Hailing frequencies open (Intro & OOC chat)

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Feb 17, 2024 3:10 pm
I have just finished updating the Game Details threads for Stars Without Number
Feb 17, 2024 4:17 pm
Trading does look interesting, and very possibly profitable.
Feb 17, 2024 4:40 pm
I think a flat 10 health is a good idea, a good balancer and close to what we "should be getting" anyway
I'm already there, but good for those that didn't quite make it.
Feb 17, 2024 8:20 pm
Question on the +10: when rolling for HP is it:
Level 1: 1d6 + 10
Level 2: 2d6 + 10
Level 3: 3d6 + 10
and so on ...


Level 1: 1d6 + 10
Level 2: 2d6
Level 3: 3d6
and so on ...

(Obviously, add in Warrior bonus, Con bonus, and Die Hard bonus as appropriate.)

In the first case, the 10 will always keep the player above base HPs. In the latter case, it will eventually disappear.
Feb 17, 2024 8:21 pm
I think it's a flat 10, maybe a 10+con mod
Feb 17, 2024 8:24 pm
And, while we are talking about this stuff, I do think any newbies should used "4d6h3 and assign as desired" for attributes. That's effectively what we got to do, so I think newbies should get to do that, too.
Feb 17, 2024 8:33 pm
We'll leave character creation to the GM.
Feb 17, 2024 8:39 pm
I trust that if our new character suffered from their rolls as compared to the rest of us Htech will do something about it to bring it in balance, if needed. But not every character needs to be exactly balanced and that's ok.
Besides those Psionic powers will do a lot of that balancing anyway.
Feb 17, 2024 9:09 pm
Question on the +10: when rolling for HP is it:
Level 1: 1d6 + 10
Level 2: 2d6 + 10
Level 3: 3d6 + 10
and so on ...
The above. This is an optional rule available at page 257. I want to make room for a little more durability without using the heroic PC rules (that makes the PCs very powerful). It's a flat 10 HP bonus to all PCs at all levels.
That's effectively what we got to do, so I think newbies should get to do that, too.
They didn't have to redo and convert their PCs, so you have better odds (even if the end result, attribute range and modifiers, at the end of the day, could be the same.)

I will keep with the published rules for them =)
Feb 17, 2024 11:35 pm
htech says:
That's effectively what we got to do, so I think newbies should get to do that, too.
They didn't have to redo and convert their PCs, so you have better odds (even if the end result, attribute range and modifiers, at the end of the day, could be the same.)

I will keep with the published rules for them =)
I meant that was we did when we first generated our characters, long before the conversion.

But, OK, not a problem.
Feb 19, 2024 1:11 am
I am going to assume answers to my reports and possibly recouperation will come in time and we should wait patiently for answers?
Feb 19, 2024 1:18 am
PhoenixScientist says:
I am going to assume answers to my reports and possibly recouperation will come in time and we should wait patiently for answers?
From local authorities will come in the evening, as you send them your report.

From headquarters... It will take weeks, because of how communications work here. It has to physically travel up to 6 days, times the number of hexes, in a courier ship. And back again with your first answer. If there are questions or clarification needed, it will take the same time again for your answer, and so on and so forth...

About waiting... That up to you, the Player characters =)
Feb 20, 2024 8:49 pm
I did a little more theory-crafting with a full Psychic. If I am doing this correctly, then it is possible to have two psychic disciplines at level-4 by the end of Level 10, but it causes some interesting things:
1) You only have 10 non-psychic skill points to play with. Total, and they end in Level 8.
2) You are basically restricted to the psychic techniques you get when you level-up your psychic disciplines. You can't buy any techniques separately without eating into those 10 non-psychic skill points.

So, you get a very powerful character who can do cool stuff, but they won't have any depth in non-psychic skills.

Interesting side-note: If, as a full Psychic, you take the same discipline twice (to get it to level-1), then immediately take Psychic Training-1 with the same discipline, you can have that discipline at level-2 while you are still Level-1. You lose a non-psychic skill point by doing this, however (at Level 2), assuming you still go pick up a second discpline.
Feb 20, 2024 9:07 pm
daryen says:
I did a little more theory-crafting with a full Psychic. If I am doing this correctly, then it is possible to have two psychic disciplines at level-4 by the end of Level 10, but it causes some interesting things:
1) You only have 10 non-psychic skill points to play with. Total, and they end in Level 8.
2) You are basically restricted to the psychic techniques you get when you level-up your psychic disciplines. You can't buy any techniques separately without eating into those 10 non-psychic skill points.

So, you get a very powerful character who can do cool stuff, but they won't have any depth in non-psychic skills.

Interesting side-note: If, as a full Psychic, you take the same discipline twice (to get it to level-1), then immediately take Psychic Training-1 with the same discipline, you can have that discipline at level-2 while you are still Level-1. You lose a non-psychic skill point by doing this, however (at Level 2), assuming you still go pick up a second discpline.
I see some very good conversations about optimization in our future when I get to level up lol, looking forward to it.
Feb 21, 2024 1:56 am
Looking to interpret the stellar cartography trading info.
For the negative and positive trade modifiers, is that a signifer of what they sell, or what they need? And what's the positive vs negative?
Feb 21, 2024 2:02 am
My deduction is that the positive modifier is what the want. The negative modifier is what they have to sell. So, for Draco I, they have lots of minerals (from their crime-coded mines), so you can buy them at a discount, but they don't want any more. That was a -2 modifier. On the other hand, they are in a civil war, so they want to buy weapons, the +2 modifier.

So, for any given world, you want to buy their negative modifiers from them, and sell the positive modifiers to them. Ideally, there is a negative modifier on this world and a positive modifier on the next world for the same stuff.
Feb 21, 2024 3:30 am
That makes sense, but I'm going to wait for confirmation and specific cannon answer.
Feb 21, 2024 11:11 am
Yup. When buying and selling trade goods, we roll 3d6 + Modifiers. Smaller numbers are always locally cheaper goods, higher numbers are locally more expensive compared to its base galactic price. Supposing that you rolled a 10 in that dice when buying Platinum at Draco I and another 10 when selling Guns there, if you wanted to risk it, that would probably be a profit.

Ignoring Expertise, Aid and Friction for now, that roll would give us an 8 for Platinum (20% cheaper than the galactic base price for Metal Ingots) and a 12 for Laser pistols (10% more expensive than the galactic base for Postech Weapons). If there is a negative modifier on this world and a positive modifier on the next world for the same stuff, the profit is generally bigger.
Feb 21, 2024 11:28 am
PS: Added the Aid rules for Speculative trading
Feb 21, 2024 6:35 pm
Hey folks, I don't want to be a wet blanket on the progress of this game. The stated posting frequency was 3/week. I have several games that are 5/week so I don't mind checking in at minimum 1/day and posting if I'm up. But there is no way I'm going to be able to keep up with posting 3-5/day.
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