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Dec 12, 2023 12:10 pm
It looks to me as though the initial posts of @RageRed @timplausible and @htech are all consistent with the updated initial post (bigger, less squalid, more effective ship; mech cargo instead of mega-cows).

Thus, I'll move things forward with a post on Friday this week (15 December) - or maybe earlier depending on when @JoshuaMabry updates their post. No complaint about timing here @JoshuaMabry - I'm waiting longer than usual for this post, and I know it's difficult to shuffle lots of games. If you don't get to update before Friday, then you can edit it later I think, as the initial PC posts aren't so much about actions/moving plot.
Dec 12, 2023 12:50 pm
Hey all, between the other games I have going here and outside life I’m finding I don’t have time to keep a reasonable pace in this game. I’ll be dropping out. Thank you all for the chance to play with you.
Dec 12, 2023 1:15 pm
Sorry you won't be joining us for the rest of this, @JoshuaMabry - and thanks for letting us know. Wishing you lots of fun in your other games (and elsewhere!) and hope to play with you again sometime.
Dec 12, 2023 1:23 pm
I'll talk with @JoshuaMabry about how we'll move forward with Hank no longer as a PC - it may be best to keep him as an NPC given how his story is already entwined with the other PCs, but also he's @JoshuaMabry's creation and I want to find a way forward that works for him too. I'll let you know by Friday how we'll move on with that.
Dec 12, 2023 2:24 pm
Hey @BeardHare and everyone! Since we haven't kicked off yet (our characters interwined with predetermined sentences and not as part of an adventure) and with JoshuaMabry already leaving the game, plus with the upcoming holidays, when my posting rate will be a bit reduced... Considering all that, unfortunately my excitement has waned, so I've also decided to bow out. 😞

I'd suggest reopening the recruitment thread since there was a lot of interest before. Wishing you all tons of fun in your game (and beyond!), and hopefully, we'll cross paths again in the future. 😃
Dec 12, 2023 2:54 pm
Thanks for the heads-up @htech - have fun with your games and yes hope we play together some time :)
Dec 12, 2023 2:59 pm
@RageRed @timplausible how do you want to proceed with this?

I think we have now a better idea of the time/effort that goes into setting things up for this game, to bringing characters into it. I also hope that lessons learned mean that bringing new players in can be quicker and more focused than we've been so far.

I'm happy to play with just the two of you if you prefer to get going now.

Or to drop the game entirely if you've had enough of this.

Or to recruit more players.

Now, more than ever, I think it's important that if we go forward, it's in a way that we are all enthusiastic about.
Dec 12, 2023 4:12 pm
I was looking forward to this game. I'm interested in seeing the rules play out.

Here's my idea:
1. We archive everything that has happened so far and start from scratch (except as noted below). None of that ever happened. I will still play Gloop. @RageRed can stick with their character or change, as they wish.
2. We keep the new Ballerina design.
3. @BeardHare recruits new players. The recruitment thread can give a quick overview of the Ballerina to set new player expectations. And let potential players know that 2 playbooks are already taken.
4. We start over with the various session zero questions as if we'd never answered them previously. I think we kinda have to.

Basically, we start over, but keep our PCs if we want and keep the ship since it took a while to get there.
Dec 12, 2023 5:12 pm
I agree with @Timplausible,

We keep the new ship design and start over, deleting all threads back to their opening posts.

I've copied Nova's profile and opening IC post in her character sheet for safe keeping for now.
Dec 12, 2023 5:22 pm
Ah great there's a way forward we are all interested in.

I'd go for 2 extra players - unless you're both keen to add three new people?

I'll start re-setting the forums etc, maybe reach out to people on recruit thread tomorrow or Thursday. Will look for two new people then unless you let me know before then that you prefer three.
Dec 12, 2023 5:26 pm
I have no preference between 2 or 3 new players.
Dec 12, 2023 8:46 pm
Two or three. Doesn't matter to me either way.
Dec 14, 2023 3:32 pm
I'll invite two people.

I'm on a work trip starting tomorrow all the way up until Xmas, so it's unlikely I have time to make these changes before then. Hoped to do it this week, but prep for the work trip has been too much for me to have time for it.

Thus, I'm going to expect to start on this only once we get to 2024. Maybe I have time before then, but I wanted to flag this up to you both already now.
Dec 14, 2023 7:28 pm
Sounds good. Will await relaunch in the new year.

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