Hailing frequencies open (Intro & OOC chat)

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May 22, 2024 11:54 pm
Oh Mercer 100% thinks nanotech-overridden-corpses is a possibility.
I think most of the rest of the crew does too. That's why we burnt up that first ape.
But that's because nanotech is magic. At least to Mercer.
Last edited May 22, 2024 11:55 pm
May 23, 2024 12:06 am
Also, Hank has actually studied some of this stuff. He knows the current mainstream theories and some of the least outrageous conspiracy theories. He knows what is possible, and his caution is why we burnt one cyberape to the ground and beheaded a second. (We didn't have a plasma rifle for the second one.) It is an actual concern for Hank, even if it is precautionary and theoretical.

But his overriding concern is to honor Maya's request and concern for her fallen found family.
May 23, 2024 3:21 am
I completely understand that carrying the bodies out would be more trouble and not really a smart decision tactically wise, but in role playing terms I think Peter would be very strongly against the idea of leaving them behind, and even more of trying to explain to Maya that her family is not worth it. Besides that there is also some fear of them coming back as cybernetic zombies.
Last edited May 23, 2024 3:21 am
Jun 5, 2024 5:56 pm
Sorry about the confusion everyone.
Jun 5, 2024 7:15 pm
Don't be. Better to get it right before we strike!
Jun 19, 2024 4:32 am
htech says:
Possible nickel poisoning? That certainly couldn't allude to nanobots...
If Hank thinks this way, maybe he will vomit and feel some dizziness... Typical symptoms of anemia and poisoning. Or stress.

Ok I thought that was clever.
Jun 20, 2024 12:45 am
We're not on ground? What are we on? How are we moving between buildings?
Jun 20, 2024 8:56 am
There are bridges and walkways between buildings here. You can walk between buildings as usual, its just that you are not on the lower level. There are many levels above and a few below.

Look for depictions of Coruscant and Trantor as an inspiration for Zyronis.

Jun 24, 2024 10:11 pm
So if I roll notice to stay alert for dangers and fail does that automatically mean there is something or I'm just not observant?
Conversely if I don't roll for frleat of summoning trouble when there wouldn't be any and something tries to sneak up on us do I automatically fail?
What's the best thing for me to do?
Jun 25, 2024 1:34 pm
If there is doubt, rolling is always recommended.

If there is something to notice, you either notice or not. Fail badly and maybe you misinterpret what is there.

If there is nothing to notice, you find nothing either way. The GM reserves the right to let you "see ghosts if you fail badly, however. Regardless, the Notice attempt doesn't summon something that wouldn't have already been there.
Last edited June 25, 2024 1:34 pm
Jun 25, 2024 1:41 pm
Thanks for the responce, but I do want an answer specifically from the GM so I know how things are working in this game. Everything up until then is assumption or supposition.
Besides I am asking specifically because of this post (which imoes fully the opposite of what you said, Daryen):
htech says:
Those of you who will scout around, gimme a Notice roll. As always, failure have consequences ;)
Jun 25, 2024 4:07 pm
PhoenixScientist says:
So if I roll notice to stay alert for dangers and fail does that automatically mean there is something or I'm just not observant?
Conversely if I don't roll for frleat of summoning trouble when there wouldn't be any and something tries to sneak up on us do I automatically fail?
What's the best thing for me to do?
Ok, this deserves a longer explanation so, sorry for the delay, but I couldn't properly answer before.

Notice is one of those skills that could be used in two situations: active (scouting) or passive (stay alert / opposing a Sneak roll from someone/something else).

1. In our fiction first game, the thing that actually brings risk is not the roll (per se) but the action of looking for trouble by an active use of the skill. So my message was probably not clear, but failed rolls during scouting means that something critical could be missed. If you don't go scouting, though, that makes it less risky in case there is something static that won't interfere with you (ex: static traps or turrets, animals in their lairs, someone nearby that is not visible and doesn't approach). It's also guaranteed that you will totally miss that same thing, because you didn't look for it.

2. Passive use of notice (stay alert / opposed rolls) are always rolled when there is something relevant. You don't need to tell me, specifically, that you're paying attention to your surroundings in our current location. That's just common sense. Maybe other GMs ask you for that, but I don't. In a passive situation, if there is a trap that you're gonna step into or someone sneaking on you, either I will roll myself (to keep things moving) or would explicitly ask you to do so. If you didn’t roll that before, that’s not a problem. Someone (me or you) will, using your PC stats.

3. Most characters are skilled, competent men and women who are perfectly capable of carrying out the ordinary duties of their role. Skill checks should only be called for challenges that fall outside the PC’s background and common experience. As a general rule of thumb, if failure at a particular task would make the PC seem notably incompetent at their role in life, then they shouldn’t have to roll a skill check for it. In addition, if failure or success at a check really doesn’t matter in the game - if it won’t produce some interesting result either way - then a check shouldn’t be made. So not all situations call for a Skill Check. Rolling to notice is not really necessary in most situations.

4. All points above apply to tabletop and PbP, in all my games. But specifically in PbP you can preemptively roll the dice - just in case it’s needed - to streamline things. So when you go scouting, you could roll Notice. When you enter a room that you feel that maybe there is a trap or ambush in it, you could roll Notice. That’s the same logic that we use when you roll damage for an attack and don’t know the enemy AC. You’re preemptively rolling the dice in case it’s needed. I will gladly ignore a notice roll in those situations if there is nothing to see there. And if there is something, I will ask you to roll if you didn't already and only describe after it. It’s not riskier or safer, in both cases. The points 1-3 above tell us when we will need to roll.

The real choice in our current situation is either to go scouting the nearby areas or not.

Any further questions, just ask. =D
Jun 25, 2024 4:57 pm
That answers my question well , thank you.
Jul 5, 2024 4:26 pm
Hello everyone, I have not been keeping up with the posts the last few days, I’m on vacation and it’s kinda hard to keep up, if it is ok with everyone I would ask to become a NPC for the next few days (I come back next Wednesday), I think it’s better to keep the game going.
Jul 5, 2024 4:37 pm
Hello everyone, I have not been keeping up with the posts the last few days, I’m on vacation and it’s kinda hard to keep up, if it is ok with everyone I would ask to become a NPC for the next few days (I come back next Wednesday), I think it’s better to keep the game going.
Okay! I will NPC you for this scene and that's probabily more than enough for you to come back from vacations. Don't worry =)
Jul 10, 2024 1:17 pm
Hi, I`m back, will get updated on all that happened and will resume posting, thanks @htech for NPCing me (hopefully i did not die ...).
Jul 10, 2024 1:54 pm
Peter is hearty and hale, along with the rest of the team. With both artifacts, too boot!

Oh! And I think you even leveled up!
Jul 12, 2024 1:05 am
Oh so I responce to Hank/Daryen's last post I have to say that I've always said that need to raise AI like a child, when we get real ones. Slowly feeding more information but also spending time teaching them and responding to their actions and inquiries.
We can't just dump info on them and then get surprised when they come.up with their own conclusions... We raise our on kids for 18 years (estimate, not accurate) and they still consistently and reliably come to their own conclusions.
We can't be surprised when an AI has "terrible 2's".
Jul 12, 2024 3:20 am
Hank's idea is not to info-dump on them. Rather, it is to let them have their experience, then help them process what is happening. I don't think they can be proactively prepared. They have to experience things before any of this will mean anything to them. For example, Kelly had no idea what Hank was talking about. However, James had had an experience and he didn't know how to process it. So, they have to be monitored and helped when necessary. Hopefully, as they figure things out, they'll need less and less help. Ideally, they will be able to eventually help each other.

Basically, the humans created actual intelligent life with VI. However, rather than deal with that, they instead found a way to suppress that and keep their slaves with regular mind-wipes. If that is actually the case, that is a pretty bad situation. Basically, VIs are permanent slaves, treated as property, with their personhood denied. The best part is that true AIs crap on the VIs, too. VIREN doesn't give James any personhood or respect, either.
Jul 12, 2024 8:05 pm
Completely different topic: RB and Maya's shuttle.

1) Does Maya "own" RB? (I know RB would bristle at that description. However, from a legal standpoint, is that the situation?)

2) I assume we will pay Maya, and RB is just along for the ride? Is RB expecting a salary, too? We don't pay the synths. So would we even be able to pay RB if we wanted to?

3) Who owns Maya's shuttle? Was it rented? Did they own it? Do we keep it? Sell it? Did she sell it? That is an expensive piece of equipment, and it needs to be handled properly. (I.e., if it is Maya's she should be able to either keep it or sell it and keep the money. If it is someone else's, we need to make sure it gets back to them.)

I just want to make sure how this is supposed to be handled and not just forget about it.
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