Chapter 2: Fate's Fell Hand

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Jun 6, 2024 1:51 am
Hyde rolls his eyes and slumps a bit,

"Oh fine. Forget it, let's just be done then."

Hyde takes a furtive step towards the throne where Honey sits but is suddenly struck with the reality of his jest.

"But seriously though, what of the others trapped here? Should we not give them freedom as well?"
Jun 6, 2024 1:55 am
Aislynn gives an exhausted look at Hyde.

"Fine...but we shouldn't tarry. I hope yer not thinking with your libido. They weren't very helpful and would've cost us dearly if we'd made the wrong choices. I've no love loss for them meself. Let's get them and get the hell out of here."
Jun 6, 2024 2:50 am
Finding the clear boundary of any loyalty felt towards Hyde, the cleric raises her voice to activate the portal by declaring, "The quest is completed now that the demon is vanquished and the plaques are acquired! Let us now pass through to our native plane! By the powers that tinker in this place, let us home!"
Jun 6, 2024 4:35 am
Wait, at least let's tell the man at arms... He was helpful to us and perhaps has value in the world..."

Knowing the Soldier was previously hanging around the throne room, Hyde looks about for him quickly...
Jun 6, 2024 10:31 am
The ladies-in-waiting, their mistress, and Captain Kaschei are all eager to escape from this place with you. Once you are ready, either Honey, Rook, or Tim takes the plaques and sits on the throne in the throne room, focusing on the artifacts. Crackling sheets of lightning fill the room before coalescing into a swirling portal back to your home realm! You pass through it quickly, leaving the Vale of the Magi behind to eventually succumb to the encroaching phlogiston and become nothing but raw magical potential once again.

The ladies are grateful for your aid but eager to get on with their own lives once again. Captain Kaschei, however, drops to a knee and offers you his sword. "I owe you my life and my sanity, my friends. I would pledge myself to your service, if you will have me."

At any rate, you have earned a respite after your recent ordeals. And you feel stronger for having survived...

Everybody gains 1 Luck and may level up to level 3!
Jun 10, 2024 3:41 am
Sister Honey assesses the damage that Hyde suffered at the claws of the demon and her face gets serious. "You know these are mortal wounds, sellsword? They may not take you today, but I recognize their dark imprint. You will not wake from your next sleep unless we call upon great aid."

She then kneels down before him and invites him to join her on his knees. She takes out the ceremonial blade and bowl collected on this adventure. She draws the blade across her palm and then makes the same cut on Hyde’s hand. She presses the bloodied palms together and begins to chant. The words swell and fade in rhythm and intensity until she reaches the altered state required to invoke her patroness.

Once she feels her Lady’s presence, she says, "O gracious and benevolent Goddess, hear my plea. In your infinite wisdom and boundless compassion, cast your gaze upon the Great Warrior who lies stricken. He, who has defended the innocent and upheld your cause, now languishes in suffering. By the light of the moon and the purity of the stars, I beseech you, lend your healing touch.

Bestow upon him your divine grace and mend his wounds, both seen and unseen. Let your healing waters flow through his veins, cleansing and rejuvenating. Grant him the strength of the mountains and the tranquility of the still waters.

Goddess of Balance, envelop him in your embrace and let him rise once more, restored and renewed. For in his heart beats the courage of a lion.

In humble devotion, I offer this prayer, trusting in your boundless power and infinite love. So be it."
okay then. She failed her will save. How do I play the urge to take her own life?
Last edited June 10, 2024 3:46 am


Divine Aid - (1d20+7)

(9) + 7 = 16

Will Save vs DC10 for using the relics - (1d20+3)

(2) + 3 = 5

Jun 10, 2024 3:56 am
Hyde rolls his eyes and grumbles something unintelligible as Sister Honey drags him down into the circle but when she draws the ritual knife, ice fills his veins. There is the brief, animalistic urge to fight when the priestess seizes his palm but Hyde allows the incision and stays silent.

But then there is a moment... after Honey says her words... a look in her eye that says "all hope is lost." It was just a feeling, an instinct, but Hyde snaps out his arm and grips the witch by the wrist holding the blade...
Jun 10, 2024 1:23 pm
Honey wins initiative. She does damage to herself with her dagger, then Hyde can intervene to take the blade before she does more harm.


Initiative (Honey, Hyde) - (d20, d20+3)

d20 : (19) = 19

d20+3 : (12) + 3 = 15

Jun 14, 2024 3:00 am
Hyde tries to restrain the suicidal cleric...
Deed: disarm
Last edited June 14, 2024 3:00 am


Grapple - (1d20+1d5+1)

(18) + (4) + 1 = 23

Jul 8, 2024 10:32 am
Hyde can see the crazed look in Honey's eyes as the chaotic Lady in Blue channels her power through the cursed blade, demanding a blood sacrifice. Honey starts to draw the blade across her own neck, but Hyde quickly intervenes and knocks the dagger out of her hands before she can fully slash her throat open. Honey recovers from the urge, and fortunately, the Lady deems the blood enough to lend her aid and heal Hyde's wounds.


Soon, Aislynn and Rook say their goodbyes and go their separate ways. It is Honey, Hyde, and Tim who will continue to adventure together...

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