Chapter 2B: Frostbound Couriers

Dec 21, 2023 11:08 pm
This thread has Corbin, Douklan and Mariella as player characters
Trade Era 1235, Day 130

Celestial Voyager, Draco system

Captain Valeria Zaytsev stood at the center of the Celestial Voyager's bustling bridge, her keen gaze fixed on the vast expanse of space displayed on the main viewscreen. The hum of activity surrounded her as crew members efficiently executed their assigned tasks. The anticipation of departure lingered in the air.

"Douklan, please set our course for Draco III and the Postal Authority orbital station. Prepare the ship for departure," Captain Zaytsev requested, her voice cutting through the controlled chaos of the bridge. The ship's systems responded with a reassuring hum as the Celestion Voyager prepared to leave.

Captain Zaytsev observed the departure with a mix of determination and contemplation. The challenges on Draco I were left in the hands of her capable crew aboard the shuttle, led by First Officer Gabe. So as the Celestial Voyager navigated the cosmic sea, the captain's mind shifted to the upcoming rendezvous at Draco III, where the ship would refuel and prepare for the next phase of their interstellar journey.
Douklan, gimme a Navigation test DC10, to let us know exactly how long the journey will be.

Either way, it will be a couple of days. What will you and Corbin do in the meantime?
Dec 22, 2023 1:07 am
Corbin uses time between leaving hyperspace and the shuttles departure to generate the ship's performance reports. He copies them off to a tablet. After disconnecting the cable, he stowes it in his shoulder bag.

It's not long before he notes someone on the bridge has laid in a course. He leans back against the hull, feeling as much as anything, the smooth throttle up from the main drives. Once they are underway, he heads to the mess.

"Erin, you know the drill, monitor and report. I'm grabbing some coffee and I'll be back in a couple hours to spell you."

Corbin slides into one of the booths in the mess and pulls out his tablet to review the hyperspace data.
Dec 22, 2023 4:44 am
Douklan plots a course at the nav station.


Navigation test DC0 (skill +6, target difficulty 10) - (1d20-4)

(19) - 4 = 15

Dec 22, 2023 9:14 am
Douklan, you were able to plot a course around Draco III that will get you a nice and safe relative speed. In fact, you will not need to do any correction maneuvers to rendezvous with the Postal Authority orbital facility. The docking afterwards should proceed very smoothly, barring any complications with the traffic or the starport itself.
The journey will take 2.7 days. This is going to be a downtime for this group. Please tell us what you gonna do during this time, what skills or long term projects you wanna pursue.
Dec 22, 2023 3:31 pm
Douklan is particularly interested in everything having to do with differences between the Celestial Voyager (as a private vessel) and all the ship's he's known so well (nearly all of them Navy ships). To the extent that he can, he's going to be training Mechanics, and getting to know the crew and passengers.
Dec 22, 2023 3:58 pm
For the next couple of days, Douklan was busy in the maintenance bay, studying Mechanics while surrounded by the hum of machinery and the scent of lubricants. The Celestial Voyager, though a remarkable vessel, was a unique challenge for Douklan. Navy ships were his comfort zone, and adapting to the nuances of this private craft required a swift acclimation.

As the days progressed, Douklan realized that his interactions with the crew were more successful when centered around their shared passion for starships. However, when it came to getting to know the personal lives of the crew and passengers, he found himself at a social impasse. His attempts at casual conversation were met with polite but guarded responses.

That evening, Douklan sat alone in the ship's mess hall, contemplating his limited success in connecting with the crew and passengers. Despite his technical prowess, social nuances eluded him.
He was able to use Mechanics (while studying) and Carousing (while trying to connect with the crew and passengers). Receive 2 XP, from the rolls below.


Douklan Paravides: Mechanics DC15 - (1d20+4)

(4) + 4 = 8

Douklan Paravides: Mechanics DC15 - (1d20+4)

(20) + 4 = 24

Douklan Paravides: CHARISMA - Untrained check (Carousing) DC10 - (1d20+-3)

(9) - 3 = 6

Dec 22, 2023 6:56 pm
Corbin, the hyperspace data seems to be ok. There were some tweaks made by the Synths during the journey and they reported some suggestions that may improve the Jump Drives. Suggestions that can only be made when they're offline, but that are not urgent.
Please let us know what you gonna do during downtime. Mariella can also do that, when Katzle is back from the holidays.
Dec 23, 2023 6:46 pm
I had planted myself in the mess to allow the others to strike up a conversation, if they wanted. Outside of normal work hours, I'll be in the other shuttle running piloting sims.
Dec 23, 2023 10:39 pm
I had planted myself in the mess to allow the others to strike up a conversation, if they wanted.
Don't worry, there will be plenty of opportunities. ;)
Chief Engineer Corbin McRogers was elbows-deep in the guts of the Celestial Voyager's propulsion system. His brow furrowed in concentration, the soft glow of diagnostic screens casting an ethereal light on his face. Despite his expertise, today's engineering challenges seemed to test the limits of his technical finesse.

"Come on, you stubborn circuit," Corbin muttered to himself, wrestling with a particularly uncooperative component.

Erin Brand approached, sensing Corbin's frustration. "Need an extra set of hands, Corbin?"

Corbin sighed, wiping a smudge of grease from his cheek. "I appreciate it, Erin, but I've got this. Just a finicky relay causing a cascade failure. I'll sort it out."

She nodded understandingly and left Corbin to his work, trusting in his mechanical prowess. As Corbin delved deeper into the intricacies of the propulsion system, he couldn't shake the feeling that today's problems ran deeper than mere technical glitches.

After a grueling session in the engineering bay, Corbin decided to take a break and clear his mind. As he strolled through the ship's corridors, he passed the entrance to the shuttle bay. A familiar hum caught his attention—the sound of the piloting sims. An idea sparked in his mind.

Corbin entered the shuttle bay to find the simulators active, casting a dynamic glow on the otherwise dim space. He approached the simulators, each displaying a virtual cockpit. Without hesitation, he selected one and settled into the pilot's seat.

The simulated environment transported Corbin to the vastness of space, and he took a moment to appreciate the serene beauty of the digital cosmos. However, as he engaged the simulated controls, he realized that piloting this shuttle was a different beast from managing the Celestial Voyager's engines.

His first attempt at a routine maneuver ended in a virtual collision with an asteroid. Undeterred, Corbin reset the simulation and tried again. The shuttle responded with an unexpected sensitivity, challenging Corbin's accustomed touch.

Outside of normal work hours, Corbin continued to hone his piloting skills in the sims. He faced scenarios that pushed the limits of his spatial awareness and reaction time. The frustration of the engineering bay found a different outlet in the simulated challenges of piloting.

As the simulated hours passed, Corbin gradually improved, adapting to the nuances of the shuttle's controls. The connection between his actions and the virtual ship became more intuitive. In the process, he gained a newfound respect for the precision required in the piloting domain.
Eventually, Corbin emerged from the shuttle bay, feeling a mix of accomplishment and humility. The challenges of both engineering and piloting had tested his skills and pushed him to grow. With a renewed sense of purpose, he returned to the engineering bay, ready to tackle the lingering issues with the Celestial Voyager's propulsion system.

The ship's quiet hum and the subtle glow of diagnostic screens welcomed him back, and with a determined focus, Corbin delved into the complexities of the spacecraft's machinery, confident that today's setbacks were merely stepping stones toward mastery.
Receive 3 XP, from the rolls below.


Corbin McRogers: Engineering DC10 (Work hours) - (1d20+4)

(2) + 4 = 6

Corbin McRogers: Piloting DC15 (sims) - (1d20+2)

(12) + 2 = 14

Corbin McRogers: Piloting DC15 (sims) - (1d20+2)

(7) + 2 = 9

Dec 23, 2023 10:51 pm
Trade Era 1235, Day 133

Celestial Voyager's, Approaching Draco III

In the next few days, the Celestial Voyager gracefully navigated the system and entered into the ITC controlled area around the cosmic ballet of Draco III's moons.

"This is the Celestial Voyager, requesting permission to dock with ITC’s Postal Station Draco." - said Douklan Paravides, in the pilot and navigation controls. The ambient hum of the ship and the distant twinkle of celestial bodies provided a serene backdrop to his request.

A brief pause ensued while the station checked the transponder before a crisp voice from the station's control center responded, "Celestial Voyager, this is Postal Station Draco. Permission granted for docking at Port Alpha-Seven. Maintain standard approach velocity and follow designated flight path. Welcome to Draco III."

As the ship approaches the orbital station, the vastness of space gives way to the imposing structure ahead. The Postal Authority station, a gleaming metallic marvel, stands adorned with docking arms and communication arrays that catch the glint of distant stars. Around it, a bustling traffic, where dozens of courier ships navigate skillfully, coming and going in a synchronized dance. Their forms dart around the station, like diligent messengers in a lively choreography of arrivals and departures.

The station itself is a bustling metropolis in space, home to ten thousand souls who contribute to its ceaseless activity. A beacon of life in the void, it hums with energy as inhabitants go about their duties and routines. The docking bays echo with the soft clinks and hums of spacecraft connecting and disconnecting, while within the colossal structure, corridors teem with personnel, bustling about their tasks with purpose. Traders negotiate deals, engineers inspect arriving ships, and communication officers relay vital messages across the expanse of colonized space. It is a microcosm of life and commerce, a thriving nexus where the stories of myriad people converge.

"We are cleared. Approaching Port Alpha-Seven." said Douklan, slowly pulling the engine levers backwards.

"Ease us in, Lieutenant. Let's make this as smooth as that moon's celestial dance," Captain Zaytsev instructed, her eyes fixed on the approaching docking port.

As the Celestial Voyager gracefully closed the distance, the docking port's magnetic field engaged, guiding the ship into its berth. The viewports framed the docking arms extending to embrace the vessel. A soft clink resonated through the ship as the docking clamps secured the Celestial Voyager in place.

"Docking complete, Captain. We are securely moored at Port Alpha-Seven," reported the helmsman.

"Excellent work, everyone. Corbin, prepare for refueling operations and..." Captain Valeria Zaytsev's sentence was abruptly interrupted by a hasty communication that crackled through the ship's bridge. Captain Kara Rael, the commanding officer of the Sentinel, urgently reached out, interrupting Valeria mid-sentence.

"Greetings, Captain Zaytsev. I've just received an urgent request from the Postal Authority orbital facility. They've lost all contact with Relay Station Theta on the inhabited icy moon of Nocturna. They're grateful that the Navy is here and capable of handling the situation. I'm sending a shuttle with a small squad to investigate. Lt. Douklan will be in charge, so we kindly request his presence."

"Certainly. Is there anything more we can assist you with, Captain?"

"If you could spare someone from your engineering team, we're a bit shorthanded in that department. We suspect equipment issues may be the root cause of this event, so our Space Marines might be out of their depth."

She pressed a button, temporarily muting the connection with the Sentinel so they could talk freely. "Corbin, would you like to join this expedition? Erin can handle the refueling and I can handle the negotiations with the Postal Authority myself. But it can be dangerous, so even though I know you have trained in the military, I still won't make that an order. Do you volunteer?"
What do you do?
Dec 24, 2023 12:50 am
Silly questions... Ah well, I guess she felt she had to ask.

"I'll meet Douklan at the hatch." Corbin switched off the comm and started grabbing some tools for a to-go kit. Grabbing the hard case for his Zero-g suit he heads for the main hatch.
Dec 24, 2023 2:31 am
Douklan grabs his vac-suit & sidearm and goes to meet Corbin at the airlock where the shuttle will dock. Once he arrives, he asks "Nocturna, huh? Know anything about it? Have you been to Draco III before?" as he swiftly dons his suit and gestures for Corbin to check his seals: standard Navy procedure anytime a person cycles an airlock.
Dec 24, 2023 6:04 am
"No, ney, never Nocturna. But I did grow up on a moon... for what that's worth." Corbin dons his suit and checks Douklan's seals, then gestures for Douklan to check his.

"I'm assuming your Captain will have a brief for us on the shuttle. I didn't get a chance to check the charts, but I'm guessing we'll have a couple hours to go over what we know once we transfer over."

As long as the seals check, Corbin will cycle the lock so they can begin the transfer to the other shuttle.
Dec 25, 2023 4:56 pm
Trade Era 1235, Day 133

Celestial Voyager's airlock

Soon, the airlock hissed open, allowing them to step into the dimly lit interior of the Navy shuttle. Sergeant Will Anderson, a formidable figure in his powered armor, stood at attention as they entered.

"I'm Lieutenant Paravides and this is Chief engineer McRogers. Permission to come aboard?" Douklan greeted, from the airlock, with a salute.

"Permission granted. Welcome aboard, Lieutenant, Chief Engineer. I'm Sergeant Anderson, ITC Marines," he returned with a crisp military salute.

Sergeant Will Anderson stood at an impressive 6 feet 5 inches, his build robust and muscular. He was wearing an AV-1C powered armor and a large gauss rifle that, considering his already formidable physique, gave him an even more imposing presence. Anderson's broad shoulders were a testament to the physical demands of his military role, and his stature exuded both strength and authority.

Maintaining his posture, Anderson briefed them as they boarded the ship. "Lieutenant, the Postal Authority lost contact with Relay Station Theta. Our objective is to investigate and restore communication. Intelligence suggests a technical glitch, but we can't take chances."

He gestured towards the shuttle's cockpit, where a holographic display highlighted key areas. "Nocturna's conditions are harsh—dense, poisonous atmosphere, low gravity, freezing temperatures. Expect the worst. The relay station is in the Northern Crater region."

Lieutenant Douklan nodded, "Understood, Sergeant. Any signs of hostiles?"

"Unknown at this point, but we should be prepared for anything. Intel is limited. There are a couple of blaster rifles and sealed combat armor in the cargo holds for you and Mr. McRogers, sir. The Sentinel will also move into orbit, providing support as needed. This datapad has the specifics; the Skipper said to give it to you. You have the command, Sir!"

As Anderson ended the debrief and saluted again, formally transferring mission command to Lieutenant Paravides, a trio of Marines in the back of the shuttle stood at attention. The datapad provided comprehensive details about the squad's composition, equipment, the map and layout of Relay Station Theta, and potential environmental hazards they might encounter on Nocturna's unforgiving surface.

The weight of responsibility settled on Douklan's shoulders as he took command, his gaze shifting from the holographic display to the stern faces of his team.

The journey to Nocturna's relay station would take 4 hours.
What do you do? When you're ready for it, gimme a Piloting DC15 check, Douklan.
Dec 31, 2023 5:05 pm
Douklan looked at the marines - Peter Ellis, California Worthington, and the woman everyone just called "Piercey" - and nodded. "Let's go!"

As he settled into the pilot's seat, Douklan added: "Corbin, you can change into an armor suit now, if you like. It sounds like we don't know what we'll run into on the way, if anything. I'll get changed once I get us underway." Looking at the shuttle controls, he felt old muscle memory coming back. Still, it had been a while. "Hopefully, this won't be too bumpy a ride..."


Piloting (DC0 - +4 skill, -15 difficulty) - (1d20-11)

(8) - 11 = -3

Dec 31, 2023 5:34 pm
Corbin headed aft to find the combat armor and blaster rifle. Better to have and not need, he thought.

After getting changed and checking his readouts, Corbin grabbed one of the jump seats to await Douklan. He assumed that they would go over the data once Douklan got them under way.
Dec 31, 2023 5:45 pm
Douklan hurtled towards the moon, the descent marred by the dense atmosphere. The shuttle jolted and shook in a turbulent ride, its hull buffeted by the atmospheric resistance. Warning indicators flashed, and the low hum of the engines was drowned out by the unsettling creaks and groans of stressed metal.

As the shuttle descended through the dense atmosphere of Nocturna, the turbulent ride prevented Douklan from retrieving his armor. Strapped into his seat, he could feel the intensity of the bumps and jolts, making it impossible to reach for the protective gear before landing.
Receive +1 XP for that failure.
Examining the schematics, Douklan deliberated on whether to consult with the crew about the landing location. One option was utilizing the landing pad, where a retractable roof could seal off the vessel from Nocturna's harsh atmosphere. Alternatively, they could opt to land in a nearby area, disembarking on foot while clad in their sealed armor.

Relay Station Theta Schematics
What do you do?
Dec 31, 2023 7:41 pm
"Can't see any damage to the antenna from here." Douklan noted. "I'm inclined to set down on the landing pad. There's time enough to slog out to look at it on foot if it comes to that. As far as we know, it's still just a technical problem, and talking to the staff and running the diagnostics from inside should be our first steps. But I want to hear what you think. Anderson? McRogers?"

Sgt. Will Anderson


Dec 31, 2023 7:47 pm
Sgt. Will Anderson
"Your call, sir." he said, for everyone to hear.

And them, just to Douklan "If push comes to shove, should we treat McRogers as a civilian VIP or as one of us, grunts, sir? He seems to know how to use the gear."
Jan 1, 2024 2:56 pm
"I agree with you, technical issues are far more common than any scenario that requires shooting. Let's use the landing bay and figure it out from there."

Turning back towards the sergeant, "Thanks for noticing, I took a swing at the PD academy back home. They gave me the thumbs up on soldiering but a thumbs down on officering. 'Sides, I ain't never been the VIP of anything." Corbin's grin was unfortunately hidden by his helmet.
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