Hailing frequencies open (Intro & OOC chat)

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Dec 18, 2023 12:24 pm
Bingo, I see Status information :)
Dec 18, 2023 3:09 pm
Confirmed: I can see the "Far Traders: Status" content of the sheet now.
Dec 21, 2023 12:19 pm
Sorry! Christmas is coming up and lives busy anyways, so my attendance wasn't that great and probably will not be until the festivities are mostly over? No need to stall things for me though, I'll catch up!
Dec 21, 2023 1:23 pm
Ok! Thanks for the heads up, I will post something later
Dec 21, 2023 2:50 pm
New setting question: Now that we're about to go on a side mission, I have some questions on appropriate dress.

Before starting, please know that most of my science fiction RP experience has been in Traveller. There things tend to be a bit looser and having armed people running around everywhere was not only expected, but often required. Usually armed *and* armored. I do understand, however, that this disposition was very much a setting thing.

So ... here we are heading out to a presumably shirt-sleeve world that is populated enough to be (theoretically) well stocked with high-tech ship parts. In such a world, what is the expected "dress code"? Is it more real-world like where you walk around in normal clothes and don't carry any (obvious) weapons? Or is it more like Traveller, Star Wars, and Firefly where everyone has at least a sidearm and a shoot out (or laser sword fight) can break out at any time?

Also, we have never covered equipment. Do we all have sidearms and casual armor? What about heavier stuff? The ship may not be armed, but how armed (and armored) are the crew? What stuff do we have? (I assume we have our personal effects, our clothes, our own hand computer, and a personal vacc suit. Other than that, I dunno.)
Dec 21, 2023 10:48 pm
About weapons and dress code, the short answer is: It depends. Every world in ITC is completely different. So in some desert frontier, people has a side arm and we play in a "Western movie". In some other places, weapons are frowned upon and will surely make the cops stop you.

How will you know? I will add a post about Control Rating and it's subdivisions. Indeed it was missing. With the control rating in mind, ask the GM in an ooc message and/or the starport, in character, if you have any doubts about an specific item.

About Gear, I will post something in a new thread. But in essence, you can grab whatever makes sense before leaving for a side quest and you return it and can have whatever equipment you need in the Celestial Voyager. For instance, in our specific situation, I will ask what equipment you have brought with you when you leave the shuttle for Draco I.
Dec 22, 2023 5:57 pm
After looking through character advancement, I didn't see a way to raise attributes. Is that not possible?
Dec 22, 2023 6:00 pm
Not after Chargen. But you can raise (all) the related skills, as everything uses them.
Dec 27, 2023 6:05 pm
I'd like to provide a quick sketch of some details on the three marines in thread 2B. What would you like, in addition to just names?
Dec 27, 2023 7:16 pm
Up to you. =) No need for stats, though, as the GM never rolls in this game. They can be as detailed or as vague as you would like.
Dec 28, 2023 4:26 am
Hello everyone. Looking forward to making someone and seeing how long they live.
Is there a place I should try and direct my character towards based off need?
I don't know if we have medical skills or espionage/stealth covered well?
And how are we on drive and combat?
Last edited December 28, 2023 5:19 am
Dec 28, 2023 9:11 am
Welcome aboard PhoenixScientist! Espionage/stealth/medical/shooting could be useful, indeed. =) The easiest way to get them are the rogue and agent careers.

You will definitely need help from the Dice, though, as career applications are a little bit random.
Dec 28, 2023 3:14 pm
Of course I can only choose them if the dice allow.



(622) = 10

Dec 28, 2023 5:43 pm
Absolutely, Those of us who failed out of practically every choice wish you the Best! :)
Dec 28, 2023 9:08 pm
Esidrix says:
Absolutely, Those of us who failed out of practically every choice wish you the Best! :)
Hear! Hear!

Seriously, I hope you can roll well so you can help us over the line!

On the other hand, Drifter is a long and proud tradition!
Jan 2, 2024 1:24 pm
I hope everyone had a Happy New Year!
Jan 2, 2024 3:16 pm
Turns out I rolled well
High Notice and Medicine
Good reflex and investigation
Some stealth
(Very educated)
Character, and character creation thread, should be public if you're really curious.
Also, is there a way to aid others in rolls ?
Last edited January 2, 2024 5:13 pm
Jan 2, 2024 8:07 pm
Also, is there a way to aid others in rolls ?
Yup. You roll for some kind of aid, as appropriate for the situation. Douklan just did. If he succeeded, it would help Corbin avoid damage in his next roll. He failed. :/
Jan 2, 2024 8:14 pm
@Katzle when you’re back, please tell us what Mariella did during those downtime days in thread B and I will create a new one for her :)

Happy New Year everyone!
Jan 5, 2024 3:40 pm
@ImperfectBeing Hope you're feeling better now.
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