Day 1: Everything's shiny, Captain

Nov 30, 2023 10:45 am
Eye.tino peter, CC BY-SA 4.0, via Wikimedia Commons

You dropped off the mega-cows at their destination, and are now on your way to deliver a cargo of stolen mech suits for delivery to a group of mercenaries operating many light years away.

You're travelling out of the Jardox system, heading to safe distance to make your next jump. Jardox is a huge star, so you need longer than usual on your non-FTL impulse drive before you can jump - it's been a week so far, and there's another week before you can jump safely.

Over the last two days, there have been several unexplained glitches in the ship's systems. Short blasts of static on the audio channels, spanning all frequencies at the same time. Irregular knocking and scratching on the ship-wide broadcasting system. Hiccups in the drive power output with it suddenly dropping to half power and then after a few seconds back up to normal output.

The crew has been trying to find out the source of these anomalies - but systems diagnostics, and physical investigations, haven't shed any light on the situation. As a result, the mood on The Ballerina is tense.

All of you are on-shift - while Captain Gadfly, Conchita, and Pardo are off-shift and resting.

Where on the ship are you during this shift? (you can check out The Ballerina character sheet to see the list of locations/parts of the ship).

Tell us what that part of the ship looks like.

Tell us know what your character is doing during this shift - and if this is different from what they'd do on a shift where the ship wasn't experiencing unexplained glitches.

And, finally, let us know what your character is thinking and feeling about what's going on in the ship at the moment.
Dec 1, 2023 2:04 am
Scrapping my previous posts. Neither of them fit our new direction. I'm just going to leave this post blank and make a fresh post down the thread.
Last edited December 10, 2023 4:11 pm
Dec 1, 2023 6:43 pm
Hank has set up camp in the main cargo hold in order to keep an eye on the mega-cows. He's not well suited to repair work, and figures someone should watch the beasts so they don't stampede again. The fact that there have been several gravity fluctuations within the last few cycles has him worried about their prospects.

He looks around the cargo bay, and reflects that while this ship seems fairly ragged and run down in most sections, a cargo bay is about as plain jane as you can get, so there's not much different about this one from any other ship. Except maybe those scorch marks from a las pistol on the far wall.

Hank paces up and down a little empty space in front of the holding pens. He normally spends his time awake helping to maintain the Ballerina's ancient quad cannons, the only armaments she possesses. The glitches haven't seemed to affect the weapon systems though... yet. So he thought he'd be of more use here. After a few hours of mooing and methane though, he's ready for a break. Maybe he'll head to the mess and see what kind of chow's left.
Dec 1, 2023 11:22 pm
In the dimly lit labyrinth of maintenance tubes that snaked through The Ballerina, John Doe found solace. The hum of machinery around him was like a familiar melody, drowning out the unsettling glitches plaguing the ship. The synthesizer, carefully tucked away in a corner, beckoned him.

As he navigated the narrow passages, grease-stained gloves gliding over the metallic surfaces, John pondered the enigmatic disturbances echoing through the vessel. The irregular knocking and scratching on the ship-wide broadcast system resonated in his mind like a discordant note in an otherwise harmonious composition. He should try to fix that.
[ +- ] Home sweet home


Home sweet home with Engineering specialization - (2d6+3)

(53) + 3 = 11

Dec 10, 2023 4:29 pm
Gloop is sitting at the bridge station they think of as "the ops station." All five of the crew stations on the bridge are completely configurable, so none of them are officially designated for a specific function - except for the captain's station, of course. Truth be told, that station doesn't have much more functionality, it's just more visually impressive.

Gloop configured this station themself, so it is set up for their specialties - operations and navigation. Gloop has also set up the terminal to function better with their physiology. Unlike a human, who moves hands and fingers from place to place on a console, Gloop just spreads part of their body across the whole interface. By controlling pressure at different points on their body, they tap and "swipe". The Ballerina's configurable interfaces are much friendlier to Gloop as a user than the last human ship they were on.

Currently Gloop is trying yet again to track down the Ballerina's digital glitches. And, yet again, they aren't having much luck. Normally Gloop is fairly "zen" about such things, as the humans say. But Gloop is starting to worry that perhaps the crew won't be as accepting of them if they can't solve this problem that clearly falls in their area of expertise. Their skin is slightly more gray than normal, an indication of their incresed stress.

Fifteen more minutes, Gloop thinks to themself. Then I'll take a break and go change hats. Changing hats always helped Gloop relax. They had been wearing the beret since starting this shift. Time for the cowboy hat, maybe.
Last edited December 10, 2023 4:51 pm

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