As Mina stand next to Malgrim he flinches at her touch and back away as the fey hound move in, snarls and growls threateningly, to interpose itself between her and Malgrim in a protective manor preventing any further contact. As you speak both listen as they glare at each other.

Foolish girl, she is not a person. She is Fey! I have always let her choose. That is the center of fey naturel. To be wild and free.

Ha, and what choice did I have when you gave me to the humans as an infant! At least I asked Lirael and she did choose. All I did was give her the gift of perspective. I let her believe, if even for only a while, that she belonged with the Graywind. I would never force my sister into anything without asking. Malgrim seems offended by your accusation but still glances at Lirael. The concern and compassion he has for her clear on his face. But as soon as he looks back at Tothandreal his expressions harden once again.
Minas hands are still bound by the Binding Bands.
Any chance Mina wants the manacles off and Aizhashi will help with that?
[ +- ] Some clarification on rolling Tests and the results
I always recommend players roll anytime there is a chance things go wrong. Some time all a fail means is a delay or a slightly off, odd, or undesired outcome. However rolls are impacted by intent and declared action/words so a success may not always obviously/directly improve the situation. A combat example would be to attack an illusion. If you hit the enemy is still not affected. Mina tried to persuade and had a good roll but her words do not match what her targets believe/think so the result is positive but not directly.
Mina's earlier attempt to suggest Malgrim not attack was similarly less effective than I believe she intended. I did this as the suggestion to stop attacking in the middle of a fight has to align with the targets core intent/thought and seem a reasonable course of actin to them or fail. Direct mental control is much harder than suggestions but possible if applicable. Ex: many creature can induce fear, which is a reasonable response when facing a large and deadly creature. This does not prevent you from attacking but does give disadvantage with a failed save. The suggestion was close enough to outside something Malgrim would do that I just had him succeed without rolling to get the narrative this point with Tothandreal and still maintain tension. Something I don't usually do unless there is a narrative need.

Lirael looks at the two, and a confused expression washes over her as she concentrates.
He, he did ask if I would like to try life as a human. He, he didn't force me to it. Mother Tothandreal never force me to do anything either but I never asked for all this fighting. Looking at Marlgrim and Tothandreal she gets louder
She is right and wrong. You never forced me but you also did not ask me about how to resolve this. I do not appreciate and glares at Malgrim
being enchanted. And You should stop putting spells on your friends. And I was not there for all of it but and her she looks to Tothandreal
when you came to town to demanding thing most had no knowledge of and threatened them. You both proved you are true fey, proud and determined. But so am I at this point Lirael, under the eyes of Marlgrim and Tothandreal wilts back to a frightened child.
The small group of fey creatures you assume are the villages children continue to watch from the edge of the woods forgotten and forlorn of hope as the conflict continues.
@karabooo any word on PerendiaEshte joining or shall I remove them from the game?