The trouble with Fey Relations

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Feb 29, 2024 7:19 pm
Trying to ignore the sight of the hag and pretend he is talking to any other old woman he says "Indeed it as my friend says all we have heard is what the villagers have told us but they have clearly not talked to you so please can you explain what is happening to the children and why?
Mar 3, 2024 1:45 pm
I'm flying back home tomorrow and have a long layover. Depending on how the internet situation is along the way, I might not be able to play until Tuesday evening.



Mar 3, 2024 3:57 pm
Must have lost a post on my commute. I replied a couple days ago. Sorry about not noticing earlier.

The voice is dry and wispy but carries an odd hint of music somehow.
[ +- ] The hags tale
Believe me or not I leave that to you. But judge me not by the tales of others or your own biases opinion's based on my looks. The children will be back by dawn and we will be in a new nest to rest out the day. You can talk to the children then or go to the village and see for yourself. My daughter may be hidden by the veil but the eyes of a fey can never be hidden.

I will not stop until I have freed my daughter.

As they hag tells the story you recall a young girl with lovely golden hair and eyes so bright and sparkling they resemble silver more than a blue. At the time you assumed she had some elven blood but the girl was shy and never spoke directly to either of you.
Mar 3, 2024 9:11 pm
Let's say we believe you, how do we free the girl? Aizashi asks.



Mar 4, 2024 3:18 am
Bring her to me and I can break the spell she is under. Once my daughter is free I will dismantle all my magics in the are and leave. This should allow the children to return to the village.
They may suffer the effects of the priests spells and forget what has happened but they will be with their own at least.
Mar 4, 2024 5:46 pm
Gorman, what are your thoughts on the matter?
Aizashi asks while contemplating how to best go about this.
Mar 5, 2024 10:58 am
Gorman had listened keenly to the hag's tale though it seemed a strange tale he could not think why the hag would have made it up. He turned to Aizash and said "I am inclined to give her the benefit of the doubt for now. I am not saying I am sure she speaks the truth or at least not all the truth but if there is a chance this could end the problem we should at least look into it. "



Mar 5, 2024 1:43 pm

The hag waits patiently as you confer quetly
Mar 7, 2024 5:37 am
I tend to agree. I'm a little concerned however how we could get the child into the forest without causing a fight in the village he says in response to Gorman's statement.

Turning to the hag he says Can we find you during the day? And how will we find you? Your house is moving around everyday, is it not?
Mar 7, 2024 1:41 pm

I will have one of the children watch for you. The move better than this old one does. I shal remain near here for today. Return to this place if you need to talk again.

Brady (Bucca)
The hag waves a hand and says somethingis the fey tongue. After a few moments the flying one from earlier flaps its way out of the shadows to hover behind the hag.
Mar 8, 2024 4:38 am
Good, thank you. Brady, right?
Mar 8, 2024 4:55 am
Brady (Bucca)

Brady nods before flitting up to hide in the branches and quickly is lost from sight.


Very well then I bid you fortune in learning the truth. and the hag shuffles off, back the way she came.
Mar 8, 2024 9:18 pm
Well then Gorman, I suppose back to the town it is. We've got to find the supposed daughter of the mayor.
was she among the children we have met in the church?
Mar 9, 2024 3:31 pm
Letting the hag retreat before stepping out of the fey circle you make your way back towards the village. The moon gives enough light for you to make you way back along the narrow track. The cool night air begins to chill you and wisps of fog begin surrounding you. As you walk the mists become thicker and soon the night landscape is filled with a thick fog making finding your way difficult and you begin to doubt if you may have missed a turn off . . . .
Mar 10, 2024 6:57 am
Aizashi tries to find the way back using his enhanced sense of smell.
would that be with advantage for something like this?
Mar 10, 2024 11:17 pm
[ +- ] Sensitive Nose
I add details to each trait on your character sheet. You can view them by clicking the red triangle next to each one.
You can also post the trait, as I did above, by selecting your character name in the grey buttons below the "Rolls" section the selecting the trait you want to share from the Traits list.
[ +- ] images
Short answer : yes you have advantage on that roll. If you are uncertain just roll with advantage and explain why. I will adjust as needed.


Track by scent - (3d6)


Mar 10, 2024 11:20 pm
Aizashi easily finds their trail and you quickly backtrack to the appropriate fork in the path you previously missed. However as you start to follow the correct path the mist becomes thicker and thicker. Soon it is so thick that you have trouble seeing more than a dozen feet from you. However Aizashi catches the scent of something moving out in the mists, shadowing your movements.
Mar 11, 2024 4:36 am
Gorman, we are being tracked. Something is out there.
Aizashi tries to stay calm but is a little nervous about what might be tracking them.
Mar 12, 2024 4:51 pm
"Yes I feel it too but I cannot see anything Let us walk back to back to guard from any attack " Gorman replies. With that Gorman put an arrow in his bow ready to fire a quick shot should a target emerge out of the mist. "Who is there" shouts Gorman hoping it is just someone from the village.
Mar 12, 2024 11:17 pm
As you begin moving back down the path, with Aizashi checking the traces of their scent from their earlier passage and Gorman trying to keep track of the trail signs as well. As you do the mist becomes even thicker. As you move you see shaves moving in the mist. Some swing from branches above while other scurry at the edge of your sight. Oddly though none of these forms make any noise.

The forms in the mist begin darting at you only to break apart into simple mist with the lightest touch. Then another smaller form flies out of the mist strait at gorman while another falls from above to try and tackle Aizashi. The figures are about 2 to 3 tall with pale blue green skin and large black eyes.


attack - (Gorman:2d6, Aizashi:2d6)

Gorman:2d6 : (14)

Aizashi:2d6 : (43)

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