The Rules

Nov 13, 2023 4:14 pm
Making Skill ChecksWhen you perform an action, you first describe what your character does or says. Then you grab two dice – one for your skill level and another for the base attribute that is connected to the skill. These two dice are called your base dice.

The type of base dice to roll depends on your levels in the skill and attribute, see the table below. Then roll your two base dice together. If you don’t have a level in the skill you’re using, just roll one for the attribute.


To succeed with your action, you must roll 6 or higher on at least one base die used in the roll. A roll of 6 or higher is called a success.

If you roll no successes, something goes wrong. For some reason, you failed to achieve your goal. Feel free to elaborate on why with the help of the Referee. You have one last chance if you really need to succeed – you can push the roll.

Your initial skill roll reflects a safe and controlled action. If you fail your initial roll, or if you want additional successes, you can lean into the action, giving it everything you’ve got, pushing yourself or your gear to the limit. This is called pushing the roll and lets you re-roll all dice except those with the result of 1. You must re-roll all dice not showing 1 and you cannot change back to the previous result.

There is also a risk – each time you push a roll, you immediately suffer 1 point of damage (if you rolled for STR or AGL) or 1 point of stress (if you rolled for INT or EMP) for each 1 you rolled on your base dice. If this damage incapacitates you, this happens after the action is resolved.

USING GEAR: If you used a tool, such as a weapon or a vehicle, for a skill roll based on STR or AGL, any damage from pushing will affect the item instead of yourself and decrease its reliability rating.

AMMO DICE: If you push your roll, you must also re-roll any ammo dice that don’t show or on ammo dice will damage your firearm and decrease its reliability rating, just like rolled on your base dice.

Chance of SuccessWhen you roll dice, it can be hard to predict the chance of success. The table below shows the chance of success when rolling all possible combinations of dice.
[ +- ] Chance of Success

Helping OthersOther PCs or NPCs can help you succeed at a skill roll. This must be declared before you roll your dice.

For each person helping you, you get a +1 modifier. No more than three people can help you with a single roll, meaning your maximum modifier from getting help is +3.
Nov 13, 2023 4:14 pm
On your turn, you can perform one slow action and one fast action, or two fast actions. See the lists of typical slow and fast actions below.
Nov 13, 2023 4:14 pm
Making a Ranged Combat Attack
[ +- ] 1. Grab Base Dice
[ +- ] 2. Grab Ammo Dice
[ +- ] 3. Apply Modifiers
[ +- ] 3. Roll
[ +- ] 4. Calculate Ammo Spent
[ +- ] 5. Calculate Damage
[ +- ] 6. Determine Hit Location
[ +- ] 6. Determine Critical Injuries
[ +- ] 7. Determine Suppression

Line Of SightTo be able to see and fire at something, you need line of sight to it. Draw a line between the center dot of your he and the center dot of the target hex. If the line passes through any of the below, your line of sight is blocked.
- A high barrier
- A hex with blocking terrain
- A hex at a higher elevation than both you and your enemy.
- A hex filed by smoke.
- Three hexes of forest (not including your hex or their hex)
- One hex of foliage (not including your hex or their hex)
[ +- ] Line of Sight
Nov 13, 2023 4:16 pm
Shift Task List
MarchingWalking on foot to progress on the travel map. Can be combined with Keeping watch, for one character only. No roll required. Can march 2 hexes per shift on road or open, one off road.
DrivingManeuvering a vehicle on land, water or in the air to progress on the ravel map. Passengers can Keep Watch, Rest, or Sleep while you Drive.
GatheringCollecting wood or grain to produce alcohol fuel. Must be done on foot.
Keeping WatchScouting for enemies and other encounters. Only one character can perform this task. Can be combined with marching.Passive Recon roll and it can’t be pushed. Straight Recon roll - It’s only an opposed tool if the enemy is actively ambushing you.
ScroungingLooking for useful scrap in the wastelands. Must be done on foot.Survival roll for each success roll on the D100 chart page 144-145. Terrain Modifiers: Road +1 Woods -1 Hills -1 Mountains -2 Swamp -2 Ruins +2
ForagingLooking for edible plants and herbs. Must be done on foot.Survival roll for each success you find one food or water. Modifiers: Spring -1 Summer 0 Autumn +1 Winter -2 Terrain Modifiers: Open -1 Woods +1 Hills 0 Mountains -1 Lake - Swamp -1 Ruin -2
HuntingTracking and killing animals for food. Must be done on foot.Survival roll to track, each success you manage to track several pray. Recon roll to move into position to kill. Ranged attack to kill the pray. Stamina roll if you eat raw meat. Terrain Modifiers: Open +1 Woods +1 Hills 0 Mountains -1 Lake/Swamp 0 Ruins -1
FishingRequires a river or a lake.Survival roll and number of success is one ration of food. Stamina roll if you eat raw meat. Grenade Fishing not skill roll just gives you D6 rations of food.
Making CampOnly one character can roll for Making Camp, but others can help. Survival roll to make camp and includes starting a fire.Recon roll to make it a Hidden camp, note down the result. That is the value of the opposed roll against any enemy passing by.
CookingRequires a kitchen or a campfire (Which can be set as a part of Making Camp).Survival roll if failed Stamina roll to resist food poisoning.
RestingCan be done in a moving vehicle, as long as you’re not Driving or Keeping Watch
SleepingYou need to sleep at least on shift per day (page 138). Can be done in a moving vehicle, as long as you are not Driving or Keeping Watch.
ExploringInvestigating a scenario site (chapter 5 of the Referee’s Manual) or other location and interacting with NPC’s. Must be done on foot.
Nov 13, 2023 4:16 pm
SPENDING XPYou can use your XP to improve your skills and specialties, or to learn new ones. You can only spend XP during a shift when you rest or sleep.

To increase a skill level by one step costs a number of XP indicated in the table to the right. You can only increase a skill level one step at a time – going from D to B, for example, costs 25 XP in total (10+15). Learning a new skill (at skill level D) costs 5 XP. In addition, to raise a skill level or gain a new skill at level D, you must have used the skill and succeeded at least once since your last increase. Make a mark by the skill on the character sheet to indicate this. Only meaningful skill rolls where something is truly at stake count for this purpose. The Referee has final say. As an alternative to making a skill roll, you can be instructed for one shift by a teacher with a higher skill level than you.

Learning a specialty always costs 10 XP, but also requires a teacher – a PC or NPC who already knows the specialty – instructing you for at least one shift. After the shift, the teacher makes a PERSUASION roll. If they fail, you learn nothing this shift. You keep your XP and the teacher can try again another shift.
Nov 15, 2023 8:05 pm
[ +- ] STAMINA
[ +- ] DRIVING
[ +- ] RECON
[ +- ] TECH
[ +- ] COMMAND

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