Daryen character generation

Nov 28, 2023 11:48 pm
Welcome! Please roll your attributes and let's begin!
Nov 29, 2023 9:06 pm
Well, let's get this started:

First, 4d6k3. Second, 3d6.


Primary Roll 1 - (4d6h3)

(1254) = 11

Primary Roll 2 - (4d6h3)

(3151) = 9

Primary Roll 3 - (4d6h3)

(1165) = 12

Primary Roll 4 - (4d6h3)

(1243) = 9

Secondary Roll 1 - (3d6)

(544) = 13

Secondary Roll 2 - (3d6)

(164) = 11

Nov 29, 2023 9:26 pm
A lot of average rolls, but it works. =) Please assign them to your attributes and then choose your character name, pronoums, homeworld and describe your family, your childhood and adolescence. Use your rolled attributes as a reference/guideline.
Nov 29, 2023 9:47 pm
OK, wow. Those are some bad rolls. Not utter garbage rolls, but when literally every dropped roll is a 1 and I still have to keep a one half the time, these are terrible rolls. And my "best" roll is from the pure 3d6. Not expected.

Still, let's run with it. I suck and I embrace it!

Str - 9
Agi - 11
Wit - 12
Char - 9

Edu - 13
Soc - 11

Lesse, ...

Harold "Hank" Heron (he/him)

Hank is the unremarkable middle child of an unremarkable family who lives in an unremarkable city in an unremarkable country on an unremarkable world. His father is a nameless technician for the vast infrastructure; his mother is a nameless low-level flunkie in the bureaucracy of an unimportant company. He went to public schools and performed well enough and learned more than given credit for. He enjoyed athletics, but was never particularly good at any of it.

He could go into more detail, but no one cares.

Aspiring for more, he attempts to attend University.
Last edited November 29, 2023 9:48 pm
Nov 29, 2023 10:02 pm
Aging: Rolled an 11, so I get to start at age 31, meaning I need make one set of aging rolls.

Let's see what I get for my aging rolls ...

OK, failed only strength. Let's see the loss ...

Lose 2 strength, now I only have a 7, and every single strength roll is at -2.
Last edited November 29, 2023 10:09 pm


Aging - (3d6)

(236) = 11

Str aging roll - (3d6)

(446) = 14

Dex aging roll - (3d6)

(361) = 10

Wit aging roll - (4d6)

(2532) = 12

Str loss roll - (1d3)

(2) = 2

Nov 29, 2023 10:13 pm
Well. That's what I call turning an unremarkable roll into something more. A lot of unremarkable! heheh. =)

You're good to go until you're 31. First, choose your 5 initial skills, at level 0, from the whole skill list, describing how/why you have them.

And as you said you wanna go for it, let's roll for University, Education DC10 in the sequence. Roll 1d20+2, due to your 15. =)

What major are you looking for? What skills do you wanna learn in it?
Nov 29, 2023 10:14 pm
Whoa, wait a little bit. You only age when you reach 31. You're still 18 :)

31 is when we will stop chargen. It's your ending age, not current. You start at 18. Sorry if it was not clear.
Nov 29, 2023 10:22 pm
Here are my five base skills:
- Athletics
- Bureaucracy
- Mechanics
- Pilot (flitter)
- Ranged Weapon

He tried athletics while growing up, but wasn't particular good at any of it. Despite that, he can competently throw, run, climb, swim, and even play some sports. He just isn't fast and can't do it for very long. In a burst, he can be surprisingly competent.

He learned about both of his parents trades while growing up, thus is competent at dealing with bureaucracies and mechanical things. He did actually pay attention to his parents.

In his late teen years, his family did have access to a flitter, which was not uncommon on his homeworld. As a result, he learned to pilot (and maintain) such vehicles.

He also learned how to handle and use personal weaponry available to citizens. Military weaponry is outside his experience, but he understands how to use and fire (with some accuracy) handguns and hunting long guns. (By "guns" I mean whatever is appropriate for his homeworld. They could be slug throwers, lasers, blasters, phasers, or whatever would be commonly used in that society. We can figure out the options later.)
Nov 29, 2023 10:27 pm
htech says:
Whoa, wait a little bit. You only age when you reach 31. You're still 18 :)

31 is when we will stop chargen. It's your ending age, not current. You start at 18. Sorry if it was not clear.
Oh, I know it doesn't take effect until then. But, I wanted to know where I was going to end up. While my character is only 18 now, I won't get to use him until he is 31. If I had failed everything and got a -2 or -3 to each, I would have bagged the character. Also, by knowing where he is going to end up, I now know I have to waste 2 years to make sure he ends up at Str 8 instead of Str 7. I wouldn't bother with that if I didn't know I was going to need it. It also means I know that he only has about 2-4 good years in him. He's done once he reaches 35.

(Your aging penalties are really harsh!)
Nov 29, 2023 10:35 pm
So, first thing he does is work for two years to get his strength up to 10. While it probably isn't the best way to start, I might as well get it done now (instead of finishing with it) so I can kill the -1 for all of chargen.

Hank is now 20 and has a Str of 10.

He then finally applies to university using EduDC10 ...

Not getting the hint, he isn't willing to immediately give up on his dreams. Another EduDC10 ...

And, whoo hoo, did he learn from his first failure and succeed!

Hank is now 24 (+1 year for the failed entry; +3 for the successful entry).

His two level-0 skills are Academics (Math) and Electronics.
His one level-1 skill is Computer.
Last edited November 29, 2023 10:44 pm


Apply to University - (1d20)

(2) = 2

Try 2 for University - (1d20)

(20) = 20

Nov 29, 2023 10:36 pm
Actually, we will play most of those years. Events can (and will) need you to make rolls and tests, with your current attributes. They can also change them, not only your skills.

Unlike Travellers, we will actually play your University ;) Moreover, there is no survival rolls. You will begin the "main" adventure at 31. You won't roll aging after chargen.

So I will hide and ignore those rolls, ok?
Nov 29, 2023 10:39 pm
htech says:
Actually, we will play most of those years. Events can (and will) need you to make rolls and tests, with your current attributes. They can also change them, not only your skills.

Unlike Travellers, we will actually play your University ;)

So I will hide and ignore those rolls, ok?
Please feel free to hide them, but I'd really like to keep them long-term. I *barely* succeeded on the two I succeeded on. I really don't want to have to roll them all over again and completely ruin the character after chargen.

I really want to keep those rolls. I don't trust the Gamers Plane die roller to not completely screw me at the end.
Nov 29, 2023 10:41 pm
Hahaha. I'm here to protect you from the GP dice. Trust the system ;)
Nov 29, 2023 10:43 pm
By the way, you misunderstood. You only reduce your Strength if you roll above it. You actually failed 2 of then. (Wits and Agi) ;)

But let's ignore that. You roll 1d20+2 due to your Education, but I will keep those rolls, as the results are the same

Edit: My bad.
Nov 29, 2023 10:46 pm
htech says:
By the way, you misunderstood. You only reduce your Strength if you roll above it. ;)
I did. For Dex, I rolled a 10, have an 11, so succeeded. For Wit, I rolled a 12, have a 12, so succeeded barely. For Str, I rolled a 14 against my lowly 9 (or now 10). So, unless I spent a full 10 years working solely on my strength score, that roll fails.
Last edited November 29, 2023 10:48 pm
Nov 29, 2023 10:48 pm
This is definitely not a good chat platform. Sorry, you need to roll below to lose. The rationale is that it is easier to lose above average attributes. Let me check the rules again.
Nov 29, 2023 10:49 pm
htech says:
But let's ignore that. You roll 1d20+2 due to your Education, but I will keep those rolls, as the results are the same
I updated a prior message above. I failed to get into University. I then tried again and succeeded wildly. I chose my skills. Now I assume I need to wait before trying to graduate.
Nov 29, 2023 10:50 pm
Fixed it. Didn't really proofread that aging rule. Sorry ;)
Nov 29, 2023 10:53 pm
htech says:
This is definitely not a good chat platform. Sorry, you need to roll below to lose. The rationale is that it is easier to lose above average attributes. Let me check the rules again.
The rules specifically stated roll above. In that case, I would lose Dex, but keep Str. I can live with that, honestly. Either way, Wit is safe because I rolled it exactly! I will still keep the 2 years devoted to improving Str because I want to get rid of the -1, at least to start.
Nov 29, 2023 10:56 pm
As a summary, here is the current situation:

Harold "Hank" Heron (he/him)

Str - 10
Agi - 11
Wit - 12
Char - 9

Edu - 13
Soc - 11

Age: 24

Athletics-0, Bureaucracy-0, Mechanics-0, Pilot(Flitter)-0, Ranged Weapon(?)-0, Academics(Math)-0, Electronics-0

Hank is currently still in University, hoping he graduates without issue.
Last edited November 29, 2023 10:57 pm
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