Session Zero

Nov 12, 2023 11:51 am
Hello everyone! Welcome! Very excited to play with you all!

Lines and Veils
First up, please head over to this Lines and Veils Google Sheet (this one is taken from Happy Jacks) and indicate topics/themes you want excluded from the game, and perhaps some topics you're particularly keen to have included. At the top right please indicate whether/how you are open to romantic action for your PC, and indicate by filling in the box that you've seen/edited the sheet.
Nov 12, 2023 11:54 am
Choosing Playbooks, building characters
So, now we're all together, which Playbooks/concepts do you want to go with?

When building your characters, put everything into the sheet apart from Connections and Personal Directive - we'll add those once all the rest of the Playbooks are put together.

Please ask any questions about the universe, the ship, the game, etc.

Character Sheets
The GamersPlane Custom Character Sheet template/snippet below will hopefully help everyone build their character. You'll still need to edit a reasonable amount of the text according to the specifics of the Playbook you go for.

If any of you want a pregenerated sheet, just let me know, and I'll make one for you.

Here's an example sheet I quickly threw together for The Normal Playbook: Gar-Chat the Normal
[ +- ] Starscape PC V1.0
[ +- ] Starscape PC V1.0
Nov 12, 2023 1:34 pm
Your ship - The Ballerina

There is a Playbook for the ship - usually we would build it together collaboratively, but to keep things simple for me doing this for the first time, I've made it for you here:
The Ballerina's playbook.

I can't see a way to make this editable by everyone, so I'll keep track of and make any changes that are needed to the playbook.
Nov 12, 2023 1:44 pm
How do I save the google sheet when I've filled it out?
Nov 12, 2023 1:53 pm
Thanks for filling it out :) The Google Sheet for Lines and Veils auto-saves - it's a live document. Please also edit at the top right and add your username with a tick to show you've checked out the document.

Thus, please leave any tick-marks already in the document ticked - this way we collect together somewhat annoymously the collected lines and veils.
Nov 12, 2023 1:56 pm
Oops. Sorry. I unticked a bunch of stuff. Was it you? Can you go back?
Nov 12, 2023 1:57 pm
Yes! It was me - no problem, I went back and added them :)
Nov 12, 2023 1:58 pm
Okay cool. I’ll add my name in a little bit when I’m back at my computer. On my phone right now.
Nov 12, 2023 2:46 pm
Looking good :) You are welcome to create any species you want for your character.

First constraint is that it is trivial for them to co-exist on a ship with human crew members (if they need a different environment, they'd need to be in an environmental suit - and they need to be the same kind of size to fit in the cabins etc, and not be poisioning other members of the crew just by existing.

Second is that the personality is such that they're able - and indeed are - part of a team/crew that works together.
Nov 12, 2023 2:55 pm
Basically - feel free to create any lore you want around your characters, their species, the universe in general. It's unlikely I'll veto it. I prefer games where players and GM build the world together :)
Nov 12, 2023 2:57 pm
Can there have been a war some time ago, but still within our lifetimes, a la Firefly? I'd like my broken down merc to have fought for the losing side.
Nov 12, 2023 3:47 pm
@JoshuaMabry is going for The Warrior - go for any of the others you're interested in. We'll make the crew work whatever the composition, I'm sure.
Nov 12, 2023 4:47 pm
I am going to play with The Normal. :)

John Doe, an innocent man, became ensnared in a convoluted investigation. A couple of years ago, a horrible murder happened in a remote space station. False leads and misdirection clouded the investigation, as the mysterious assailant's identity remained elusive. Witnesses offered conflicting accounts, further complicating the case. When the authorities, relying on a dubious police report, labeled "John Doe," as the murderer, the stage was set for a twisted tale of injustice in the cosmos.

Behind prison walls, John crossed paths with a group of smugglers, forming an unexpected alliance that would alter the course of his life. Together, they orchestrated a daring escape and seized control of The Ballerina, a sleek starship that became their ticket to a dishonest, yet thrilling, existence.

Among this ragtag crew, John assumed the role of the starship's mechanic, showcasing his unparalleled skills in keeping The Ballerina operational amid the cosmic chaos. Yet, beneath the metallic hum of machinery, John harbored a secret passion for composing electronic symphonies. In the solitude of the maintenance tubes, he would lose himself in the melodies of a synthesizer he had meticulously crafted.
Last edited November 12, 2023 4:50 pm
Nov 12, 2023 5:01 pm
That's beautiful, @htech!

Need some help putting that into the character sheet? If you go with the Custom Sheet there's a "Starscape PC V1.0" template that you could edit - or I can put something together with you and share the text with you - maybe easiest to do that here in this thread...?
Nov 12, 2023 5:03 pm
@JoshuaMabry maybe you can get the Character Sheet text I've put together for you from this post - quote this post and you can trim out this bit of text and the "quote" tags and I think you can load that into a fresh "Custom" sheet?


Stat name Initial Value Value Modifiers Current Value Conditions
BODY: +2 0 +2 Disdainful Selfish
BRAINS: -1 0 -1 Angry Insecure
COURAGE: 0 0 0 Afraid Disillusioned
HEART: 0 0 0 Hopeless Resentful
SAVVY: 0 +1 (Background) +1 Guilty Reckless


PLAYBOOK: The Warrior
PLAYBOOK TAG LINE: Whether you were born into a warrior culture or chose a military life for yourself, battle is in your blood.
AGE: 25
LOOK: Thick metalic green scales all over, humanoid, 2m tall, brutal look, tactical black outfit.


STAT +1: | Savvy
SPECIALTY 1: | Guns/Laser Weapons
SPECIALTY 2: | Hand-to-Hand Combat
SPECIALTY 3: | Criminality


5 Esteemed
4 Respected
3 Trusted
2 Doubted
1 Suspected
0 Distrusted (instantly triggers Seeing Red)


Edited for each session - a session-specific goal about interaction with another specific PC.
personal directive


There is blood on your hands, but you are trying to leave that behind. What shameful defeat do you still have nightmares about?
You were the only member of your crew of mercenaries - you were their captain - who survived to be put in prison (the prison you broke out of to join the others on The Ballerina). You were sleeping on your watch while hiding out in a space-station and that's how they got the jump on you. You blame yourself for the deaths of your four other companions.


Choose one from this list during character creation
Weapons Locker
Where you store your best toys
Cultural Touchstone
An item that reminds you who you are
Sparring Room
A place to punch and be punched for fun.


Select and mark one every time you fill the experience bar.

Available initial advances
Take a Specialty from your background
Take another move from vour playbook
Add +1 to a stat (max +2)
Mark two Investments for the ship

Available after 5 advances
Take Specialty from your background
Clear a permanent Condition
Mark three Investments for the ship
Take another move from your playbook

Available after 10 advances
Take a move from another playbook
Remove a Seeing Red trigger
Mark four Investments for the ship
Take a Specialty from another background
Choose another Ship Customization
Reset your Stellar Move

Available after 15 advances
Mark an Upgrade for the ship
Take any Specialty from the master list
Take a move from any playbook
Change Playbooks
Add Idolized as a sevent Trust level (Max 6 Trust)


Mark an Advance each time you fill up the experience bar.
Every 5 Advances add a bubble to the bar

Current bar length=5


When one of these triggers occurs:
*When a crewmate doubts your intelligence
*When a crewmate acts like a coward
*When a crewmate openly questions your abilities
*Trust moves to level 0/Distrusted
You must instantly choose between:
*Using either the Confront or Connect basic move
*Mark two Conditions to represent your internalised feelings


When you make a positive personal connection with a crewmate, including providing treatment, roll and add +1 for every true statement:
• You are taking responsibility or apologizing
• You use details from their life to establish rapport
• You are giving them something they want
• You are being vulnerable with them
• You are Trusted or higher

On a 7+, they hear you. If they are receptive, both of you clear a condition and describe why you feel better. If they aren't receptive, you both describe what you learned and mark XP.

On a 10+, you earn +1 Trust or clear a condition in addition to the other results.

When you step up and take the lead in an important narrative moment with one or more crewmates, explain your plan and roll 2d6. Wager up to 3 Trust and add +1 Tor each.

On a 7+, the present crewmates describe what they think and if they will follow your lead.
Majority Yes: get your Trust back plus one more and everyone clears a condition. On 10+, earn additional 1+ Trust. Team Work is triggered if your plan involves actions by three or more crew mates.
Majority No: you lose your wagered Trust, mark a Condition and XP. Everyone else involved marks XP. On a 10+, earn 2 extra XP.

On a 6-, something went wrong when you presented your plan. What was it? Mark a Condition and XP.

When you take action in a high pressure situation, describe your desired outxome and roll +Courage

10+ you do it without difficulty and you give Advantage to a crew mate, describe what you do and how it benefits the other PC. On a 13+, earn +1 Trust.

7-9 you succeed but with some difficulty.
• You are injured or emotionally shaken, describe how and mark a Condition.
• You put a crewmate in a bad position. Describe how and their next roll is with Disadvantage.
• You damage or destroy something important on the ship. Describe it and mark 1 Ship damage box.


When inflicting harm on an opponent, describe your attack and roll +Body. Burn 1 Trust if you attack a crewmate

10+ You succeed. Your opponent is seriously shaken or injured (2 Conditions) and you are unharmed.

7-9 Your attack causes some harm or confusion to your opponent (1 Condition). Chose one:
• You are shaken or injured, mark 1 Condition
• You give your opponent an advantage
• You lose or damage something important
• Your actions put a crewmate in danger
• A new danger or foe is revealed

Under 6, you are shaken or injured, mark 2 Conditions

When you confront a crewmate about something that displeases you, choose one desired outcome and wager 1 Trust for each additional outcome you want.

• They admit you were right.
• They admit fault.
• They apologize to you and/or someone else.
• They commit to a specific task or action.

Describe how you initiate the confrontation and roleplay or collaboratively narrate what happens. Your crewmate chooses which, if any, desired outcomes are met.

• Both of you clear a Condition for each desired outcome that was met. Wagered Trust is returned.
• Both mark a Condition and XP for each desired outcome that was not met. Wagered Trust is lost.
• If all desired outcomes are met, you both earn +1 Trust in addition to other results.

When a crewmate performs (rolls) badly, you can offer help. If they accept, wager 1 Trust and describe how you help, roll 1d6.That result replaces the lowest die in their original roll, regardless of if it makes it better or worse. If it helps, you keep your trust and earn +1 more, if it doesn't, you lose your wagered Trust. Either way you are caught up in the results of the original move that your crewmate rolled.

To deduce what a being is feeling or thinking, roll +Heart. On a 10+ ask three questions, 7-9 ask one. Take +1 on your next roll where you are acting on the information you get.
• What are they feeling? (PCs name 2 Conditions)
• What do they want?
• How could Iget them to ___?
• What are they hiding?
• What do I learn about their culture?

When you influence or manipulate an NPC to do what you want, describe your approach and roll +Savvy. On a 10+ they will do what you want, on a 7-9 they will only do it for a price and you mark a condition.

When you gather data about the current scene, roll +Brains. On a l0+ ask three questions, 7-9 ask one. Take +1 on your next roll where you are acting on the information you get
• What here is useful to me?
• How does this work?
• What here presents an imminent danger?
• What understanding does this give me?
• What's the best way in/out/through/around?

When a PC gets 3 or more crewmates to create a plan where each of them contributes to accomplish something important:

Each of those crewmates adds as much Trust as they wish to a pool

That pool may be spent by any of them during the event to
• Add +1 to a roll, before or after it's made
• Clear 1 Condition
• Add something that helps the crew to the carry out the narrative

Each crewmate uses the appropriate moves to accomplish their assigned tasks for the plan

If the crew succeeds, each crewmember can clear a condition or mark XP for each Trust they added to the pool.

When you suggest a Teamwork that succeeeds, the remaining Trust stays in a pool that can be drawn on by any PC until the end of the session or until it runs out.


Can only be used ONCE by this character - not once per session, once per campaign - it can only be used ONCE.
Thirst for Blood
In a moment of great need you enter a berserker rage. Your ision narrows and your instinct and training take over. You destroy your foes completely, but your crewmates see the bloodthirsty side of your personality. Describe what happens and how you save everyone. Be specific about the bloody and frightening aspects of the scene. At the end of the scene, each crewmate must share if they trust you more or less than they did before. Gain +1 Trust for each "more" and loose -1 Trust for each "less"


Traditional Weapon
The Warrior
You have a unique melee weapon from your homeworld. Add 1+ to Force is Necessary rolls when you wield it in combat.

Thousand Yard Stare
The Warrior
You've been with comrades in arms through their darkest moments. Take +1 when you roll Trust Me, Connect, or Confrot, with a crew mate who has the Guilty, Disillusioned, Afraid, or Hopeless Conditions marked.

Iron Will
The Warrior
Ignore the first two Conditions you would normally take due to physical harm in a scene.


Fill in with the name of other PCs during character creation. That PC gets the + or - Trust.


Space for you to make your own notes here


Space for you to make your own character notes here

Nov 12, 2023 5:29 pm
I have submitted my character sheet. Feel free to edit it after you approve. :)
Nov 13, 2023 3:08 am
Hello! Thanks for inviting me to the game, @Beardhare. I'll head over to the lines & veils sheet now.

@RageRed - If you want The Gifted, go ahead and take it. I'm still mulling my choices over. I'll make a decision and get a sheet together by tomorrow (Monday).
Nov 13, 2023 3:49 am
Made my decision already. I'm going to go with The Unfamiliar. I'd like to play an amoeboid alien akin to a Dralasite from Star Frontiers (aka a plasmoid from Spelljammer). They're going to be able to separate off little blobs that become autonomous minions (as the Unfamiliar move) and have the ability to mold themselves into lots of different shapes. Character sheet will still come tomorrow.
Nov 14, 2023 9:23 am
Hi @RageRed

The Gifted has three choices of Background - Hunted, Professional, Untrained Talent. You can see that in the PDF describing the 10 available playbooks. You can get that by going to the Starsacpe page (it's pay-what-you-want which includes getting it for free), or you can get it directly here from my Dropbox.

If you went with the Hunted background, that would make your stats Body +1 (from the background), Brains 0, Courage -1, Heart +1, Savvy 0.

You would also take three from the list of "Specialisations" listed for the Background. If one is bold, you have to take it, so you get "Hand-to-Hand Combat" and then maybe "Criminality" and "Security". If, for any roll, you can justify that your speciality is relevant, you get +1 to the roll.

You begin with trust level 3 ("Trusted") so mark the boxes for levels 0, 1, 2, and 3.

Pick three of the playbook's moves and add them to your sheet e.g. Read them like a Book, Brain Talk, You Knew this would Happen.

Pick one of the three Ship Customizations - what you pick there will be added to the ship.

And finally choose an answer to your Backstory question.

Connections and Personal Directive we'll do together once everyone has their character ready.

Hope that helps. Please hit me with any follow-up questions.

If you ping me with your choices here, I can create the text for the sheet for you to copy-paste into your own sheet.

Because there is so much specific about each playbook, couldn't find a way to make a generic Character Sheet template that covers all of them. Maybe that's something I'll learn with time is possible, though.
Nov 14, 2023 9:56 am
Yes, you're right, Heart +2, my mistake. Sorry it didn't save - have you started by creating your own Custom Character Sheet and choosing the "Starscape PC V1.0" template? If you want to avoid the risk of it being lost again, you can just message me here with the choices you make and I can create the text/code needed to hopefully just copy-and-paste it into the Custom Character Sheet for you.
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