024 5:50 am
OOC: Looks like Erosion will go with Dirt, Earthquake with Landslide, Crystallization with Metamorphosis and Volcano with weather?
Feb 23, 2024 1:09 pm
That makes sense to me.
"Vaun I see you pondering over there. Would you like to try your solution?, says Barley.
Feb 23, 2024 2:01 pm
Vaun absentmindedly nodded, "Ah, Barley, I was wondering if this goes with this (pointing at Erosion and Dirt) and this with this (pointing at Earthquake and Landslide) and this with this (pointing out at Crystallization and Metamorphosis)?"

He read out those runes and looked up at the door.
Feb 23, 2024 4:04 pm
typo on dirt. it was supposed to be crossed out and not underlined. my bad.
Speaking the words has no reaction but you note the symbols are in easy reach so try touching them. Vaun senses a slight reaction as he touches Erosion and Crystallization. After some discussion you figure it is likely a combination of sorts so the order is probably important and has 2 to 6? symbols. If this leads to a secure vault it might be more but if it just secures an area then it should not be too long.
Feb 24, 2024 1:52 am
"If the first two are Erosion and Crystallization, perhaps Weather is next leading to Landslide?"
I'm thinking maybe it is the order that these transformations occur naturally like the water cycle, but for earth items.
Feb 24, 2024 3:06 am
Ding ding ding. but note their cycle may differ from ours (though based on the same ideas) I will give it the weekend for any who wish to propose patterns then confirm or give hinds on Monday
Feb 24, 2024 1:53 pm
daryen says:
microtheMacroBear says:
With a booming voice he says, "Friend!"
I don't have any tokens to speak through, but I have to give props for the attempt, even though it didn't work.
Lol, it was worth a shot.

Way to go Rhidon!.

Here's my pitch for the cycle.

Weather leads to erosion and that leads to landslide. Earthquake leads to an uplift which forms a volcano.

The volcano erupts spitting lava which cools and turns to stone giving us crystallization and metamorphosis.

1. Weather 2. Erosion 3. Landslide 4.earthquake 5.uplift. 6.volcano 7.crystallization 8. Metamorphosis
Last edited Feb 24, 2024 1:53 pm
Feb 24, 2024 2:07 pm
microtheMacroBear says:
daryen says:
microtheMacroBear says:
With a booming voice he says, "Friend!"
I don't have any tokens to speak through, but I have to give props for the attempt, even though it didn't work.
Lol, it was worth a shot.

Way to go Rhidon!.

Here's my pitch for the cycle.

Weather leads to erosion and that leads to landslide. Earthquake leads to an uplift which forms a volcano.

The volcano erupts spitting lava which cools and turns to stone giving us crystallization and metamorphosis.

1. Weather 2. Erosion 3. Landslide 4.earthquake 5.uplift. 6.volcano 7.crystallization 8. Metamorphosis
OOC: Well done, Barley! I think this is possibly the right order.
Feb 25, 2024 1:20 am
Agree! That order makes sense to me.
Feb 25, 2024 5:17 pm
Barley says:

1. Weather 2. Erosion 3. Landslide 4.earthquake 5.uplift. 6.volcano 7.crystallization 8. Metamorphosis
Barley's attempt gets reactions on 4 of the symbols then stops. Trying all series of 4 on that list results in nothin
next clue tomorow morinig
Feb 25, 2024 8:20 pm
Sounds good! Which 4 get a hit? The first 4?
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