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Nov 24, 2023 3:08 am
I am a middle aged female gm role player that's been gaming since a teenager. I do a lot of different things, I do this in my meditation time. :)

I was lucky enough to be privileged online as a youngster I met with and learned American history from retired political figures.

They offered so much and I memorized as much as I could. :)

Now, I just want to pay it forward and offer their teachings and thoughts to the next generation through a historic context rpg.
Nov 24, 2023 3:09 am
Welcome to GP, Unicorn!


Nov 24, 2023 3:22 am
Welcome to the community, Unicorn! I am curious about historic context rpgs. What are some you'd like to run? I'm not too aware of games in this genre, but as somebody who tried to become a history teacher (I failed and ended up as a maths/computer science teacher instead), I am intrigued. I have seen a few; Ross Rifles, which is all about the Canadian experience in WWI, for example, but I'd love to hear more!.
Nov 24, 2023 3:35 am
Len, you would be welcome to hop on board and co-gm if you want! I'm planning to stay focused on 16th through 18th American history with at least one walk through of history the Declaration of Independence and later the signing of the US Constitution. More so that players get an interactive experience with actual history books over being so detatched and just reading words on a page.


Nov 24, 2023 6:20 am
Unicorn says:
Len, you would be welcome to hop on board and co-gm if you want!
That's very kind of you!
Unicorn says:
I'm planning to stay focused on 16th through 18th American history with at least one walk through of history the Declaration of Independence and later the signing of the US Constitution. More so that players get an interactive experience with actual history books over being so detached and just reading words on a page.
American history is definitely a weak point in my education (I'm from Canada), so I'd only slow you down :) But you have inspired me to consider running Ross Rifles at some point! So, thank you for that!

Best wishes with running your game, I see you've already put up an interest check.
Nov 24, 2023 6:25 am
Welcome, Unicorn! I've long had a keen interest in historical gaming as well, and those games seem few and far between these days. The 17th century is on of my favorite time periods, and I once ran a GURPS Swashbucklers campaign set in that time period in England. There have been quite a few OSR games set in Renaissance and colonial times, but most of them bring in fantasy elements that people may or may not be looking for...
Nov 24, 2023 6:37 am
Harrigan says:
There have been quite a few OSR games set in Renaissance and colonial times, but most of them bring in fantasy elements that people may or may not be looking for...
I'm going to semi allow it. I have my own secret system that seems to work reasonably well. I will simply name it "20 points by influence on a line"
Nov 24, 2023 6:54 am
Hello Unicorn. Welcome! Your ideas sound very interesting. I wish I had more time to get involved.
Nov 24, 2023 7:02 am
Welcome, Unicorn!

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Happy gaming!
Nov 24, 2023 7:44 am
Welcome :)
Nov 24, 2023 3:56 pm
Previously, I have a 15 year past of sticking with and posting with and GMing for a particular RPG PbP game. However, times do change. I changed significantly in remembering past promises and decided that I needed to keep them. That particular game declined to come with me choosing to stay more fantasy based with high powered magic and avoidant of history. I still drop in and read player posts, and participate in their yearly game festivities.

Nov 24, 2023 7:44 pm
Welcome :)
Nov 24, 2023 10:43 pm
Welcome aboard!
Nov 27, 2023 1:25 am
Thank you all for your kind words. Right now all I have at my fingertips is the Pathfinder 2.0 system. I was thinking of maybe just keeping leveling slow by rarely handing out exp. I am intrigued by the miniseries and if I wasn't so broke I'd probably buy myself the set. I certainly do have time on my hands to do plenty of research and notes.

I have the full edition Annuls of America. All 28 books.
1 book on 18th century medicine.
1 book on potions and Alchemy
1 book on drajons
3 books on piracy
1 fantasy book on wizardry
1 fantasy book on dragons

So far, I have 1 maybe 2 possible serious players. I'd like to get up to at least 5 before I start a recruitment thread.
Nov 27, 2023 2:22 am
When D&D 3.5 was the latest edition, there was an informal set of rules called E6 that limited character level to 6th but adjusted feat acquisition to accommodate a more rounded character. Perhaps a Pathfinder 2.0 adjusted version of the E6 rules might fit your setting.

The E6 variant rules kept the more gonzo power curve of D&D to a more manageable level and reduces the 'villain decay' of monsters to a manageable level.

What about the colonial historical setting grabs your interest?
Nov 27, 2023 3:20 am
Nov 27, 2023 3:27 am
Hmm... should I tell you the real story? I just don't know you as a friend yet. I guess I shall say that I'm doing this as part of a long-term favor to help right a wrong I saw take place before my eyes online in 1986. It may take a full lifetime to correct the wrong, but all I can honestly do is spend my free time attempting to do so.

Maybe I can, I shall share part of it. You see some foreign nations hate that the USA teaches it's true history to it's students and they keep trying to stop us from success so I wish to simply offer an interesting adventure series for people to explore Colonial USA in as fictional adventures of their own creation, while at the end of each tale offering an excerpt picture of the history book it was inspired from so they may read and learn the truth for themselves. Meanwhile I'll take a few weeks to prepare the next adventure. Which will likely include some things from the excerpt that were not in the previous adventure to encourage students to study.
Nov 27, 2023 4:01 am
Oh? Could you elaborate?
Nov 27, 2023 6:56 am
As far as the E6 goes, I already adjusted the rules to allow for trade skill levels, so that won't be necessary.
Nov 27, 2023 7:39 am
Will there be magic in this game if its historical? What about clerics and praying to gods for their spells?
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