Hailing frequencies open (Intro & OOC chat)

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Jan 9, 2024 8:55 pm
PhoenixScientist says:
I do totally agree with you @daryen . Just looking at it from a different place.
Fair enough!
PhoenixScientist says:
So @htech Please understand that any ... Critiques are coming from a place of enjoying the ideas and setting and wanting to help refine it into what it really could be.
Very much so!

You have mentioned this is a bit of a test for your system. Just offering input for you to think about.
Jan 9, 2024 10:34 pm
So @htech Please understand that any ... Critiques are coming from a place of enjoying the ideas and setting and wanting to help refine it into what it really could be.
Don't worry, I'm enjoying it and I'm really open for suggestions. So, let me give some more food for thought.
[ +- ] Old school RPGs
Having said that... What do you think about having the option for a random roll or for a fixed array (ex: 16, 14, 13, 12, 11, 10) and skill points character generation, so the player chooses one of them before playing?
Jan 9, 2024 10:40 pm
spaceseeker19 says:
What it sounds like PhoenixScientist is talking about is an Assist or Help action, where one character works with another character to perform a single task. For Douklan to have helped Corbin in this sort of way, he'd have to have been doing something related to Corbin's hacking the terminal. Is there a mechanic for one character to assist another directly in this way?
Oh! I see it now. I have that written in the Advantage section. If Douklan was also hacking the terminal, together with Corbin, the mechanic is:

1. Only the most qualified of them would roll (ie. The one with the highest DM)
2. The PC would roll with Advantage (2d20h1 instead of 1d20)
3. The assistant PC would not be able to do anything else that "round" (the Aid is a "full" action)
4. Both PCs would share the consequences, in case of failure.
Jan 9, 2024 10:58 pm
Just looking at a little bit of the balance of weapons.
I actually was heavily inspired by the damage and stats from an old GURPS book that I have, but I agree with you.

There are two (non exclusive) possibilities with armor: Damage Reduction (sometimes by type. Ex: Ballistic/Energy) and Armor Class (the AC, how difficult it is to hit someone using it). Other things to consider are its cost, weight and if it is restricted (ex: military only, illegal, etc).

For weapons there are usually things like Range, Single/double handed, Armor Penetration, Base Damage, Critical chance, Critical Damage and Type (ex: ballistic, energy, primitive, etc) to consider.

It is not necessary to have those things, it will heavily depend on the game design.

But I didn't have time to really look into it and to consider all that. I thought that using similar values from what GURPS did would be good enough.

Together, I think we can do better. =) Can you help us by giving a suggestion for a new armor+weapons table that you think would be more balanced and/or interesting?
Jan 10, 2024 3:16 am
htech says:

Having said that... What do you think about having the option for a random roll or for a fixed array (ex: 16, 14, 13, 12, 11, 10) and skill points character generation, so the player chooses one of them before playing?
I would have "starting char gen with a fixed array" be an optional rule that groups could decide to implement, rather than a standard rule.
Jan 10, 2024 4:57 am
I second the option of a standard array. Or a couple.
I tend to roll well, but have watched people deflate as they roll badly, and some people are nervous about rolling stats.
Jan 10, 2024 5:21 am
So if I ignoring exact numbers I think the order of damage should be something like... (Yes I added a couple thoughts that seemed to fit in setting)

Combat knife/ baton
Stun baton (effect? Reduce actions? Remove actions)
Sonic Crippler Rifle
Hold-out pistol (blaster?)
Slugthrower pistol
Blaster pistol /Vibroknife
Electric pike /Heavy blaster pistol
Slugthrower rifle
Blaster rifle
Railgun(takes a larger action to use)
Sniper rifle /Gauss rifle

Also if a machine gun was to be added I think it would just be that it can attack adjacent squares as a single attack, reducing damage DQ each time after the first
I come from a somewhat older tradition in tabletop RPGs, one where characters
aren’t so much "built" as they are "rolled".

Players often don’t know who exactly they’re going to be playing in a campaign, and rely on random rolls to determine a hero’s aptitudes and skills. Part of the pleasure of the game is throwing these new-rolled cyphers into play and exploring their personalities and motivations directly through the events of the adventures they undertake.
I know of and have come across this play style. I have even helped with a whole character generation system that was that each player had several "level 0" characters and the one that survived the character generation became the actual character .
Last edited January 10, 2024 6:03 am
Jan 10, 2024 11:18 pm
I liked your list and order. I will organize them in a table tomorrow and create another thread for us (whoever wants to) further refine weapons and armor stats.

It will be part of the rules, beginning at Chapter 3.
Jan 11, 2024 2:58 am
Oh I forgot I have it in a chart if that's wanted, as I was just giving a rough guess of damages, I would ove more input
[ +- ] Spoiler
Jan 12, 2024 1:56 pm
Not looking to retcon the combat. I would have expected Full combat armor with helmets to mitigate or block standard stun grenades. :)
Jan 12, 2024 7:41 pm
Esidrix says:
Not looking to retcon the combat. I would have expected Full combat armor with helmets to mitigate or block standard stun grenades. :)
I think that's why Douklan is still conscious!
Jan 12, 2024 7:43 pm
Yup! They did mitigate. :)
Jan 14, 2024 12:56 am
Hi @Katzle, I sent you a DM a couple of days ago. Trying to contact you here now. =)
Jan 15, 2024 6:21 am
By the way, @htech , I used your very nice character sheet as a reference for mine when setting mine up for my playtest.
Last edited January 15, 2024 6:27 am
Jan 15, 2024 8:32 am
Nice! There is also a Public repository of custom character sheets for other inspirations. =)
Jan 17, 2024 6:44 pm
What are we picturing for Bodysuits, can one wear a bodysuit and a vest?
I'm kind of picturing this
I'm looking back at equipmemt again, and seeing the electric and vibro weapons. I'm wondering how they sit in the armor DR? More specifically does one of the DR types of armor resist them? Is the DR just general physical/general energy?
Last edited January 17, 2024 6:53 pm
Jan 17, 2024 7:56 pm
I would hope the body suits don't glow!

However, I am curious as to whether one can wear a body suit and a vest. That'd be helpful to get some general protection, even if only partial.

Also, what type of armor and armament is available to the crew? Do we have our own weapons and armor, or are the weapons and armor "owned" collectively? Or some combination of the two? We never quite got around to getting that detailed when going through character generation. Or are we just keeping things looser? (Honestly, I can work either way.)
Jan 18, 2024 11:42 pm
Suits always include the vest part, so they don't stack. I will post the equipment tables tomorrow, I guess. I need to change those rules / stats.
Also, what type of armor and armament is available to the crew?
I'm keeping things looser, probably some combination of the two. There is obviously military gear for the Sentinel but the Celestial crew would probably have only blaster pistols and light armor for them, unless there is a reason to buy or borrow something heavier.
Jan 20, 2024 4:33 pm
As I consider inviting others to join in investigating the Separatist threat, would you remind me as to the relative locations of the different PC/allied NPC vehicles in the Draco system? Who is reasonably in range to invite to join us?
Jan 20, 2024 4:41 pm
The Celestial Voyager passenger shuttle (with Hank, Gabe and Jil) is at Draco I, actually closer to the belt than you are. The remainder of the crew, the Celestial Voyager and its refueling shuttle are docked at Draco III Postal Authority orbital station. The Sentinel is nearby. You and Corbin, with a Navy shuttle, are at Nocturna, one of Draco III's moons.

Everybody is in range, actually. Both shuttles and the Celestial are unarmed, though.
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