The trouble with Fey Relations

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Mar 28, 2024 6:12 am
For a moment Aizashi thinks that Mina is getting through to him only to realized that it doesn't appear so after all.
He places himself in front of the priest glowering at him, That is enough Malgrim!

He relaxes a little upon seeing Gorman, It might have gone sideways he says and turns his attention back to Malgrim.
Last edited Mar 28, 2024 6:12 am



Mar 28, 2024 12:10 pm

Malgrim struggles to regain his composure in front of the children. He clears his throat, his expression softening slightly as he addresses Mina and the others.

Your words hold some truth he begins, his voice gentler now, and I appreciate your concern for the welfare of our village. But we must remain vigilant against the influence of the fey. While not all of their kind may be inherently malevolent, their ways are often unpredictable and can bring harm to our people.

He pauses, casting a meaningful glance towards the children before continuing, As their teacher, it is my duty to protect them from any dangers, whether mundane or magical. We cannot afford to let our guard down, especially in these uncertain times.

With a subtle shift in tone, Malgrim adds, However, not all fey are alike. But until we can discern friend from foe, I must proceed with caution as I see fit. And allowing a stranger who wields magic unknown to me on my wards is not something I will tolerate. I think it best that you leave now.

Turning to Aizashi with a sowl You brought her here after we accepted you. It appears my trust was misplaced. all of you should leave.

By this point in time a small crowd has gathered and looks on with confusion and a slight trace of hostility at the confrontation of their priest and the outsiders.

Mar 28, 2024 2:12 pm
Mina allows Ultime to support her for a moment as she regains composure. Though normally the experience of empathic touch is slightly jarring when unexpected, in this case, Ultime's wave of curious concern helps to settle Mina's panic and provide her with more perspective.

Right. There's no need for panic. This man isn't going to hurt anyone. Not right now, anyway.

She turns back to the priest. Please don't hold it against dear Aizashi, she says weakly. I am a traveling healer. Most towns greet me with open arms, and we didn't realize anyone would resent us attempting to heal or empower these children. We simply misread the situation, is all. As she straightens and turns to leave, she addresses the woman that the little girl retreated to. I think... I think Father Malgrim would benefit from a glass of water? It appears I accidentally gave him quite a scare...?
Mar 28, 2024 4:48 pm
Aizashi starts getting slightly exasperated at the situation and the fact no one seems to be standing up to Malgrim.
Ugh, tell me Malgrim did ANYONE come to harm? Does it look like we would hurt the children? Or are you acting like this because of fear and prejudice?
Mar 28, 2024 7:30 pm
If Mina only had telepathy....

... but she doesn't have telepathy, so she just stands there stiffly, eyes widening with dread.
Mar 28, 2024 8:38 pm
is the fey child/mayor daughter here yet?
Mar 28, 2024 9:01 pm
Yes, she's here. I was just suggesting to the woman that the little girl gravitated toward (whom I assume is her "mother") that she possibly fetch the priest a drink of water.



Mar 28, 2024 11:06 pm

True healers are of course welcome everywhere However as a healer you should be aware that performing healing on anyone without the permission is a crime and a child can not give consent. he snarls at Mina.
Mina says:
I think... I think Father Malgrim would benefit from a glass of water? It appears I accidentally gave him quite a scare...?
As Mina talks to the woman Malgrin burst out. I do not need a stranger trying to placate me by offering what is not even hers. That's it. No class today. All you children go home. Right now. I will apologize to your parents for the inconvenience myself later. Now go.
Aizashi says:
Ugh, tell me Malgrim did ANYONE come to harm? Does it look like we would hurt the children? Or are you acting like this because of fear and prejudice?
Turning on the monk Malgrim glowers before replying I wil not have my judgment, exercised for these ten years in the service of this village, questioned by an outsider. I think it is best all of you just leave. And you should know, not all pain and affliction is plain to see . The fey work with tricks, illusions, and enchantments. This is why we sent them away after they were caught in their deceptive ways.

Though not as outright angry as before the man is clearly not being reasonable and all hospitality has been cast aside. The villagers are reluctant to interject on your side against their own priest but you can tell that not all are comfortable with the current scene. The women present start gathering the children with the men calling out as well in support of the priests instructions for the children to head home. Mina uses her downcast head to hie that she is watching the woman and child as they head back towards one of the building you have not been in, the brewery.
I will sometimes send notes to some players when their character are aware of things the others are oblivious to. I sent karabooo information about the girl as she recognized her but Aizashi had not had a good enough description to singer her out. This lets characters exchange information as they see fit and in character. I try to only do this when I think it may affect how things tun out or when it adds a twist the the situation
Mar 29, 2024 2:21 am
Wait... So ChrSch couldn't see the last sentence in the post you made at 8:10 this morning, but could still read the rest of it?
Mar 29, 2024 2:30 am
yep, but I believe everyone should be on the same page now.
I should have pointed this out when I started the private information. I have been working on when is the best time to explain things and you may have missed when I explained this in your intro thread (see subscriptions & Notifications below). I will rework that so it stands out more and maybe split it into separate spoilers. Might be work better then to focus in on the note/private limited aspect
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Mar 29, 2024 11:01 am
@karabooo Do you want to see how a confrontation plays out or do you want to leave and be sneaky later to get into the brewery? But if I understand Malgrim right, he wanted us to leave the village? And if we want to expose the mayor and Malgrim I think more public situation would be helpful?
Mar 29, 2024 2:09 pm
Oh, I didn't view the priest's suggestion that we leave to be a command so much as a strongly worded recommendation. Does he even have the power to command people? He's not the mayor or the constable... My thought was to subtly keep an eye on the girl and see if there is a way to approach her without upsetting the priest, and, whenever possible, doing acts of kindness that might win the people's trust.
Mar 29, 2024 3:47 pm
In small villages such as this there is not single authority. Even though there is a mayor, the father of the girl in question, he is more like an ambassador to act as a negotiation point for outsider. Priest typically have a lot of influence due to their access to magics, typically including healing. Other leaders of the village will be based on their personalities, skills, wealth of resources and knowledge. No the priest can not "command" anyone but if he does issue a command many might obey out of respect, feelings of gratitude, or their faith.
Mar 29, 2024 4:10 pm
Mina bows her head in a docile fashion. Gripping Ultime's arm, she draws on his indignation over Malgrim's behavior. She turns back to the crowd as they start to leave the church grounds, her voice uncharacteristically clear and firm as she calls out for all to hear: I agree. Deceptive enchantments must not be used on others -- by anyone... fey, or otherwise....
I'm assuming the priest won't confront us as long as we're retreating. If it's alright with you all, I'm gonna head toward the brewery. I have questions....
Mar 29, 2024 4:16 pm
Realized I should maybe attempt a roll here....


Swaying the crowd - (2d6)


Mar 29, 2024 4:56 pm
Ready for confrontation Aizashi relents when he realizes that Mina has a different plan and follows her while calling to Gorman, We should leave then more quietly adds for now.
Last edited Mar 29, 2024 4:58 pm


Insight into Mina's plan - (2d6)


Mar 29, 2024 5:13 pm
Thanks, adding rolls gives me something to work with when results are in question but affect the ongoing story. Otherwise I feel like my current mood/whims might be dictating ongoing events too much.
Gathering up the others you head away from the church and priest. After getting out of sight of Marlgrim, Mina steers the group around the village to the brewery via the back. The stout building is built entirely of stone save the heavy wooden door and window shutters, which are currently open only on the second floor. You have not seen anyone enter of leave this building but do know it is where the mayor lives and works.
Mar 29, 2024 6:16 pm
I'm sorry. Can we rewind just a smidge? I'd like to do one thing before knocking on the door....
As Mina eyes the brewery, she turns to the others. She looks calmer, but... utterly drained. That little girl is the one, she says simply. She shakes her head and sits on a bench, staring at the ground and pondering what possible reason the crew could present for approaching the house and the girl. As she looks down, she notices some tall grasses growing. The foxkin tugs up handfuls of it and starts weaving it together. She glances at Aizashi briefly. Thank you. For standing up for me, she says softly, a little embarrassed.

She shakes her head. We don't have the full picture. Something happened ... possibly in this town, she observes. ... something that caused the priest to distrust the fey. We need to find out what that was so we can resolve this diplomatically. Eventually Mina's grass creation takes on a vaguely humanoid form.

When I was a girl, she says quietly, we could not afford many toys. But my mother taught me how to make these... She holds up a grass doll with a little leaf for a skirt. She smiles with sheepish self-satisfaction. Do-Do you think she'll like it?
Mar 29, 2024 6:59 pm
No worries, you did the right thing. Aizashi tells Mina hoping to bolster her spirits a little.
While watching Mina weaving grass in wonder he says I agree, but I think we need to break the spell to get the truth. Malgrim won't tell us the truth and I'm convinced the hag has only told me parts of the truth. So the girl is our best, maybe even our only option.
what's the hag lore in this world? Similar to others in that they can't technically lie but will not necessarily tell the true version of the truth?
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