The trouble with Fey Relations
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May 3, 2024 2:40 pm
Understood. I am still working on getting collaborative storytelling working with running a game. I am more used to declaring results after players declare intent/action. I think it was also a miscommunication on my part. When I said "Leaping backwards Malgrim stares towards the forest." I was thinking of a superhuman leap taking him dozens of feet away but did not clarify that. I will adjust the hound and Malgrims reactions. Thanks for the feedback. May 3, 2024 5:01 pm
Ah, gotcha. No worries. Are you able to provide us with any guidance as to what we need to accomplish in this scene? Technically, we did what was asked of us: we lifted the enchantments off the girl. I'm not sure how to convince the two older fey to cooperate and/or communicate better if they're not inclined to listen to us....May 3, 2024 5:52 pm
Treat is as a domestic dispute. Very dangerous to get in the middle of. You might be able to help but... You had a good roll and Mina is obviously a kindhearted character. You may be able to aid/arbitrate. Treat this as a situation similar to your negotiations at the smiths shed. No single thing will resolve it but you can alter the outcome.There are still victims to attend to. You can focus on what you can change.
May 4, 2024 2:40 am
Well there you have it, your way forward. Ultime gives Lirael an encouraging nod for her strong words and stands up from beside her. None of us can change the past, but what we CAN change is how we act in the future. Like no more spells and enchanting people. He glances at Malgrim with those words, but also at the collection of creatures standing at a distance. As he starts to list items, he checks them off on his fingers. No more making big scenes in town or threatening people, he touches a second finger, and more checking in with Lirael before you act on her behalf.
He looks to both Malgrim and Tothandreal. It doesn’t seem like there’s anything that’ll make you two forgive each other, much less like each other. His eyes flick to Mina as if wishing her to contradict his words. But you could try leaving each other alone. Of all Lirael’s requests, that seems like a good place to start. He scratches his head, picking out a twig that was stuck in his hair and looking at the girl with a smile. They all seem pretty reasonable, I’d say. He looks uncertainly at the fey adversaries for agreement.
He looks to both Malgrim and Tothandreal. It doesn’t seem like there’s anything that’ll make you two forgive each other, much less like each other. His eyes flick to Mina as if wishing her to contradict his words. But you could try leaving each other alone. Of all Lirael’s requests, that seems like a good place to start. He scratches his head, picking out a twig that was stuck in his hair and looking at the girl with a smile. They all seem pretty reasonable, I’d say. He looks uncertainly at the fey adversaries for agreement.
May 4, 2024 1:20 pm
sure thing, Can they just be untied or do they need some magic command?He then faces the other 2 fey I think Ultime is right. All the enchantments should be removed, so that everyone can go back to their normal lives? And now that Lirael had a taste of both worlds maybe she will have a chance to decide what she wants without being influenced by either of you?
May 4, 2024 5:03 pm
Aizashi just has to unclasp them. Their magic makes it so only he can open them
One. I will remove all enchantments on the villagers and Tothandreal must do the same.
Two. I will leave the valley and not return until after Lirael comes of age, in six years. Tothandreal must do the same.
Three. Lirael will remain here. She can stay with the Graywind's or live elsewhere as she chooses. But she must stay here. There is noting that can really threaten her here and the Graywind's will ensure she receives any care she may need or desire. When she reaches maturity as a fey then she can choose for herself to to be a changing, full fey, or a simple human. This follows fey law and custom and satisfies what I feel is just. That Tothandreal experience what she forced on others so callously in the past.

No! Outrageous. How dare you demand anything after starting all of this due to your own pathetic self pity. She is obviously very upset and begins to gather magics as she glares at Malgrim.
May 4, 2024 11:25 pm
Seeing Tothandreal's magic and anger rising, Mina inches closer to her companions. She casts a worried look at Aizashi, pointing with her eyes at the binds on her wrists. She's unsure if he can unbind her?
May 5, 2024 1:25 am
Now hold on there, Ultime says to Tothandreal, taking a step towards her and holding up his hand. Before you act in haste, why don’t you tell us your idea of what the future could look like? Then Lirael can choose from your suggestions too. He steps back so he’s next to Lirael and puts a supportive hand on her shoulder.
May 5, 2024 8:21 am
Aizashi unbinds Mina's hands. He feels a little lost about the whole situation but decides to believe Malgrim since his demands seem reasonable.
He steps forward to put himself in the way of Tothandreal without appearing as a threat.
He steps forward to put himself in the way of Tothandreal without appearing as a threat.
he hopesMay 6, 2024 4:18 am

The gnarled hag glares at Malgrim but you see her glance at Lirael before grumbling something and lowering her magical presence. Fine, tiss a simple enough tale. True I have had several changing children, both those I share with others and those I take in. But all is in accord with the old way. I let the fates and the child decide. Not all my young were sent to live with the people and few choose to be mortal bound. I do not recognize this changling but his magic is akin to mine, he could be one of those I though lost to the mortal world.
You see according to the ancient accord there are a few fey clans that will devine if a new child of theirs will be a fit and if so seek out where they can place their young. To ensure the child is reared as one of the People their magic is bound. They can still unleash it but will grow into it slowly. This pact was set by the ancient ruler of the People and Feylord of all. The People benefit from an outside infusion of magic blood and they fey gain a touch of mortality to more fully appreciate the wild and free life we have.
I will admit the People have mostly forgotten the pact, but it still exists. Lirael was determined to not be fit for such a thing and so I raised her as fey do. I taught, I protected, I let her be free.

Lirael listens without comment but is intent and occasionally nods as if remembering something and agreeing.

But what he did and she jabs a finger at Malgrim Is not by the pact. He ruined everything.

May 6, 2024 8:12 am
Aizashi listens to Tothandreal's side of the events with interest, watching Malgrim and Lirael react to what they hear.
After they both finished speaking he asks
Malgrim, why do you think the fey are at fault for the mortals forgetting about the pact?
Before anyone could respond he added and who began altering the minds of the other people and children, and why?
After they both finished speaking he asks
Malgrim, why do you think the fey are at fault for the mortals forgetting about the pact?
Before anyone could respond he added and who began altering the minds of the other people and children, and why?
May 6, 2024 12:08 pm

The fey told me the caused the People to forget. In my time at the Feywild I learned much. You should not blame the fey to much on this. It is simply their nature to hide at much about themselves as possible. I believe the leaders of the People may have suspected this could happen as the rest of the pact was so careful but they left this aspect open to fey manipulation.
The fey, well the ancient fey pact magic, was the beginning of enchanting the village.
When I enacted the changeling pact with Lirael it triggered a simple masking and memory charm. I took advantage of this to try and add myself to the changeling pact. I hoped that if Lireal choose the mortal path it would be opened to me as well. . .
But it seems my drawing on the fey magic at the end of my time sealed my fate to forever remain a changeling. Neither fey nor mortal.
As I had done it once it was easier to do again once I found Tothandreal had somehow tracked and was attempting to interfere with Lieal's chalking time.
The fey and changeling have always been gifted with charm. It is how we survive.
Unfortunately Tothandreal somehow used my meddling to further expand the changeling magics onto those children she could convince to aid her.
Tothandreal simply harrumphs as Malgrim's explanation
May 7, 2024 8:36 am
Okay... Ultime looks a little overwhelmed, but tries to process the information. I think we have a clearer understanding of things now. He looks to Lirael for confirmation. So what do you want to do? Do you want to live in town, with or without Malgrim’s restrictions? Or do you want to go back to live with Tothandreal? Or something else?
May 7, 2024 12:50 pm

I . . I dont't know. Tothandreal wasn't mean and I remember having fun with the fey but mother Graywind has been very kind and the village is fun and safe. As long as they stop fighting and leave me alone I . . can I think about it?
The youg fey eyes Malgrin and the hag nerveously.
Thagren Ironforge
May 7, 2024 12:53 pm

Thagren Ironforge
I think thats not a bad idea. How about a week. It's dragged on this long I am sure Malgrim and lady Tothandreal can give Lireal that much.
Malgrim nods smilling, with a slely glare at the hag who scowls but nods as well.
May 7, 2024 1:32 pm
Looking relieved to have the binds removed, Mina takes a few tentative steps toward the miserable, shape-changed children. Can... Can we all also agree to unbind these children? She casts a worried look at them. They look like they miss their families... and I know their families miss them....
May 7, 2024 2:24 pm

The had grumbles something then seeing everyone looking at her sighs Let the boy do it while I talk with my daughter. . . Then I will decide.
Malgrim seems a bit annoyed at this but relents and gotta off to help the children with Mina while the Smith, Ultime, and Aizashi sit a bit of from Lirael who converse softly with the hag
Malgrim prices better at breaking the spells but Mina's magic is better at sitting the children during and after the process. After a couple of minutes the village children, who all still have slightly confused memories but are otherwise fine, all cluster around Thagren.
Malgrim stands to the side glaring at Tothandreal till she stops talking with Lirael.

I will leave my child with the villagers one week. Then if she chooses I will allow her till maturity to walk the changeling path.. Glaring at Malgrim she snorts happy?

Very well. I will remain in the village, should they have me. I will spend the time to explain things to my sister should she ask and help her recall what the cancelling pact his from her.
The two go back and forth a bit but come to a agreement. Malgrim returns his voyage to that of a middle aged human and heads back to remove the alerted memory charms from the villagers saying he cannot remove the changeling magics but the Smith and children present know the truth and can spread what they know if they think it will help Lirael it the others. He suggest they leave it be and the changeling magics will ease the memories to vague recollections that will likely soon find their way into future legends and tales.
May 7, 2024 3:17 pm
Aizashi follows the others back to town trying to comprehend everything that has happened.
Along the way he says to Malgrim I'm sorry, I have misjudged you.
Back in town he turns to his companions and asks should we see if we might be welcome at the inn again?
Along the way he says to Malgrim I'm sorry, I have misjudged you.
Back in town he turns to his companions and asks should we see if we might be welcome at the inn again?
May 8, 2024 3:39 am
Ultime takes one look at Mina and readily nods his agreement. He has a quick word with Thagren to ask if he’d walk ahead and put in a good word for them at the inn.
Turning back to walk slowly with the group, his brow furrows slightly at the foxkin’s slumped demeanor. Hey, he says gently, but with an upbeat tone. He slips her pack from her shoulders and lifts it up to his. We did it! YOU did it. Now we can go rest. And if they won’t take us at the inn, I’m sure Thagren will let us relax at his place for a while. We can leave for real first thing tomorrow. Or tonight, if you like. He looks uncertainly at some villagers in the distance, trying to gauge their attitudes.
Turning back to walk slowly with the group, his brow furrows slightly at the foxkin’s slumped demeanor. Hey, he says gently, but with an upbeat tone. He slips her pack from her shoulders and lifts it up to his. We did it! YOU did it. Now we can go rest. And if they won’t take us at the inn, I’m sure Thagren will let us relax at his place for a while. We can leave for real first thing tomorrow. Or tonight, if you like. He looks uncertainly at some villagers in the distance, trying to gauge their attitudes.
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