The trouble with Fey Relations

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Mar 16, 2024 11:33 pm
Mina squeezes her eyes shut and huffs an abashed laugh through her nose after Aizashi's initial comment. The shaking of her cloak betrays that her tail is wagging quick and low behind her like a nervous dog. She opens her eyes, looking from Aizashi to Gorman, and then back to the floor.

I'm only passing through, myself. We are, she quickly corrects, gesturing with a gloved hand toward the young man behind her. Ultime, she introduces. She presses her other gloved hand to her chest. I'm Mina. I'm a healer. I'm here to... heal... people... The last part comes out super awkwardly. She winces, then forces a grin. But you look unhurt; that's good! she says with a nod. Her grin steadily settles into an uncomfortable grimace as she acknowledges her own awkwardness.

The wilting foxkin huffs a sigh and glances at the door as if pondering if and how she can make a quick exit.
Last edited Mar 18, 2024 3:04 pm
Mar 17, 2024 8:10 am
We aren't. But I might know of some people who could use your skills. But... Aizashi looks around to see if anyone might over hear them, if you don't mind, I think we should talk elsewhere. It's a sensitive matter.
Mar 17, 2024 7:44 pm
Mina's tail stops wagging and her head cocks to the side. Oh... Okay... One moment... Her brow rises in a manner both curious and slightly suspicious as she tries to read the two adventurers. Could they possibly have been sent here for the same reasons as her? Might they have nefarious intentions?

After a moment's hesitation, the foxkin ducks down to confer with Tilly once more, gathering what info she can about where the local children play and then checking to make sure the little girl would be okay on her own. After receiving confirmation, she finally she stands and addresses Gorman and Aizashi. ... Where would you like to go?


Insight Check into Aizashi & Gorman - (3d6)


Mar 17, 2024 7:48 pm
Ha! I was just curious what I'd roll. Looks like Mina's got a pretty good read on you. Out of curiosity, how tall is Aizashi? Is he halfling-sized? Human-sized...?
Mar 17, 2024 8:51 pm
That is a great question. I'm not sure how it fits with the lore and all that, but my head cannon was always about the size of a halfling, maybe even a little shorter.

@Psybermagi is there any place around that would be suitable to talk about the situation without the townsfolk overhearing anything?
Mar 17, 2024 9:59 pm
I am pretty flexible but typically the beast folk tend to be about 1/2 way between the animal base form and average human size. So halfling size is on the small end with more small/medium beast ranging up through 4-5 feet tall with larger animals (bears,etc) being well over 6'

ARGH - I swear I posted to this thread! Not sure if it is on my end or the GP

The town center is not very large but also not heavily populated. However the locals know it better than you. Your best guess for privacy to to go for a walk and find a nice clearing or some such
Mar 17, 2024 10:12 pm
Mina says:
Is this... the best place to get rations, Tilly? she calls after the girl with a thin voice.
Tilly looks at her a bit confused. The shops the best place for preserved foods but Adabra's the best cook in the valley so if you want food and have coin this is the best.
Aizashi says:
Hello there Aizashi chuckles a little to himself upon seeing their reactions, The food here is good, the young one has brought you to the right place.
Tilly smiles bashfully and waves hesitant at Aizashi who she met yesterday.
Mina says:
Tilly... she softly calls. She crouches to address the girl. While we're here.... Where... Where do the children like play around town? I'm worried there may be others who were affected, like your little sister was... but maybe... maybe in different ways...? Her speaks in a manner that is hushed and unsure, but her expression is gentle and kindly.
Umm well, we don't play is the woods no more since Hany and the others disappeared couple months ago.
Mostly we play close to home or the center of town after school. Some kids, usually the boys, wander to the edge of the hills but we all know not to leave the valley.

As you start chatting Tilly skipps into the kitchen where you hear her shamelessly begging and complimenting with the obvious intent to be a treat of some sorts.

Adabra Gwynn
A few seconds later you hear a gast then clatter followed by a breathless Adabra standing at the kitchen door staring at Mina. Is it true? Did you find Hany? She's back and safe? The whole towns going to want to hear all about this. You have to stay the night and tell us everything. Rushing forward she clasps Mina's hands tightly as she stares into her eyes. Please say you you will stay and the woman seems almost undone to Aizashi from her previously cheerful and welcoming state.
Mar 18, 2024 12:48 am
Uncomfortable under everyone's gaze, Mina's shoulders hunch when Adabra first addresses her in the doorway. She shrinks even more as the innkeeper rushes forward and grabs ahold of her gloved hands, her ears flattening against her head and her wide eyes darting from side to side like a caged animal.

I... I guess I could? I mean... I did. I did find Hany and helped her ... recover... Mina opens and closes her mouth wordlessly, seemingly at a loss as to what to say. She's okay. But I am... I am worried about the other children of this village, she finally manages.
Mar 18, 2024 11:31 am
You know about the situation with the children, then? Aizashi asks intrigued.
maybe we can help each other and the children.
Mar 18, 2024 11:51 am
Two different people cast spells on Hany. We need to figure out who did it, and why, asserts Mina, seeming slightly more emboldened as she discusses a topic of expertise. The first step to figuring that out will be checking other children for enchantments. I know this may prove difficult for the missing children, but it's possible there may be some here whose minds are also being influenced in less obvious ways. I-- I could quite possibly help them and learn more about who did this... she turns wide, urgent eyes to Aizashi, Gorman, and Adabra, her ears perking up... if I could find them...
Mar 18, 2024 2:17 pm
Aizashi is taken a little by surprise. Two people are responsible, you say? Do you mind telling me about the spells that were affecting Hany? he asks Mina, while trying to get the group out of the inn and to a place that is less crowded.
also, I forgot to write it in my last post...
Aizashi waves back at Tilly, trying to put her at ease with his presence.
I would like to attempt to move the group a little away from town into the forest or something along those lines. But I would not try to force anyone or force Mina to separate from Tilly if that would make her uncomfortable.
and regarding Aizashi's size, since it seems to fit with the established lore, he'd be a little shorter than a halfling.
Last edited Mar 18, 2024 2:17 pm
Mar 18, 2024 2:35 pm
I am assuming you are not having this discussion in front of the locals as you asked about it earlier. My assumption is that until you direct statement to an npc you are trying to be discreet
Mar 18, 2024 2:47 pm
Mina nods. Two people... at odds with one another... She gives Aizashi, Adabra, and Gorman a meaningful look, her ears twitching nervously.

Mina follows Aizashi's lead as he starts to usher them out of the inn. As they move, she continues her explanation quietly.

One curse was altering her mind, influencing the way she remembers and perceives things. The other -- the one that changed her physical shape -- seemed to be attempting to counter that original spell somehow. Unfortunately, Hany has no memory of anything since her mind was originally altered, so I don't think she can help us piece together who did this and why.
Tilly seems pretty comfortable romping around this area on her own, so Mina would be okay parting with her. (I imagine Mina about 5' tall. Maybe a little over.)
Mar 18, 2024 8:20 pm
After guiding the group of adventurers away from town and out of earshot, Aizashi turns to the group with a sigh,
well then, I'm pretty certain that the spell changing the children was cast by a hag living in the area, maybe that will help.
After thinking for a moment he adds, according to the hag, the children are helping her in an attempt to free her daughter. Apparently the Fey's daughter is living here as the mayor's daughter. But she might be under a spell as well.
Mar 19, 2024 12:49 pm
The mayor's daughter? Mina visibly deflates. First the priest, now this...! Did she want to escape the hag? Or was this some sort of kidnapping??
Mar 19, 2024 1:41 pm
If one believes the hag, she was kidnapped by the mayor and the priest.
I feel like there was an item, the original monk got from the hag, which Gorman and I picked up?
Mar 19, 2024 1:53 pm
The charm given the monk was said to help the hag identify and locate her daughter if it is given to the young fey
Mar 19, 2024 2:56 pm
If... If we can find this child, if I can remove any enchantments placed upon her, she should retain all of her memories leading up to when that spell was cast.... Then we can hear her truth and have a better sense of how to proceed... Mina looks to the group, her head cocked to the side questioningly. You think?

She glances back toward the town center, her shoulders starting to hunch again with anxiety.

... I have a sense of what she looks like, if we see her. But how do we... How do we not...? She closes her eyes, takes a deep breath, and exhales to re-center.

I'm not sure how we'll avoid upsetting folks, she finally finishes more levelly.
Mar 19, 2024 9:32 pm
To be honest, this is where we have gotten stuck as well. A little deflated, Aizashi drops to the floor into a cross legged position and begins digging around in his pack.
After a moment of searching he pulls out the dead monks charm and shows it to Mina, This is supposedly able to help us identify the child. The hag gave it to a friar whom she had enlisted for help. Unfortunately he was killed by some kind of beast. A beast trained by the village's priest. So I would suggest we move forward with care.
Mar 20, 2024 1:15 am
The priest... killed him? Mina's eyes widen and she takes a pace backwards, accidentally bumping into Ultime. She yips with surprise at the contact, hopping to the side and then glancing apologetically his way. She turns urgently back to Aisashi. Please... tuck it away... Don't let anyone see it... she insists anxiously.
Last edited Mar 20, 2024 1:20 am
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