Fey Halfway between elemental, spirit, and creature, the fey exist in the world. With stronger emotions and instincts than the People and more intelligent and wiser than beasts they live a life that many consider primitive. Ruled by their nobility, who are the only ones who can reliably control them, the fey long ago made agreements with the People. This pact rules much of fey interaction with mortal People but the specifics have been forgotten and lost to the common folk. It is the fey adherence to this ancient accord that has given rise to may legends of fey behavior.
Fey can lie but cannot break a pack without paying the price to the noble that rules over them. Some fey are unable to enter a home while others will never enter any structure while others enter and even destroy them at will. Fey will not use items of iron and some loose access to their magic if bound by it.
Hags are the most well-known fey spell weavers and live longer than most mortal People. Skilled with herbal lore, potion craft, runes, and ritual magic. Though less skilled than other fey with magic and enchantment they are able to replicate or even exceeded the standard fey magical effect with enough time and effort. Often considered part of the Dark Fey, those fey with more vicious natures with most preferring dark and sinister environments, hags are still sought out by others for their skills. However, it is best to do so cautiously. Often People will strive to get any Hag that resides near them to agree to a pact that limits the Hags power and movements. However, mortals have short memories and records get lost so often people are the ones to first break the ancient pacts opening the way for hags to retaliat without fear of their fey noble overlord disfavor.