Hailing frequencies open (Intro & OOC chat)

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Mar 23, 2024 12:29 am
Oh. I see that the Celestial Voyager is mostly full, and if I assume that:
I transfer 2 tons of clothes for 2 tons of
Peter Morgan gets 1 ton
The Celestial Voyager trades its Plates and Data Storage
(These assumptions are about trading cargo space, not money)
There is no room left? Assuming I am reading the Celestial Voyager sheet correctly.
Mar 23, 2024 12:32 am
Available: 1034 tons in the CV =)
Mar 23, 2024 1:27 am
I was reading this post from spaceseeker19 (thanks for sharing) and realized I didn't told you my latest formatting convention.

Of course, you don't need to follow that in your own posts, but maybe by reading this it will make it easier for you to notice what I'm highlighting.
Since Chapter 5,

I use blue for relevant people, companies, entities, ships, governments, etc in my posts.

I use green for relevant places and locations that you can go or need to know about

I underline skills and results of your dice rolls. If you noticed something, talked with that NPC, failed to connect with a mercenary to work as a bodyguard for you, etc

Finally, I use red for relevant risks, issues, challenges, problems, rewards or special situations that the group is facing or may face in the near future.
Mar 23, 2024 1:36 am
I edited my last post in CP5.2A to follow your formatting convention to make sure I understand it.
I like it.
Mar 29, 2024 11:53 pm
From Chapter 4 onwards, there are some background things going on. I'm using the faction system in Stars Without Number to provide us with a constant stream of background activity, adventure hooks, and visible setting reactions to PC actions.

In fact, while there is plenty of opportunities for the adventurers, sometimes there are more than they can or want to handle. This is a sandbox game, after all. To give you some visibility into what is happening around you, I have created a new subforum with Factions, Rumors and News.

There will be a thread there for the Factions stats and turns. They play once after each numbered chapter (4, 5, 6, etc), following rules in the SWN core rulebook

I am also going to write threads for news and rumors. You can consider that the PCs have heard of those things in the background / off camera when I post them. Sometimes, those news, documentaries and rumors will summarize a previous chapter or give us some context for future ones. They can also give us some sense of closure, as well. Especially if you leave Emily behind. =)
Mar 30, 2024 2:57 am
I just have to say, as I have been considering how to respond to the political machinations and the weighty personal decisions that my character has to make about his future, I was struck by how we are all playing what are effectively completely separate games with almost unrelated plot lines. I'm very impressed; that's quite a juggling act for you as GM, @htech!
Mar 30, 2024 12:53 pm
I was struck by how we are all playing what are effectively completely separate games with almost unrelated plot lines. I'm very impressed; that's quite a juggling act for you as GM, @htech!
They are more intertwined than it seems =) My goal is to give all PCs effectively freedom to "play their own games", but with plenty of interactions among themselves, an overarching plot and a shared living universe. I confess that sometimes this game gives me enough work (and fun) as if I were GMing 2 or 3 games simultaneously.
Mar 30, 2024 2:36 pm
Very much so! After reading all of the news items, I have two quick items:
1) "Crime-coded mines"! Sweet! Glad it was of use! 😬
2) I didn't realize the CV's trip had attracted such notoriety at the very start. I now better understand why the main crew quit. They were likely unsure of heading out that far, and deciding the ship was cursed could easily push them over the edge. Nice!
Last edited March 30, 2024 4:05 pm
Mar 30, 2024 3:38 pm
I have some questions about the news and press logistics:
Q1: Is Marcus on board one of the ships with us? Is Olivia? How are they getting footage of us doing the things on the same day that they're being done?
Q2: How are these press stories distributed? Are they broadcast locally as they happen (effectively "live")? Are the recordings then shipped to other systems so that people elsewhere in the human sphere of ITC-contacted space will be getting this news weeks and months later?

You can probably see where this is going....

Q3: As we travel on from system to system, how likely is it that this reporting of our actions has already reached that system before us?
Mar 30, 2024 4:29 pm

Q1: Is Marcus on board one of the ships with us? Is Olivia? How are they getting footage of us doing the things on the same day that they're being done?
Q2: How are these press stories distributed? Are they broadcast locally as they happen (effectively "live")? Are the recordings then shipped to other systems so that people elsewhere in the human sphere of ITC-contacted space will be getting this news weeks and months later?
I actually didn't think about that... I just liked the format of a news press and used Olivia before, so it felt natural to continue with her as a reporter and add an anchor (Marcus) to summarize our chapters. Don't know how they got those images, to be honest. Maybe Valeria sold to them? She met Olivia before. Yeah. I'm going with that now, I blame Valeria. =)

I don't think they were traveling with you... Yet. Maybe it's a good idea to put Olivia onboard, I can add her during Chapter 5 or 6 as a paying passenger. =)
You can probably see where this is going....

Q3: As we travel on from system to system, how likely is it that this reporting of our actions has already reached that system before us?
What do you suggest? =)
Mar 30, 2024 4:33 pm
"Crime-coded mines"! Sweet! Glad it was of use! 😬
It was a perfect description, so I had to use it. =))
Mar 30, 2024 4:36 pm
I completely agree, is crazy to see how much stuff is happening at the same time and all being connected, playing in a setting like this is great, great job!!!
Mar 30, 2024 5:36 pm
htech says:
I don't think they were traveling with you... Yet. Maybe it's a good idea to put Olivia onboard, I can add her during Chapter 5 or 6 as a paying passenger. =)
I was going to ask a question about this, but then though, nah, I shouldn't put the idea in your head. I see you got there anyway ...
Mar 30, 2024 5:38 pm
htech says:

Q3: As we travel on from system to system, how likely is it that this reporting of our actions has already reached that system before us?

What do you suggest? =)
That's a world-building question. Does the ITC have transports moving the news recordings between systems regularly enough (ie daily/weekly) that they'd get there before us, or are we (the Sentinel) likely to leave the system soonest, so that we'd be the ones who are carrying such communications?
Mar 30, 2024 5:44 pm
Just a idea of how a news network like that could work, instead of a single big conglomerate, there could be smaller news organizations in every planet, that once word of mouth or police scanners inform about a crime/news worthy story they go to the scene to cover and then once coming back, both make a planet side news transmission but also broadcast it to nearby system that then broadcast just the biggest news.

That is kind of what already happens in normal news, I would find it very strange to have a news station following a particular ship, and also that would give a slight delay between something happening and it being reported.
Mar 30, 2024 7:43 pm
Does the ITC have transports moving the news recordings between systems regularly enough (ie daily/weekly) that they'd get there before us, or are we (the Sentinel) likely to leave the system soonest, so that we'd be the ones who are carrying such communications?
Oh, I didn't think of the question that way. To answer this new question, yes, they have transports moving mail and other stuff between systems regularly, even faster than the CV.

The issue is if that specific news company is relevant enough for a high speed courier or even something moving faster than the CV in the same route, to transmit it before you arrive. Like Arthur12320 said, I imagine dozens of news networks in each planet, so that specific piece of news is probably ignored by a lot of people.

So, back to the original question,
As we travel on from system to system, how likely is it that this reporting of our actions has already reached that system before us?
Unlikely, unless it is something big / very relevant
Apr 2, 2024 11:48 pm
So, after experimenting with the SWN Factions mechanics, I decided to leave and keep posting the news and maybe some descriptions of the active factions, but I will remove the turn, statistics, attributes, costs and other SWN mechanics related to them from here.

I will probably still use them in the background, but it is not so relevant for the players and is not something useful to post/share.

So there is no need for me to keep a separate subforum and the remaining content is now part of the Game Details.
Apr 10, 2024 5:18 pm
Ok so I'm looking over some of these game decisions in SWN and it is WILD to me.
1) I don't see any factors pointing out maintenance increase for any increase/decrease in modifications to a ship.
I also don't see any maintenance required for any cyberware.
Yet a custom handle, extended magazine, and the like(a thing I can buy now) requires special and particular skill to maintain?
Most of the weapon modifications are no different than the modifications for other things that require no maintenance. Are they just made so badly that they require maintenance?
How does Concealed, which in description is just how the weapon is designed, require more maintenance? I know how to do that IRL and not have it cost more taitinace, both for melee and ballistic weapons.
I will agree some make sense, but not to the degree that the game requires.
This is what I think the list should look like. (And what it does as spoiler to reference)
[ +- ] Spoiler

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I think you're totally right.
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I think you're on the right track, but not quite there with all your ideas/numbers.
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What are you even talking about about???
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Last edited April 10, 2024 5:38 pm
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