Just looking at a little bit of the balance of weapons.
I actually was heavily inspired by the damage and stats from an old GURPS book that I have, but I agree with you.
There are two (non exclusive) possibilities with armor: Damage Reduction (sometimes by type. Ex: Ballistic/Energy) and Armor Class (the AC, how difficult it is to hit someone using it). Other things to consider are its cost, weight and if it is restricted (ex: military only, illegal, etc).
For weapons there are usually things like Range, Single/double handed, Armor Penetration, Base Damage, Critical chance, Critical Damage and Type (ex: ballistic, energy, primitive, etc) to consider.
It is not necessary to have those things, it will heavily depend on the game design.
But I didn't have time to really look into it and to consider all that. I thought that using similar values from what GURPS did would be good enough.
Together, I think we can do better. =) Can you help us by giving a suggestion for a new armor+weapons table that you think would be more balanced and/or interesting?