The trouble with Fey Relations

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Mar 25, 2024 4:39 pm
Mina shakes her head, also a bit puzzled by the girl's rambling. I guess let's just... head to the school...
Not really sure how to make use of Tilly. If anything, Tilly will leak how Mina helped her sister, and that could lead to trouble with the priest....

I'm okay with jumping right to the church and seeing what happens.
Mar 25, 2024 5:40 pm
off to the church then :)
Mar 26, 2024 12:38 pm
Making your way to the church you arive before class has started. Not wanting to alarm anyone you have Gorman and Ultime to wait nearby and they take up seats at a shaded area nearby where they can watch and come running if called.

The church doors are wide open and you see a couple kids inside with others heading to the building alond the 2 roads leading to and fromm th town center. A couple of children waive to Aizashi and stare curisly at Mina. None of the children curently present resemble the girl shown to Mina and the priest is not yet pressent. Looking at the children trudging leisurely down the tracks towards the church you estimate you have several minutes before classes should be starting.
Mar 26, 2024 2:46 pm
Mina turns to Aizashi, murmuring quietly: We could suggest that I'm here to identify who among them might have developing spellcasting or healing skills...? This would give me the chance to check them for enchantments....
Mar 26, 2024 3:27 pm
Aizashi waves back at the children who were waving at him. After hearing Mina's suggestion he tells her It sounds like a good idea to me. Certainly better than any I might have had. with a small chuckle.
Mar 26, 2024 4:42 pm
Mina smiles nervously as they enter in through the doors. Okay, just... You do the talking. I... public speaking.... Not my thing, she titters self-consciously.
Mar 26, 2024 7:31 pm
Of course, no problem. Maybe we can already engage the children before the priest comes.
With that Aizashi heads of into the church.
I'm thinking maybe we can have all the kids who are there already sit in a circle with us and we do a little show and tell kind of thing, so that we might be in the middle of what ever we end up doing and Malgrim can't just kick us out.
Mar 27, 2024 4:58 am
The two of you easily entice the trusting youth to chat with you.
wicked, tricksy, beastkin! ;)
With Aizashi taking the lead you begin talking about the importance of being skillful and dedicated. You then talk a bit about your various skills and ask the children about their skills. At first they seem to think they only know farming, or other "boring" things. But under your guidance you help them to realize that many skill they have already mastered can be applied to other situations. And with just a bit more training or tallent they may be able to do even more. Using this you try to steer the conversation towards magical gifts to help set up the "test" to be done by Mina

Give me any changes/additions to this basic plan along with a couple rolls to convince/encourage the children to talk with you and take the test as well as watching for any reactions or other key points. Tell me what you are rolling for and any traits/background that might give advantage.

Mar 27, 2024 9:12 am
Using his acrobatic skills Aizashi shows the children that skills they have used and honed since their early childhood can be used to effortlessly and gracefully overcome many obstacles by vaulting and jumping over tables.

Similarly he introduces them to the concept that their childhood brawls can lead them down the path of possibly becoming skillfully fighters in their own right.
Lastly he throws a few of his darts and some of the support pillars before having the idea of letting the children try as well under his guidance.
maybe Mina has something fancy and shiny in her arsenal, that could interest the children in trying, if not Aizashi could get 'hurt' and Mina will heal him?
also, ey... What do you mean wicked? 😜
Last edited Mar 27, 2024 10:21 am


Acrobatics - (2d6)


Martial arts - (2d6)


Throwing darts at pole/pillar - (2d6)


Mar 27, 2024 11:55 am
Mina allows Aizashi to take the lead at first, standing by quietly. She reads the group, noting which children seem to be hanging back from all of the buoyant physical activity. She smiles at one of them, noting they have a skinned elbow. She gathers the quieter kids around, and, with a kindly nod requesting permission, she removes the finger caps from her glove and touches the wound, attempting to heal it. To this group of quieter kids (which would include the little girl in question) she explains how compassion can be an even more powerful force in the world than physical prowess. While she acknowledges that sometimes physical force is necessary to intervene when there is a problem, she talks at length about how suffering and violence are cyclical, how the abused grow into abusers, and explains that the best way to interrupt those cycles is through healing and understanding. She then asks if any of these children would like to be checked for any developing magical abilities.


Insight (reading the group) - (3d6)


Healing Elbow Scrape - (3d6)


Persuasion to be "checked" - (2d6)


Mar 27, 2024 11:59 am
lol. I guess Mina accidentally grabs some boisterous kids to join this group, too. Could be worse!
Mar 27, 2024 1:10 pm
Many of the children are excited by the acrobatic display but the girls seem to shy away at toe combat aspect of Aizashi's demonstration. But when he shows them how a few simple defensive moves can hep avoid potential harm they perk up but are still reluctant to strike Perhaps a cultural bias against female engaging in combat?

Mina seems to have similar success with her own "lesson". Several of the girls, and even a couple of boys, listen to her talk. Though reluctant at first Mina eventually convinces that a simple touch is all that is needed and heals one of the children.

However it is at this point that the priest appears You dare use your filthy powers on one of my wards! the incensed man shouts storming out of the church How dar you use your demon begotten powers to try and sully one of us, here, right inside our very chappell?!? The man's shouting and anger causes the children to draw back and the child recently cured of their wound is left isolated as the priest marches over to snatch them back from Mina as he glares at her.
Mar 27, 2024 2:04 pm
Astonished by the man's outburst, Mina shrinks back, squeezing her eyes shut and raising her arms up to protect her head. Frozen in this hunched position for several long seconds, she starts to whisper.

We are all afraid... We are all afraid... She repeats this to herself like some sort of mantra. Finally, she opens her eyes and looks up at the priest, offering him the sweetest, most genuine smile she can muster. My powers are greater in this chapel because they are god-given. I can heal all hearts, even yours... She extends her hand toward him in invitation, open-palmed. It trembles only slightly. It's normal to be afraid of that which you don't understand, but you are safe with me...


Persuasion/Invitation to Priest - (2d6)


Mar 27, 2024 2:52 pm
@Psybermagi - My understanding was that Aizashi and Mina entered into the church. Is that incorrect? Or is it better somehow if we are outside it?
Mar 27, 2024 3:29 pm
Noticing the priest storming towards Mina, Aizashi calls to him, Be calm and he puts himself into a position where he could intervene if the situation resolves into a confrontation, ready to spring into action if the priest should lay a hand on anyone or to step in, in case Mina can't recover from his verbal onslaught.
He relaxes a little when Mina responds only to tense back up when she reaches her hand out to Malgrim.
is there something I can roll, to be able to try and prevent any harm coming to Mina or the children, just in case?
I thought we were inside the church as well, but outside is cool too.
Last edited Mar 27, 2024 3:31 pm
Mar 27, 2024 3:58 pm
I forgot. yeah you're inside.

It's not part of this system but I allow players to hold or ready an action to anticipate and react to changes. So if you want to protect the others roll an initiative, 2d6, and tell me how you will react if your feel a threat to yourself or the others

I will post the priests and children's next actions this afternoon
Mar 27, 2024 6:18 pm
Well if Malgrim were to do anything, Aizashi would try to step between Malgrim and the intend target, either just deflecting what ever is coming or maybe even countering... But I don't think that is going to happen, haha
Last edited Mar 27, 2024 6:20 pm


Initiave - (2d6)




Mar 27, 2024 11:10 pm
The priest is livid and interposes himself between Mina and the children who now stare in fear at her and a Aizashi.
You should be afraid he snarls. he snarls at Mina's muttering

As she reached out to him he shies away Do not touch me. I need no healing form the likes of you fey-touched! My faith lets me heal all. But one such as you only uses your magics to trick and torment others. I understand all too well the depravity of the fey and those that follow their paths. As Malgrim shouts at Mina he backs away, herding the children away from you. Watching this you get the odd sense that the priest is both enraged at and afraid of Mina.

The commotion has drawn the attention of some of the villages and Aizashi notes the sound of some approaching the open church doors.
Mar 28, 2024 1:12 am
Mina straightens as she lowers her hand, her ears down and her tail tucked between her legs. Her ears perk up as she looks at the frightened faces of the impressionable children, offering them a kindly little smile and nod of reassurance, even as her own body shudders with adrenaline. She crouches down to talk to them.

Your master teacher is a very smart man, and I'm sure he is very wise in his own way. He-- He is also very frightened -- I'm guessing because a fey might have harmed him in the past? -- and now, and now he thinks all fey are bad, which isn't true, she says in her thin little voice. She looks a little like she might hyperventilate, but she pushes on, standing and teetering up to the chalkboard. Hating someone solely because of their race or-- or for their traditions or practices... That's called p-prejudice. She lifts a white piece of chalk and with a shaky hand starts to draw a heart on the board with big wobbly lines. But divine love is not limited to one race or people, she goes on. It is accessible to us all.... And as- as Master Malgrim overcomes his fears and- and grows in wisdom, he will come to this understanding, as well. But he still has a long road ahead of him. May the gods bless him on that journey. The chalk snaps in half as she finishes drawing the heart. Mina stares at the end that's still in her hand, then sets it down quickly and awkwardly, turning back to the class and folding her hands in front of her.

Mina wavers on her feet once, and her eyes widen as he forehead breaks into a sweat. She starts for the exit, almost making it all the way to the door before her knees try to give out.
Mar 28, 2024 1:59 am
Gorman and Ultime appear in the doorway with the blacksmith, innkeeper, and others not too far behind. Ultime rushes forwards to catch Mina and Gorman looks quizzically to Aizashi


Mina sways the children - (2d6)


Mina's words affect on Malgrim - (2d6)

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