General OOC

Dec 1, 2023 5:41 pm
I went in a kind of unusual direction with my description of the bridge (i.e. small and cramped). Hopefully that's OK with everyone. If the group wants a bridge the whole crew could fit in at the same time, let me know and I can retcon it.

Also, I thought I'd start a new OOC thread so that we wouldn't keep using the Session Zero thread for that.
Dec 1, 2023 5:49 pm
Thanks for starting the new thread, @timplausible.

Something I haven't got a sense or preference for here yet on GP/PbP is when to add stuff with OOC tags in the 'story' thread, and when to post things in a seperate OOC Thread like this one.

How do you choose between those options? How do you prefer that people post OOC content?
Dec 1, 2023 6:35 pm
Usually, I will use OOC tags in the IC thread for things that are relevant to the IC post I'm making. Everything else I post in OOC. Some GMs like to really minimize OOC discussion in the IC threads, others don't mind so much.

My post above is kind of a toss-up. It's relevant to my IC post, but I thought it might spark an OOC discussion. That's why I put it here.
Dec 1, 2023 7:03 pm
Thanks for sharing your preferences and experiences on that, @timplausible - I think (for me at least) I'll aim for the "will it cause a discussion?" as the guiding principle.
Dec 2, 2023 6:36 am
Is it a problem for you @RageRed that the ship has ended up looking like this? I'm OK to retcon and build a ship that works better for your character if the others are.

I want the setting to work for ys all, and for us all to be having fun.
Dec 2, 2023 6:42 am
I'll wait until we hear from you about this, @RageRed, before moving forward with the game - if we are going to change things up, I'd rather do it as soon as possible and with as little pre-existing narrative to ret-con.
Dec 2, 2023 9:44 am
I'm happy to change up the ship to being smart and shiny, and to have the cows delivered and you now be with a different cargo, if that works for all of us.

Other players - would you be up for editing your first in-game posts to reflect a different kind of ship and cargo? I'd also edit my initial post to reflect that?

My call is that if we are all OK with that change, we'll make it. If not, then things will stay as they are, and totaly understand, @RageRed, if that's then not a game you'd want to play in.

I think you changing your character isn't a good option here, @RageREd - as the Session Zero stuff already has her integrated into it.

Trying to strike a balance here between all of us being able to enjoy the game, while respecting the investment in time that people have already put into it, and knowing that it can be impossible to find a way forward that works for everyone.
Dec 2, 2023 9:57 am
It's early in the game, so I'm okay with retconning the start of things.
Dec 2, 2023 12:59 pm
I'm OK either way. If we retcon, please delete my previous post in the game thread, so I can write a new one considering the changes and previous players messages, in the new order.
Last edited December 2, 2023 1:02 pm
Dec 2, 2023 4:48 pm
I'm totallly ok with a retcon. Also, this reminds me of an actual-play podcast I listened to.

Can't remember the name of the podcast (though I could figure it out if folks wanted to). It was an FFG Star Wars game. The crew had to make an escape by stealing a ship, and the ship became their ship for the rest of the campaign, so very similar. But also different, because...

They stole a luxury yacht. This was both cool, but also hindered them in other ways. It was slow and the opposite of nimble. It was bigger than they needed - sometimes too big for some situations. And it was visually pretty memorable, which is not great for being outlaws. Also much of that extra space wasn't very useful: large dining areas. A dance hall. Etc. It also provided the GM and players opportunities to "discover" other odd things in the ship throughout the game. "Wait... there's a hot tub under the floor?" "That button causes a disco ball to descend from the ceiling." So, it wasn't run down, but it also still wasn't the sleek ship that would be useful to smugglers/outlaws.
Last edited December 2, 2023 4:50 pm
Dec 2, 2023 5:03 pm
Another idea is that it could be a top-of-the-line, new frieghter, but it also has top-of-the-line security that we haven't fully cracked yet. So, like, maybe we have access to the main hold, but we haven't been able to get itno the high-security "vault" hold yet. Maybe it's got one engine for normal ops, but then a second high-power engine for emergency bursts of speed - but that's also locked behind some security features we haven't broken. The ship might also be so new that people notice and remember it. Making it look more run down than it is could be a constant concern of our. "Captain, we lost the debris we bolted to the hull during our last jump. We actually look like The Ballerina again."
Dec 2, 2023 6:01 pm
I really like that second idea @timplausible.
Dec 2, 2023 8:55 pm
For a luxury yacht docking with the prison station, it could be a music star come to make a performance for inmates (I'm thinking of Jonny Cash and Folsom prison here).

Or - you're not locked up for the worst-of-the-worst crimes, so not necessarily a super-high-security prison - it could be the prison you were in was part of a larger station. And you escaped into the docks on the other part of the station.

You could also have escaped on a ramshackle ship, gone somewhere else, and ended up with a fancier one.

We can choose a different ship name and so on if you want.
Dec 2, 2023 9:03 pm
I'm prepared to totally change my plans for the situation you find yourselves in, to make this fun for as many of us as possible. And I'd like us to work together constructively and collaboratively to build a new set-up. In particular that we aim to make our contributions "yes, and" when possible - focusing on affirming each others contributions and building on them.
Dec 3, 2023 1:26 am
Who pilots our ship? Is it the captain, or someone else?

It's not Gloop, I know that much.
Dec 3, 2023 1:37 am
I rewrote my post on the bridge. I kept it small, but I undid the mess. I left the details vague, but I did look at the ship picture again and decided where I thought the bridge should be. I put it in the middle, behind what I am interpreting to be windows.
[ +- ] Ballerina Bridge Location
I hope that this post leaves things more open-ended with respect to how the interior of the ship looks in general.
Last edited December 3, 2023 1:38 am
Dec 4, 2023 11:03 pm
If we've already delivered the mega-cows, what's our current job entail?
Dec 4, 2023 11:07 pm
I'm kind of lost. Are we going to reboot? GM, what are our next steps?
Last edited December 4, 2023 11:08 pm
Dec 5, 2023 5:29 am
Hi @htech - was just sitting down with the various posts to try and choose a way to move forward on this.

Plan to post about that in some detail later today. Sorry for the delay.
Dec 5, 2023 7:59 pm
I'm teaching this week - that has me getting up at 5 and being busy all the way through to like 8 each night. Was hoping I could get this done in breaks today, but was too much going on and am now too tired to concentrate on it. Sorry for the delay, will try and get this done tomorrow.
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