Chapter 2B: Frostbound Couriers

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Jan 10, 2024 1:50 pm
Corbin piles into the airlock behind Douklan and the others.
Jan 12, 2024 12:29 am
Spaceseeker19 please tell us what weapon Sgt. Anderson is using in your next post. Either way, won't affect this message here, so I'm moving on…
As the airlock cycled open, the team entered Relay Station Theta, anticipating the unknown that awaited them. The corridor, devoid of cover, stretched ahead like a shadowed tunnel. Lieutenant Douklan led the way, followed closely by Sergeant Anderson, Corbin, and Piercey.

Suddenly, the air was split by the unmistakable clatter of boots and the hiss of a stun grenade. Before the team could react, the assailants, concealed in the shadows, sprang into action. Four figures emerged, blasters blazing, as they unleashed a coordinated ambush.

Caught off guard, the team scrambled to find cover in the open corridor. But the assailants had a different plan. One of them swiftly lobbed a stun grenade into their path, the metallic clang echoing as it bounced

"Take cover!" Douklan shouted, but the confined space offered limited options. Corbin and the crew hurriedly sought refuge, their combat instincts kicking in. The blinding light and deafening sound of the stun grenade erupted, disorienting the lieutenant and Piercey as the rest of his team shielded their eyes and ears.
+1 XP for Douklan. You also have Disadvantage on your next rolls.
The corridor became a chaotic scene as the assailants closed in, taking advantage of the disoriented state of most of the team.

What do you do?


Douklan Paravides: Reflex DC 17 - (1d20+2)

(5) + 2 = 7

Corbin McRogers: Reflex DC17 - (1d20+2)

(17) + 2 = 19

Jan 12, 2024 1:54 pm
Corbin drops to one knee, shoulder's his Blaster and opens up on the nearest enemy.
That's E2


Blaster (Ranged +3) - (d20+3)

(10) + 3 = 13

Jan 12, 2024 7:20 pm
"It's good to have a heavier option if we meet resistance," Douklan responded, "So stick with the gauss. But let's not put holes in the sensitive equipment if we can help it!"

Then, in the present, Douklan's vision is hazy from the detonation. "You can punch holes here, though, Sergeant!" He calls over his shoulder, trying to direct his voice backwards so it doesn't carry to the hostiles: "Piercey, suppressing fire down the hall; you go high, I go low." He'll step south, kneel in front of her and fire down the hall towards Es 3 & 4, not hoping so much for a hit as to keep them pinned down while Andersen and Corbin take care of the nearer threats.
I don't know what the DC is here, so I'm plugging in what I'd think is a reasonable number for doorway cover: 15. Adjust accordingly.
Last edited January 19, 2024 2:23 am


Blaster rifle down the hall DC0 (ranged weapons +2, difficulty 15) - (1d20-13)

(6) - 13 = -7

DISADV of same roll - (1d20-13)

(6) - 13 = -7

Jan 13, 2024 10:25 am
Lieutenant Douklan, shaking off the disorientation from the stun grenade, gritted his teeth and raised his blaster, providing covering fire for the team. The corridor echoed with the exchange of blaster shots as the assailants retaliated.

Receive +1 XP, Douklan.

In the midst of the chaos, a red beam of energy sliced through the air, finding its mark. Douklan winced as the blaster shot hit his armor, the protective layer absorbing the impact. His armor held firm, shielding him from the potentially lethal shot.

Corbin, seizing the opportunity, unleashed a precise burst of blaster fire. The shot found its mark, striking one of the assailants with deadly accuracy. The assailant crumpled to the ground, the red glow of their blaster extinguished.

Sgt. Anderson, repositioning himself, tried to move out of the corridor and flank the enemy.

What do you do?


Damage - (3d8-15)

(271) - 15 = -5

Corbin's shot - (3d8-5)

(728) - 5 = 12

Jan 13, 2024 5:42 pm
Seeing his target drop and Anderson moving into a better position. Corbin stands to his full height, tongues the external speaker volume to full and shouts.

"That's one down, DROP 'EM OR DIE!"


Intimidate - (d20+1)

(14) + 1 = 15

Jan 13, 2024 11:41 pm
"GOOD SHOT, SNIPER! THEY'LL SURRENDER IF THEY'RE SMART!" Douklan yells, going along with Corbin's tactic. To Piercey, he says: "Leapfrog!" and scurries into position on the south wall just past the first open door, confident that the sergeant and Corbin have E1 pinned down enough that it's unlikely he'll have the leisure to stick his head out of the room and aim backwards. Knowing that all his immediate allies are behind him, he shoots a burst down the hall again, trying to time it for when E3 or E4 are popping out to fire, but again mostly to suppress fire so that Piercey can run up along the north wall of the corridor.
Using the same modifier as last time, and assuming the stun DISADV is still in effect. If it isn't, just use the results of the first roll.


Blaster rifle down the hall DC0 (ranged weapons +2, difficulty 15) - (1d20-13)

(9) - 13 = -4

DISADV of same roll DC0 - (1d20-13)

(3) - 13 = -10

Jan 14, 2024 12:03 am
As Douklan fired a burst down the hall, suppressing the assailants' movements, Piercey seized the opportunity to run along the north wall, leapfrogging towards a better position. They have successfully recovered from the stun grenade. The coordinated tactics aimed to keep the assailants off balance, creating openings and better firing positions for the team.

In the meantime, Corbin's bold move echoed through the corridor, his amplified voice demanding surrender. The assailants, however, defied and ignored it.

Receive +1 XP Corbin, it didn't work this time

Not only they defied, one of them took advantage of the chaos, firing at Douklan and landing a hit.

Receive +1 XP as you succeed with a cost. You take 7 damage, Douklan

Meanwhile, Sergeant Anderson peppered the one flanked by Corbin, killing him, but not before he was also lightly injured by the enemy's blaster. Attempts to shoot Corbin proved futile, his armor proving impervious to it.

The corridor became a battleground, the crew strategically advancing while maintaining a barrage of suppressing fire.

What do you do?


Shooting Corbin (Blaster rifle, -15 armor, +5 Failure Effect) - (3d8-10)

(315) - 10 = -1

Shooting Douklan (Blaster rifle, -15 armor, +4 Effect) - (3d8-11)

(756) - 11 = 7

Shooting Anderson - (3d8-15)

(778) - 15 = 7

Anderson shoots back - (3d8+1)

(836) + 1 = 18

Jan 14, 2024 2:41 am
"oof..." Douklan shoots at E4, then crosses to the north wall of the corridor, hoping to draw one of them out of cover into the line of Piercey's fire.


Blaster rifle down the hall DC0 (ranged weapons +2, difficulty 15) - (1d20-13)

(9) - 13 = -4

Jan 14, 2024 5:02 pm
"You call." As soon as Douklan fires, Corbin moves past him and fires into the doorway.
Corbin moves to the 3rd square past Douklan and fires at E4.


Blaster Rifle DC15 - (d20+3)

(10) + 3 = 13

Jan 15, 2024 8:45 am
I will definitely change those equipment stats and combat rules for the next chapter, but I feel we can finish this as is.
Douklan winced from the hit but swiftly retaliated, firing at the assailant who dared to wound him. The corridor echoed with blaster fire as Douklan, undeterred, crossed to the north wall, hoping to lure one of the remaining assailants into Piercey's line of fire.

Seizing the opportunity, Corbin moved past Douklan, unleashing precise shots into the doorway where the assailant sought refuge. The combined firepower proved overwhelming, and the assailant fell to the barrage of blaster fire, his threat extinguished.

+1 XP for each of you.

With only two assailants remaining, they attempted to retreat and regroup. But they were flanked by Sergeant Anderson, and one of them felt the powerful impact of the gauss rifle. The now injured assailant staggered, hindered by the potent shot but still fighting.

The team, now in control of the corridor, pressed forward.

You can use those grid coordinates to tell me the the position, if you want. Corbin is now at L-20

What do you do?


Shooting Corbin (Blaster rifle, -15 armor, +2 Failure Effect) - (3d8-13)

(624) - 13 = -1

Shooting Douklan (Blaster rifle, -15 armor, +4 Failure Effect) - (3d8-11)

(342) - 11 = -2

Corbin shoots E4 - (3d8-5)

(582) - 5 = 10

Douklan shoots E4 - (3d8-5)

(812) - 5 = 6

Jan 15, 2024 3:38 pm
Corbin fires into the room at the visible hostile and moves to the corner.
Corbin will fire at E5 and then move to J18.


Blaster rifle - (d20+3)

(16) + 3 = 19

Jan 15, 2024 7:20 pm
A few paces behind Corbin, Douklan rushes to K18. If the Separatist there (E5) is still standing, Douklan shoots at them. Otherwise, he tries to hustle forward enough (K14? K15?) to take a shot at E3 through the doorway.


Blaster rifle DC0 (ranged weapons +2, difficulty 15) - (1d20-13)

(19) - 13 = 6

Jan 15, 2024 7:20 pm
Corbin, quick and decisive, fired a series of shots into the room where the visible hostile had sought cover. The blaster bolts illuminated the shadows, hitting their mark with deadly precision. The assailant, already injured and disoriented, crumpled under the onslaught of blaster fire, succumbing to the overwhelming force.

As the smoke from the firefight lingered in the corridor, Corbin moved to the corner, maintaining a vigilant stance.

Lieutenant Douklan, a few paces behind Corbin, rushed forward with determined strides. He closed the remaining distance and swiftly engaged the last assailant. Douklan's blaster fire was precise and forceful, hitting the target square and incapacitating the last remaining hostile within Relay Station Theta.

The corridor, once a battleground echoing with blaster fire, now fell silent. The team, led by Lieutenant Douklan, had successfully repelled the ambush, eliminated the Separatist threats, and regained control of the critical relay station.

"Area secure." Anderson reported, his voice steady and resolute.
What do you do?


Secret Roll

Jan 15, 2024 7:45 pm
"Good work, everyone!" Douklan pokes his head out of the western door into the hallway, and waves to Corbin. "Corbin, let's you and I check out the server room. Anderson, you and Piercey check the crew quarters for any trace of the personnel."
Jan 16, 2024 2:47 am
"Absolutely." Corbin heads towards the server room. The first priority is checking the status of the station, then re-aligning the antenna back towards its intended target.


Computers - (d20+2)

(16) + 2 = 18

Jan 16, 2024 2:33 pm
In the main server room of Relay Station Theta, Lieutenant Douklan and Corbin worked in tandem, assessing the status of the station's systems. The rhythmic hum of the server cooling systems surrounded them as Corbin interfaced with the central computer console. His fingers danced over the keyboard, navigating through diagnostic reports and system logs.

"So, what are we looking at, Corbin?" Douklan inquired, his eyes fixed on the display.

Corbin, absorbed in his analysis, responded, "Looks like the Separatists rerouted the communication antenna, but the core systems seem intact. I can realign the antenna back to its original target, but it'll take some time before we are able to contact the Sentinel."

Meanwhile, in the crew quarters, Sergeant Anderson and Piercey meticulously searched for clues about the missing personnel. The living quarters were eerily silent, with the personal belongings organized as if the occupants had left in the morning and never returned.
What do you do?
Jan 16, 2024 9:39 pm
"Good. If you can start the process and then step away, I'd like to get your thoughts on what's been happening here." Douklan tells Corbin, "In the meantime, I'm going to update the rest of the Marines on our situation." Douklan leaves to contact the Marines back at the shuttle, but on the way, he checks in with Sergeant Anderson and Piercey. "What have you found so far?"
Do we have a way of communicating with the shuttle despite the radiation shielding, or does Douklan need to cycle through the airlock to talk to the others on the shuttle?
Jan 16, 2024 11:45 pm
Corbin will start the antenna re-alignment and try and figure out where the crew are. Check for any security footage, etc.


Computers - (d20+2)

(20) + 2 = 22

Jan 17, 2024 1:05 pm
As Corbin initiated the antenna realignment process, he simultaneously delved into the station's security systems, seeking clues about the whereabouts of the missing crew. His fingers moved swiftly across the holographic interface, navigating through layers of data.
That's actually Investigation, but I'm keeping the 20 on the dice (and the success)
Accessing the security footage archives, Corbin meticulously searched for any unusual activities. After a series of commands, a playback display materialized, revealing events from the previous day.

The footage unfolded, depicting the station's crew going about their daily routines. Then, a sudden intrusion disrupted the tranquility. Separatist figures, clad in dark attire, landed and emerged on the screen. The assailants, armed and coordinated, swiftly incapacitated the station's personnel, leaving them tied up.

But what caught Corbin's attention next was even more unsettling. The Separatists, having left the station with the crew after their initial attack, returned alone. The footage showed them re-entering, unopposed, while the captured crew members were nowhere to be seen.
Douklan leaves and he checks in with Sergeant Anderson and Piercey. "What have you found so far?"
Sgt. Will Anderson
"The living quarters are empty, sir. Their personal belongings are organized as if they left in the morning and never returned."

About the same time, Cal contacted the lieutenaunt: "Sir, I have cycled the lock and I'm inside. But it seems like I missed the party. Should I cycle the atmosphere of the whole landing pad, so we can move freely in and out or are we planning to leave the station?"
You can contact the ship. This is an atmospheric airlock, mainly to protect from Nocturna's harmful gases, and is not space-graded. As such, radiation protection is weak or even non-existent.
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