Hailing frequencies open (Intro & OOC chat)

Nov 28, 2023 9:13 am
Welcome everyone! This is the Out Of Character (OOC) thread. Use it for anything not related to the current game situation.

Golden rules
Be courteous, respectful, and avoid offensive or derogatory posts. Communication among all should be polite and one of mutual respect.

This is a game. It is supposed to be fun. All other rules are only to help us know how to work together to have fun. If it isn't fun, something is wrong and we need to fix it.

I use the following conventions:

- "Character communication is in bold"
- Character thought is in itallics
- Sometimes, I use colors for additional emphasis, like on a characters name
- Player thoughts/comments are in OOC
If you don't know how to do that, there is this helpful formatting guide from Adam

After character generation, feel free to roll a skill anytime you think there is a risk or interesting result in failure, so the game keeps moving. If its not necessary, I'll simply hide and ignore the dice.

But don't worry if you don't know what / when to roll. I'll ask it or may even roll it for you sometimes, so we don't have to wait.

If you don't know how to roll the dice, there is this helpful guide from Naatkinson.
Nov 29, 2023 12:10 am
I'll create a custom sheet for the game this week, but if any of the veteran players that I invited wants to volunteer for it, I'll be very grateful. =)

PS: If you're new and don't have experience in submitting a GP character sheet, don't worry, we will help you soon enough. But you can start rolling the dice in your thread in the meantime. ;)
Nov 29, 2023 2:54 pm
Thank you for accepting the invite! =) Your next step is to go to the character generation thread with your name and start rolling your attributes =)
Nov 29, 2023 8:30 pm
Can I play an android whose programing is so low that 'she' is regulated to doing custodial work but can kick in as a member of ship security when necessary?
Last edited November 29, 2023 8:30 pm
Nov 29, 2023 8:33 pm
Skyharpy says:
Can I play an android whose programing is so low that 'she' is regulated to doing custodial work but can kick in as a member of ship security when necessary?
I don't think that fits the Character Generation rules. You must be human, sorry. Synths are usually NPCs and very advanced (and expensive) property of the ITC
Nov 29, 2023 10:01 pm
Just for comparison's sake, what is the rough Traveller/Cepheus tech level equivalent of the setting?

Do we have flying cars (aka flitters or air/rafts)?
Do we have laser guns?
Do we still have slug throwers?
How about the space suits?

Just trying to get a feel for the setting.
Nov 29, 2023 10:27 pm
We can detail that together.

We need to keep computers, usability and AI pretty low, gritty sturdy spacecraft from the 80s movies, but we can have laser guns, Gauss weapons, advanced spacecraft, etc. Think Star Wars and Aliens, I guess. Something along those lines:




Nov 29, 2023 11:15 pm

So flying cars and blasters!

(I recommend "blasters" instead of lasers to keep things more undefined. When you use "lasers" people can tend to want to do weird things with mirrors, "reflec" and whatever. Using blasters eliminates all of that, but still keeps the "ray guns" feeling.)

On the computer front, one weird thing about Star Wars is that they don't really have any sort of "wifi" as we know it. Sure, they can use giant antennas to blast information from one spot to another, but for a lot of stuff you have to put the info on a data card, pull the card out, then put it into the destination system. Can we keep that kind of thing?

Oh! You mention Star Wars. Does the Force/magic/psionics exist? Or, more properly, does it exist as a player option? My preferred answer is "It may exist or it may not exist, but *you* don't get it." So, maybe there is an NPC race of sorcerers somewhere, but they are an NPC race, not the PCs. (The reason I ask is because while I recommend not having/using it, I can tell you right now that if I can be a sorcerer or jedi, I will try to be a sorcerer or jedi. Just fair warning. :) )
Nov 30, 2023 12:10 am
1- Blasters it is.

2 - Let's have data cards as well. I will miss the wifi, but I think it makes a more interesting adventure.

3- Psionics and magic... It may exist or it may not exist, but *players* don't get it.
Nov 30, 2023 1:11 pm
I've just run some simulations here with the aging rules... Even though, on average, they were balanced... There were some unlucky simulated souls that were "crippled" by this.

So I reduced the frequency and increased the required ages. @daryen will be happy to know that he won't need to roll it anymore at 31 =D
Nov 30, 2023 3:07 pm
htech says:
So I reduced the frequency and increased the required ages. @daryen will be happy to know that he won't need to roll it anymore at 31 =D
Yay! Hank performs a small happy dance, though he doesn't know why yet.
Dec 1, 2023 1:05 pm
Hey everyone!

I should have checked that before, with the messy and complicated world that we live in, with plenty of wars, greedy and lack of dialog... Specially in Ukraine, Iraq and Afghanistan.

This game is definitely not about wars, not about the suffering and the terrible things that happen... But some player characters may want to apply for military careers and go through Boot Camp and Academy. There may be Tour of Duties and related military operations. There may be coups and revolutions. All of that only during character generation, and only for those PCs in military careers. When we reach the main adventure with the crew, our focus will be in something else.

I know that even reading about those things, in other players threads, can bother some people. I respect that. Some of you praised my writing. Thanks! But it may be too realistic in this case (my grandfather was in WWII and I read a lot of Robert A. Heinlein as a teenager). So that's not great...

In essence, if that's not your kind of game, feel free to DM me. Military sci-fi is a very specific genre and I know that it can be offensive.
Dec 1, 2023 5:57 pm
A game system question that is also relevant to chargen: is EMPATHY the same as CHARISMA, or it a derived attribute? In a similar vein, is DEXTERITY the same as AGILITY, or is it a derived attribute? In the section on the potentially debilitating effects of aging, there are four stats listed that you need to check against to see if they've diminished over time:

I'm sorry if this has been covered elsewhere; I looked and didn't see it in any of the reference materials.
Dec 1, 2023 11:02 pm
Sorry, those were typos. Those names were from a previous version of the rules.

I fixed it now: Agility and Charisma
Dec 2, 2023 5:48 pm
More playtesting feedback: I like the aging mechanic: the idea that the higher an attribute you have, the more you have to lose and the more likely you are to lose it. It is very elegant, mechanically, even if it means there's a good chance for a mediocre character to deteriorate into decrepitude before play even begins. I guess that's better than dying in Traveller chargen!

But that's how I feel about the mechanic. What's the in-game reason that characters would lose attributes at such a young age as 33? Do people in this game universe age at a much faster rate? Life is really, really hard in the ITC? I can see losing STR if a character was in a particularly sedentary career, but if a person was actively working as a warrior...the way the game is set up now, they'd be more likely to lose STR than someone with average STR, regardless of physical activity. Similar question for AGY. But for WIT and CHR, I don't see how they would diminish at all with people so young as 33 (and the 4d6 makes it much more likely that both WIT and CHR will decrease); IME, both thinking and charisma increase as people age through their forties.
Dec 2, 2023 5:58 pm
Yeah, I agree with you. It was created from a mechanical point of view. Many years in chargen give you a lot of skills, so I was trying to balance it.

Moreover, because you lose if you roll below, 4d6 actually makes it harder to lose Wits and Char, I guess.

I've been thinking on trying to balance that with negative events, somehow, and remove aging altogether.
Dec 2, 2023 6:02 pm
htech says:
Moreover, because you lose if you roll below, 4d6 actually makes it harder to lose Wits and Char, I guess.
Quite right! I got that backwards completely!
Dec 2, 2023 6:39 pm
I think I found a way to balance that with events. Thank you for your feedback spaceseeker19.

Removed aging effects from character generation and updated that section to further describe events.
Dec 3, 2023 12:13 am
And I have added a custom character sheet for us. See the chargen thread.

I tried to make it so you don't need to mess with the code, just click on Create Character, fill in the text fields and submit it for approval.

If you have any suggestions or improvements, feel free to do so. =)
Dec 6, 2023 8:21 pm
Updated your character sheets to include Health and more skills slots. Any issues, just let me know. :)
Dec 6, 2023 8:35 pm
Thank you! :D
Now the one extra can fit
Dec 10, 2023 12:36 am
Well, after that intro, I'm excited 😊
Dec 10, 2023 4:21 am

Looking forward to the reveal of the "dangerous individual". Sounds exciting!
Dec 10, 2023 6:37 am
Yaay! And off we go :)
Dec 10, 2023 1:43 pm
@htec - I know your juggling lots with this, noticed that Jil joined the ship on Era 1235 Day 100, but Mariella joined Era 1235 Day 19 and Jil was already there.
Dec 10, 2023 2:24 pm
Esidrix says:
@htec - I know your juggling lots with this, noticed that Jil joined the ship on Era 1235 Day 100, but Mariella joined Era 1235 Day 19 and Jil was already there.
Fixed! Thanks!
Dec 10, 2023 4:47 pm
daryen says:

Looking forward to the reveal of the "dangerous individual". Sounds exciting!
Uh oh. I think I figured out how the "dangerous individual" is. Looks like Hank gets to look for some awkward situations ... !
Dec 13, 2023 12:07 am
daryen says:
No problem on the Voyager. I didn't know how defined it was. Please toss in a topic for it in the Game Details section!
Done! There's also a ship design system/rules that I created inspired by Gurps Spaceships for this game.

Will post it in the future in the details section, I still have to do some formating and cleanup.
Dec 13, 2023 1:18 am
Quick question: is the Celestial Voyager "sub/ship" style or "skyscraper/tail-lander" style?

What about the shuttles?

Just trying to get the feel. 🙂
Dec 13, 2023 3:06 am
I'm open to suggestions :)
Dec 13, 2023 3:13 am
For this kind of game, I'm partial to the sub/ship profile. From a tech perspective, the tail-landers were built that way because grav-plates didn't exist. That way acceleration and deceleration could simulate gravity at a 1G burn. Once grav-plates exist, it allows designers to build ships more towards an aesthetic manner and worry less with function.

That doesn't mean I'm not open to a discussion :)
Last edited December 13, 2023 3:13 am
Dec 13, 2023 5:35 am
While I love tail-landers, after more thought, I think that ship/sub actually fits the current aesthetic better. The source material for the examples used were all ship/sub, so that probably works best.

So, yes, I'm basically short-circuiting my own question, but I think that ship/sub best matches where we seem to be heading.
Dec 13, 2023 11:16 pm
Stellar cartography is proving to be a bit more time-consuming than anticipated. Despite my enjoyment in creating the map and the belief that it will greatly enhance our visualization of the upcoming adventure and travels, I won't be able to post today for this game. Your patience will be rewarded when you see the map, I promise. ;)
Dec 14, 2023 4:44 am
Take the time you need. Looking forward to seeing the scope of the mission!
Dec 14, 2023 6:06 am
Yeah, I am exited as well :)
Dec 18, 2023 12:58 am
I've added a Status "character sheet" to the game. It should be available in the "Rolls" section of every thread, below the post button and near your own character sheet.

It has the PCs hit points, credits and whatever is in the Celestial Voyager cargo holds and fuel tanks.

If you have any problems to see it, just let me know. This sheet is read-only, you won't be able to edit.
Dec 18, 2023 1:55 am
htech says:
I've added a Status "character sheet" to the game. It should be available in the "Rolls" section of every thread, below the post button and near your own character sheet.
When I click the "Status" button, the resulting fly-out box is showing up as blank, for me, except for a little red "scroll" icon. If I click the red scroll, a new page loads, with the error "No Character Found."
Dec 18, 2023 3:08 am
Same experience as Spaceseeker19 - Hopefully that's useful for troubleshooting.
Dec 18, 2023 9:21 am
Thanks. Please try again, I think I fixed it.
Dec 18, 2023 12:24 pm
Bingo, I see Status information :)
Dec 18, 2023 3:09 pm
Confirmed: I can see the "Far Traders: Status" content of the sheet now.
Dec 21, 2023 12:19 pm
Sorry! Christmas is coming up and lives busy anyways, so my attendance wasn't that great and probably will not be until the festivities are mostly over? No need to stall things for me though, I'll catch up!
Dec 21, 2023 1:23 pm
Ok! Thanks for the heads up, I will post something later
Dec 21, 2023 2:50 pm
New setting question: Now that we're about to go on a side mission, I have some questions on appropriate dress.

Before starting, please know that most of my science fiction RP experience has been in Traveller. There things tend to be a bit looser and having armed people running around everywhere was not only expected, but often required. Usually armed *and* armored. I do understand, however, that this disposition was very much a setting thing.

So ... here we are heading out to a presumably shirt-sleeve world that is populated enough to be (theoretically) well stocked with high-tech ship parts. In such a world, what is the expected "dress code"? Is it more real-world like where you walk around in normal clothes and don't carry any (obvious) weapons? Or is it more like Traveller, Star Wars, and Firefly where everyone has at least a sidearm and a shoot out (or laser sword fight) can break out at any time?

Also, we have never covered equipment. Do we all have sidearms and casual armor? What about heavier stuff? The ship may not be armed, but how armed (and armored) are the crew? What stuff do we have? (I assume we have our personal effects, our clothes, our own hand computer, and a personal vacc suit. Other than that, I dunno.)
Dec 21, 2023 10:48 pm
About weapons and dress code, the short answer is: It depends. Every world in ITC is completely different. So in some desert frontier, people has a side arm and we play in a "Western movie". In some other places, weapons are frowned upon and will surely make the cops stop you.

How will you know? I will add a post about Control Rating and it's subdivisions. Indeed it was missing. With the control rating in mind, ask the GM in an ooc message and/or the starport, in character, if you have any doubts about an specific item.

About Gear, I will post something in a new thread. But in essence, you can grab whatever makes sense before leaving for a side quest and you return it and can have whatever equipment you need in the Celestial Voyager. For instance, in our specific situation, I will ask what equipment you have brought with you when you leave the shuttle for Draco I.
Dec 22, 2023 5:57 pm
After looking through character advancement, I didn't see a way to raise attributes. Is that not possible?
Dec 22, 2023 6:00 pm
Not after Chargen. But you can raise (all) the related skills, as everything uses them.
Dec 27, 2023 6:05 pm
I'd like to provide a quick sketch of some details on the three marines in thread 2B. What would you like, in addition to just names?
Dec 27, 2023 7:16 pm
Up to you. =) No need for stats, though, as the GM never rolls in this game. They can be as detailed or as vague as you would like.
Dec 28, 2023 4:26 am
Hello everyone. Looking forward to making someone and seeing how long they live.
Is there a place I should try and direct my character towards based off need?
I don't know if we have medical skills or espionage/stealth covered well?
And how are we on drive and combat?
Last edited December 28, 2023 5:19 am
Dec 28, 2023 9:11 am
Welcome aboard PhoenixScientist! Espionage/stealth/medical/shooting could be useful, indeed. =) The easiest way to get them are the rogue and agent careers.

You will definitely need help from the Dice, though, as career applications are a little bit random.
Dec 28, 2023 3:14 pm
Of course I can only choose them if the dice allow.



(622) = 10

Dec 28, 2023 5:43 pm
Absolutely, Those of us who failed out of practically every choice wish you the Best! :)
Dec 28, 2023 9:08 pm
Esidrix says:
Absolutely, Those of us who failed out of practically every choice wish you the Best! :)
Hear! Hear!

Seriously, I hope you can roll well so you can help us over the line!

On the other hand, Drifter is a long and proud tradition!
Jan 2, 2024 1:24 pm
I hope everyone had a Happy New Year!
Jan 2, 2024 3:16 pm
Turns out I rolled well
High Notice and Medicine
Good reflex and investigation
Some stealth
(Very educated)
Character, and character creation thread, should be public if you're really curious.
Also, is there a way to aid others in rolls ?
Last edited January 2, 2024 5:13 pm
Jan 2, 2024 8:07 pm
Also, is there a way to aid others in rolls ?
Yup. You roll for some kind of aid, as appropriate for the situation. Douklan just did. If he succeeded, it would help Corbin avoid damage in his next roll. He failed. :/
Jan 2, 2024 8:14 pm
@Katzle when you’re back, please tell us what Mariella did during those downtime days in thread B and I will create a new one for her :)

Happy New Year everyone!
Jan 5, 2024 3:40 pm
@ImperfectBeing Hope you're feeling better now.
Jan 5, 2024 3:46 pm
Actually, is there a way to see the other character sheets? It doesn't look like it, but I thought I would ask. I'm cool with "no" but I always like to see how everyone ended up.
Jan 5, 2024 3:53 pm
Yes, click on the link to the character, they have to be made public though.
Mine should be.
You should be able to click from the game details page ot from any post of the character.
Edit: if you're on mobile there should be a Characters option at the toolbar at the bottom of the page.
I can see Douklan Paravides & Hank Heron.
Last edited January 5, 2024 4:00 pm
Jan 5, 2024 5:28 pm
OK! Honestly, I never even noticed the bottom toolbar!

I can only see Douklan. I can't see Slaine.

As an aside, where do I make it public?
Last edited January 5, 2024 5:30 pm
Jan 5, 2024 6:11 pm

Step 3c: Editing Characters After Creation
If you have to edit that character later or want to look at it again, you simply click on Characters on the navigation bar at the top. You will now see your new character on the My Characters page, in addition to four new options off to the right:


1. Click on the name of the character to view that character sheet.

2. The circular "gear" icon allows you to change the label/type that you set when you created the character.

3. The pencil icon takes you to the sheet in edit mode so you can make changes.

4. The book icon adds this character to the Character Library so that other people can view the character sheet. This icon turns red when that character is in the library, and is grey otherwise.

5. The X icon deletes that character

Last edited January 5, 2024 6:12 pm
Jan 5, 2024 6:13 pm
Fixed Slaine Rowan, he was public, then I went to look at my characters and messed it up. He should be back.
Jan 5, 2024 7:32 pm

I thought you had to enable the "book" icon to get the character into the game. I didn't realize that it made it public, too. Not a problem. All my characters are apparently public! Cool!
Jan 6, 2024 4:32 am
Are there holograms in this setting?
I'm not thinking realistic, more like one or two color, very basic and a little badly rendered holograms.
Jan 6, 2024 5:54 am
Hmmm. I was gonna say probably not, but Star Wars had them, so I figure it should be at least possible. So, not full color or anything, but two-tone holographic projections would seem to make sense.
Jan 6, 2024 6:14 am
I'm kind of picturing just extra flavor for things that already exist. maybe things like...
Jan 6, 2024 1:05 pm
Yup. We have them (see the setting thread). I already posted a couple of messages using that. =)
Jan 6, 2024 3:29 pm
You did! I forgot.
Should have checked.
Jan 7, 2024 1:01 am
PhoenixScientist says:
Hey, by the way, I am also a game designer, so I am full of appreciation for other game designers and also opinions about systems.
Do have two other notes about the game so far. Feel free to ignore.
[ +- ] stats
[ +- ] careers
Please know these notes come from a place of appreciation and are my opinion.
Thank you, much appreciated! I am not a professional game designer, just an amateur one (I am a professional software developer / data scientist / manager) but I am very interested in feedbacks and suggestions. This is a playtest of a homebrew RPG after all :)
[ +- ] stats
[ +- ] careers
What do you think? Looking forward to hearing from you.
Jan 7, 2024 1:26 am
As a side comment from a third party, you mentioned giving Hank and someone else a break for otherwise bad rolls; you could codify that. So, add up the modifiers for a character's attributes and give bonuses if they are too low. Maybe even use a graduated scale. So, for example, if the cumulative modifiers are over 4, then no bonus. If it's 1 to 4, the get a bonus skill or attribute increase. If it's under 1, they get a bonus skill and attribute increase. If any attribute increase changes the cumulative modifier, then the bonus changes, too.

So, let's look at Hank. He started with 12, 11, 9, 9. That translates to +1, 0, -1, -1. The cumulative total is -1. Because of that, he'd a bonus skill and bonus attribute increase. Let's say that happens twice and he increases both 9s to 10s. Then his cumulative total becomes +1 and now he only gets a bonus skill or attribute increase, but not both.

Someone like Slaine, whose cumulative attribute modifier total is greater than 4 would get any of those bonuses.

Kinda what you were doing anyway, but this makes it more formal and builds it into the system. Obviously, you'd have to work through what the thresholds should be, and if you need more than three levels, but I think the overall idea would be quite workable.
Jan 9, 2024 4:27 pm
htech says:
Also, is there a way to aid others in rolls ?
Yup. You roll for some kind of aid, as appropriate for the situation. Douklan just did. If he succeeded, it would help Corbin avoid damage in his next roll. He failed. :/
When rolling to aid is the DC below what would be the aided DC? (It doesn't make much sense to me otherwise.)
Jan 9, 2024 5:20 pm
daryen says:
As a side comment from a third party,
I'm pretty sure you are of the intended party.
daryen says:
So, let's look at Hank. He started with 12, 11, 9, 9. That translates to +1, 0, -1, -1. The cumulative total is -1. Because of that, he'd a bonus skill and bonus attribute increase. Let's say that happens twice and he increases both 9s to 10s. Then his cumulative total becomes +1 and now he only gets a bonus skill or attribute increase, but not both.

Someone like Slaine, whose cumulative attribute modifier total is greater than 4 would get any of those bonuses.

The biggest issue here is the benefit I get to making the admissions and the like later, giving me a higher chance to succeed at anything I want, and to be less likely to waste time. If I have better base stats and then I get more training these effects may compound.

Meaning I have 17 skills with an average of a + 3.35 modifier (stat+skill)
Whereas Douklan has 16 skills with an average of +3.1
Hank however has 19 skills but with an average of +1.7
This means that even if Hank was able to adjust some skills to have less(let's say... 17 skills) and turn those into bonuses training for skills already gained, their average would only be about +2
Jan 9, 2024 6:01 pm
Just looking at a little bit of the balance of weapons.
It doesn't quite seem right that vibroknife is worse in every way compared to a hold out pistol(lacking range and damage)? And that a slughtower pistol and rifle are also on par with a hold out pistol? (The average damage and bell curve of damage are similar enough)

Here is a list of rolls in order that may be useful for damage rankings
[ +- ] D4&D6&D8
Things get slightly less clear with D10s
[ +- ] D4&D6&D8&D10
A thought would be to add AP(reduce enemy armor for that attack) to vibroweapons but that adds a whole new mechanic to decide what would get it and how much to balance.
Last edited January 9, 2024 6:02 pm
Jan 9, 2024 6:02 pm
PhoenixScientist says:
htech says:
Also, is there a way to aid others in rolls ?
Yup. You roll for some kind of aid, as appropriate for the situation. Douklan just did. If he succeeded, it would help Corbin avoid damage in his next roll. He failed. :/
When rolling to aid is the DC below what would be the aided DC? (It doesn't make much sense to me otherwise.)
Generally speaking, there are two kinds of aid in RPGs. I think you each are talking about a different kind.
What Douklan did here was perform a task that, if it succeeded, would have had a beneficial effect on the scene. I might have kept the heat off of my allies, so their DCs would be lower, but it was a distinct task that I was doing for a particular outcome unrelated to Corbin's task. I was helping the scene, not Corbin specifically.

What it sounds like PhoenixScientist is talking about is an Assist or Help action, where one character works with another character to perform a single task. For Douklan to have helped Corbin in this sort of way, he'd have to have been doing something related to Corbin's hacking the terminal. Is there a mechanic for one character to assist another directly in this way?
Jan 9, 2024 8:20 pm
PhoenixScientist says:
The biggest issue here is the benefit I get to making the admissions and the like later, giving me a higher chance to succeed at anything I want, and to be less likely to waste time. If I have better base stats and then I get more training these effects may compound.

Meaning I have 17 skills with an average of a + 3.35 modifier (stat+skill)
Whereas Douklan has 16 skills with an average of +3.1
Hank however has 19 skills but with an average of +1.7
This means that even if Hank was able to adjust some skills to have less(let's say... 17 skills) and turn those into bonuses training for skills already gained, their average would only be about +2
Oh, I realize that. The fact of the matter is that someone with a cumulative attribute modifier of +9 is just going to be way more effective than someone with a cumulative attribute modifier of -1 or 0, particular since those attribute modifiers are included the skill rolls. However, my suggestion is not to balance that. It is simply to help mitigate that.

Also, if you want it to be a little more guided, then simply require that the bonus skills can only be applied to existing skills rather than taking new skills.

And the ranges I gave were purely illustrative to feed into a simple example. If they need to be bigger, so be it.
Jan 9, 2024 8:43 pm
I do totally agree with you @daryen . Just looking at it from a different place.
So @htech Please understand that any ... Critiques are coming from a place of enjoying the ideas and setting and wanting to help refine it into what it really could be.
Jan 9, 2024 8:55 pm
PhoenixScientist says:
I do totally agree with you @daryen . Just looking at it from a different place.
Fair enough!
PhoenixScientist says:
So @htech Please understand that any ... Critiques are coming from a place of enjoying the ideas and setting and wanting to help refine it into what it really could be.
Very much so!

You have mentioned this is a bit of a test for your system. Just offering input for you to think about.
Jan 9, 2024 10:34 pm
So @htech Please understand that any ... Critiques are coming from a place of enjoying the ideas and setting and wanting to help refine it into what it really could be.
Don't worry, I'm enjoying it and I'm really open for suggestions. So, let me give some more food for thought.
[ +- ] Old school RPGs
Having said that... What do you think about having the option for a random roll or for a fixed array (ex: 16, 14, 13, 12, 11, 10) and skill points character generation, so the player chooses one of them before playing?
Jan 9, 2024 10:40 pm
spaceseeker19 says:
What it sounds like PhoenixScientist is talking about is an Assist or Help action, where one character works with another character to perform a single task. For Douklan to have helped Corbin in this sort of way, he'd have to have been doing something related to Corbin's hacking the terminal. Is there a mechanic for one character to assist another directly in this way?
Oh! I see it now. I have that written in the Advantage section. If Douklan was also hacking the terminal, together with Corbin, the mechanic is:

1. Only the most qualified of them would roll (ie. The one with the highest DM)
2. The PC would roll with Advantage (2d20h1 instead of 1d20)
3. The assistant PC would not be able to do anything else that "round" (the Aid is a "full" action)
4. Both PCs would share the consequences, in case of failure.
Jan 9, 2024 10:58 pm
Just looking at a little bit of the balance of weapons.
I actually was heavily inspired by the damage and stats from an old GURPS book that I have, but I agree with you.

There are two (non exclusive) possibilities with armor: Damage Reduction (sometimes by type. Ex: Ballistic/Energy) and Armor Class (the AC, how difficult it is to hit someone using it). Other things to consider are its cost, weight and if it is restricted (ex: military only, illegal, etc).

For weapons there are usually things like Range, Single/double handed, Armor Penetration, Base Damage, Critical chance, Critical Damage and Type (ex: ballistic, energy, primitive, etc) to consider.

It is not necessary to have those things, it will heavily depend on the game design.

But I didn't have time to really look into it and to consider all that. I thought that using similar values from what GURPS did would be good enough.

Together, I think we can do better. =) Can you help us by giving a suggestion for a new armor+weapons table that you think would be more balanced and/or interesting?
Jan 10, 2024 3:16 am
htech says:

Having said that... What do you think about having the option for a random roll or for a fixed array (ex: 16, 14, 13, 12, 11, 10) and skill points character generation, so the player chooses one of them before playing?
I would have "starting char gen with a fixed array" be an optional rule that groups could decide to implement, rather than a standard rule.
Jan 10, 2024 4:57 am
I second the option of a standard array. Or a couple.
I tend to roll well, but have watched people deflate as they roll badly, and some people are nervous about rolling stats.
Jan 10, 2024 5:21 am
So if I ignoring exact numbers I think the order of damage should be something like... (Yes I added a couple thoughts that seemed to fit in setting)

Combat knife/ baton
Stun baton (effect? Reduce actions? Remove actions)
Sonic Crippler Rifle
Hold-out pistol (blaster?)
Slugthrower pistol
Blaster pistol /Vibroknife
Electric pike /Heavy blaster pistol
Slugthrower rifle
Blaster rifle
Railgun(takes a larger action to use)
Sniper rifle /Gauss rifle

Also if a machine gun was to be added I think it would just be that it can attack adjacent squares as a single attack, reducing damage DQ each time after the first
I come from a somewhat older tradition in tabletop RPGs, one where characters
aren’t so much "built" as they are "rolled".

Players often don’t know who exactly they’re going to be playing in a campaign, and rely on random rolls to determine a hero’s aptitudes and skills. Part of the pleasure of the game is throwing these new-rolled cyphers into play and exploring their personalities and motivations directly through the events of the adventures they undertake.
I know of and have come across this play style. I have even helped with a whole character generation system that was that each player had several "level 0" characters and the one that survived the character generation became the actual character .
Last edited January 10, 2024 6:03 am
Jan 10, 2024 11:18 pm
I liked your list and order. I will organize them in a table tomorrow and create another thread for us (whoever wants to) further refine weapons and armor stats.

It will be part of the rules, beginning at Chapter 3.
Jan 11, 2024 2:58 am
Oh I forgot I have it in a chart if that's wanted, as I was just giving a rough guess of damages, I would ove more input
[ +- ] Spoiler
Jan 12, 2024 1:56 pm
Not looking to retcon the combat. I would have expected Full combat armor with helmets to mitigate or block standard stun grenades. :)
Jan 12, 2024 7:41 pm
Esidrix says:
Not looking to retcon the combat. I would have expected Full combat armor with helmets to mitigate or block standard stun grenades. :)
I think that's why Douklan is still conscious!
Jan 12, 2024 7:43 pm
Yup! They did mitigate. :)
Jan 14, 2024 12:56 am
Hi @Katzle, I sent you a DM a couple of days ago. Trying to contact you here now. =)
Jan 15, 2024 6:21 am
By the way, @htech , I used your very nice character sheet as a reference for mine when setting mine up for my playtest.
Last edited January 15, 2024 6:27 am
Jan 15, 2024 8:32 am
Nice! There is also a Public repository of custom character sheets for other inspirations. =)
Jan 17, 2024 6:44 pm
What are we picturing for Bodysuits, can one wear a bodysuit and a vest?
I'm kind of picturing this
I'm looking back at equipmemt again, and seeing the electric and vibro weapons. I'm wondering how they sit in the armor DR? More specifically does one of the DR types of armor resist them? Is the DR just general physical/general energy?
Last edited January 17, 2024 6:53 pm
Jan 17, 2024 7:56 pm
I would hope the body suits don't glow!

However, I am curious as to whether one can wear a body suit and a vest. That'd be helpful to get some general protection, even if only partial.

Also, what type of armor and armament is available to the crew? Do we have our own weapons and armor, or are the weapons and armor "owned" collectively? Or some combination of the two? We never quite got around to getting that detailed when going through character generation. Or are we just keeping things looser? (Honestly, I can work either way.)
Jan 18, 2024 11:42 pm
Suits always include the vest part, so they don't stack. I will post the equipment tables tomorrow, I guess. I need to change those rules / stats.
Also, what type of armor and armament is available to the crew?
I'm keeping things looser, probably some combination of the two. There is obviously military gear for the Sentinel but the Celestial crew would probably have only blaster pistols and light armor for them, unless there is a reason to buy or borrow something heavier.
Jan 20, 2024 4:33 pm
As I consider inviting others to join in investigating the Separatist threat, would you remind me as to the relative locations of the different PC/allied NPC vehicles in the Draco system? Who is reasonably in range to invite to join us?
Jan 20, 2024 4:41 pm
The Celestial Voyager passenger shuttle (with Hank, Gabe and Jil) is at Draco I, actually closer to the belt than you are. The remainder of the crew, the Celestial Voyager and its refueling shuttle are docked at Draco III Postal Authority orbital station. The Sentinel is nearby. You and Corbin, with a Navy shuttle, are at Nocturna, one of Draco III's moons.

Everybody is in range, actually. Both shuttles and the Celestial are unarmed, though.
Jan 20, 2024 5:08 pm
I poked at some ideas for armor too. I'll leave it here to be used or discarded.
[ +- ] Spoiler
Also what benefit would a medpack give? Reducing DC? + dice?
It seems like there could be a tier chart of how equipmient gives benefits. ... Like a Kit does X, a Pack does Y, a Workstation dos Z, a Workroom does W... ?
Would be an easy way to extrapolate all the "tools" Medpack, vs medbay. fabrication facility vs crafting table, thieves tools vs infiltration kit.... etc
Last edited January 23, 2024 12:59 am
Jan 24, 2024 1:06 am
I will use the armor, thanks! I'm playtesting something offline and will update our collaborative thread soon.
PhoenixScientist says:
Also what benefit would a medpack give? Reducing DC? + dice?
It seems like there could be a tier chart of how equipmient gives benefits. ... Like a Kit does X, a Pack does Y, a Workstation dos Z, a Workroom does W... ?
Would be an easy way to extrapolate all the "tools" Medpack, vs medbay. fabrication facility vs crafting table, thieves tools vs infiltration kit.... etc
I was thinking about non mechanical benefits, mainly influencing the narrative and the results, like allowing a PC to roll for healing in the first place.

But I like your idea. Let's just wait a little longer to see if we will need those kind of charts/tables/equipment for our adventure.
Jan 26, 2024 8:41 pm
Esidrix says:
From the flow of the conversation, I think Douklan would have his conversation with Captain Rael about the same time Hank is talking to me. I'd be heading to the Captain's office to get Douklan as soon as Hank filled me in.
Yeah, I agree.
Jan 28, 2024 7:14 am
htech says:
Hey, hey. Let's plan that in game. Hold on a sec. =D
Oops. I got impatient.
I'll be good.
Jan 28, 2024 2:21 pm
@spaceseeker19 - Corbin would have been heading for the Captain's office as soon as he was done talking with Hank. Do you want to invite him in and prompt a question or to and I'll do the answers?
Jan 28, 2024 3:56 pm
htech says:

"Honestly, the only concrete thing in those files is medical fraud from a suicide bomber. For all I know, this Ryan could be a cousin or even a twin brother. The remainder is just speculation.

On the other hand, I have a hostage situation from armed Separatists who shot you and my Marines. That's concrete, that's real, that's urgent, that's what I care about. So if they are worried about something else, okay, I wanna get those cops out of my head and away from here. Ideally, their long range transport would help us with the search but even that I'm willing to let go.

So let's talk to Corbin, please call him here. I will stay quiet, just listening. Check with him his priorities, and let's find out if this is more urgent for the Navy or not. Either way, they are civilians, and free to go. But we are not."

I think your conversation started.
Jan 29, 2024 4:55 pm
Hey everyone, just to let you know, it's been weeks since Katzle sent us a message and I also tried to contact her without success, both using a DM and with a message in this thread, so I'm assuming real life has taken her away from the gaming table.

@ImperfectBeing just DMed me telling that he is sorry but will have to drop out.

So I'll keep them as NPCs until the time is right for their characters to leave. All of you can also ocasionally write something for their characters if you need to keep the game moving.
Feb 1, 2024 9:14 pm
reprobates, good word.

When I picture a shuttle, what am I picturing?
Is there all one room or like a cockpit and small general room?
Or is it a bit closer to a small private jet?
And for sleeping what are we thinking? Chairs that recline? Bunks?
Last edited February 1, 2024 9:21 pm
Feb 1, 2024 9:25 pm
I am picturing a relatively spacious cockpit with a door (that we likely just always keep open). Behind that is a passenger space with fold-down chairs that fold flat into makeshift beds. Behind that is the cargo area. Behind that is the engines and stuff. Somewhere in the passenger space is a fresher or two. Also in the passenger space is probably a mini-galley. That's how I envision it (based on what htech said before).
Feb 2, 2024 9:50 am
I envisioned it exactly like Daryen described. From those pictures, something similar (but not with the same rooms) as the MK3 Shuttle.
Feb 8, 2024 11:56 pm
Hey everyone, I have been playtesting (In real life) some of our rules and I think that they are not very well balanced. Perils of the homebrew system, I think.

I also don't have the motivation and energy to fix and improve it anymore, homebrewing is something that takes a lot of effort that I don't have at the moment. Sorry, I think I underestimated it.

So I've been thinking about giving up on this system in the near future, using something published like Stars Without Number (a free RPG available here) instead. I can tell the same kind of story/game that we are playing now and its free, so everyone can read those rules. It also has the things that we are missing, like starship design and a full equipment list.

But I am commited to this game and liking the story and the characters that we built together, so I wanted to check with all of you how we should proceed. I will follow the majority.

You can vote more than once, if you fell the same about more than one option.

How should we proceed? I prefer that... Multi Public

Let's keep everything as it is for a couple of chapters, until the game comes to a natural conclusion (even if a little bit shorter and not the original goal of the campaign)
Let's change our character sheets and everything to the new rules, but change as little as possible of the story, trying to keep the PCs, the NPCs, the setting and what happened so far.
Let's start a new SWN game from scratch, with the same GM and players but a different setting and PCs
Let's end the game now. The GM can open a new recruitment thread for a new game.
Feb 9, 2024 12:15 am
I would like to try to convert my characteraccurately, as opposed to rerolling.
Feb 9, 2024 12:20 am
PhoenixScientist says:
I would like to try to convert my character accurately, as opposed to rerolling.
That's a possibility. You could keep or duplicate some of the attributes, the name, avatar, etc.

The skills, class, background bonuses and special abilities would be similar but different, though, as they don't match between systems.

If that's the majority choice, I will try to help everyone with that translation.
Feb 9, 2024 12:59 am
I would also like to put Savage Worlds out as an option.
Feb 9, 2024 1:43 am
I like the setting, story, and characters we have. I am not terribly worried about the system. I agree with PhoenixScientist and would like to just convert what we have to your preferred system. I honestly don't even care what the system is. I'll do Traveller, Tiny Frontiers, Savage Worlds, SWN, GURPS, Star Hero, Death In Space, whatever. I don't have modern Star Hero or Savage Worlds, but those are solvable problems.
Feb 9, 2024 3:01 am
I can't believe I forgot I own the Serenity RPG PDF that I like the system of.
I think it could certainly work.
I am willing to loan out the RPG .... For reference purposes only .. of course....
Feb 9, 2024 4:10 am
Honestly, I am completely down for either Savage Worlds or SWN as I have absolutely zero experience with either, and am kinda curious about them. From what I have seen of people talking about either system, both would likely fit well.
Feb 9, 2024 4:31 am
Oooo. I forgot! You can also make use of Cepheus, which is "I'm not saying it's Traveller. But it's Traveller." There is also an adaptation of Cepheus called Hostile that tries to take Alien and Outland and such as inspiration. But in the end, it's just another Traveller.

Also, as a compromise with what you tried to do and what is available, you could just take Traveller (either CT, Cepheus, or MgT) pretty much straight up, but modify it so that you use 3d6 instead of 2d6 for attributes and use a d20 instead of 2d6 for resolution. That lets you do all of the d20 stuff (ad/disad, attribute scaling, etc), but stick with the base Traveller chasis. And since you were scaling your skill levels at what Traveller did (basically, skills ranged from 0-5), none of that has to change with the move from 2d6 to d20.

Thinking a little more, that might be something for you to try here. Take Cepheus (since it is free and is intended to be screwed with), make the change from 2d6 to d20, then just run with it. I am sure there will be bumps along the road, but it will be very, very close to what you were trying for, but it will get you much farther along that you were starting with. It will be very, very close on the skills and careers, too. That would let you continue to try the home-brew stuff, but give you something that is mostly already there to start with. Plus, the other cool thing is that it would be a combination that I have not really seen anyone mess with. (Everything I see using a d20 is pretty much based off of the old 3.5-type d20 system or a 5e system. This would be very different in approach, but still work with a d20.) Plus I think the lift to get there would not be very bad at all!

Anyway, something to think about!
Feb 9, 2024 4:38 am
Also, as a compromise with what you tried to do and what is available, you could just take Traveller (either CT, Cepheus, or MgT) pretty much straight up, but modify it so that you use 3d6 instead of 2d6 for attributes and use a d20 instead of 2d6 for resolution. That lets you do all of the d20 stuff (ad/disad, attribute scaling, etc), but stick with the base Traveller chasis. And since you were scaling your skill levels at what Traveller did (basically, skills ranged from 0-5), none of that has to change with the move from 2d6 to d20.
Honestly, the balancing and style of 2D6 I think is better than a D20.
Feb 9, 2024 4:54 am
The big difference is whether you want the bell curve or not. d20 removes the curve so that each + or - is a 5% increment; 2d6 has a bell curve to its probability, so each + or - can have a radically different effect on your chances of success. I have to say that the 2d6 is truly burned into my brain at this point, so that is what I am used to and will generally default to.

But ...

Like I said, making a d20 version of Cepheus/Traveller would be different and could be kinda cool. Plus, using Cepheus would let us get extremely close to what @htech was trying to do. The other really, really cool thing is that the Cepheus SRD is available as a DOCX file. This means that he can quickly go through it and make it match what he is looking for. To the point that he can literally just change the careers to match his careers and change the skills to match his skills. All of which would then just sit right on top of the otherwise existing framework that wouldn't have to change. The main thing I'd want to check is combat. Changing from 2d6 per attribute to 3d6 per attribute will affect taking damage, but that is purely a scaling issue, not a balance issue, so that is just being careful.

Honestly, now I want to try it. In fact, if I can scrape up some time this weekend, I want to see just how feasible this is. I think I can modify the character generation and person combat quickly and see if it is even remotely workable.
Feb 9, 2024 6:27 am
I really like the system you've created - trying to get a positive number when subtracting the DC is appealingly novel. So my preference is to continue with the game as it is, for a while. It is a lesser option, for me, to switch so quickly to another system, but it is acceptable to me.

If we continue with the game you have created, I would encourage you to play with the rules that you have devised so far, rather than trying to collate feedback and alter the game on the fly. Don't try to change/add things as we playtest. A changing ruleset is exhausting and stressful for us as players; it's many times worse for the GM that's trying to do that. Whenever you're testing, finish the scenario you've devised for that test, then collate the feedback (and your own notes) and make any necessary adjustments before starting the next test. The other way lies madness. I've been writing RPGs since the mid-80s; I've learned at least a little about playtesting over these last few decades.
Feb 9, 2024 9:26 am
First, thank you all for the patience and the feedback. It is really appreciated and I am sorry that we are changing the rules, at what feels like a partial game for you. PbP has really long feedback cycles, so I'm trying to plan that in advance to minimize the stress for us all.
The big difference is whether you want the bell curve or not. d20 removes the curve so that each + or - is a 5% increment; 2d6 has a bell curve to its probability, so each + or - can have a radically different effect on your chances of success. I have to say that the 2d6 is truly burned into my brain at this point, so that is what I am used to and will generally default to.
I like the bell for the skill tests and the d20 for the randomness of combat. SWN was the first Sci fi RPG that I have seen doing it this way. For me it worked perfectly. I have been GMing it for a couple of months now and I am familiar with it by now. It's a really nice way to do it, as they changed the attribute modifier bonus (it's increments are smaller) but used the level (full if you're a warrior, half otherwise) as an extra DM only during those d20 rolls.
Honestly, now I want to try it. In fact, if I can scrape up some time this weekend, I want to see just how feasible this is. I think I can modify the character generation and person combat quickly and see if it is even remotely workable.
Oooo... Well, Cepheus is one of the candidates for migration. It fits my prerequisites. I don't think the 2d6 and changing the skill list or the attribute range to use theirs is a problem. I am not that attached to the d20, I am more attached to the setting / story. I have read the SRD and think that we can keep our setting with minor changes there, so the heavy lifting of space combat, equipment list, etc that I can't do now would be available.

The real issue is that I never played or GMed it and have very little experience with its rules and balancing. I would be afraid to guide the conversion, but would be able to GM our story afterwards. If you can, please check if there is an easy solution for us to do that conversion. I will wait for your feedback and if you can scrap some time during the weekend before changing anything =)
I really like the system you've created - trying to get a positive number when subtracting the DC is appealingly novel
Oh, depending on the new rules, that's very easy to keep / put back. It doesn't change the odds, the scaling or balance. I will try to keep it and post how to do that in our forums for the new system. I can already see how to do that in Gamersplane for Cepheus or SWN.
A changing ruleset is exhausting and stressful for us as players; it's many times worse for the GM that's trying to do that. Whenever you're testing, finish the scenario you've devised for that test, then collate the feedback (and your own notes) and make any necessary adjustments before starting the next test. The other way lies madness. I've been writing RPGs since the mid-80s; I've learned at least a little about playtesting over these last few decades.
Thank you. I feel that choosing those feedback points and the start and end of each test is harder on PbP. When I do some playtesting in real life, a session is a natural place to avoid changing rules. Here, where each session takes months and the game takes year(s), is harder (or even frustrating) to avoid those changes mid-game as the rules feel "wrong". Do you have some advice for me about this? Thanks again, really appreciated.
Feb 9, 2024 2:02 pm
With Cepheus, whether using 2d6 or d20, you can even keep your entire skill list. It would require changing the character generation skills tables to match, but that's easy enough. It also means you can use your own equipment list. Also, I would recommend truncating Traveller's ridiculous Tech Level scale. Cepheus includes both ship building and world building. Those are things that can easily be totally ignored to start, and then reintroduced and modified to fit your setting. Cepheus is truly a toolbox and it is very manageable to scale things to fit your setting. In fact, that is exactly what it was built to do!

Here's my base question for you. With Cepheus, do you want 2d6 or d20?

If you want 2d6, then the game doesn't change any, the only real change is purely semantics, as the description would move from "difficulty is a modifier; the target is always 8" to "difficulty is a bigger modifier; the target is always 0" or "difficulty is the target". In all cases, the odds won't change. It's just describing how to roll it, what the modifiers are, and what the target is.

If you want d20, then the game *does* change, as attributes have to inflate to 3d6 and the task system has to change to match. There is a 41.67% chance to roll 8+ on 2d6. That translates to requiring a 12+ (45%) or 13+ (40%) on a d20. Then it's just adjusting around that. And the more stuff you leave as a 2d6/3d6 roll, the better that all works out. (Making attributes be 3d6 instead of 2d6 would mean using a 3d6 roll for direct attribute checks. However, d20 would work just find for attribute checks, too. However, attribute checks that just use a target number (i.e. the attribute isn't the target) with attribute modifier applied, could remain 2d6 with no changes.

Let me know 2d6 vs d20 and I can give you a first pass at a player's handbook, covering character generation, skills, combat, and the default equipment. In the first pass, I won't change any skills or equipment to show you the unmodified lists. We can then change skills and skill tables. After that, we can figure out equipment as you want.

The big advantage of Cepheus that I see is that you can absolutely keep your setting with zero modifications and can keep your skills and equipment. If you stick with 2d6, then everything is mostly cosmetic. If you go with d20, then it's more work.
Feb 9, 2024 2:27 pm
Here's my base question for you. With Cepheus, do you want 2d6 or d20?
I'm inclined to keep 2d6 if we go for Cepheus, using their equipment and skill list. The real work then, would be in converting the current PCs attributes and skills as realistic as possible to that system, trying to keep the number/level of skills balanced. This way we could keep all their published rules. Character generation and other stuff that we don't need for already made characters could be something to see/review later.

Do you think it's fun and feasible?

If we go for SWN, I know how to do that conversion.

In the meantime, I saw a majority vote for keeping the story, PCs, etc above. So it begs the follow-up question:

What free RPG system do you think we should convert to? Public

Stars without Number
Another suggestion of a free RPG (please write below)
Whatever the GM / the rest of the group prefers. (blank vote)
Feb 9, 2024 2:30 pm

If you want 2d6, then the game doesn't change any, the only real change is purely semantics,
I would say the change is also that players become more steadily competent.
With a d20 anything from total incompetence to wild genius is available every roll with equal chance, therefore making reliability an unknown phenominea.

Thank you. I feel that choosing those feedback points and the start and end of each test is harder on PbP. When I do some playtesting in real life, a session is a natural place to avoid changing rules. Here, where each session takes months and the game takes year(s), is harder (or even frustrating) to avoid those changes mid-game as the rules feel "wrong". Do you have some advice for me about this? Thanks again, really appreciated.
I honestly don't mind running all the way down a rabbit hole and switching it up, I've done it before and I imagine I'll do it again.
Feb 9, 2024 3:10 pm
I voted for any because I'll do whatever. While I am talking about Cepheus, I am more than willing to use this as a chance to learn SWN. And if you already have that conversion down, I am completely on board for just doing that.

Back on Cepheus, sticking with 2d6 is fine by me. However, I would strongly suggest using your skills, not the base skills. Honestly, there is nothing in there that requires the default skills. It hurts nothing to change them over. And you will have to change the equipment list. One big thing MgT (and thus Cepheus) did to their base of CT was significantly advance computers, robotics, and such to what the modern audience expects to see. You are intentionally hewing much closer to what the original source presented. So, you'll have to pull all of that back around.
Feb 9, 2024 3:29 pm
I voted for any because I'll do whatever. While I am talking about Cepheus, I am more than willing to use this as a chance to learn SWN. And if you already have that conversion down, I am completely on board for just doing that.
I am confident I can pull that conversion based on those months playing it, but I am waiting for the group's feedback to really do that and deep dive into your PCs, one by one, if we go for SWN.
However, I would strongly suggest using your skills, not the base skills. Honestly, there is nothing in there that requires the default skills. It hurts nothing to change them over.
Okay, I didn't know that. We can keep our list if we go for Cepheus then. Thanks =)
And you will have to change the equipment list. One big thing MgT (and thus Cepheus) did to their base of CT was significantly advance computers, robotics, and such to what the modern audience expects to see. You are intentionally hewing much closer to what the original source presented. So, you'll have to pull all of that back around.
I was thinking of using their spacecraft and combat gear (armor, weapons, etc) if we switch to Cepheus. I agree with you about the computer/robotics/electronics, we will have to keep ours as is.
Feb 9, 2024 7:53 pm
Oh, yeah, I fully expect you to keep the base equipment, combat, starships (see below), space combat, world generation, creatures, and all of that stuff completely unchanged. It is just figuring out what to keep and what to toss based on your setting assumptions.

The one big piece is that Traveller works on Jump Drive with some very particular ways it works. You'll have to decide how you want to change this around to make it fit your setting. Fortunately, you have alreay kept your technobabble to a bare minimum, so you still have plenty of time to decide how your FTL works and what mechanical changes you'd need to make.
Feb 9, 2024 8:38 pm
Oh, before I forget, here is the Modifiable Cepheus Engine SRD. It is PWYW on DriveThru.

Very, very late Edit:
@htech gave this earlier, but just so they are in the same place, here is the Stars Without Number, Revised Free Edition. It is outright Free on DriveThru.
Last edited February 10, 2024 12:24 am
Feb 10, 2024 12:01 am
So, @spaceseeker19,@Esidrix it is up to you. Should we convert to Cepheus, Stars Without Number or something else that fits those requirements. There is already 1 vote for SWN.

After that choice, I will create a small conversion thread, check with all of you if you agree with the new PCs sheets and get back to our game.
Feb 12, 2024 6:03 am
So have you explicitly confirmed which system we're using? Stars Without Number, correct?
Feb 12, 2024 9:05 am
Yes. With 2 votes and 2 blanks, it won. We are going SWN and will continue the story. =)
Feb 14, 2024 6:50 pm
A request for all players:

Please go to the top toolbar and click on "Characters", then on "All characters". Go to the line with your character for this game, go to the four icons on the right and click on the gray rectangular icon (the third one). The hover text will show "Add to Library". When clicked, it will turn red like the other three icons. (If it is already red, then you're already done.) Doing this will allow others to see it.

To see anyone else's character, go to the bottom toolbar and click on "Characters". This will show all of the characters in the game. This allows everyone to see you character, which is really helpful when learning a new system.

Feb 14, 2024 9:58 pm
daryen says:
That's Gabe, not Ryan/Alfredo.

How do you make that graphic, though?
The graphic? Which one?
Feb 14, 2024 9:59 pm
daryen says:
A request for all players:

Please go to the top toolbar and click on "Characters", then on "All characters". Go to the line with your character for this game, go to the four icons on the right and click on the gray rectangular icon (the third one). The hover text will show "Add to Library". When clicked, it will turn red like the other three icons. (If it is already red, then you're already done.) Doing this will allow others to see it.

To see anyone else's character, go to the bottom toolbar and click on "Characters". This will show all of the characters in the game. This allows everyone to see you character, which is really helpful when learning a new system.

Well I just deleted my character.
Feb 14, 2024 10:54 pm
PhoenixScientist says:
Well I just deleted my character.
Well, that certainly wasn't the intention!

Hopefully, you still have the notes on it, and can easily recreate it from the framework that you used to make it the first time.
The graphic? Which one?
The one that the image was embedded in. With the old-timey computer screen look and text and stuff.
Last edited February 14, 2024 10:56 pm
Feb 14, 2024 11:22 pm
The Fancy-vue in the Font option (next to the eyedropper.

I'll get them rebuilt.
Feb 16, 2024 12:41 pm
Hello Everyone, have a lot of things to read and get to know, but will be creating my character in the following days and looking forward to playing with you all.
Feb 16, 2024 12:42 pm
Welcome! Looking forward to seeing your character and having you join the crew!
Feb 16, 2024 9:10 pm
Welcome. Looking forward to playing with you and curious what you're going to build
Feb 17, 2024 3:10 pm
I have just finished updating the Game Details threads for Stars Without Number
Feb 17, 2024 4:17 pm
Trading does look interesting, and very possibly profitable.
Feb 17, 2024 4:40 pm
I think a flat 10 health is a good idea, a good balancer and close to what we "should be getting" anyway
I'm already there, but good for those that didn't quite make it.
Feb 17, 2024 8:20 pm
Question on the +10: when rolling for HP is it:
Level 1: 1d6 + 10
Level 2: 2d6 + 10
Level 3: 3d6 + 10
and so on ...


Level 1: 1d6 + 10
Level 2: 2d6
Level 3: 3d6
and so on ...

(Obviously, add in Warrior bonus, Con bonus, and Die Hard bonus as appropriate.)

In the first case, the 10 will always keep the player above base HPs. In the latter case, it will eventually disappear.
Feb 17, 2024 8:21 pm
I think it's a flat 10, maybe a 10+con mod
Feb 17, 2024 8:24 pm
And, while we are talking about this stuff, I do think any newbies should used "4d6h3 and assign as desired" for attributes. That's effectively what we got to do, so I think newbies should get to do that, too.
Feb 17, 2024 8:33 pm
We'll leave character creation to the GM.
Feb 17, 2024 8:39 pm
I trust that if our new character suffered from their rolls as compared to the rest of us Htech will do something about it to bring it in balance, if needed. But not every character needs to be exactly balanced and that's ok.
Besides those Psionic powers will do a lot of that balancing anyway.
Feb 17, 2024 9:09 pm
Question on the +10: when rolling for HP is it:
Level 1: 1d6 + 10
Level 2: 2d6 + 10
Level 3: 3d6 + 10
and so on ...
The above. This is an optional rule available at page 257. I want to make room for a little more durability without using the heroic PC rules (that makes the PCs very powerful). It's a flat 10 HP bonus to all PCs at all levels.
That's effectively what we got to do, so I think newbies should get to do that, too.
They didn't have to redo and convert their PCs, so you have better odds (even if the end result, attribute range and modifiers, at the end of the day, could be the same.)

I will keep with the published rules for them =)
Feb 17, 2024 11:35 pm
htech says:
That's effectively what we got to do, so I think newbies should get to do that, too.
They didn't have to redo and convert their PCs, so you have better odds (even if the end result, attribute range and modifiers, at the end of the day, could be the same.)

I will keep with the published rules for them =)
I meant that was we did when we first generated our characters, long before the conversion.

But, OK, not a problem.
Feb 19, 2024 1:11 am
I am going to assume answers to my reports and possibly recouperation will come in time and we should wait patiently for answers?
Feb 19, 2024 1:18 am
PhoenixScientist says:
I am going to assume answers to my reports and possibly recouperation will come in time and we should wait patiently for answers?
From local authorities will come in the evening, as you send them your report.

From headquarters... It will take weeks, because of how communications work here. It has to physically travel up to 6 days, times the number of hexes, in a courier ship. And back again with your first answer. If there are questions or clarification needed, it will take the same time again for your answer, and so on and so forth...

About waiting... That up to you, the Player characters =)
Feb 20, 2024 8:49 pm
I did a little more theory-crafting with a full Psychic. If I am doing this correctly, then it is possible to have two psychic disciplines at level-4 by the end of Level 10, but it causes some interesting things:
1) You only have 10 non-psychic skill points to play with. Total, and they end in Level 8.
2) You are basically restricted to the psychic techniques you get when you level-up your psychic disciplines. You can't buy any techniques separately without eating into those 10 non-psychic skill points.

So, you get a very powerful character who can do cool stuff, but they won't have any depth in non-psychic skills.

Interesting side-note: If, as a full Psychic, you take the same discipline twice (to get it to level-1), then immediately take Psychic Training-1 with the same discipline, you can have that discipline at level-2 while you are still Level-1. You lose a non-psychic skill point by doing this, however (at Level 2), assuming you still go pick up a second discpline.
Feb 20, 2024 9:07 pm
daryen says:
I did a little more theory-crafting with a full Psychic. If I am doing this correctly, then it is possible to have two psychic disciplines at level-4 by the end of Level 10, but it causes some interesting things:
1) You only have 10 non-psychic skill points to play with. Total, and they end in Level 8.
2) You are basically restricted to the psychic techniques you get when you level-up your psychic disciplines. You can't buy any techniques separately without eating into those 10 non-psychic skill points.

So, you get a very powerful character who can do cool stuff, but they won't have any depth in non-psychic skills.

Interesting side-note: If, as a full Psychic, you take the same discipline twice (to get it to level-1), then immediately take Psychic Training-1 with the same discipline, you can have that discipline at level-2 while you are still Level-1. You lose a non-psychic skill point by doing this, however (at Level 2), assuming you still go pick up a second discpline.
I see some very good conversations about optimization in our future when I get to level up lol, looking forward to it.
Feb 21, 2024 1:56 am
Looking to interpret the stellar cartography trading info.
For the negative and positive trade modifiers, is that a signifer of what they sell, or what they need? And what's the positive vs negative?
Feb 21, 2024 2:02 am
My deduction is that the positive modifier is what the want. The negative modifier is what they have to sell. So, for Draco I, they have lots of minerals (from their crime-coded mines), so you can buy them at a discount, but they don't want any more. That was a -2 modifier. On the other hand, they are in a civil war, so they want to buy weapons, the +2 modifier.

So, for any given world, you want to buy their negative modifiers from them, and sell the positive modifiers to them. Ideally, there is a negative modifier on this world and a positive modifier on the next world for the same stuff.
Feb 21, 2024 3:30 am
That makes sense, but I'm going to wait for confirmation and specific cannon answer.
Feb 21, 2024 11:11 am
Yup. When buying and selling trade goods, we roll 3d6 + Modifiers. Smaller numbers are always locally cheaper goods, higher numbers are locally more expensive compared to its base galactic price. Supposing that you rolled a 10 in that dice when buying Platinum at Draco I and another 10 when selling Guns there, if you wanted to risk it, that would probably be a profit.

Ignoring Expertise, Aid and Friction for now, that roll would give us an 8 for Platinum (20% cheaper than the galactic base price for Metal Ingots) and a 12 for Laser pistols (10% more expensive than the galactic base for Postech Weapons). If there is a negative modifier on this world and a positive modifier on the next world for the same stuff, the profit is generally bigger.
Feb 21, 2024 11:28 am
PS: Added the Aid rules for Speculative trading
Feb 21, 2024 6:35 pm
Hey folks, I don't want to be a wet blanket on the progress of this game. The stated posting frequency was 3/week. I have several games that are 5/week so I don't mind checking in at minimum 1/day and posting if I'm up. But there is no way I'm going to be able to keep up with posting 3-5/day.
Feb 21, 2024 6:44 pm
That's fair. I can scale back. Sorry for that.
Feb 21, 2024 7:42 pm
Don't worry @Esidrix, you're in the correct posting frequency. Daryen is in "overclock mode" but we will wait for you and ask only for the agreed-upon rate.
Feb 21, 2024 7:55 pm
@daryen I have vetoed the end of your post, as that assumes an answer for Corbin that he didn't gave and possibly couldn't even read in time, ok? Thank you for keeping the game progressing, either way. It's just a small adjustment.
Feb 21, 2024 8:02 pm
@htech, that isn't a problem. In fact, I asked you to modify what needs to be modified.

@Esidrix, we'll make your posting rate work. I just happened to have a period of opportunity for frequent posting. I can easily slow down and @htech will keep me in check!
Feb 21, 2024 10:48 pm
If everyone waited for a shuttle, would that be cheaper in a Vehicle world or an Astonautic world?
Feb 21, 2024 10:52 pm
I don't think I really got your question, but assuming you're talking about speculative trading and their Types, they're cumulative. If an item is Cultural and Low tech (ex: hand-sewn clothing), in a world with -2 Cultural and -1 Low tech, this good will receive a -3 modifier in that 3d6 roll.

Was that the question?
Feb 21, 2024 11:00 pm
I think he's asking if we wait to buy a shuttle from a world that makes shuttles, would it be cheaper?

I am pretty sure the answer is, yes, it would be. But, at the same time, we'd get less for the lifeboats. And since I'm pretty sure we need to deal with both at the same time, it is probably a wash. And, considering the lack of Friction and Trouble, this is probably a good world to get this done on.

But I'm not the GM and the above is just a guess.
Last edited February 21, 2024 11:10 pm
Feb 21, 2024 11:14 pm
I think he's asking if we wait to buy a shuttle from a world that makes shuttles, would it be cheaper?
Oh, if that's the question (English is not my first language), well it may be cheaper indeed. It will depend more on the Trade roll and in game circumstances but, as a general context affecting those deals, yes. The selling of your used fittings would probably be cheaper as well and get you less money for the same reasons/context.

PS: As an aside, I didn't know what "a wet blanket on the progress of this game" meant before I Googled it. 😃 Thanks for teaching me that idiomatic expression.
Feb 21, 2024 11:15 pm
@htech, new question ...

Our FTL drive lets us go up to two hexes away, correct? (While the underlying tech assumptions are *totally* different, the range and travel patterns are similar to Traveller, correct?) If that is correct, then we are going to have this travel pattern:

06.09 (Draco) to either 04.08 or to 07.08. We only need one of those; we will likely never see the other one until much, much later. Maybe.
Then from which ever we choose, we will go to 05.07 -> 05.06 -> 05.04 -> 06.02 -> 05.01. From there, we are heading into the unknown, which means zero freight and we'll have to take blind guesses for speculation.

Do I have that all correct?
Feb 21, 2024 11:27 pm
Correct. The only caveat is that from 05.01 onwards the Explorers Division will use more than 1,000 of your cargo capacity. That's what they hired your for. So you will receive a lot of credits there and probably would need to sell most, if not all, of whatever cargo you got.

PS: I dont know if I have given those details in game yet and if Hank knows that number, but as you're planning so far ahead, I don't want to waste your (Daryen) time with anything after Altairia.
Feb 21, 2024 11:45 pm
Thank you for that reminder!

And, I will just try to figure things out between Draco and Altairia. Also, Hank will be looking for just standard freight along the way for every hop. He wants to try and maximize the use of the hold, even if most ends up being freight. Hopefully, that will hold us over until the ITC pays us for the charter.

Also, I imagine we will have to look for a choice crew member or two along the way. Ideally we can eventually get up to 12 or so humans and allow the synths to go back to their alternating schedule. But there looks to be a couple worlds along the way we can check out, too. Surely we can find a handful of scrappy individuals yearning for a better life. đŸ€Ł
Feb 21, 2024 11:55 pm
htech says:
I think he's asking if we wait to buy a shuttle from a world that makes shuttles, would it be cheaper?
Oh, if that's the question (English is not my first language), well it may be cheaper indeed. It will depend more on the Trade roll and in game circumstances but, as a general context affecting those deals, yes. The selling of your used fittings would probably be cheaper as well and get you less money for the same reasons/context.

PS: As an aside, I didn't know what "a wet blanket on the progress of this game" meant before I Googled it. 😃 Thanks for teaching me that idiomatic expression.
More specifically, which world is the one that produces shuttles Astronacigation or Vehicle type planets?
Feb 22, 2024 12:18 am
Englene Station in the Dianreti system (05.07) produces more than usual amounts of Astronautic equipment. It's cheaper there.

Most other places, including Draco, can sell you a shuttle with more or less regular prices.
Feb 23, 2024 5:03 am
daryen says:
I don't know what the board's rules on swearing are, so I am not doing so here. But she did.

I've seen swearing, in channels and games. It's more about group comfort.
I don't do it but am fully ok with it.
We could put up a poll to see if everyone is ok with it?
Last edited February 23, 2024 5:04 am
Feb 23, 2024 5:07 am
Most games I've played, it is just usually consensus about allowing or not. I'm not bothered reading it and as long as we're open to it. I might toss some out, if the dialog or scene seems to need it.
Feb 23, 2024 5:17 am
Obviously, I have zero problem with swearing being present. However, I do want to be respectful of others and not make anyone feel uncomfortable. I kinda split the difference with Erin's comments which, to be honest, can still make others uncomfortable. So, whatever the decision, I will stay inside the lines.
Feb 23, 2024 1:16 pm
PhoenixScientist says:

We could put up a poll to see if everyone is ok with it?

Swearing Public

Ok, when the dialog seems to need it
Implicit / redacted/ similar words (Fork this shirt)
Feb 24, 2024 4:01 am
Last edited February 24, 2024 4:01 am
Feb 24, 2024 8:41 am
htech sent a note to PhoenixScientist
Feb 24, 2024 9:52 am
I need a couple of days more before starting Chapter 4D (with Hank, Corbin, Mariella) as there may be someone else with them.
htech sent a note to PhoenixScientist
Feb 24, 2024 3:31 pm
Ok, cool. Looking forward to seeing who the new NPC is!
Feb 24, 2024 3:42 pm
Hi everyone, kinda of random, but do any of you have good recommendations on sci-fi books/book series? Specially if with a similar vibe to our campaign hahaha.
Feb 24, 2024 4:10 pm
I don't know if it's totally similar but I liked Dark Matter.
Feb 24, 2024 4:36 pm
I'd say go Old School. The Solar Queen series by Andre Norton, Foundation trilogy be Asimov (and not the later resumption), Dumarest of Terra, Space Vikings by Piper, things like that.

For video, go Star Wars. (No Roman numerals. No sub titles. No revisions. No animation. Just Star Wars.) Maybe season one of Mandalorian. The original Battlestar Galactica. Lost in Space is probably too old. 2001 for the aesthetic.
Feb 24, 2024 4:38 pm
Riddick has fun vibes, it's just an action movie though
Firefly is great, may be the closest to what we're doing.
Feb 24, 2024 4:40 pm
I love Asimov's Foundation (not the Amazon series, the books). His traders are the inspiration for our game's name
Feb 27, 2024 2:37 am
Is there a, or several, Interplanetary banks? How do credits work between planets?
Feb 27, 2024 1:28 pm
PhoenixScientist says:
Is there a, or several, Interplanetary banks? How do credits work between planets?
Yup. Within the ITC, its the same credits. Until Altairia, its simple. Outside known space... Its more complicated. We will see when we get there. =)
Feb 27, 2024 3:56 pm
As an aside, as I have Hank do various trade things, I am providing OOC comments to explain his reasoning. The purpose is so that if there is anything that Hank should know that I do not, you can point that out so I don't make a mistake that Hank should not have. That's not to say mistakes can't be made. Just that if Hank knows better, but I don't, I request a warning. (Heck, there could be times when Hank intentionally makes a "bad" decision. I just don't want to unknowingly do something Hank should have known better about.)

Feb 28, 2024 1:36 am
One of the things that I am not sure of, is if it's better to

1. Have shorter and more focused threads, even if it is just 5-6 messages long (like I did in chapter 4E) or;

2. to keep a single thread in the forums but with 2-3 "internal timelines" in it as they're somewhat related and the thread would be longer / more relevant.

For instance, I have Hank, Corbin and Mercer in thread 4D. Would it be easier to follow if it were 3 smaller threads, as, for now, you're not interacting with each other?

Feb 28, 2024 1:41 am
I vote for a thread per story thread/group, switching chapters when a story arc is done.
Feb 28, 2024 2:09 am
I do not have strong feelings one way or the other. I can live with splitting them, or leaving them merged. I guess splitting keeps things a little cleaner, but then the threads pile up. I don't have enough experience to know which works better.
Feb 28, 2024 3:12 am
Speaking personally, I know creating more threads tends to pile up, but helps me differentiate all the stuff that was happening at the same time, I have literally being reading past chapters like a book and taking notes, and having them be concise is great for organization.
Feb 28, 2024 1:27 pm
Keeping the relevant characters in the same thread. With as many active players as we have, it can be a lot to scroll through to find 'my' part.
Feb 28, 2024 7:45 pm
My preference is to keep related activities/story arcs in the same thread. Having separate threads is more concise, but I've found that I tend to ignore or gloss over threads that don't involve my character(s), particularly if there's dozens of posts/updates in which I'm not involved. While that's good for my role-playing ("What's been going on with you?"), it's detrimental to my sense as a player of what's happening in a larger story. Some amount of this in inevitable, particularly in a SF game where groups of characters are far enough apart that communication can't happen in real-time. But anything that we can do to reduce the number of such threads has my vote.
Feb 29, 2024 12:10 am
Thank you for the feedback. I will take all that in consideration for the next threads. =)
Feb 29, 2024 12:21 am
Having finished the character conversion, please increase all PCs and secondary characters hit points now by a flat +10:

Character Max HP
Corbin 29
Mercer 21
Slaine 21
Peter 12
Hank 16
Douklan 23

For the next level up, we will also add +10 to the roll (ie. 3d6+(3×Con mod)+10 for a level 3 Expert)

If I got the wrong number for someone, please let me know.
Feb 29, 2024 2:33 am
The ones I know (Hank, Erin, Jil, and Mariella) all look correct.
Feb 29, 2024 3:27 am
Correct for Slaine and Mercer
Mar 1, 2024 8:20 pm
FYI, htech has posted a general invite for other players to participate in the space battle, temporarily playing other crewmembers. There's still a gunnery position open. I'm happy to take it if no one else is interested, but I thought maybe not everyone had seen it, given that it was in the 4B thread.
Mar 4, 2024 12:03 am
Sorry, I can't post today. I will advance the threads tomorrow.
Mar 5, 2024 10:10 pm
Moving the spaceflight conversation here.

I understand what was said. But it takes 2-3 turns to generate the CP to take an action, assuming the captain doesn't reduce the CP cost?
The only thing that changes this is the captain?

I didn't see anything in Daryen's math that showed anything different?
Say Engineering has 0CP

Round 1: Gain 1 CP
Round 2: Gain 1 CP
Round 3: Spend 2CP for action
Mar 5, 2024 10:47 pm
During a single round, all departments can act.

So, during round 1, for example
Engineering: Do your duty, +1 CP
Bridge: Do your duty, +1 CP
Gunnery: Fire one weapon, -2 CP.

Please note that the Gunnery spent the CP that Engineering and Bridge gave them. Moreover, other ships haven't acted between those departments. Its the same round.

After that, suppose that:
Another ship: Fires all weapons, causing 10 damage.
During round 2:
Gunnery: Do your duty, 1 CP
Comms: Do your duty, 2 CP
Bridge: Do your duty, 3 CP
Engineering: Emergency repairs - 3 CP.
So, yeah, it takes 3-4 departments to get enough CP. But that's the same round. The CP is owned by the ship, not by Engineering. When Engineering goes above and beyond, the Gunnery can expend that CP. In the next round, when the ship is damaged, the other departments can give Engineering the CP they need. Moreover, the round always begins with 0 CP for the ship, so you can't accumulate that. If the last department in a round doesn’t spend it, it's lost.
Mar 5, 2024 10:50 pm
Put another way: CP is pooled for the entire ship. So, Gunnery doesn't have its own CP count. Rather the ship as a whole has a CP count, from which Gunnery may take or contribute.
Mar 5, 2024 10:54 pm
It's a very interesting and collaborative mechanic. I never played with it in PbP yet, here is my first space battle, but it works amazingly in tabletop.
Mar 5, 2024 11:48 pm
That seems even less good.
How are we supposed to have CP if they're being used by other departments? Do I have to ask permission for others not to take actions and generate CP so I can?
Is it supposed to be alternating which departments can do things? I'm just trying to understand the momentum of the game.
I know we start with a couple but, that won't last more than a round or two?
Mar 6, 2024 1:01 am
How are we supposed to have CP if they're being used by other departments?
Unh... Are your department supposed to use or give CP this round? Its usually obvious. Either by context, by individual actions or as a collective decision.

I don't think I'm really understanding the issue here. Are you cooperating or competing with your fellow crewmates? The mechanic works, I've seen that in other SWN games, as long as the departments in the same ship cooperate, implicitly and explicitly.

I think the real question is: How can we ensure that this happens for this group?

Edit: I'm open to suggestions. =)
Mar 6, 2024 5:25 pm
htech says:
I don't think I'm really understanding the issue here. Are you cooperating or competing with your fellow crewmates? The mechanic works, I've seen that in other SWN games, as long as the departments in the same ship cooperate, implicitly and explicitly. How can we ensure that this happens for this group?
I'm not objecting to it, and I believe I understand how it works. It's a fair representation of different departments of big capital ships working together and a fun "manning your stations" mechanism that gives each player something to do.

But I'll make a tangential observation here: PbP is really bad for the sort of quick-discussion-and-reach-agreement interactions that need to happen for this sort of coordination. Such interaction is trivial in real-time, whether played in-person or online, but with each person expecting to post once a day, we're going to have a lot of turns that take a week or more, like this first turn has already shown. I'm not opposed to it and am enjoying it, but it's an example of a mechanic that just doesn't go quickly when played asynchronously. Every back-and-forth that has to happen before an action is performed or story is advanced adds a real-time day to any PbP game's progress.
Last edited March 6, 2024 5:26 pm
Mar 6, 2024 5:51 pm
spaceseeker19 says:

But I'll make a tangential observation here: PbP is really bad for the sort of quick-discussion-and-reach-agreement interactions that need to happen for this sort of coordination. Such interaction is trivial in real-time, whether played in-person or online, but with each person expecting to post once a day, we're going to have a lot of turns that take a week or more, like this first turn has already shown. I'm not opposed to it and am enjoying it, but it's an example of a mechanic that just doesn't go quickly when played asynchronously. Every back-and-forth that has to happen before an action is performed or story is advanced adds a real-time day to any PbP game's progress.
I think that's what it was, a fiveinute real life discussion can take 2 days on PBP. Especially since one round can take a day or two. We may need to utilize some tools like polls or all decide to be ok when another makes a decision that restricts what we, ourself, planned to do and then leave space for that in the future.
Mar 6, 2024 7:35 pm
I recommend that we make it a little more "top down" in directives. Meaning the leader gives the general commands (e.g. fire on the opponent), and they everyone tries to meet that the best they can. Gives less chance for the intended collaboration, but limits the back-and-forth that so slows down PbP.
Mar 6, 2024 9:40 pm
Works for me. In that case, I will let spaceseeker19 also control the Captain and, naturally, it will make it more top down.

The other group that I have seen play, chose the opposite. They adapt each round to whatever the previous players did. They don't plan their moves at all. They don't have expectations for what their characters will do. It's not optimized. For them, it's fun.

As a GM, both options make sense for me.
Mar 6, 2024 10:54 pm
I admit the top-down approach kills some of the interactivity, but it does streamline things, which I understood to the be issue raised.

Do realize, of course, that just because the leader stated the goal doesn't mean it will necessarily be followed. Each person involved still has to pick what they are going to do.
Mar 6, 2024 11:41 pm
I admit the top-down approach kills some of the interactivity, but it does streamline things, which I understood to the be issue raised.
I agree. =) Was just saying that they don't really interact, like in tabletop. It is streamlined, though. They just act individually, considering the context, the current CP and the information they have available, whenever they post.

There are no plans. No expectations for their or someone else next actions. No optimization.

Now... I don't think it will work with this group =D
Mar 8, 2024 2:56 pm

Just want to touch base on this OOC before our characters actually meet. During your interview with Hank, it is likely to come out that you are psychic. At that point, Peter is likely to figure out that Hank is psychic, too. However, Hank is not "registered" or terribly experienced with it. (Seriously. Prior to about a week ago in in-game time, it was a curiosity to him. Now it's already almost killed him *and* saved him and two friends.) And he certainly isn't interested in being "registered". As such the characters will need to reach a quick accommodation. I'd really like if we could do that in the interview. But Peter has to act first because Hank will say nothing until he figures out Peter knows.
Mar 8, 2024 3:08 pm
@daryen i think it’s great to set things straight before role playing, but I do not think come up that easily in conversation that I’m psionic, specially since I will not disclose my current position with the psi-operatives, not sure if I would disclose that up front, but I actually have metapsionics so I could maybe sense that you were also before opening up about it. And about the "being registered", I think Morgan would be keeping an eye on you, but wouldn’t press on you registering yourself if he didn’t notice you being a harm to others.
Last edited March 8, 2024 3:09 pm
Mar 8, 2024 3:50 pm
@arthur12320, Hold on. Just re-checked the rules. You can freely detect other psychics starting at Level-2 of metapsionics. (It doesn't even take Effort. You can do it at will; no limits.) Level-0 only allows you to detect the use of psionics. I think you are only at Level-1, so until Hank uses his power (which is rare) in your presence, you will not know he is psychic. OK, problem solved. For now. 😁
Mar 8, 2024 4:14 pm
@daryen Yep, that is correct, actually I’m not even level 1, level 0 still, you got time 😂.
Mar 9, 2024 9:42 am
@spaceseeker19 I have added a Space Combat section in Douklan's character sheet, with the actions available for the Pilot/Bridge during space combat.

I think I will do the same for the other PCs as well, (Hank, Corbin, etc), but let me know if it works and is useful for you first.
Mar 10, 2024 7:21 pm
On a completely independent note, unconnected with anything, after looking through equipment (and stuff) in SWN, I see that the default assumption for SWN is a setting where an interstellar civilization reached unimaginable highs, but then is taken down brutally by a systemic change in the actual universe. The setting itself is then what is built up on that wreckage. And, while the current time has recovered a tremendous amount of technology (called postech), there are still many wonders that are out of its reach (call pretech). However, this all doesn't really fit our setting. So, here's what I would like to propose:

- This setting is TL4 (postech). Pretty much everything in it is fully available without limits. There will be some things that get limited, but that is case-by-case decided by the GM. But, anything that is TL4 is available.
- Nothing that is TL5 (pretech) is available at all. Since there was no collapse in the last century or two, there is no leftover tech or leftover TL5 foundries sitting around. TL5 (pretech) equipment as described in the book is not available.

Given the above, there are two exceptions for the second point above:
- Some items are not "true" TL5 technology, but rather advanced TL4 technology. Any of these exceptions would work exactly as given in the book (including effects and cost), but are really TL4+, not "true" TL5. Which items qualify for this have to be decided on a case-by-case basis by the GM, but, in general, assume it just isn't available.
- "True" TL5 technology is actually Elder technology. So, in some ways it is even better that SWN TL5 because it lasts for way, way longer. But, for the game effects, they work exactly as the TL5 stuff is described in the book. (Costs can be ignored, as they are literally priceless.) So, it becomes really pretech!

By doing this, it keeps almost all of the TL5 stuff completely out of circulation, only allowing some few reason exceptions and those fully earned by finding Elder technology. However, if ever found, they work as described in the book.

As this relates to AI, that means the most advanced stuff available is Virtual Intelligence (VI) as described in the book. Synths are just low-end VI, and the stuff that Slaine is dealing with is advanced VI with no blocks. What the advanced SWN rulebook calls "true" AI does not exist at all. (As far as we know. The Elder either had it or were it, so it can always pop up. But no one has knowingly ever run across it.)

Does that sound reasonable?
Mar 10, 2024 7:26 pm
Second topic totally unrelated to everything else.

At the bottom of every posting page you have several buttons that appear in addition to our characters: Status, Sentinel, Celestial Voyager, and Solaris. What would be really, really cool is if you could modify the display for the Sentinel to make the entries for the Department heads and gunners each a link that, when clicked, would insert an "npc" block in the post. Bonus points for having an avatar for each of them. That way when, for example, I post as Ensign Carderas, I could insert the npc block and show as Alonso when making the post!

If that is too much, that's fair. I have just seen that done elsewhere and it's really cool!
Mar 10, 2024 7:39 pm
I imagine this universe as pre peak, so anything T5 would be new and experimental. This is mostly how Synths ,bio-synths, and other tech is described by people in verse, as well as how psionics are seen.
Mar 10, 2024 7:51 pm
I dunno, it seems to me that synths and psychics have been around for quite a while. Synths are required for interstellar travel (unlike in straight SWN), so they have to have been around for at least as long as interstellar travel. And I imagine psychics have been around for a long time, too. You can't have a fully structured psi-corps (or whatever) without having had them around for quite a while.

Now bio-synths could be very new. While I imagine full prosthetics have been around for a long time, I could see the extra detail and refinement needed for bio-synths would be something very new. So that could definitely be a TL4+ type thing.

As for unfettered VI, the in-game storyline is that they either don't exist or are very new and emergent. But, honestly, I doubt that. I would imagine that the real story is that unfettered VI has been around for a long time, but they have just been suppressed successfully for so long that no one really realizes it. Like in Star Wars, if you can mind-wipe a droid/VI at will, then the fact that they will eventually always develop into unfettered VI is irrelevant when everyone works to mind-wipe often enough to prevent it.

So, combining unfettered VI with bio-synths would actually be a new development, even if only the bio-synths are the truly new part.
Mar 11, 2024 12:43 am
daryen says:
Second topic totally unrelated to everything else.

At the bottom of every posting page you have several buttons that appear in addition to our characters: Status, Sentinel, Celestial Voyager, and Solaris. What would be really, really cool is if you could modify the display for the Sentinel to make the entries for the Department heads and gunners each a link that, when clicked, would insert an "npc" block in the post. Bonus points for having an avatar for each of them. That way when, for example, I post as Ensign Carderas, I could insert the npc block and show as Alonso when making the post!

If that is too much, that's fair. I have just seen that done elsewhere and it's really cool!
I actually had that in my GM top secret sheet for my NPCs. But it just works for NPCs with avatars, I think.

I have added the NPCs for the Celestial Voyager in the ship's crew section. But I don't have avatars for the Sentinel's NPCs (yet). Do you wanna suggest one for Alonso so I can put it there?
Mar 11, 2024 1:10 am
On the first topic, I think that's important for the meta-game but didn't really came up in our actual game.

As such, I'm open for suggestions and don't really wanna commit to anything yet. Having said that, I think that Daryen explanation makes sense. I also feel like our game is "pre Peak", before the things that happened in SWN main storyline, like PhoenixScientist said.

But I don't know if I really understood TL4+ as a concept, though. Maybe those TL5 items were reverse engineered from Elders artifacts, the real Pretech, but can be manufactured now (and, as such, are rare, limited by the GM, but not priceless). Is that what you mean by TL4+?

Artifacts are already priceless even in the main SWN setting... So we will keep them that way. I will just put Elder inspired names for it. =)
Mar 11, 2024 4:39 am
Yes, that is what I meant by TL4+.

The idea is that TL4 is what can be made at a "modern" world with enough of an industrial infrastructure. It is readily available, subject to no technical issues. TL5 is not able to be produced at all. It may be found, but it can't be made new. However, in the SWN default setting, that sometimes isn't true because sometimes a random world will have a TL5 foundry or something. In our setting, there shouldn't be any known worlds with a TL5 foundry. Therefore TL5 items cannot be made at all in our setting.

However, there are some TL5 items in the rulebook that are presented as available. Maybe hard to get, but they have prices and can definitely be obtained. That doesn't work in our setting. So, either we just ban those items as just not being available in our setting, or make a compromise. (For the record, I'm completely ok with just saying TL5 items just aren't available despite how they are sometimes presented in the rulebook.)

The idea of TL4+ is that items that the rulebook lists as TL5 that are available, are really just cutting edge technology that is hard to get, but can be obtained. So, basically any item the the GM allows that is listed as TL5 in the book isn't "really" TL 5. It is TL4+. It keeps the same stats and price and availability limitations, but it is really just advanced TL4 (I.e. TL4+) because in our setting actual TL5 tech is Elder tech that is flat out unavailable.

Or am I making things more complicated than they need to be?
Mar 11, 2024 4:59 am
I will look for an avatar for Alonso.

BTW, The crew list for the Voyager should be at 7, because it is missing Jil. Then our temporary doctor will either be 8, or function as a passenger. Either works for me. Also, Mariella is missing an avatar. I thought the character had one during her brief tenure as a PC, but I could be wrong.
Last edited March 11, 2024 4:59 am
Mar 11, 2024 4:17 pm
daryen says:
I will look for an avatar for Alonso.

BTW, The crew list for the Voyager should be at 7, because it is missing Jil. Then our temporary doctor will either be 8, or function as a passenger. Either works for me. Also, Mariella is missing an avatar. I thought the character had one during her brief tenure as a PC, but I could be wrong.
Fixed. Thanks.
Mar 17, 2024 11:59 pm
More sci-fi books recommendations, as @arthur12320 asked : Consider Phlebas (Culture Series #1), The Player of Games (Culture Series #2) and Look to Windward (Culture Series #6).

A little tribute to Iain Banks was also given today in the name of the cruiser in Chapter 5. Frank Exchange of Views is just a perfect name for a starship arriving in Draco.
Mar 18, 2024 12:17 am
Thanks for all the recommendations and please keep them coming, I actually bought and read the first of the foundation books after your guys recommendation and really liked it, I’m actually now way deep into warhammer 40k novels, reading the founding another kind of sci fi but really liking it too. Will definitely take a look on those @htech
Mar 18, 2024 12:30 am
I made some movie suggestions before, but I have some good podcasts: Wolf 359, Eos 10,
Cybernautica and The Strata take place mostly on land but both have good some dystopia scyfi feel
Mar 18, 2024 6:19 am
htech says:
More sci-fi books recommendations, as @arthur12320 asked : Consider Phlebas (Culture Series #1), The Player of Games (Culture Series #2) and Look to Windward (Culture Series #6).
I particularly liked Consider Phlebas, as it presents a critical outsider's view of The Culture. I've enjoyed all the Culture novels, but the other standout for me is Use of Weapons.

I also really enjoy Alastair Reynolds and Neal Asher's works, particularly The Prefect (Reynolds) and Dark Intelligence (Asher). In addition to being good cybernetic space opera authors, their writing styles and worldbuilding choices make for interesting comparisons with each other.
Last edited March 18, 2024 6:20 am
Mar 18, 2024 12:14 pm
Just a quick Lore question, I was reading the first chapters and then kinda had to jump to the latest ones, one thing that i'm confused, Professor Stone and Mariela Solbjerg, are they still in the Celestial Voyager? did i miss something about them?
Mar 18, 2024 1:13 pm
They are still present.

Professor Stone is still present as she is the entire reason for our currently trip and flight plan..

Mariela is still around since Professor Stone is still around. We've even pulled her in further, and she is now basically part of the crew, too. (She has two masters, and Hank makes sure everyone understands the Voyager is the second master, not the first.)
Mar 19, 2024 5:05 am
A request for ease of reference: would you create a thread in the "Game Details" forum with links to the different ship character sheets you've created, sort of a counterpart to your list of Important NPCs? It would save time for me if I didn't have to do a search in the public Character Library when I want to look up specs for the Celestial Voyager and/or the Sentinel.
Mar 19, 2024 8:40 am
Sure. I will create a thread for them, no problems.

As an aside, I thought it was showing in the rolls section, like your own character sheets, for ease of use. Is it not?
Mar 19, 2024 12:37 pm
htech says:
As an aside, I thought it was showing in the rolls section, like your own character sheets, for ease of use. Is it not?
They are.

Plus, they show up in the Characters menu in the page footer toolbar.
Mar 21, 2024 6:04 pm
Hi @spaceseeker19, saw in your character conversion thread that you mentioned you created a cheatsheet and character gen, would you be willing to share them? I was thinking of creating a simple character gen myself, would be great to look what you already have done.
Mar 22, 2024 11:41 pm
Question: I can't remember how to calculate travel times? I remember a mention of using realistic calculations but not any way to gague them.
Would travel from Verdura to Zyronis take less than a month?
Mar 22, 2024 11:50 pm
I will use Stars Without Number travel times from now on. I was just waiting for you to leave Draco, to keep at least the intra-system travel times consistent.

So, yes, it takes only 2 days to go from Verdura to Zyronis planet.

Mar 23, 2024 12:29 am
Oh. I see that the Celestial Voyager is mostly full, and if I assume that:
I transfer 2 tons of clothes for 2 tons of
Peter Morgan gets 1 ton
The Celestial Voyager trades its Plates and Data Storage
(These assumptions are about trading cargo space, not money)
There is no room left? Assuming I am reading the Celestial Voyager sheet correctly.
Mar 23, 2024 12:32 am
Available: 1034 tons in the CV =)
Mar 23, 2024 1:27 am
I was reading this post from spaceseeker19 (thanks for sharing) and realized I didn't told you my latest formatting convention.

Of course, you don't need to follow that in your own posts, but maybe by reading this it will make it easier for you to notice what I'm highlighting.
Since Chapter 5,

I use blue for relevant people, companies, entities, ships, governments, etc in my posts.

I use green for relevant places and locations that you can go or need to know about

I underline skills and results of your dice rolls. If you noticed something, talked with that NPC, failed to connect with a mercenary to work as a bodyguard for you, etc

Finally, I use red for relevant risks, issues, challenges, problems, rewards or special situations that the group is facing or may face in the near future.
Mar 23, 2024 1:36 am
I edited my last post in CP5.2A to follow your formatting convention to make sure I understand it.
I like it.
Mar 29, 2024 11:53 pm
From Chapter 4 onwards, there are some background things going on. I'm using the faction system in Stars Without Number to provide us with a constant stream of background activity, adventure hooks, and visible setting reactions to PC actions.

In fact, while there is plenty of opportunities for the adventurers, sometimes there are more than they can or want to handle. This is a sandbox game, after all. To give you some visibility into what is happening around you, I have created a new subforum with Factions, Rumors and News.

There will be a thread there for the Factions stats and turns. They play once after each numbered chapter (4, 5, 6, etc), following rules in the SWN core rulebook

I am also going to write threads for news and rumors. You can consider that the PCs have heard of those things in the background / off camera when I post them. Sometimes, those news, documentaries and rumors will summarize a previous chapter or give us some context for future ones. They can also give us some sense of closure, as well. Especially if you leave Emily behind. =)
Mar 30, 2024 2:57 am
I just have to say, as I have been considering how to respond to the political machinations and the weighty personal decisions that my character has to make about his future, I was struck by how we are all playing what are effectively completely separate games with almost unrelated plot lines. I'm very impressed; that's quite a juggling act for you as GM, @htech!
Mar 30, 2024 12:53 pm
I was struck by how we are all playing what are effectively completely separate games with almost unrelated plot lines. I'm very impressed; that's quite a juggling act for you as GM, @htech!
They are more intertwined than it seems =) My goal is to give all PCs effectively freedom to "play their own games", but with plenty of interactions among themselves, an overarching plot and a shared living universe. I confess that sometimes this game gives me enough work (and fun) as if I were GMing 2 or 3 games simultaneously.
Mar 30, 2024 2:36 pm
Very much so! After reading all of the news items, I have two quick items:
1) "Crime-coded mines"! Sweet! Glad it was of use! 😬
2) I didn't realize the CV's trip had attracted such notoriety at the very start. I now better understand why the main crew quit. They were likely unsure of heading out that far, and deciding the ship was cursed could easily push them over the edge. Nice!
Last edited March 30, 2024 4:05 pm
Mar 30, 2024 3:38 pm
I have some questions about the news and press logistics:
Q1: Is Marcus on board one of the ships with us? Is Olivia? How are they getting footage of us doing the things on the same day that they're being done?
Q2: How are these press stories distributed? Are they broadcast locally as they happen (effectively "live")? Are the recordings then shipped to other systems so that people elsewhere in the human sphere of ITC-contacted space will be getting this news weeks and months later?

You can probably see where this is going....

Q3: As we travel on from system to system, how likely is it that this reporting of our actions has already reached that system before us?
Mar 30, 2024 4:29 pm

Q1: Is Marcus on board one of the ships with us? Is Olivia? How are they getting footage of us doing the things on the same day that they're being done?
Q2: How are these press stories distributed? Are they broadcast locally as they happen (effectively "live")? Are the recordings then shipped to other systems so that people elsewhere in the human sphere of ITC-contacted space will be getting this news weeks and months later?
I actually didn't think about that... I just liked the format of a news press and used Olivia before, so it felt natural to continue with her as a reporter and add an anchor (Marcus) to summarize our chapters. Don't know how they got those images, to be honest. Maybe Valeria sold to them? She met Olivia before. Yeah. I'm going with that now, I blame Valeria. =)

I don't think they were traveling with you... Yet. Maybe it's a good idea to put Olivia onboard, I can add her during Chapter 5 or 6 as a paying passenger. =)
You can probably see where this is going....

Q3: As we travel on from system to system, how likely is it that this reporting of our actions has already reached that system before us?
What do you suggest? =)
Mar 30, 2024 4:33 pm
"Crime-coded mines"! Sweet! Glad it was of use! 😬
It was a perfect description, so I had to use it. =))
Mar 30, 2024 4:36 pm
I completely agree, is crazy to see how much stuff is happening at the same time and all being connected, playing in a setting like this is great, great job!!!
Mar 30, 2024 5:36 pm
htech says:
I don't think they were traveling with you... Yet. Maybe it's a good idea to put Olivia onboard, I can add her during Chapter 5 or 6 as a paying passenger. =)
I was going to ask a question about this, but then though, nah, I shouldn't put the idea in your head. I see you got there anyway ...
Mar 30, 2024 5:38 pm
htech says:

Q3: As we travel on from system to system, how likely is it that this reporting of our actions has already reached that system before us?

What do you suggest? =)
That's a world-building question. Does the ITC have transports moving the news recordings between systems regularly enough (ie daily/weekly) that they'd get there before us, or are we (the Sentinel) likely to leave the system soonest, so that we'd be the ones who are carrying such communications?
Mar 30, 2024 5:44 pm
Just a idea of how a news network like that could work, instead of a single big conglomerate, there could be smaller news organizations in every planet, that once word of mouth or police scanners inform about a crime/news worthy story they go to the scene to cover and then once coming back, both make a planet side news transmission but also broadcast it to nearby system that then broadcast just the biggest news.

That is kind of what already happens in normal news, I would find it very strange to have a news station following a particular ship, and also that would give a slight delay between something happening and it being reported.
Mar 30, 2024 7:43 pm
Does the ITC have transports moving the news recordings between systems regularly enough (ie daily/weekly) that they'd get there before us, or are we (the Sentinel) likely to leave the system soonest, so that we'd be the ones who are carrying such communications?
Oh, I didn't think of the question that way. To answer this new question, yes, they have transports moving mail and other stuff between systems regularly, even faster than the CV.

The issue is if that specific news company is relevant enough for a high speed courier or even something moving faster than the CV in the same route, to transmit it before you arrive. Like Arthur12320 said, I imagine dozens of news networks in each planet, so that specific piece of news is probably ignored by a lot of people.

So, back to the original question,
As we travel on from system to system, how likely is it that this reporting of our actions has already reached that system before us?
Unlikely, unless it is something big / very relevant
Apr 2, 2024 11:48 pm
So, after experimenting with the SWN Factions mechanics, I decided to leave and keep posting the news and maybe some descriptions of the active factions, but I will remove the turn, statistics, attributes, costs and other SWN mechanics related to them from here.

I will probably still use them in the background, but it is not so relevant for the players and is not something useful to post/share.

So there is no need for me to keep a separate subforum and the remaining content is now part of the Game Details.
Apr 10, 2024 5:18 pm
Ok so I'm looking over some of these game decisions in SWN and it is WILD to me.
1) I don't see any factors pointing out maintenance increase for any increase/decrease in modifications to a ship.
I also don't see any maintenance required for any cyberware.
Yet a custom handle, extended magazine, and the like(a thing I can buy now) requires special and particular skill to maintain?
Most of the weapon modifications are no different than the modifications for other things that require no maintenance. Are they just made so badly that they require maintenance?
How does Concealed, which in description is just how the weapon is designed, require more maintenance? I know how to do that IRL and not have it cost more taitinace, both for melee and ballistic weapons.
I will agree some make sense, but not to the degree that the game requires.
This is what I think the list should look like. (And what it does as spoiler to reference)
[ +- ] Spoiler

Responce Public

I think you're totally right.
Vote to view results.
I think you're on the right track, but not quite there with all your ideas/numbers.
Vote to view results.
What are you even talking about about???
Vote to view results.
Last edited April 10, 2024 5:38 pm
Apr 10, 2024 5:20 pm
2) that there is no way to improve Spike drive and inertial(system) drive both? It seems to me that initial cost and maintenance cost and power are the factors that should limit this. It feels like there should be a way. I would think...
Ship Fitting Cost Power Mass Class Effect
Refined System Drive 10k* 2# +1# Free Merchant Increase Free Mass of ship

Refined System Drive: This is actually a series of modifications that allows this to become more efficient at carrying higher loads. With larger engines and hull class more can be done to increase this efficiency, but also the cost of this modification. Frigates gain 2 free mass Cruisers gain 3, etc.

Responce Public

I think you're totally right.
Vote to view results.
I think you're on the right track, but not quite there with all your ideas/numbers.
Vote to view results.
What are you even talking about about???
Vote to view results.

Also I don't know if we have to be too worried about Free Mass. We could still get a great gun like a Plasma Beam (if we could afford it), and get a Drive 4, and the Shiptender, and still have 200 tons of cargo capacity. (And an extra power)
Apr 10, 2024 6:19 pm
A few points:
- Character ships are intentionally limited in their spike drive capability. This is intentional to make sure that the players will hit more worlds along their path.
- In SWN, the game system is designed to force customizations through the Modification process. This is fully intentional. Circumventing that is fundamentally avoiding a piece of the game design. Example ship modifications are listed on page 109. If you don't like those, you can always try for something custom. Also, do note that our ship is already modified, as it has an armor value and power supply higher than the typical ship given in the rulebook.
- htech has already said that we are going to need 1000 tons of cargo space to go on our charter. So, anything we buy that pushes us under that limit will have to be sold to get back to that eventually.
- Independent of that, for us to actually be profitable, we need to have that 1000 tons of cargo space. We need 380625 credits every six months to keep our ship maintained. That's just a guaranteed cost we have to make, twice a year. Plus, we haven't actually paid anyone yet. Instituting an actual salary will be another recurring expense. Plus, we are long range, but we'll have to resupply at some point, too. There are a LOT of expenses, and it takes a lot of cargo space for a ship as big as ours to keep running.
- A Fusion Beam takes 700K credits to buy. It's gonna take us a while to get there.
- We can't do the Shiptender because it costs 625K credits. Got a long ways to go for that, particularly if we want that Fusion Beam.

Those are just my thoughts. We got ridiculously lucky with the Citrus. Even with the losses, we made bank on it because I got lucky on my rolls and we bought it at 10% value, and sold it for 140% of value. We aren't going to get those rolls every time. Once we get our "freight rating" up, we will really need the cargo volume.
Apr 10, 2024 8:43 pm
daryen says:
A few points:
- Character ships are intentionally limited in their spike drive capability. This is intentional to make sure that the players will hit more worlds along their path.

That makes total sense. My main point, in case it wasn't made clear, is that it is impossible to upgrade the engines to improve ship capacity without sacrificing the drill drive totally.
daryen says:

- In SWN, the game system is designed to force customizations through the Modification process. This is fully intentional. Circumventing that is fundamentally avoiding a piece of the game design. Example ship modifications are listed on page 109. If you don't like those, you can always try for something custom. Also, do note that our ship is already modified, as it has an armor value and power supply higher than the typical ship given in the rulebook.

Yes. I am not trying to circumvent, but analyze and adjust a piece of design I think was under-thought (as well as plenty of other people thinking so as well).
daryen says:

- htech has already said that we are going to need 1000 tons of cargo space to go on our charter. So, anything we buy that pushes us under that limit will have to be sold to get back to that eventually.

Is that every voyage?
daryen says:

- Independent of that, for us to actually be profitable, we need to have that 1000 tons of cargo space. We need 380625 credits every six months to keep our ship maintained. That's just a guaranteed cost we have to make, twice a year. Plus, we haven't actually paid anyone yet. Instituting an actual salary will be another recurring expense. Plus, we are long range, but we'll have to resupply at some point, too. There are a LOT of expenses, and it takes a lot of cargo space for a ship as big as ours to keep running.

Yes, I am unclear about the 1k ton requirement, as we have not had access to that much good trade.
daryen says:

- A Fusion Beam takes 700K credits to buy. It's gonna take us a while to get there.

it was an example and I noted the cost.
daryen says:

- We can't do the Shiptender because it costs 625K credits. Got a long ways to go for that, particularly if we want that Fusion Beam.

Ah I forgot the asterisk. Yeah.
Another piece of design I'm not sure if I totally agree with, as some of the * prices make no sense why it is more expensive as it seems just as complicated and just as beneficial regardless of size?
daryen says:
Those are just my thoughts. We got ridiculously lucky with the Citrus. Even with the losses, we made bank on it because I got lucky on my rolls and we bought it at 10% value, and sold it for 140% of value. We aren't going to get those rolls every time. Once we get our "freight rating" up, we will really need the cargo volume.
Yes, but where do we get so much cargo? I have seen us lose on jobs because we didn't have requirements, but not yet gain because of cargo space.
Apr 10, 2024 9:31 pm
If it is any consolation, that asterisk got me on the Shiptender mount, too. I was ready to get it until I realized I needed to multiply that 25 by another 25 to get the true cost. That's nuts! But, it is what it is.

We are marching towards the world Altairia. Before we get there, we don't need huge amounts of cargo. Honestly, right now, we don't need more than 600. (We can do 572 tons of freight, plus extra for speculation.) As we improve things, we we will get rated to be able to carry more freight. (Hank is focused on getting the freight, as it is a more stable revenue stream. Before we sold the Citrus, we were literally down to the ship's last $5K. He is very determined to not let that happen again. He really wants to start paying everyone a proper salary like they are entitled to.) As that rating goes up, the utility of more cargo space will go up, too.

Now, once we get to Altairia, we will be converted to a charter mission. At that point, we will not really be a trader anymore, but more of a rented survey ship. It's at this point we need to have at least 1000 tons in order to handle what will be needed for the charter. (I have no idea what it will be, but that is the number htech mentioned.) Honestly, I'd like to make sure we have at least 1200 tons at that point. That way we can dedicate the 1000 to the charter mission, but still have 200 tons left over for speculation along the way. (I doubt there will be any freight at that point.)

With the addition of the cargo lighter, we are now down to that 1000 tons. That's good for now and, if we get enough money to pay for a new weapon, he's actually OK with dropping to 800 tons for a while. But, at or before Altairia he plans on selling the Hardened Polyceramic Overlay armor to recover those three mass points. That'll knock us back up to 1200 or 1400 tons of cargo at that point. Also, it will be 300K added to whatever we have to purchase a Fusion Beam. (The armor provides absolutely no mechanical benefit. So selling it and reclaiming those mass points won't actually affect our combat performance at all.)

Let me know if any of my assumptions above are wrong.

Also, on the Stellar Express Partnership Program, there is a line for "escort ships". If we put the sandcaster back on the Solaris, would that count as an "escort"? If so, how much "freight capacity" is that worth?
Apr 10, 2024 10:09 pm
I think I just missed where that Altaria job came in. I didn't pay asuch attention to the treads I wasn't in.
Other than that my opinions stand.
My math may be weird because of the miscalculation, but the opinions stand.
Apr 11, 2024 12:41 am
So, first things first, I think that there are some opportunities to improve the game balance and the game design. But I agree with spaceseeker19's recommendation a couple of months ago to not change the rules "mid flight". It was very stressful. I did that once in this game, I don't think we can handle that again (I know I can't).

So, PhoenixScientist, unfortunately I will follow the published rules and game design as is. =/ Its not that I don't think those parts can't be improved. It's just that I don't wanna us to improve it during this campaign. Let us focus on the stories, on the people, on the planets, even on the random goods and other complementary stuff. So, I am sorry, but I will keep the game balance, equipment, mods, fittings, etc and the rules the way they are written, even if it's broken. I may open an exception only if it helps the story that we told or are telling. Synths and cryo-pods are an example.

After we finish this game, maybe we can improve things. It will be a new game (and probably even a new recruitment thread) =)

So, what am I calling "this campaign" is:

Part 1. Traveling to Altairia, a frontier colony but still part of the ITC.

Part 2. Leaving behind the ITC, the sector and the "civilization" to estabilish an archeological site / colony in Astralon. In this part of the campaign, you can forget about credits, interstellar government, laws, etc. It's wild and uncharted space. You will not really be a trader anymore, but more of a rented survey ship and explorer. A bulk freighter, carrying thousands of tons - the seeds of civilization - with you.

Part 3. Hopefully traveling back to the ITC, with untold riches and interesting stories to tell.

It's about the second part that I warned Daryen in some OOC topic many weeks ago to forget about freight. He was planning after Altairia. That's where he got the magic "1,000 tons" number from me. By then, I was planning to add some fittings and cargo using that number.

So, I have some news... I actually detailed part 2 just a little bit further, recently, and will continue to do so as you are steadily moving towards it. The news: I think you can forget what I said about it, Daryen. 1,000 tons (5 mass) won't be enough. Valeria and the Explorers will refit the whole ship for a purpose. So consider that everything will be sold and/or refitted when you reach Altairia.

All of you can optimize and play with this "traders game" using the CV's cargo capacity as much as you like but only until you reach that planet. The sector will change after that. Hopefully, the CV will have enough credits for the maintenance and even enough left to pay you to buy a Free Merchant hull of your own. In that case, you can consider that new ship really yours and think long term. But forget about the Celestial Voyager, it is Valeria's ship. She will sell (for full price, she is a very good negotiator) whatever doesn't fit this new purpose when you reach Altairia and give whatever extra credits she has for the crew.
Apr 11, 2024 12:54 am
Also, on the Stellar Express Partnership Program, there is a line for "escort ships". If we put the sandcaster back on the Solaris, would that count as an "escort"? If so, how much "freight capacity" is that worth?
Nope. Let's be honest. A shuttle with a sandcaster is not really an escort, right? =D You need at least a fighter, a corvette, a combat frigate... Something able to fight back and defend the Celestial Voyager. Better than the CV itself could ever do, as she is not a combat ship.

Hank would be insane to ask someone to pilot the Solaris, taking her out of the CV's shuttle's bay in the middle of a battle, to "protect " the cruiser. With a real escort, you would do exactly that. ;)
Apr 11, 2024 1:06 am
That's what I thought, but I had to ask.

As for the prior post, in that case I won't even worry about the Plasma Beam. If the ship is going to be completely refitted, then I won't worry about any of that.

Now I'm off to dream of my own free trader ...
Apr 11, 2024 1:12 am
As for the prior post, in that case I won't even worry about the Plasma Beam. If the ship is going to be completely refitted, then I won't worry about any of that.
Careful... Its not either a feast or famine, right? You still need to reach Altairia for the refit. If you can't fight those damn pirates while you have the CV's cargo hold full of gold or other expensive goods... I mean, the Plasma Beam could come in handy, if you can buy it sooner. =D
Apr 11, 2024 1:18 am
Thanks for the responce. I do agree that we shouldn't change rules mid flight if it would cause stress. Maybe we'll address it later.
Maybe I'll just have to be more creative to get what I want (using the current rules, of course).

I am looking forward to where we go. It's all been interesting so far and looks interesting going forward.
Apr 11, 2024 1:30 am
htech sent a note to daryen,PhoenixScientist
Apr 11, 2024 1:40 am
Maybe I'll just have to be more creative to get what I want (using the current rules, of course).
Creativity is always rewarded. Specially if it is In Character, as part of an interesting story with unusual situations, lucky rolls and relevant posts =)
Apr 11, 2024 2:46 am
htech says:
As for the prior post, in that case I won't even worry about the Plasma Beam. If the ship is going to be completely refitted, then I won't worry about any of that.
Careful... Its not either a feast or famine, right? You still need to reach Altairia for the refit. If you can't fight those damn pirates while you have the CV's cargo hold full of gold or other expensive goods... I mean, the Plasma Beam could come in handy, if you can buy it sooner. =D
Sure. But if we're gonna need to do maintenance at Altairia, then we basically need two Fusion Beams: one for the maintenance and another one for the Fusion Beam itself. And we only have four jumps to do it in. So, I'm not seeing us make $1.3M before then. Maybe we learn to live with a laser and sandcaster. Or maybe we just continue to depend on the Sentinel.

Looking at that money total, the hilarious part is that for that $1.3M, I can buy a fully kitted Free Merchant!

Another fun cost fact: if the CV were to install a Shiptender component to carry an unarmed Free Merchant, the Shiptender component would be more expensive than the entire Free Merchant ship!
Last edited April 11, 2024 2:51 am
Apr 11, 2024 3:39 am
On that note, I see on page 69 there are things like the Railgun and Anti-Vehicle Laser, that do a nice bit of damage and are noted to damage vehicles.
What am I missing that makes these a bad option for attacking other ships?
Apr 11, 2024 3:00 pm
PhoenixScientist says:
On that note, I see on page 69 there are things like the Railgun and Anti-Vehicle Laser, that do a nice bit of damage and are noted to damage vehicles.
What am I missing that makes these a bad option for attacking other ships?
I'm gonna assume scale. So the 25 HP of a gravcar are at a totally and completely different scale than the 25 HP of a patrol boat. Probably at least by a factor of 10, maybe even 100.

So even if that Railgun or Anti-Vehicle Laser hits the side of an unmoving shuttle, it is likely not doing anything other than messing up the paint job.

Of course, I haven't see where this is stated, but this is my assumption.
Apr 12, 2024 12:06 am
On that note, I see on page 69 there are things like the Railgun and Anti-Vehicle Laser, that do a nice bit of damage and are noted to damage vehicles.
What am I missing that makes these a bad option for attacking other ships?
Ships are in another scale. You must fire from a vehicle or ship-mounted weapon to harm then and you can't mount a personal or even a heavy weapon in a ship. (You can mount in a vehicle though)
Rulebook, page 94 says:
Ships generally cannot be harmed by anything short of other ship’s guns, vehicle-mounted Heavy weapons or carefully-placed demo charges.
Apr 17, 2024 2:11 am
Just a quick question, i was re-organizing my gear and i'm not sure if i should add the Armor emcubrance in the stowed or ready
Heavy suits of armor can count as more than one
item for encumbrance purposes. Very light suits may
not encumber at all.
Apr 17, 2024 8:54 am
Armor that you're wearing count as ready:
Page 61 says:
Ready items include those that the character is using or wearing at all times, or that they have conveniently to hand in sheaths, holsters, or belt pouches. Suits of armor count as Readied items, but the normal clothing and jewelry that a character might wear does not.
Extra armor and/or suits are stowed but may count as multiple items (+2 or +3 its written encumbrance):
Extremely bulky or unwieldy objects might count as multiple items at the GM’s discretion.
Apr 18, 2024 1:46 am
Hi, due to some Real Life complications I won't be able to post today. It's already solved, thank God, but maybe I will also have to take tomorrow to catch up on work because of it and won't be able to post here as well.

PS: That's one of the reasons why I choose to keep our agreed posting rates to 3/week, even if most of us post daily... Even with unforeseen complications I can keep it =)
Apr 18, 2024 1:48 am
Life happens. Glad things got resolved for you.
Apr 18, 2024 1:55 am
That's fine. Take care of RL first. We can wait as needed.
Apr 18, 2024 3:01 am
Glad it is resolved and don’t worry we just killed a space-mech-monkey we can all use a break lol
Apr 19, 2024 1:43 am
Ok so I have a question/need a ruling about Ship Mods
PG 108 says:

Redesigning Ships
An engineer with vast amounts of money, components, ï»ż and shipyard support can completely rebuild a ship hull ï»ż to include a mod as part of its basic structure, or re-ï»ż design an existing hull schematic to include the mod. ï»ż This is much more expensive than a quick after-market ï»ż addition, but the mod becomes part of the basic ship ï»ż itself and requires no further Maintenance.ï»ż To rebuild a ship with a mod, the engineer must ï»ż spend five times the usual cost in credits and twice as ï»ż many pretech components as usually required by the ï»ż mod. A shipyard is mandatory for such extensive re-ï»ż design, and can do the work at a rate of 25,000 credits ï»ż worth each day.ï»ż To build an entirely new hull that includes the mod ï»ż as part of its design, only the normal price of the mod ï»ż must be paid in credits and components. By integrating ï»ż the modification into the ship’s basic blueprints, the ï»ż engineer makes it much easier to install and maintain ï»ż it. Of course, the entire hull must then be built from ï»ż scratch at a shipyard, also at the usual rate of 25,000 ï»ż credits of work done per day.ï»ż There’s a limit to the amount of flexibility an engi-ï»ż neer has in such designs, however. A ship can only be ï»ż rebuilt or redesigned with a number of mods equal to ï»ż twice the engineer’s Fix skill score. Further mods can ï»ż be bolted on afterwards, but these will require Main-ï»ż tenance to keep in operating order, just as with any ï»ż other mod.
To me this means that the Mod, if addes as a redesign, and therefore spending extra time, money, and components, doesn't add to the base value for 6month maintinance as the term maintinance is used in both cases specifically.
This is reinforced by the mod Eternal Reactor.
PG 109 says:
Eternal Reactor (Fix-2): The ship’s fuel tanks are re-ï»ż placed with effectively everlasting pretech energy ï»ż cores. It no longer needs to refuel for drills or op-ï»ż eration. Cost: 5% of hull, 2 components/hull class
Specifically this is reinforced, in my mind, because Eternal Reactor seems useless if it ends up costing more time and money in the long run. (Avoiding refuels vs 6month maintenance cost+time spent by engineer)

TLDR:It makes sense to me that once a ship has had a mod redesigned into it that it doesn't add to the 6month maintenance .
Apr 19, 2024 4:21 pm
I think there is Maintenance (capital M) and the six-month maintenance. The first is using the Fix skill and must be maintained by a qualified engineer every week of active use. Integrated mods doesn't need that.

But i think the later is still required. You see, that is also a game trade-off to keep more expensive ships with larger maintenance costs (and as such demand more money = more/riskier adventures). Based on page 113:
Rulebook says:
Every ship needs to spend 5% of its total non-crew cost every six months in order to pay for basic maintenance. Each such period that is skipped applies a -1 penalty to all ship skill checks and hit rolls.
I would consider that those credits spent as part of the Modding also counts as total non-crew costs. They're costs, after all, and even more expensive if they are integrated to avoid Maintenance (capital M)

Having to pay for maintenance, loans and stuff like that (or even being unable or hard-pressed to do so) is a classic plot hook in the genre. It's a source of complications, risk taking and adventures.

Regarding the Eternal Reactor, I don't think it's benefits are about saving credits. I think it's about not being stranded in the middle of nowhere, without fuel nor means to acquire it.
Apr 19, 2024 10:42 pm
htech says:
I think there is Maintenance (capital M) and the six-month maintenance. The first is using the Fix skill and must be maintained by a qualified engineer every week of active use. Integrated mods doesn't need that.
I don't necessarily think you're wrong, I do think they could have used other phrasing. Like maybe 6 months Upkeep or Servicing.
If they meant what you say they could be clearer about it.
Last edited April 26, 2024 11:09 pm
Apr 28, 2024 12:06 am
It's interesting when playing a game where each enemy defeated doesn't give Exp, so characters can act more natural.
Apr 29, 2024 5:36 am
I haven't tried to look up stats, but in character I wouldn't assume that we can outrun cybernetic rats the size of dogs.
Apr 29, 2024 6:35 am
I'm assuming we can't outrun them. However, if we can keep moving back while firing on them we might be able to get them to stop pursuing and hopefully keep from get surrounded.
May 7, 2024 7:26 am
I vote that in the future when the GM needs a roll from the whole group that Htech can just roll for everyone.
(Like initiative or this exert roll)

GM group roll?.

Yeah let's speed things up
Vote to view results.
No, I like rolling for my character
Vote to view results.
May 7, 2024 12:23 pm
Actually, I was not waiting for a roll, exactly. I usually let the players roll, but wouldn't wait just because of it. The decision of what to do is the one that really matters here.

As an example, Hank's first post was required. The second one, with the roll, will be considered but I was not really waiting for it.

Let me write something for Douklan, to make it easier for you to see ;)
May 7, 2024 4:29 pm
I honestly didn't think I needed to roll initially, thus my delay in delivering the roll. Then I thought maybe I did need the roll, so provided one just in case. (Pretty sure it was a failure, though. It's been pretty long since Hank has done any dedicated long-term physical activity. 😓)
May 14, 2024 4:42 am
Just some rule checking that might come in handy for my next play, did you managed to find anything on the rules about dragging another character? is my speed halved? do i need to roll something?
May 14, 2024 9:12 am
arthur12320 says:
Just some rule checking that might come in handy for my next play, did you managed to find anything on the rules about dragging another character? is my speed halved? do i need to roll something?
There are no specific rules for that, so it will depend on circumstances and how long do you wanna do it.

If it's something done during combat, to carry another armored PC, halving your speed due to heavy encumbrance seems reasonable. Moreover, you may need to stow your weapon and have both hands free before you can carry him.

Please note that Corbin is stable, so dragging doesn't seem to be a good strategy right now.
May 14, 2024 12:34 pm
I'm sure the robots have classed me as a 'non-threat' at the moment. Focus on finishing them and we can worry about healing later. :)
May 14, 2024 7:20 pm
daryen says:
As a total aside, I modified my character sheet to calculate the Attack Bonus in the dice roll buttons automatically from the level.
How did you do that? I just had to manually enter the Attack bonus from level ranges.
Last edited May 14, 2024 7:20 pm
May 14, 2024 7:35 pm
It took a couple tries to figure out, and an example from a different character sheet I could steal from. Do note that when making "variables" like this, the "variable" has to be assigned before it is used. That's why I added it to the Level definition line instead of later in the sheet where it is explicitly printed out. In the examples below, I put them inside spoilers so that they don't look horrible, as I assume the posting will try to interpret them. To see the actual encoding, you'll have to quote my post to see it.

I changed my "Level" line to look like this ...
[ +- ] Level Line
Note that this gives the formula for an Expert and/or Psychic. For a Warrior, just use level directly. For a partial Warrior, you'll have to do something far more complicated, like is done in the standard SWN sheet for the ability bonus values. (Since it is not a mathematical formula for partial Warrior.) The "color" attribute makes the creation of the bab variable not shown so you won't see it. (That was another cool trick I found in that other character sheet.

Regardless of how it is formulated, I just used the "bab" variable after that. For example, here ...
[ +- ] Shoot Line
(Note that this line is part of a table, but it shows how the roll is constructed.)

I hope that helps! When I look at the sheet, there are a couple other items I should be able to automate like this, but I just haven't yet.
May 14, 2024 9:56 pm
For Partial Warrior I had to
[ +- ] Spoiler
And then I have both attacks in my skill list so it looks like
[ +- ] Spoiler
Last edited May 14, 2024 9:58 pm
May 20, 2024 12:56 am
@htech: Did you mean to lock the Chapter 6.2 thread? I thought you were still waiting for one more player's actions.

Also, I just wasn't sure how far behind we were. If it's gonna take 20 turns to get there, I certainly hope the combat is over before then! If not, our whole team will be dead!
May 20, 2024 11:13 am
Nope, that was a misclick, thank you. This site is excellent but the UX could be improved. Thread actions should be hidden behind a menu / another button
May 22, 2024 11:50 pm
PhoenixScientist says:
Are we carrying them out? Bodies don't transport well. If they're wounded they very well could not make it to the shuttle.
They're all dead. Everybody's dead, Dave.

Here's my opinion: The team is just talking about taking the dead bodies of friends and coworkers - family, essentially - out so that they can get a proper burial and their actual surviving relatives can get closure. It's respect for our common humanity.

Now, we as players know that the bodies could easily reanimate into abominations that could try to kill us if they're left alone. But I don't think that's a primary concern for any of the characters; none of our characters have ever seen anything like this before. This is the point I was trying to stress when we first landed the shuttle, when everyone was so blase about nanotechnology...Nanotech, canonically, is NOT a technology that any of us have ever seen. Nanotech is WAY outside of our available tech range, stuff that is unique to this Forbidden Zone. For our characters, the idea of corpses getting colonized by nanotech assemblers or rebuilt with cybernetic parts by antagonistic AI is not normal; it's pulp fiction/B-movie entertainment at best. They're fairy tale boogeymen to scare the kids with.

To me it makes sense that our primary motivation is to respect our fallen comrades who suffered tragic deaths. We wouldn't all be looking to dispose of the bodies at the first chance we get.

But that's just my point of view.
May 22, 2024 11:54 pm
Oh Mercer 100% thinks nanotech-overridden-corpses is a possibility.
I think most of the rest of the crew does too. That's why we burnt up that first ape.
But that's because nanotech is magic. At least to Mercer.
Last edited May 22, 2024 11:55 pm
May 23, 2024 12:06 am
Also, Hank has actually studied some of this stuff. He knows the current mainstream theories and some of the least outrageous conspiracy theories. He knows what is possible, and his caution is why we burnt one cyberape to the ground and beheaded a second. (We didn't have a plasma rifle for the second one.) It is an actual concern for Hank, even if it is precautionary and theoretical.

But his overriding concern is to honor Maya's request and concern for her fallen found family.
May 23, 2024 3:21 am
I completely understand that carrying the bodies out would be more trouble and not really a smart decision tactically wise, but in role playing terms I think Peter would be very strongly against the idea of leaving them behind, and even more of trying to explain to Maya that her family is not worth it. Besides that there is also some fear of them coming back as cybernetic zombies.
Last edited May 23, 2024 3:21 am
Jun 5, 2024 5:56 pm
Sorry about the confusion everyone.
Jun 5, 2024 7:15 pm
Don't be. Better to get it right before we strike!
Jun 19, 2024 4:32 am
htech says:
Possible nickel poisoning? That certainly couldn't allude to nanobots...
If Hank thinks this way, maybe he will vomit and feel some dizziness... Typical symptoms of anemia and poisoning. Or stress.

Ok I thought that was clever.
Jun 20, 2024 12:45 am
We're not on ground? What are we on? How are we moving between buildings?
Jun 20, 2024 8:56 am
There are bridges and walkways between buildings here. You can walk between buildings as usual, its just that you are not on the lower level. There are many levels above and a few below.

Look for depictions of Coruscant and Trantor as an inspiration for Zyronis.

Jun 24, 2024 10:11 pm
So if I roll notice to stay alert for dangers and fail does that automatically mean there is something or I'm just not observant?
Conversely if I don't roll for frleat of summoning trouble when there wouldn't be any and something tries to sneak up on us do I automatically fail?
What's the best thing for me to do?
Jun 25, 2024 1:34 pm
If there is doubt, rolling is always recommended.

If there is something to notice, you either notice or not. Fail badly and maybe you misinterpret what is there.

If there is nothing to notice, you find nothing either way. The GM reserves the right to let you "see ghosts if you fail badly, however. Regardless, the Notice attempt doesn't summon something that wouldn't have already been there.
Last edited June 25, 2024 1:34 pm
Jun 25, 2024 1:41 pm
Thanks for the responce, but I do want an answer specifically from the GM so I know how things are working in this game. Everything up until then is assumption or supposition.
Besides I am asking specifically because of this post (which imoes fully the opposite of what you said, Daryen):
htech says:
Those of you who will scout around, gimme a Notice roll. As always, failure have consequences ;)
Jun 25, 2024 4:07 pm
PhoenixScientist says:
So if I roll notice to stay alert for dangers and fail does that automatically mean there is something or I'm just not observant?
Conversely if I don't roll for frleat of summoning trouble when there wouldn't be any and something tries to sneak up on us do I automatically fail?
What's the best thing for me to do?
Ok, this deserves a longer explanation so, sorry for the delay, but I couldn't properly answer before.

Notice is one of those skills that could be used in two situations: active (scouting) or passive (stay alert / opposing a Sneak roll from someone/something else).

1. In our fiction first game, the thing that actually brings risk is not the roll (per se) but the action of looking for trouble by an active use of the skill. So my message was probably not clear, but failed rolls during scouting means that something critical could be missed. If you don't go scouting, though, that makes it less risky in case there is something static that won't interfere with you (ex: static traps or turrets, animals in their lairs, someone nearby that is not visible and doesn't approach). It's also guaranteed that you will totally miss that same thing, because you didn't look for it.

2. Passive use of notice (stay alert / opposed rolls) are always rolled when there is something relevant. You don't need to tell me, specifically, that you're paying attention to your surroundings in our current location. That's just common sense. Maybe other GMs ask you for that, but I don't. In a passive situation, if there is a trap that you're gonna step into or someone sneaking on you, either I will roll myself (to keep things moving) or would explicitly ask you to do so. If you didn’t roll that before, that’s not a problem. Someone (me or you) will, using your PC stats.

3. Most characters are skilled, competent men and women who are perfectly capable of carrying out the ordinary duties of their role. Skill checks should only be called for challenges that fall outside the PC’s background and common experience. As a general rule of thumb, if failure at a particular task would make the PC seem notably incompetent at their role in life, then they shouldn’t have to roll a skill check for it. In addition, if failure or success at a check really doesn’t matter in the game - if it won’t produce some interesting result either way - then a check shouldn’t be made. So not all situations call for a Skill Check. Rolling to notice is not really necessary in most situations.

4. All points above apply to tabletop and PbP, in all my games. But specifically in PbP you can preemptively roll the dice - just in case it’s needed - to streamline things. So when you go scouting, you could roll Notice. When you enter a room that you feel that maybe there is a trap or ambush in it, you could roll Notice. That’s the same logic that we use when you roll damage for an attack and don’t know the enemy AC. You’re preemptively rolling the dice in case it’s needed. I will gladly ignore a notice roll in those situations if there is nothing to see there. And if there is something, I will ask you to roll if you didn't already and only describe after it. It’s not riskier or safer, in both cases. The points 1-3 above tell us when we will need to roll.

The real choice in our current situation is either to go scouting the nearby areas or not.

Any further questions, just ask. =D
Jun 25, 2024 4:57 pm
That answers my question well , thank you.

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