Chapter 3 - Revelations

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Dec 18, 2023 3:16 pm
"Oh, we know all sorts of things. And I can assure you, we feel quite calm."

Sky makes sure Filmon can't get free, then demands:
"Tell us about the contents of your box, Filmon, so we might consider not opening it right away."

Mr. Filmon

SpiritualSocket Inactive forever!

Dec 18, 2023 3:33 pm
Mr. Filmon
Trapped within the net, Mr. Filmon pleads desperately, "No, don't open it! I've locked a spirit inside the chest! It's nothing that concerns you. This manor is haunted, or it was haunted. I knew that when I took over as owner. I wanted to harness that ability to bring in more guests. Everyone loves a good fright, and I was going to use that to attract mice here. I sought out the Whiskerweave Enclave to see if they could help me, and they decided to teach me some... um.. tricks. But I had to keep my part of the deal and harbor that crazed skeleton pirate. He's obsessed with treasure and thinks there is some hidden here. It's driving him mad. Please don't open that chest! It will ruin everything!"
Dec 18, 2023 6:00 pm
"The spirit - it is the lost son, isn't it?" calls Hazel from above. Didn't that fat mouse, yes Gideon, tell them about a treasure? Narrowing her black eyes the archer continues further: "These aren't the only skeletons in your closet Filmonius! What is it, that we'll find under the shed, by the pool and your starved friends? Speak up!" She isn't convinced at all that the owner of this manor is telling them enough to buy his life with it.


Wits DC 11 - (1d20)

(9) = 9

Mr. Filmon

SpiritualSocket Inactive forever!

Dec 18, 2023 6:11 pm
Surprisingly, Mr. Filmon doesn't appear to be lying.

"Yes, yes, it's that stupid lost son. I thought he would be more useful, but he had the exact opposite effect of what I wanted! That STUPID SPIRIT RUINED EVERYTHING. I hid him in the basement so that no one would let him out. I don't know about the treasure if that is what you're hinting at. I couldn't find anything about it. I thought the captain might have better luck with that. The skeletons under the shed are some of the captain's old crew that I used to guard it. Don't tell the captain! He'll be furious. He still has his ghost ship, and he has the power to control the ocean waves. If he finds out, he might try to channel something and destroy everything!"
Mr. Filmon
Dec 19, 2023 12:14 pm
At the thought of the captain, a shudder runs through over Hazel's tail. Letting her gaze wander for a moment, she tries to make as sure as possible that the seafaring dead isn't lurking somewhere and listening to this conversation.

"How did the spirit of the son ruin your plan? Tell us everything from the beginning!" the frizzy furred archer demands with a stern expression.
Last edited December 19, 2023 12:14 pm

Mr. Filmon

SpiritualSocket Inactive forever!

Dec 19, 2023 2:24 pm
Mr. Filmon
At the mention of the boy spirit, Mr. Filmon becomes more animated and angry. "There isn't much to tell. I learned that this manor couldn't keep owners because of rumors that it was haunted. Then I did some of my own research and discovered that it indeed was. There are ways of dealing with such things, and the Whiskerweave Enclave promised to teach them to me. We even worked out a deal with Captain Mortimer to help fund the purchase of the manor. When I finally found the spirit and flushed him out, I realized that he wasn't something that I wanted around. I decided that I would take matters into my own hands and work my magic to create a truly scary ambiance, so I trapped the spirit into a magical chest in the basement. Then I took some measures to make sure no one could ever free him. I've worked too long and too hard for that spirit to ruin everything I created!"
Dec 19, 2023 7:50 pm
Bay walks over to Sky and whispers:

"It seems like Filmon is telling the truth, at least as he sees it..?"

"I wonder - if I go up to our room and connect the medallion pieces together, maybe THAT offers some access to this so-speculated-about treasure? It feels like there is at least one missing piece in this puzzle, and that medallion might be it!"

"Will you watch Filmon while I go and try this out?"
Yay Internet this evening!
Dec 19, 2023 8:41 pm
Sky nods. "Be careful" she tells her friend, before focusing on Filmon, once more.

"Could you actually break the pirates' curse? And what would happen if somebody opened the box? Maybe we could help you secure need to get any of the fine people here hurt. Why not get rid of it once and for all?"
Last edited December 19, 2023 8:42 pm
Dec 19, 2023 8:57 pm
Mr. Filmon admits, "I can't do anything to break the pirate's curse. I can only help him look like he's normal. If you open the box, the spirit will be free to roam this manor once again! It will reveal itself to guests, and who knows what it will ultimately do. I don't know how to get rid of that foul spirit." He quickly, perhaps too quickly, agrees with any plan to further keep the magical chest closed.

Bay returns to her room and carefully reassembles the medallion pieces. As she clicks them together, a surge of magical energy courses through them, and the medallion briefly glows, seemingly repairing itself. It now stands as a unified and solid piece. No other noticeable changes occur.

Dec 19, 2023 9:46 pm
might it be a key🤔
Dec 20, 2023 4:05 am
Aye, I was thinking it might be a key too...
Bay puts the now-reformed medallion in her backpack, and returns back down to the courtyard.

She is in two minds - maybe it's a good idea to show the medallion to Filmon, maybe that will push him to some new revelations, some new decisions...

But maybe it will push him to shut down and stop talking...

Sky is doing such a good job at questioning Filmon, learning things from him, that Bay decides to come over, stand next to her friend, and whisper in her ear:

"The medallion fragments seemed to have been magically repaired - and it is now a single solid piece. Maybe it's the key to the chest?"

And Bay flashes a glance at the completed medallion in her bag to Sky.

"You've got this, friend Sky - you've been so strong, and brave, and convincing and insightful here, so good and working out what is going on..."

(Bay blushes slightly as she says this.)

"I leave it to you and your very competent paws, and whiskers, and brains, to get what we need out of Filmon here..."
Dec 20, 2023 11:02 am
Hazel rolls her eyes in an ostentatiously exaggerated manner as she notices Bay's advances.

The brown archer clears her throat extra loudly and asks with a mocking tone: "Then let's go down and see what else we can find there, shall we?" in that a "Take a room, you two" clearly resonates. Addressing explicitly Mr. Filmon, she continues: "And hold back your bony friends, or you won't fare well."

Next Hazel takes a last look around if the capitan shows his shriveled whiskers, before coming down and steeling herself for a second encounter with the skeletons.
Dec 20, 2023 11:34 am
Yay for awkward mousy flirting!
Dec 20, 2023 11:40 am
Bay is MORTIFIED to realise that Hazel had overheard what she was saying to Sky and blushes an even DEEPER shade of red...

But spurred on by this embarrassment, Bay moves over to Filmon, pulls him out of the net, while making sure she binds his hands behind his back with the rope they have available.

"You're coming down there with us, Filmon." she says, and pushes Filmon forward in front of them, to go down into the cellar of the shed.
Last edited December 20, 2023 12:40 pm
Dec 20, 2023 12:13 pm
Oh precious young love! Let's see if it will be answered. ;-]
Dec 20, 2023 2:02 pm
Confirming that everyone is heading into the shed and going into the area below it.

Continue into the shed and head to the area below it? Public

Dec 21, 2023 2:47 pm
The trio of adventurous mice release Mr. Filmon from the net, and with Sky's sword at his back, he leads them into the woodshed. He flips over the rug and deftly inputs the code to open the trap door. They descend the stairs slowly, Bay close to Sky, lighting a torch to illuminate their path. The air becomes heavy with the unmistakable scent of dampness and decay as they venture into the depths.

A room unfolds before them, centered around a murky pool that reaches waist-high. The pool's sides are slick with glistening green algae, and on the left sits a skeletal figure, one leg straight, head lolled to the side. Skeletal fingers protrude from the pool, suggesting that both skeletons have returned to their initial positions. Mr. Filmon guides the trio to the right side of the pool, steering clear of the skeletons, and they pass through into another room.

This room is plain, with a torch hanger on the wall, a stool, and a large chest. The chest stands out with its multicolored appearance and silver and steel banding. A circular depression replaces a keyhole on the chest. Mr. Filmon seizes the moment to plead with the group, "Please, don't open the chest. I can offer you money, or perhaps there's something else you desire? I only wish to manage my manor in peace."

Dec 21, 2023 8:25 pm
Bay is just not having any of this.

All these revelations - it's overwhelming - so much is going on here...?!

But one thing is for sure - Filmon is implicated in what happened to Blossom.

And that cannot be countenanced!!

"What I 'DESIRE' Filmon is that you do something about what happened to Blossom - that poor mouse child you let be ripped apart outside that manor you care so much about!"

"You're a necromouser now... Can you bring her back from the dead? Is there anything you can do to make up for this awful deed you allowed to happen?"

"Think carefully about your answer here, Filmon - if you could help, could do something about this, and do not let us know NOW then things will end badly for you, that I promise you!"

Mr. Filmon

SpiritualSocket Inactive forever!

Dec 21, 2023 9:58 pm
Mr. Filmon
Mr. Filmon grows quiet and meekly admits, "I don't know what happened to Blossom. I was inside the manor with you when she disappeared. I suspect the captain had more to do with that. Perhaps he felt you were getting too close to the "treasure." If she truly is dead, there is nothing I can do for her."
Dec 22, 2023 11:22 am
Keeping to the background as Bay confronts the mouse-house owner with the gruesome fate of poor Blossom, Hazel still is of the opinion that a little chaos is better than letting such a deed go unpunished. If Bay isn't objecting the frizzy haired archer snatches their puzzle key piece and presses it with unprecedented speed into the lock at the chest. They had learned from the necromouser apprentice all he knew. Further answers wouldn't be found by extra chit-chat. Actions - my friends. Actions! They squeak louder than words.

More than just a bit giddy the river-mouse from Muusdorf takes a step back and awaits with big round eyes what happens next.
Hope this is okay with you BeardHare. If not I will edit of course. :)
Last edited December 22, 2023 11:44 am
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