Daryen character generation

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Nov 29, 2023 10:58 pm
Harold "Hank" Heron (he/him)

Str - 10
Agi - 11
Wit - 12
Char - 9

Edu - 15 (you receive +2 after enrollment)
Soc - 11

Age: 24

Max chargen age: 31 (born in 1204)

Athletics-0, Bureaucracy-0, Mechanics-0, Pilot-0, Ranged Weapon-0, Academics(Math)-0, Electronics-0
(No need for specializations in Pilot and Ranged)

It is now time to start In Character posts. Let me prepare something so we can proceed.
Nov 30, 2023 12:06 am
Trade Era 1228, Day 63

Contitech University, Maryburg city, New Jordan
"Trade Era 1228" marks the 1228th year since the establishment of the Interstellar Trade Commission and the creation of the interplanetary defense forces (Navy and Marines).
The sun had barely begun its ascent over Contitech University as Hank stirred from his dorm room. With a yawn, he donned his favorite hoodie, the one adorned with a fading logo from his hometown's flitter races. The campus was already alive with the hum of students on a mission.

As he traversed the campus, the familiar scent of coffee greeted him at every corner. The Computer Science building loomed ahead, its sleek architecture a stark contrast to the unremarkable cityscape he once called home.

Today's class was in the tech labs, where the rhythmic clatter of keyboards blended with animated discussions on software architecture. Hank's fingers danced across the keys, translating abstract problems into lines of code. Amidst his focused work, he occasionally stole glances at the clock, eagerly anticipating the end of the class—a step closer to graduation.

In his current assignment, he was supposed to use a University code library and simulate a starship's computer jump algorithm, but it was not working as Hank expected. In the midst of debugging, he stumbled upon an anomaly—a stray line of code that invoked an out of place configuration file. Intrigued, he followed the electronic trail and found a professor's access credentials. It was a security breach. He could use that to pass himself as a faculty member.
What do you do?
Nov 30, 2023 3:09 am
Do I know who the professor is? Do I like the professor? Or are these details I need to fill in while telling the story?
Nov 30, 2023 9:17 am
You need to fill in. You can also create and roleplay friends and other NPCs if you wanna. As long as we don't contradict anything we wrote before, you can (should) write whatever you want. This is a collaborative storytelling game in a blank page. I'll say "Yes, and..." to whatever you go for, 99,9% of the time. :)
Nov 30, 2023 9:16 pm
Sweet! I know how I'm running with this, at least initially, but I won't have time to type it out until tomorrow.
Dec 2, 2023 2:38 am
After being initially surprised by his discovery, Hank becomes curious over who this professor is, as he does not recognize the name. He becomes curious as to whether the professor is the victim or the actual perpetrator. With some more investigation, he can see that the professor is the victim of whatever was going on. However, what he sees implies that at least someone in the university's IT department was in on the effort, or it would have been detected by now. He then cleans up evidence of his discovery.

Once he is satisfied he should be good, and making sure his project now works, he investigates the professor. He finds that she is a leading research luminary on Elder research. Seeing that she is still on campus that day, he goes over to her office to talk with her.
Ok, my thoughts here. Hank does not use the access. He is too close to graduation to want to screw it up. He wants to graduate because he succeeded, not because he cheated at the end. Since it looks like at least someone in IT is involved, he is going to tell the professor what he has found. He is asking for nothing to tell her this info, so he can't be seen as trying blackmail. (That is not what he wants.) However, if he can prove valuable to her, so much the better. Getting involved in a post-graduate research project would be really cool. If not, he still wants to do the right thing.
Dec 2, 2023 9:19 am
Nice, let's go...
He then cleans up evidence of his discovery.
Roll Computers + Wits, DC10, please. Let's see how you did there. =)
Once he is satisfied he should be good, and making sure his project now works, he investigates the professor.
Receive Investigation-1 as part of this event.
Dec 2, 2023 5:13 pm
Ok, here's my roll ...

I did terrible. Since I did terrible (bad enough that I know I failed, but not bad enough to think I succeeded), Hank submits a trouble ticket after all. He keeps it generic and describes his attempt at a cleanup as just trying to fix things.
Last edited December 2, 2023 5:16 pm


Computer cleanup - (1d20)

(6) = 6

Dec 2, 2023 5:25 pm
Seeing that she is still on campus that day, he goes over to her office to talk with her.
Trade Era 1228, Day 63

Contitech University, Maryburg city, New Jordan

The corridors of Contitech University were buzzing with activity as Hank made his way to Professor Evelyn Stone's office.

Upon reaching the office, Hank hesitated for a moment before knocking. The door swung open, revealing a cluttered space filled with stacks of research papers and datapads related to the mysterious Elders.

"Professor Stone?" Hank inquired, unsure of what to expect.

The professor looked up from her work, her eyes narrowing inquisitively. "Yes, and you are?"
What do you do?
Dec 4, 2023 1:49 am
"Professor, my name is Hank Heron. Just to cut to the chase, while working on my project I tripped across something that showed me your computer credentials. Your account has been completely compromised. I have reported this to university security, but wanted to tell you personally because I think someone in IT might have been in on it.

"I can't prove that last item, but that's what it looked like to me."
The idea is that something about her Elder research has a lot of people she doesn't realize interested in her work. He can't prove that, so he doesn't say that directly.
Dec 4, 2023 2:07 am
BTW, I added a character sheet. I have to work on my avatar.

Also, I need a home world. It needs to be high-pop, reasonably hi-tech, yet non-descript. The equivalent of Tulsa OK or some other place that isn't bad, but isn't important, and no one ever goes there unless they have to. (I apologize to anyone from Tulsa.) Maybe Tulsoma?
Last edited December 4, 2023 2:12 am
Dec 4, 2023 9:11 am
Tulsoma is fine. :) Please submit your character to the game, it's not showing for me yet.
Dec 4, 2023 5:08 pm
OK, I created the character, but for the life of me, I cannot see how to "submit" it for anything. So ... any guidance on how to do that would be great!

Found it! And now submitted!

Still working on the avatar.
Last edited December 4, 2023 5:11 pm
Dec 5, 2023 12:41 am
Professor Evelyn Stone stared at Hank, a mixture of surprise and concern etched on her face. The news of her compromised credentials struck a chord of urgency within her.

"Hank Heron, was it?" she responded, her tone serious. "I appreciate your diligence, Mr. Heron. It's disconcerting, but unfortunately, not entirely surprising given the sensitivity of my research."

Hank's curiosity grew. "Your research? Is there something specific that might have made you a target?"

The professor hesitated, choosing her words carefully. "I delve into Elder research, ancient technology and knowledge that predates the establishment of the Interstellar Trade Commission. It's a niche field, but there are elements within and beyond the university who might find it… Intriguing. Do you have skills in digital forensics? If you want, I would like your help to investigate further, discreetly. I can secure a research grant for you until you graduate, theoretically for aiding me in predictive modeling, while in practice, your work would involve delving into this matter"
Either way, roll for graduation. Also, choose and apply for a career. Your next event will consider both your choices and your rolls.
Dec 5, 2023 1:55 am
Hank accepts her offer.

Attempt to graduate ...

Edit: I would like to make a minor change to my university skills can I swap out Electronics for Investigate? That works better for the character and doesn't change any of the other stuff.

I'll be optimistic and assume that's OK. That means his Education is now 17, Academics(Math) and Ivestigate are each at 1, and Computer is at 2. A good solid base.

He wants to try for Scholar. So, now I'm rolling to get in ...

Ok, I failed that abysmally. Can I try again, or do I have to go somewhere else? (Either works. If he can, he will try one more time for Scholar. Otherwise, he heads off to be an Office Worker. Yes, Office Worker. I have a backup plan. :) )
Last edited December 5, 2023 2:15 am


WITS - Graduate DC10 - (1d20+1)

(17) + 1 = 18

Scholar Application Roll DC12 - (1d20+3)

(1) + 3 = 4

Dec 5, 2023 2:53 am
Ok, I'll let you swap. It helps my plans as well. Your investigate is at 2, because of the event.

Yup. I'll give you one more try if you loose 1 year and write something In Character about it. Probably Professor Stone helped you, with your studies. If you fail, roll for the Corporate career in the next day (not year). Or Agent :)
Dec 5, 2023 6:07 pm
OK, I am just winging this until I get some good rolls. Fortunately, I have a back-up plan to try before my actual back-up plan ...
Flush with excitement of his successful graduation, Hank immediately applied to be a research assistant at the university. He was pretty optimistic going in to apply, but it just didn't work out and he was rejected. He never got a good answer as to why, but he later learned that his association with Dr. Stone ended up hurting him in his attempt. The adminstration did not want anyone beholden to Dr. Stone to get one of the positions. He was gutted first by the failure, then by the reason for the rejection.

Hank took off a month or so, then contented himself doing small programming and research jobs ad hoc for others and his mother. After about 4 months, Dr. Stone let him know about an expedition she was going to lead and encouraged him to apply. She said she didn't have direct control on the application process, but encouraged him to apply anyway. Rather than be an in-university assistant position, it would be a full in-the-field research position. Excited by the prospects, Hank applied himself to preparing for the application. It took the rest of a full year before he was able to apply. (... applying now ...) Unfortunately, he was still not able to overcome the politics of the university to get the position.

However, during his research he found that the expedition was actually being run by the ITC exploration division. While Hank was very leery of working directly for the government, he decided to take a chance and apply for a junior archaeologist position that would put him in position to join the expedition through another avenue. (... applying now ...) Unfortunately, that was an utter disaster. His ambition and what he was trying to do was apparently too transparent for the managers interviewing him, so they rejected him out of hand.

Now, humbled, with his ambitions thoroughly crushed, he gave up on his dreams and simply applied as an analyst to the corporation his mother worked at, figuring it was a safe alternative as his final back-up plan. (... applying now ...) With some behind-the-scenes help from his mother (that he never found out about), he got the position. He then reluctantly headed off to his preordained destiny to be a wage-slave as a faceless cog in a nameless corporation.
Yes, I know things will get more interesting for the poor guy, as I have six more years to figure out. But right now, Hank is pretty thoroughly defeated. As an aside, I am intentionally not naming the corporation he now works for. The point is that it is just like dozens of other nameless, soul-sucking corporations out there. It doesn't *deserve* a name. :D Also, since he is pretty low right now, I am thinking of adding to the misery ...
Last edited December 5, 2023 6:24 pm


Apply to Field Research Position DC12 - (1d20+3)

(6) + 3 = 9

Apply to ITC Exploration DC10 - (1d20+1)

(1) + 1 = 2

Apply as a Corporate Analyst - (1d20+3)

(10) + 3 = 13

Dec 5, 2023 6:29 pm
Extra question: Can I apply for my next career *before* quitting my old career? That way I still have a job if I fail the application? I mean we *both* can see how well my rolls are working ...

Hank is now 25. I have been updating the character page as we go along.

Looking forward, I will end up either as an Agent or a Drifter. (His corporate career will not end well.) It all depends on how that future application ends up rolling. My bet right now is on Drifter ...

EDIT: I will update the avatar later. But this one is perfect for him *now*.
Last edited December 5, 2023 6:34 pm
Dec 6, 2023 12:42 am
Welcome to the corporate career! I see that you already wrote your level-0 skills, so that's okay.
Trade Era 1229, Day 210

Somewhere unremarkable, Maryburg city, New Jordan

Hank found himself a faceless cog in the intricate machinery of the nameless corporation. The sterile hum of fluorescent lights and the rhythmic tap of keyboards became the backdrop to his newfound reality. With a sigh, he glanced at the clock, noting the slow progression of time. The stack of paperwork on his desk beckoned, a tower of reports and analyses waiting to be dissected and compiled.
Receive Bureaucracy +1 as part of this event.
A couple of hours later, he stood up and navigated through the cubicle maze to attend a client meeting, his aspirations for groundbreaking research now replaced by the mundanity of everyday corporate life.

Seated across from the client, a middle-aged executive with an affinity for dull questions, Hank feigned enthusiasm as he sifted through data and graphs. The client's words were a monotonous symphony of routine inquiries that seemed to stretch endlessly.
Receive Deception +1 as part of this event.
As the clock ticked, Hank channeled his unremarkable past, drawing on the patience honed through the trials of rejection and disappointment.
Receive Will +2 as part of this event.
He skillfully danced through the tedious queries, providing meticulous answers that betrayed none of the disillusionment he harbored within. His dreams of archeological expeditions and groundbreaking discoveries were now distant echoes, drowned out by the banality of the corporate queries before him.

Occasionally, he stole a glance at the framed picture of his parents on his desk, a poignant reminder of the unremarkable roots that anchored him to reality. The client droned on, and Hank nodded at the appropriate intervals, his mind occasionally drifting to the untrodden paths he had once aspired to explore.

In the midst of the client's inquiries about profit margins and market trends, a spark of resilience flickered within Hank. He realized that even in the face of the mundane, he could carve out spaces of significance. With a subtle shift in perspective, he approached the client's questions not as tedious tasks but as opportunities to find kernels of intrigue within the ordinary.
Receive Wits +2 as part of this event.
As the meeting concluded, Hank exchanged pleasantries with the client, the door closing behind them. The afternoon sun dipped below the cityscape outside and the pulse of the corporate machinery persisted, a steady beat that echoed the passage of hours. With each completed task, he felt the weight of the routine.
Well, ok, you can apply for another career without leaving your job. Please give me an 1d4 (duration of this corporate term) and 1d20 (for the lists of available skills, so you can choose 2 of them). And your application roll
Dec 6, 2023 1:45 am
Cool! Got some good stuff there!

Here are the dice rolls for this term ...

Since the term is a full four years, I am going to throw in a major complication during that time that will drive him towards his next career.
Last edited December 6, 2023 1:58 am


Duration of Term - (1d4)

(4) = 4

Skills Roll - (1d20)

(20) = 20

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