Hailing frequencies open (Intro & OOC chat)

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Apr 18, 2024 1:55 am
That's fine. Take care of RL first. We can wait as needed.
Apr 18, 2024 3:01 am
Glad it is resolved and don’t worry we just killed a space-mech-monkey we can all use a break lol
Apr 19, 2024 1:43 am
Ok so I have a question/need a ruling about Ship Mods
PG 108 says:

Redesigning Ships
An engineer with vast amounts of money, components,  and shipyard support can completely rebuild a ship hull  to include a mod as part of its basic structure, or re- design an existing hull schematic to include the mod.  This is much more expensive than a quick after-market  addition, but the mod becomes part of the basic ship  itself and requires no further Maintenance. To rebuild a ship with a mod, the engineer must  spend five times the usual cost in credits and twice as  many pretech components as usually required by the  mod. A shipyard is mandatory for such extensive re- design, and can do the work at a rate of 25,000 credits  worth each day. To build an entirely new hull that includes the mod  as part of its design, only the normal price of the mod  must be paid in credits and components. By integrating  the modification into the ship’s basic blueprints, the  engineer makes it much easier to install and maintain  it. Of course, the entire hull must then be built from  scratch at a shipyard, also at the usual rate of 25,000  credits of work done per day. There’s a limit to the amount of flexibility an engi- neer has in such designs, however. A ship can only be  rebuilt or redesigned with a number of mods equal to  twice the engineer’s Fix skill score. Further mods can  be bolted on afterwards, but these will require Main- tenance to keep in operating order, just as with any  other mod.
To me this means that the Mod, if addes as a redesign, and therefore spending extra time, money, and components, doesn't add to the base value for 6month maintinance as the term maintinance is used in both cases specifically.
This is reinforced by the mod Eternal Reactor.
PG 109 says:
Eternal Reactor (Fix-2): The ship’s fuel tanks are re- placed with effectively everlasting pretech energy  cores. It no longer needs to refuel for drills or op- eration. Cost: 5% of hull, 2 components/hull class
Specifically this is reinforced, in my mind, because Eternal Reactor seems useless if it ends up costing more time and money in the long run. (Avoiding refuels vs 6month maintenance cost+time spent by engineer)

TLDR:It makes sense to me that once a ship has had a mod redesigned into it that it doesn't add to the 6month maintenance .
Apr 19, 2024 4:21 pm
I think there is Maintenance (capital M) and the six-month maintenance. The first is using the Fix skill and must be maintained by a qualified engineer every week of active use. Integrated mods doesn't need that.

But i think the later is still required. You see, that is also a game trade-off to keep more expensive ships with larger maintenance costs (and as such demand more money = more/riskier adventures). Based on page 113:
Rulebook says:
Every ship needs to spend 5% of its total non-crew cost every six months in order to pay for basic maintenance. Each such period that is skipped applies a -1 penalty to all ship skill checks and hit rolls.
I would consider that those credits spent as part of the Modding also counts as total non-crew costs. They're costs, after all, and even more expensive if they are integrated to avoid Maintenance (capital M)

Having to pay for maintenance, loans and stuff like that (or even being unable or hard-pressed to do so) is a classic plot hook in the genre. It's a source of complications, risk taking and adventures.

Regarding the Eternal Reactor, I don't think it's benefits are about saving credits. I think it's about not being stranded in the middle of nowhere, without fuel nor means to acquire it.
Apr 19, 2024 10:42 pm
htech says:
I think there is Maintenance (capital M) and the six-month maintenance. The first is using the Fix skill and must be maintained by a qualified engineer every week of active use. Integrated mods doesn't need that.
I don't necessarily think you're wrong, I do think they could have used other phrasing. Like maybe 6 months Upkeep or Servicing.
If they meant what you say they could be clearer about it.
Last edited April 26, 2024 11:09 pm
Apr 28, 2024 12:06 am
It's interesting when playing a game where each enemy defeated doesn't give Exp, so characters can act more natural.
Apr 29, 2024 5:36 am
I haven't tried to look up stats, but in character I wouldn't assume that we can outrun cybernetic rats the size of dogs.
Apr 29, 2024 6:35 am
I'm assuming we can't outrun them. However, if we can keep moving back while firing on them we might be able to get them to stop pursuing and hopefully keep from get surrounded.
May 7, 2024 7:26 am
I vote that in the future when the GM needs a roll from the whole group that Htech can just roll for everyone.
(Like initiative or this exert roll)

GM group roll?.

Yeah let's speed things up
Vote to view results.
No, I like rolling for my character
Vote to view results.
May 7, 2024 12:23 pm
Actually, I was not waiting for a roll, exactly. I usually let the players roll, but wouldn't wait just because of it. The decision of what to do is the one that really matters here.

As an example, Hank's first post was required. The second one, with the roll, will be considered but I was not really waiting for it.

Let me write something for Douklan, to make it easier for you to see ;)
May 7, 2024 4:29 pm
I honestly didn't think I needed to roll initially, thus my delay in delivering the roll. Then I thought maybe I did need the roll, so provided one just in case. (Pretty sure it was a failure, though. It's been pretty long since Hank has done any dedicated long-term physical activity. 😓)
May 14, 2024 4:42 am
Just some rule checking that might come in handy for my next play, did you managed to find anything on the rules about dragging another character? is my speed halved? do i need to roll something?
May 14, 2024 9:12 am
arthur12320 says:
Just some rule checking that might come in handy for my next play, did you managed to find anything on the rules about dragging another character? is my speed halved? do i need to roll something?
There are no specific rules for that, so it will depend on circumstances and how long do you wanna do it.

If it's something done during combat, to carry another armored PC, halving your speed due to heavy encumbrance seems reasonable. Moreover, you may need to stow your weapon and have both hands free before you can carry him.

Please note that Corbin is stable, so dragging doesn't seem to be a good strategy right now.
May 14, 2024 12:34 pm
I'm sure the robots have classed me as a 'non-threat' at the moment. Focus on finishing them and we can worry about healing later. :)
May 14, 2024 7:20 pm
daryen says:
As a total aside, I modified my character sheet to calculate the Attack Bonus in the dice roll buttons automatically from the level.
How did you do that? I just had to manually enter the Attack bonus from level ranges.
Last edited May 14, 2024 7:20 pm
May 14, 2024 7:35 pm
It took a couple tries to figure out, and an example from a different character sheet I could steal from. Do note that when making "variables" like this, the "variable" has to be assigned before it is used. That's why I added it to the Level definition line instead of later in the sheet where it is explicitly printed out. In the examples below, I put them inside spoilers so that they don't look horrible, as I assume the posting will try to interpret them. To see the actual encoding, you'll have to quote my post to see it.

I changed my "Level" line to look like this ...
[ +- ] Level Line
Note that this gives the formula for an Expert and/or Psychic. For a Warrior, just use level directly. For a partial Warrior, you'll have to do something far more complicated, like is done in the standard SWN sheet for the ability bonus values. (Since it is not a mathematical formula for partial Warrior.) The "color" attribute makes the creation of the bab variable not shown so you won't see it. (That was another cool trick I found in that other character sheet.

Regardless of how it is formulated, I just used the "bab" variable after that. For example, here ...
[ +- ] Shoot Line
(Note that this line is part of a table, but it shows how the roll is constructed.)

I hope that helps! When I look at the sheet, there are a couple other items I should be able to automate like this, but I just haven't yet.
May 14, 2024 9:56 pm
For Partial Warrior I had to
[ +- ] Spoiler
And then I have both attacks in my skill list so it looks like
[ +- ] Spoiler
Last edited May 14, 2024 9:58 pm
May 20, 2024 12:56 am
@htech: Did you mean to lock the Chapter 6.2 thread? I thought you were still waiting for one more player's actions.

Also, I just wasn't sure how far behind we were. If it's gonna take 20 turns to get there, I certainly hope the combat is over before then! If not, our whole team will be dead!
May 20, 2024 11:13 am
Nope, that was a misclick, thank you. This site is excellent but the UX could be improved. Thread actions should be hidden behind a menu / another button
May 22, 2024 11:50 pm
PhoenixScientist says:
Are we carrying them out? Bodies don't transport well. If they're wounded they very well could not make it to the shuttle.
They're all dead. Everybody's dead, Dave.

Here's my opinion: The team is just talking about taking the dead bodies of friends and coworkers - family, essentially - out so that they can get a proper burial and their actual surviving relatives can get closure. It's respect for our common humanity.

Now, we as players know that the bodies could easily reanimate into abominations that could try to kill us if they're left alone. But I don't think that's a primary concern for any of the characters; none of our characters have ever seen anything like this before. This is the point I was trying to stress when we first landed the shuttle, when everyone was so blase about nanotechnology...Nanotech, canonically, is NOT a technology that any of us have ever seen. Nanotech is WAY outside of our available tech range, stuff that is unique to this Forbidden Zone. For our characters, the idea of corpses getting colonized by nanotech assemblers or rebuilt with cybernetic parts by antagonistic AI is not normal; it's pulp fiction/B-movie entertainment at best. They're fairy tale boogeymen to scare the kids with.

To me it makes sense that our primary motivation is to respect our fallen comrades who suffered tragic deaths. We wouldn't all be looking to dispose of the bodies at the first chance we get.

But that's just my point of view.
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