Chapter 3 - Revelations

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Dec 11, 2023 2:01 pm
Bay's enthusiastic attempt to break open the door with her shoulder is effective, but the pain proves overwhelming, causing her to collapse. While she's not dead, she will need some time to recover.

As Sky and Hazel enter Mr. Filmon's office, they find a relatively plain-looking workspace. A writing desk with drawers to explore and papers scattered on top catches their attention. A small bookcase stands to the side of the room. The only distinctive item is an eerie painting hanging on the wall, depicting dancing skeletons around a fire.
Dec 11, 2023 8:53 pm
Aghast Sky witnesses Bay's unexpected show of force and meets Hazel's eyes as if to ask if she knows what just happened.
Carefully she looks around before setting one foot through the Bay shaped hole, then the other. Twitching tail and ears show her tension in the necromouser's l- still technically locked - room as she kneels down to check on her unconscious friend. She turns her around and makes sure she breathes.
"Bay needs to rest, as do we - I'm sure. Let's see if we can't find anything and make her sacrifice worthwhile." Sky temporarily leaves Bay to have a look at Filmon's study, then plans on bringing her friend to a safe space for some much needed rest.

Sky tries to push the bookcase to see if there is anything behind and lifts up the picture to do the same. Then she looks for helpful details within the painting.
Last edited December 11, 2023 8:55 pm
Dec 11, 2023 8:58 pm
Can you please make a WIL save to see if she can make sense of everything she sees?
Dec 11, 2023 9:52 pm
will save


WIL save vs 6 - (1d20)

(5) = 5

Dec 12, 2023 2:29 am
Sky examines the eerie painting, noticing a necromantic symbol in the corner, suggesting Mr. Filmon's possible involvement in a larger organization. Turning her attention to the bookshelf, she finds expected titles on hotel management and accounting, but one peculiar book stands out: "The Secret to Magic Containers: Your Guide to Making Chests, Boxes, and Traps." Flipping through the pages reveals detailed instructions on crafting indestructible magic containers.
Dec 12, 2023 2:41 am
Bay gradually regains consciousness, feeling sore but generally okay after an hour. Simultaneously, the trio hears a hubbub of voices emanating from the lobby.
Dec 12, 2023 4:32 am
Rubbing her eyes, carefully standing up, Bay winces at her discomfort. She still feels a sense of rage, of wrath, within her - fury at the tricks, at the deception, at the harm, at the malfeasance of Filmon and his designs!

A look of angry determination on her face, she moves back out through the hole in the door - unsurprisingly she fits snuggly through it - and out towards the lobby.
Dec 12, 2023 5:04 am
She finds Miss Melody, Count Gregory, Mrs. Sprocket, Pumpkin Jack, and even Maya the cook gathered with their suitcases and gear. The aftermath of Captain Mortimer's revelation, gunshot, and the indoor tidal wave has proven too much for everyone, leading them to collectively decide to leave the manor. They all chat amongst themselves as they prepare to leave.
Dec 12, 2023 9:49 am
Looking over at Bay with much compassion, Hazel realizes she herself isn't doing so well. But her curiosity wins out over her common sense. Whether it's the desk, a picture, a book - Hazel looks at everything carefully and tries to make sense of what's going on here.

Has the brown mouse seen this necromantic symbol anywhere before? Is it somewhere mentioned in the book what's the purpose of such a container would be? Can she discover a picture of their puzzle? She also checks for secret doors or compartments.


Wis DC: 11 - (1d20)

(4) = 4

Dec 12, 2023 10:12 am
"Gentlemice! I understand that you want to leave this cursed place - given what we have heard, and seen, and experienced just now."

With that, Bay wrings out her single ear - still wet from her recent drenching.

"But Sky, Hazel, and I, we will be staying - we fear to leave the evil and the designs of our host to continue to fester and grow here. If we do not act, then who knows what further harm and pain and damage they may cause!"

"These machinations have already lead to the death of a poor helpless child on these very grounds - we MUST act to resolve this situation, solve this mystery, make this place safe again, and safe from its malign influence from spreading"

"Would any of you join us in this? This heroic venture for the good of our community?"
If none of them are interested in staying with us, we could also talk about sharing any treasure we discover with them - but I won't do that without an OK from Hazel and Sky.
Dec 12, 2023 2:25 pm
As Hazel explores the office, she discovers various receipts and documents related to the manor's operation. While going through one of the desk drawers, she notices a concealed compartment. Opening it, she finds a journal belonging to Mr. Filmon. Flipping through the pages, she comes across several revealing entries.

One entry states,
Today, I officially joined the Whiskerweave Enclave. They've promised to impart their mysterious arcane knowledge to me. However, they've tasked me with a mission first. There's an old sea captain in need of a discreet refuge. He's promised a generous payment, which will greatly aid in developing the hotel.

Another entry reveals,
I've uncovered the secret of the manor, and it's unacceptable! While I aim to make this place famous for its eerie atmosphere, this secret threatens to ruin everything. I must devise a way to conceal it.

The final noteworthy entry reads,
I believe I've found a solution to my dilemma. I've crafted a magical chest capable of containing supernatural entities. Now, I need to figure out how to hide and safeguard it from the manor's guests. It must never be released. Perhaps a secluded spot in the courtyard would serve...

Dec 12, 2023 2:31 pm
The mice exchange uncertain glances, pondering their next move. Miss Melody is the first to voice her opinion, stating firmly, "I refuse to stay in this place. I am a person of glamour and fame, and residing here would tarnish my impeccable reputation."

Count Gregory follows, his voice strained, "After the Captain's assault, I find myself in need of a place to heal my wounds. Staying here is not an option for me."

The cook echoes their sentiments, expressing her reluctance to remain. Despite their reservations, Pumpkin Jack and Mrs. Sprocket reluctantly agree to stay. Mr. Sprocket, seeking guidance, asks, "What do you think we should do next?"
Dec 12, 2023 2:53 pm
"Well, you have stayed here for a while now. Can you think of anything that might help in our situation? Any secrets or irregularities you have come across, maybe? An artist and a tinkermouse might have a greater visual understanding than we do. Anything out of the ordinary...besides the undead in the cellar, I mean?

Or maybe any information or oddities regarding our necromousing host? ... besides him being a necromouser, I mean..."
Last edited December 12, 2023 2:55 pm

Pumpkin Jack

SpiritualSocket Inactive forever!

Dec 12, 2023 3:03 pm
Pumpkin Jack
"Mr. Filmon spends the majority of his days in the kitchen, assisting with meal preparations. After the evening meal, he consistently heads to the courtyard like clockwork. Considering it's evening now, that's likely where he is." A brief pause follows, and his complexion turns ashen. "Did you mention undead in the cellar?"

Mrs. Sprocket

SpiritualSocket Inactive forever!

Dec 12, 2023 3:03 pm
Mrs. Sprocket
Mrs. Sprocket contributes, "Mr. Filmon is truly passionate about this manor. He's constantly discussing his plans to turn it into a grand establishment. He even requested that I design some devices for creating spooky noises and frightening appearances. Yet, one day, he abruptly told me to cease working on them, claiming he'd figured it out himself. Could it be that he discovered it by creating undead creatures?" A hint of fear colors her expression.
Dec 12, 2023 3:24 pm
After successfully finding and reading all of these diary entries, Hazel runs up to her friends and excitedly shows them what she has found. Calling out: "I knew it from the beginning! But now is the right point in time to free the shed from its lock and get to solve the mystery of the manor!" Punching her mouse fist high up, Hazel tries to motivate her fellow mice to storm the gates of ... the shed and to finish the skeletons. With whom the brown archer furred still got a bone to pick!

Let us devise a cunning plan how to get rid of the skeletons.
Have we seen bear traps? Does Mrs. Sprocket have a considerable amounts of lamp oil? Nets? Tripping hazards? ...
Dec 12, 2023 3:58 pm
The manor relies solely on oil lamps and candles for illumination. During the earlier excursion to assist Blossom, Mr. Filmon located a sizable net and some rope in storage, and these items should still be accessible. While there are no animal traps on hand, Mrs. Sprocket possesses the skill to craft a variety of objects using commonplace materials found in the manor.

It's reasonable to assume that Mr. Filmon is currently in the vicinity beneath the woodshed. However, it's important to note that he won't remain there indefinitely. Thus, any devised plans should be executed promptly.
Dec 12, 2023 9:37 pm
we'll have a plan by tomorrow, I think ;)
Dec 13, 2023 6:05 pm
Bay straightens her increasingly bedraggled outfit - being overwhelmed by water and then bursting through a wooden door haven't done it any favours. She wants to keep pushing on this! Let's finish this now before things get even worse!

"Let us go to confront that necromouser now! Before he has a chance to get away. While we can catch him red-handed with his skeletal minions. Let's see him try and bluff and bluster his way out of that!"

"I'll run up to my room, bring down my trident."

"Pumpkin Jack, will you come with me and then help me gather oil, and torches, and flame to bring with us? Perhaps the skeletons can be harmed by flame and oil?"

"Mrs. Sprocket – could you help us bring along the rope and net Mr Filmon brought out earlier? I'd hope that a net would be just the ticket for entrapping and holding a bunch of skeletons - all those ribs and bones getting stuck within the netting?"

"Hazel, Sky, anything else to bring other than our weapons?"
Dec 13, 2023 7:09 pm
After Bay issues her instructions, the mice spring into action. Pumpkin Jack swiftly gathers three oil lamps and a set of torches, while Mrs. Sprocket ventures into storage, emerging with the required rope and net.
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