The trio of adventurous mice release Mr. Filmon from the net, and with Sky's sword at his back, he leads them into the woodshed. He flips over the rug and deftly inputs the code to open the trap door. They descend the stairs slowly, Bay close to Sky, lighting a torch to illuminate their path. The air becomes heavy with the unmistakable scent of dampness and decay as they venture into the depths.
A room unfolds before them, centered around a murky pool that reaches waist-high. The pool's sides are slick with glistening green algae, and on the left sits a skeletal figure, one leg straight, head lolled to the side. Skeletal fingers protrude from the pool, suggesting that both skeletons have returned to their initial positions. Mr. Filmon guides the trio to the right side of the pool, steering clear of the skeletons, and they pass through into another room.
This room is plain, with a torch hanger on the wall, a stool, and a large chest. The chest stands out with its multicolored appearance and silver and steel banding. A circular depression replaces a keyhole on the chest. Mr. Filmon seizes the moment to plead with the group,
"Please, don't open the chest. I can offer you money, or perhaps there's something else you desire? I only wish to manage my manor in peace."