The trouble with Fey Relations
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Apr 16, 2024 12:47 pm
crazy weekend, hectic work last/this week, plus bad commute wi-fi. Will add more detail as I have timeApr 16, 2024 2:42 pm
Mina's focus is on removing the enchantment from the girl. That is her top priority at this time. Hopefully the crew can handle what comes...
I was a little confused by your instructions. Let me know if I need to roll anything else.
No worries, @Psybermagi. Real life comes first!I was a little confused by your instructions. Let me know if I need to roll anything else.
Apr 16, 2024 6:07 pm
basically you rolled 3 successes 5,6,5 and the spells defences reactions could only be partially overcome. You chose to help remove the spell using the 5,6 to overcome it's 6
Numbers aside I think you understood the basics.
Apr 17, 2024 1:56 am
ChrSch says:
we'll be ready for anything coming. Aizashi tells Mina and watches her proceed for a moment before turning his attention to their surroundings.OOC:
Also been having a lot of real life happening. Should be better this week. If I should roll a Perception check or something to see/hear anything incoming, let me know. Apr 17, 2024 3:00 am

Thagren Ironforge
Visibly upset at the violent reaction the smith demands What was that? What is the meaning of this. he looks to you threateningly as he instructs his apprentice to gather the girl up and prepare to return to the village. However, as she is lifted the girl wakes back up blinking.

I . . . I remember. Oh, oh no. We're all in grave danger and she looks around frantically clutching herself to the lad who is startled. At her words all the children begin to look afraid.
Apr 17, 2024 8:26 am
Aizashi is taken a little by surprise at hearing the girls voice and even more so at her telling them that they are in danger.
What are we in danger from? He asks softly to not scare the girl even further, as focuses on his surroundings.
What are we in danger from? He asks softly to not scare the girl even further, as focuses on his surroundings.
Looking for threats (perception) - (2d6)
(22) = 4
Apr 17, 2024 11:22 am
Mina emits a little gasping moan and looks sick and woozy as she props herself up with one arm. She slowly blinks at the girl and the angry blacksmith, as if trying to clear fog from her eyes.
Apr 22, 2024 2:13 am
I am sorry for loosing track of things. If I go over a day post a reminder. This month has been crazy at work 
My, . . my mother will come looking for me now. With my memory resorted the priest spells will not be able to conceal me from her anymore. the girls says. As she speaks though no physical change happens you become more aware of the slant to her eyes, the faint pointedness of her ears, and lithe form and grace of the girl.

Thagren Ironforge
The smith gathers up the children and looks about nervously. We best head back, quick not he states, but seems uncertain as to what to do with the girl, Lirael. Torn between taking her away or seeing to the safety of the other children by removing them from the center of the apparent conflict.
Apr 22, 2024 2:13 am
As the smith hesitates a massive thunderclap resounds and clouds start forming in the sky above. The twist and swirl forming a spiral pattern overhead.
Apr 22, 2024 4:04 pm
No worries, life happens.Is your mother the danger? Or is it the priest? It wou...
He trails off after hearing the thunderclap and seeing the changes in the sky.
Last edited April 22, 2024 4:05 pm
Apr 22, 2024 10:50 pm
Still lying on the ground, Mina trembles with dread. Had she done the wrong thing? Who-- Who do you want to be with?? she manages to stutter.
She tries to read the child's body language.
She tries to read the child's body language.
Insight into Child - (3d6)
(336) = 12
Thagren Ironforge
Apr 22, 2024 11:02 pm

Thagren Ironforge
The thunder seems to settle the smiths mind. Moving to his assistant he takes the girl from his arms and sets her down gently. Boy, you take those kids home now. Not direct and not to the north I think. You all o now and you go fast, but not so fast that the little once cant make it all the way in haste. Now off with you..
The other children quickly depart with many glances at the smith and Lirael as they make their way along one of the paths leding to the south east from the intersection.
Apr 23, 2024 6:25 pm
are you sure they will be alright, Thagren? Aizashi asks slightly concerned by what is happening.
Apr 23, 2024 7:45 pm
The girl send confused, conflicted, upset, and a bit angry.
I.... I'm not sure. I think I can't decide until the conflict is bright to the open and resolved. I'm not a toy to be right over and she is clearly determined about the last statement.

Not sure, but the trouble seems focused on Lirael.
As the cloud thicken overhead everyone present feels a gathering of forces. Two pets can be felt approaching and will arrive shortly.


Thagren Ironforge
Not sure, but the trouble seems focused on Lirael.
As the cloud thicken overhead everyone present feels a gathering of forces. Two pets can be felt approaching and will arrive shortly.
last moment before the climaxApr 24, 2024 8:25 am
That seems reasonable. Aizashi tells Thagren.
He then turns to his companions to see if Mina is back on her feet.
Get ready everyone!
He then turns to his companions to see if Mina is back on her feet.
Get ready everyone!
if Mina is still laying on the floor he will help her up, making sure to keep cloth or leather or something between his hands and her skin.Apr 24, 2024 9:55 am
Ultime regards the stormy skies with increasing concern. He looks worriedly after the departing children, clearly as torn as the smith was over whom to protect. But he agrees with the decision, and wishes them well as they hurry off.
Turning to Mina, he sets down his bow to rest his large hands on the foxkin’s small shoulders. Hey, he says softly but intensely, you’ve got this. Focus. He seems to heed his own words, staring into her eyes for another moment as if to will his words into reality. Then he flashes her a little encouraging smile, gives her shoulders a quick squeeze, and grabs up his bow again.
He steps up to Lirael’s side and looks down at her. You just let us know when you figure out what you want. We’ll see about making that happen, if it won’t bring any sort of harm to anyone. He seems a bit overwhelmed by the situation, but retains his resolve to do what’s right.
Turning to Mina, he sets down his bow to rest his large hands on the foxkin’s small shoulders. Hey, he says softly but intensely, you’ve got this. Focus. He seems to heed his own words, staring into her eyes for another moment as if to will his words into reality. Then he flashes her a little encouraging smile, gives her shoulders a quick squeeze, and grabs up his bow again.
He steps up to Lirael’s side and looks down at her. You just let us know when you figure out what you want. We’ll see about making that happen, if it won’t bring any sort of harm to anyone. He seems a bit overwhelmed by the situation, but retains his resolve to do what’s right.
Ultime’s actions with Mina would occur after she stands up, with or without Aizashi’s aid. Apr 24, 2024 12:13 pm

From the path towards the village strides the priest with an angry expression on his face. Glaring at the smith he snaps Get rid of them while I fix the damage you let happen, fool

Thagren Ironforge
Now hold on now he starts to speak but then the prist mutters a short word and snapps his fingers forming a glowing orb in his hand which he throws a the smith. As the orb stikes the smith the mans eyes glow purple. With a roar the man raises his massive hammer ans charges Ultime Get out of here! You have not business being here! he bellows as he slams down his hammer.2 damage to Ultime

Lirael screams at this sudden change and rushes to cower behind Aizashi and Mina shaking in fear from the priest.
Don't let hims put another spell on me the girl pleads.
Thagren attack - (3d6)
(566) = 17
Apr 24, 2024 1:51 pm
Mina at first hesitates as she looks at Aizashi's offered hand of help, then tentatively accepts his aid as she rises.
Wobbly on her feet, she looks up with wide eyes at Ultime as he murmurs his encouragement. The intensity of his gaze and the sudden, unexpected intimacy of the moment draws her away from her terror and uncertainty. Breath suspended, she looks up at him, her previously flattened fox ears perking up, her face opening. As he pulls away, she clamps her mouth shut and looks around distractedly, her cheeks suddenly growing rosy.
Just then, her attention is arrested by the priest's angry entrance. Seeing Thagren approach, weapon in hand, Mina screams warning and backs away, shielding the child as she does so.
Wobbly on her feet, she looks up with wide eyes at Ultime as he murmurs his encouragement. The intensity of his gaze and the sudden, unexpected intimacy of the moment draws her away from her terror and uncertainty. Breath suspended, she looks up at him, her previously flattened fox ears perking up, her face opening. As he pulls away, she clamps her mouth shut and looks around distractedly, her cheeks suddenly growing rosy.
Just then, her attention is arrested by the priest's angry entrance. Seeing Thagren approach, weapon in hand, Mina screams warning and backs away, shielding the child as she does so.
Apr 25, 2024 8:07 am
Aizashi faces Malgrim ready for battle but attempts diplomacy one more time.
Malgrim, is this really necessary? Can't this be solved peacefully?
Malgrim, is this really necessary? Can't this be solved peacefully?
Apr 25, 2024 8:27 am
Ultime grunts loudly with pain as the hammer strikes him. But he keeps himself between Thagren and the others. Keep her safe, and see about that priest! he calls, without looking back.
To the smith, he says, You're under a spell! We're not your enemies, try to resist it! He moves warily, looking for an opening to disarm Thagren and tackle him to the ground.
To the smith, he says, You're under a spell! We're not your enemies, try to resist it! He moves warily, looking for an opening to disarm Thagren and tackle him to the ground.
I feel like it's time for a roll, but not sure how that should play out. He's Fleet Footed, so that may help, but not proficient in hand-to-hand combat. If I had the chance for it, I would have him Focus and then roll to disarm/tackle in the same turn. Should that be a standard 2d6? He's specifically trying to NOT cause harm to Thagren, just keep him busy and not hurting others.load next